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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Dunnon, I was thinking about bringing a super long game that has a "feel good" atmosphere. In that sense, Persona 4 is one of the best things to bost the mood, although the problem is that I'm playing it already. On the good side of things, Pokémon will be coming out by then.

Hotels with Chettawut have changed, and I'm considering the new middle point (Vertical Suite) instead of the Rama. The rama is ok if you don't mind ants and the occasional cockroaches (the cottages are in the middle or a garden), but the Vertical Suite has a full kitchen, washing machine and even a dryer feature, so it may be better. it is much closer to Seacon Square and the Dusit and the are is far more lively, so it may be easier to go out for an evening and enjoy some air outside the hotel.

Problem is the price increase, from 800€ a month to 1300. I'd have to cut somewhere. Maybe instead of a laptop get a tablet and a keyboard...

You can figure all of it out. You've already taken care of the hardest part believe me. Everything from then on is easier. We're all proud of you.
Well, I may have to replanify. Worst possible moment to make a payment in a different currency (You need to pay 20% of surgery fee to make the booking effective).

Seriously, I've been fearing how the brexit was going to to affect the currencies for months.


Well, I may have to replanify. Worst possible moment to make a payment in a different currency (You need to pay 20% of surgery fee to make the booking effective).

Seriously, I've been fearing how the brexit was going to to affect the currencies for months.

Understandable, it creates a lot of uncertainty in general.
I have a proposal date: December 15th. I should act fast as air plane tickets are starting to go up in price. Need to wire transfer 20% of surgery cost, and after that buy plane tickets.

I still have not solved the issue with were to stay. I need a final confirmation with my parents on if they are going to a) Let me stay with them during recover b) help look for a room or apartment while I am in Bangkok and move there my stuff. If not, I need to begin looking for a room for two months.

The second issue is a reality check. This is the final stop before and you can't get off the vagina bus after this. Are you sure you want to go with this? My fears are as usual, having regret and finding that I was more of a top and I could only enjoy sex as a penetrative top. But I also have to counter it with "you haven't had sex in years and with your mental disorders you would not be getting any as you feel ashamed of your genitalia because you think everybody will reject you because of them (the trend so far). Also you barely function now both physically and mentally, and cypro has been giving you issues already, even arrythmias" You either have SRS or deal with increased health issues and remain with a useless piece of meat hanging.

I need to think that this will be for the best. No tucking pain, more comfortable in daily life (unless dilation counters it), back to spinning classes and maybe finally wear a swimsuit. and pants fitting at the crotch. I'm trying to concentrate in all trip related but the surgery: The stay and recovery, being able to order Pizza Hut again, the videogames and movies I will watch while there...
I have a proposal date: December 15th. I should act fast as air plane tickets are starting to go up in price. Need to wire transfer 20% of surgery cost, and after that buy plane tickets.

I still have not solved the issue with were to stay. I need a final confirmation with my parents on if they are going to a) Let me stay with them during recover b) help look for a room or apartment while I am in Bangkok and move there my stuff. If not, I need to begin looking for a room for two months.

The second issue is a reality check. This is the final stop before and you can't get off the vagina bus after this. Are you sure you want to go with this? My fears are as usual, having regret and finding that I was more of a top and I could only enjoy sex as a penetrative top. But I also have to counter it with "you haven't had sex in years and with your mental disorders you would not be getting any as you feel ashamed of your genitalia because you think everybody will reject you because of them (the trend so far). Also you barely function now both physically and mentally, and cypro has been giving you issues already, even arrythmias" You either have SRS or deal with increased health issues and remain with a useless piece of meat hanging.

I need to think that this will be for the best. No tucking pain, more comfortable in daily life (unless dilation counters it), back to spinning classes and maybe finally wear a swimsuit. and pants fitting at the crotch. I'm trying to concentrate in all trip related but the surgery: The stay and recovery, being able to order Pizza Hut again, the videogames and movies I will watch while there...

I found something that you might find helpful. Remember that your experience doesn't have to be 1:1 to this but it gives a really good idea on what to expect I believe.

I found something that you might find helpful. Remember that your experience doesn't have to be 1:1 to this but it gives a really good idea on what to expect I believe.


I have a copy of the original Suporn's manual, although I don't know if the "swirly" will be compatible with Chett's. Although similar, both methods seem to be different as has a bigger starting diametre for dilation, while with Chett you have to start with the tiniest dilator. That part about vaginal flora... I think I know who wrote it.

I should try to stay away from anything related to SRS, specially "complication stories". While I am at Thailand the nurse will be checking 6 days a week so I don't have to worry a lot. On the way back we have at least one person that knows about "surgical vaginas" at the local hospital in case I have problems. Granulation, Necrosis, etc. My only worry at the moment is ending with a clitoris that sticks out and is not covered. Not funny, from what people who had it say.

What I would like to know is experiences of people after not having to take cyproterone acetate anymore and if they regained some energy. I'm planning to reduce my dosage by half. Asexuality is being hell on me. If at least I could have sexual desires and attraction to a gender again...


