I've been told a lot of times to move away, and at least if I don't change countries, go to one of the two biggest cities which have bug LGBT communities. Problem is that I've been tied to here for years due to the SRS saving (which once you remove the depression tantrums, I really want to go for it). Original plan was have SRS while in my current job since I had better sick leave benefits I can't get anything else, then put the home on rent and GTFO.
Still, seeing how I am unable to make new friends or interact with people, I'm not sure getting to a new place is going to help me. I'd be even lonelier, not to mention the language barrier unless I go to an English speaking place.
Can't speak a lot about the last days. I'm super sick, I've lost a lot of weight and my knee gave up at the gym yesterday taking away my main stress remover. Been busy with work to the point if not having time to think, but weekends are the worst for me. And thinking about the pain of getting the implants removed. And how much pain I had to go through to have then placed. If it was as easy as just buying some old clothes and downgrading to guy mode for a time it would be busy, but fuck. I did not want to endure more surgery until SRS. Which I've been this close to shredding the letters despise how hard they were to obtain.
Not feeling like wearing anything remotely femininine, making me feel like a cross dresser (bad when my wardrobe is all dresses), and these days being close to trying sex with a guy for the first time, now it feels fucking gay now that I can only see a man in myself.
Edit: And I haven't had alcohol these, despite how much I'd like to be inebriated. I'm too scared about what I will think if I am completely uninhibited, and I tend to freak out about gaining weight (thanks, no fat redistribution and never having facial changes, just the same pot belly).
I know you're disappointed with your implants but wouldn't it be easier to just seek a better surgeon who could fix the colossal fuck up and actually grant you ownership of your own body by picking something you actually want and that works with your body instead of having them removed and then replaced? I mean, you sought them to treat your dysphoria and I think they're important to you, you're just disappointed in what they did with them since you had no input on it and that some random asshole literally forced you to do something with your body without your consent.
The reason my wardrobe is mostly made of dresses is that I tend to hate anything that makes me looks male, even if these days I'm preferring the look and staying low profile.[/quote]Remember that just because you're a woman it doesn't mean that you have to be feminine all the time, it's okay to not want to go femme. You have to do what makes you most comfortable and everyone else needs to fuck right off.
Options available in my area are male chasers, sadly. Lesbians, despite getting the hots for feminines (too many butch, it seems) are far more prone to label you as a man if you did not get "the op". Men usually can be more willing to "experiment" if the rest of the body / face is read as female, but they aren't my thing unless they literally look so effeminate they could pass as woman. So lesbian after all.Sex while trans can be complicated but as long as you have a partner that respects you and cares about you then there's a lot of fun to be had. Just make sure whoever you pick will respect your wishes and consent and watch out for STD's or course.
As far as your weight issues goes, I don't mind talking about since I'm anorexic myself and I understand that crushing feeling.
Hello and welcome to the thread!
We have a small group where some people from this thread talk, I can send you an invite if you wish.
I can give you a couple of pamphlets if you wish so you may share with your SO so they can get a bit more understanding of what being transgender means and it answers some of the harder questions that some folks don't feel all that comfortable answering.
The only clinic for many trans surgeries in Canada covered by gov health insurance was damaged by arson (Broussard's place). Not even an asshole gatekeeper is allowed to us.
Welcome, Terrorblot!NeoGaf has a trans thread? Coooooool. I'm Robin. I'm 26. I'm a transwoman. Been out since May, been on hormones since August. It's been a pretty radical year. Whats up? :3
NeoGaf has a trans thread? Coooooool. I'm Robin. I'm 26. I'm a transwoman. Been out since May, been on hormones since August. It's been a pretty radical year. Whats up? :3
Since May ?
Pretty radical two days xD
Long wait times are part and parcel of being a trans person in Canada. It could take upwards of four years from the time you begin the proceedings which include seeing no fewer than two specialists, getting letters to prove you really need the surgery, waiting for a consultation before finally getting the surgery.
Four years is also the norm in Spain, and that if you are lucky enough to be in an area that covers it. Otherwise good luck.
In my case it was 6 months after officially starting HRT to be given an appointment with the surgeon (I had been DIYing for 8 months), and a one year wait for surgery. No wonder people try to cheat with addresses to get into our hospital.
There's a new group if you want an invite to it then just PM me![]()
Well, it's the usual thing. With healthcare you get a general plastic surgeon who happens to have SRS in his/ her skill catalogue, but you are not considered a priority patients and whenever something more important comes (burnt patients) you can get delayed.
In any case, he more or less does 1-2 patients per month. If you compare that to a dedicated surgeon like chett or suporn that do it multiple times a week... Experience is important.
Speaking of SRS fear, it was full blown for me too before HRT. It is something that unless you are high on genital dysphoria, you don't think about it until later in transition. Nowadays, If I accept that logically speaking is the best option for me and if I can get over the fear of surgery, recovery, post-op depression... I still get "fear of the unknown". As in when not having " I need to have it removed " Genital dysphoria, a penis feels familiar, I'm used to it and I know how to use it or if I need to get some satisfaction. After SRS I am scared of how my life will be, how it will feel, and if I will be able to achieve an orgasm again... But hey, unless I want to go back to being a guy (I wish I could/take the pill to forget that the Matrix exists), it's the only way of being comfortable. This morning I have gone nuts not being able to find clean gaffs and having to wear a dress to cover the bulge. SRS should at least solve that...
First srs letter translated. The second is going to be more complicated, but knowing I'm booking a date in 2 weeks... Scary. The more I try to detransition, the more dysphoria pulls me in the other direction.
What I am wondering is if I should go for fat grafts to the face to maybe improve passability, or wait until some time after SRS and hope that on zero T HRT finally begins working.
I was never ma'amed or gendered female unless fully dressed and overloaded with makeup, even after 1.5 years HRT. If I wore andro clothing and male gendering all the time (obvious thing given my face shape and zero changes from HRT). After FFS I am gendered female automatically, but passability is a different story.
Can I get an invite?![]()
See, this is why I'm thinking orchiectomy is at least a nice compromise. I relate to the fear of never being able to achieve an orgasm anymore, etc. I don't have much in terms of genital dysphoria save for getting bummed out when clothes don't fit right, but other than that, I feel like I could live with a penis, it would just nice to have the vagina instead. Bluh.
http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/57bd0668-dcc9-4bb6-b384-61bae430f3e7|_0.html (French)
The perpetrator remains at large...
I find it a fine line between validation and objectification sometimes but I don't think we should seek validation through objectification because of the dehumanizing side of it.
If I were to say that men don't treat me differently now than they did a year ago I'd be lying and I know the reason they do is because of my breasts. Be it woman incompetence to flat out ogling or sexist remarks.
Yes, I want people to gender me correctly and treat me like a human begin but that's the point now isn't it? I'm a human begin and I have feelings and emotions, I'm not a walking billboard or a magazine clipping so when I hear men talk about me like I'm a pair of breasts on stilts it's pretty demeaning.
A good example:
I accompanied someone to a FedEx store as we needed to get some papers printed out. Neither of us were wearing anything particularly revealing, I was in a simple top, jeans and sneakers. The store was completely empty and it was fairly large and open. Two store clerks were by the counter, about 70 feet from where we were printing stuff.
All of the sudden, when we turn around, the guys are like 10 feet from us hunched over a tiny little counter, which was between us and the door, with a couple of papers just rustling them and literally making "talking noises". Their eyes went from my breasts to the papers, they went whisper quiet. As we walk by one of the dudes stands straight up, looks at me "Is there anything we can..." stares dead center at my breasts "...help you ladies with?".
I kept waking and said "no thank you" and they followed me the whole way with their eyes (you can guess where) until I got in the car.
Did they care if I was pretty, a woman, cis? Nah, they saw a good par of titties and that was it. I bet you if someone were to ask them to describe me or my friend they'd be stumped after "she had big boobs and was wearing a shirt".
I hear you. I wasn't familiar with your current situation or feelings I just have heard that in the past that they can leave skin behind if they know you're planning SRS in the future, so it seems like a pretty reasonable maneuver for those who are unsure of full SRS.
Other people... And myself. :/
Mmm. Not sure what's going on here.
a) The first bras I bought after leaving the hospital are too painful and constricting to wear. My more comfortable bras feel a bit tight now.
b) Old work colleague that I saw in the train for the first time since november says my face looks a bit fuller.
I don't really feel like believing things like "hrt is finally working after 3 years". Probably A means that I am not washing them properly and they are shrinking, and ... she was not wearing glasses. Also, if she saw me in November I probably was really depleted from the hospital stay.
I'm going to give a shot to the antidepressant they prescribed me the last time I had depression. It should help me with sleeping, and seeing the list of other things it is usually prescribed for, it can help me. Specially for sleep issues... and the odd side effect of increasing my libido.
Question: The bathroom issue isn't new right? I remember hearing concerns about that for years but people seem to think its recent so its making me doubt my memories. Ofc there wasn't a huge fight over laws about it but I think thats because no one would have fought for trans individuals if someone was kicked out of a store due to using their proper restroom so they didn't need to make laws in order to have the same effect(that part is speculation ofc)
I'm ready to fill out my name change paperwork but my family think I really need a middle name, and I was just planning on going with the first name change to Robin. I have no clue if I should pick something or whuttt
There are lots of people who are happy in the middle ... just be 100% sure if that is what you want for the right reasons (right reason being : "I feel better") or else you will feel WORST in the middle if you do it for the wrong reasons ("I will never be a supermodel" or "I fear the rejection" are NOT right reasons)