Hey TransGAF. Not trying to intrude or start shit or anything but I am lying awake in bed thinking and...

Any of you ever deal with "semi" acceptance? Like coming out to someone about your identity and then having them insisting on "everything's cool" and "we're good" while at the same time marginalizing you that your identity is merely "for now"? Doesn't it kinda sting as bad or worse as non-acceptance? Kinda dealing with that right now.


Happened a lot with me with people in position of power .... like some family members, teachers and bosses

It is better than non acceptance because the people is more open to debate


Well if it is better, it certainly doesn't feel like it. There's nothing TO debate because for them, the way things are are the way things are, and that its all for now, end of story. That's why it's stinging a bit more than non-acceptance to me. I don't know, sorry if this is not the appropriate place for this, it's just gotten to me harder than I expected.


So I have a wedding I'm expected to go to in two weeks. I've been fully out for awhile now but for almost everyone in my family "out" has pretty much consisted just of calling me by my preferred name and pronoun and wearing slightly (but not consistently) feminine clothing. Now this wedding is happening and I'm expected to really dress up and I'm freaking the heck out. Shopping for dresses and I don't feel ready, but wearing boy clothes just isn't an option anymore. I just don't want to be seen, I want to hide in my cacoon forever basically.
Finally have the info on the booking fee and bank account to which I need to make the wire transfer. Banks are closed now, but...

Well, it's now or never. I have the weekend for the final check before jumping and never looking back.

I keep repeating the same mantra whenever I start having doubts. "Everything will be OK, your life will be much better after this". And although I don't see myself having sex until then, maybe I should go for nun. I don't want to have PIV sex and being doubting again about keeping it.

Update, it's official. Waiting for the wire transfer to arrive and the other side and start buying plane tickets.
payment accepted, date confirmed, flight booked. I just need a new passport and buy a laptop. I even bought new easy to wear cheap dresses.

Quite looking forward to it as of lately. running and sweating while tucked is a major pain. No thoughts about post-op sex, to be honest. Last thing to worry about right now. Or even pre-op farewell sex.

In the end I'm doing everything alone, although I suppose I will met somebody there and chat a bit. Things were a bit easier for this at the Bangkok-Rama, since the cottages meant much less barriers to communication. This time it will be a standard hotel room at the Vertical Suite. Given the fact that underwear is going to get real dirty, having my own washing machine at the hotel room and my own balcony is a huge plus that makes worth the extra price for the medium option.


Does anyone here who are MTF women have experience with Puerara Mirifica or Bovine Ovary?

Recently had a friend of mine come out to me and now it seems I'm her only support.
She wants to start on one of the two but is undecided. I am somewhat familiar with both substances as my wife for a time was very interested on improving her "feminine" features but I am not so sure how such would work on a one born a male. I've been trying to push her towards support groups or seeing a doctor in regards to medicine but she wants to try this first.

Should I let her? When I said I was her only support, I mean it. My wonderful friend came out to her family first... Let's just say without me she'd be very alone in the world right now.

Currently she stays in one of my available bases of operation. I have many places for various jobs so her crashing by isnt a trifle for me. Right now she is jobless and broke. I rather she find a job and handle this herself but she really asking me to help her. Out of principle I don't want to but only because of her personality. Shes great but mind you, shes antisocial, she hates mingling with people, and it has been 4 years since her last job. 99% sure she is autistic too so people skills with strangers really not helpful.

I want to help her but I don't want her to rely on me as a crutch. At least she keeps this base well kept but she needs to find a job and live her life man.

But in the meantime I have agreed to help her for the moment. 1 month support I will guarantee. Housing until she can find a place on her own. Food is free as well. But medicine however worth upto one month. can't let her wallow in depression like an idiot. if you have time to be depressed, you have time to LIVE and in her case find a job + transition. Harsh? Tell that to someone who cares. Life is harsh as she found out quickly. Always did have a bad impression of her family. If I ever meet her family on the job or better yet they ARE my job, I certainly wont feel bad what hell I would bring upon them. Crying she was when she visited me. Still in tears right now. Furious how her family treated her. I'll let her sort her emotions for the next 3 days but after that, she best start living her life... and stop freeloading on mine REEEEEEE!!!

but enough of that. So what should I do, Push her to meet a doctor or abide to her request of herbs and/or glandulars? I'm the one footing the bill but with regards to transgender medicine I am not well informed.
Pueraria Mierifica? Some people claim they had sobre minor breast development, but general opinion is that it is a useless weak phitostrogen. Even if something had a minor estrogenic effect, it would be useless without an antiandrogen, as T counters E. hence why FTM's only need T as HRT.

I don't want to sound like a gatekeeper, but therapy should be the first step before doing anything else.

Beth Cyra

Does anyone here who are MTF women have experience with Puerara Mirifica or Bovine Ovary?

Recently had a friend of mine come out to me and now it seems I'm her only support.
She wants to start on one of the two but is undecided. I am somewhat familiar with both substances as my wife for a time was very interested on improving her "feminine" features but I am not so sure how such would work on a one born a male. I've been trying to push her towards support groups or seeing a doctor in regards to medicine but she wants to try this first.

Should I let her? When I said I was her only support, I mean it. My wonderful friend came out to her family first... Let's just say without me she'd be very alone in the world right now.

Currently she stays in one of my available bases of operation. I have many places for various jobs so her crashing by isnt a trifle for me. Right now she is jobless and broke. I rather she find a job and handle this herself but she really asking me to help her. Out of principle I don't want to but only because of her personality. Shes great but mind you, shes antisocial, she hates mingling with people, and it has been 4 years since her last job. 99% sure she is autistic too so people skills with strangers really not helpful.

I want to help her but I don't want her to rely on me as a crutch. At least she keeps this base well kept but she needs to find a job and live her life man.

But in the meantime I have agreed to help her for the moment. 1 month support I will guarantee. Housing until she can find a place on her own. Food is free as well. But medicine however worth upto one month. can't let her wallow in depression like an idiot. if you have time to be depressed, you have time to LIVE and in her case find a job + transition. Harsh? Tell that to someone who cares. Life is harsh as she found out quickly. Always did have a bad impression of her family. If I ever meet her family on the job or better yet they ARE my job, I certainly wont feel bad what hell I would bring upon them. Crying she was when she visited me. Still in tears right now. Furious how her family treated her. I'll let her sort her emotions for the next 3 days but after that, she best start living her life... and stop freeloading on mine REEEEEEE!!!

but enough of that. So what should I do, Push her to meet a doctor or abidet to her request of herbs and/or glandulars? I'm the one footing the bill but with regards to transgender medicine I am not well informed.
Doc don't risk anything else.

Forgethe the gate keeper part she could need a doc for other stuff including what Emily can do to your mind.

Many mental changes can happen and for someone who has zero support and this many issues a Doc is the only logical choice.

Help her find a good one, but not a work around for Easter replacements.


My main problem is convincing her doctor is best. She really doesn't like doctors plus her antisocial variable. I think I will just leave her be for the moment. She is an unstable, emotional wreck right now. No surprise considering her family basically disowned her and kicked her out. and in her current state, I question any doctor giving her what she wants without questioning mental state.

I'll try to get her to see doctor first but... It will be difficult and that is an understatement. she had a really bad experience with a doctor once maybe? I don't know. I'll try though.

In meantime, I will invite comrades and try to cheer her up. I am not good with these sort of situations. I try hugging and reassurement but... Not sure its enough. Seems she was really close to her mom but it was her mom who took her announcement the worst. poor lass.

Well, I'm heading out. Got a job lined up and I already prepared supplies for her to be able to sustain herself. Friends will drop by shortly and as soon as they do its back to work with me. I'd hang back but I got commitments to honor and I'll take time to approach best course of action.


3 months HRT pic! I am already noticing my features softening. I'm also getting maam'd left and right at work. It's such a massive morale booster.


Managed to get her checked with a doctor but had to take a wager to do it.
...Needless to say, I lost that wager. She will get her Swanson Ovarian Glandular sometime next week. Boy did I choose wrong with regards to her doctor. This bastard of a doctor called her a schizophrenic nut case who is highly recommended to check herself with a mental ward. I found out later that he had a reputation of being transphobic. I screwed up bad.

In any case.I have decided to have her see my personal doctor (wasn't sure my man handled this area but a recent call informed me that he does. had I known this before, would not have wasted time on asshole doctor.)

New doctor is a personal friend of mine, I told him her situation and tomorrow he will get her bloodwork done for various things before prescribing her with anything. Strangely enough, he okayed the Ovarian Glandular for her when I brought it up. Though he warned me that if I get it from a non credible source, my friend will have high risk of parasitic infection such as tapeworm. I'll just ensure my friend drinks Apple Cidar Vinegar and eat spicy stuff in the meantime to prevent infection. Thankfully I have plenty of experience with parasitic infections and how to treat and prevent such. actually in the middle of my semi annual parasite detox myself. you would be surprised how many people have parasites and not even know it. easy to contract too if you're not eating properly.
Not the best moment for having surgery abroad and paying in euros, be warned.

I just paid my remaining SRS balance, and had a good scare. Usually xe.com is pretty close to what I end paying, and I decided to pay the rest today giving how the euro - baht rate kept going down. The amount in euros I had to pay to mee those baht was much higher than what I was expecting.

In total, surgery has costed me approximately 10000€ approx, the amount I had calculated "in case euro went to hell again" after the March 2015 low. The hotel price is also going up, so it looks like I will have to keep saving as much as I can in case the situation gets even worse. At least the plane tickets were cheaper than I expected, so in the end things are kinda balanced

Pending Tasks:
- Obtain a new passport
- order bloodwork including HIV test and chest x-ray
- Save more money for emergencies
- Buy "post-op" underwear
- Talk with the therapist and obtain a bigger prescription of antidepressants for the stay outside.

So for the moment, I'm done. The passport will be ready by the end of the month and I only have to wait. I have stopped talking about SRS with the friends that knew about it since just thinking or even remembering gory pictures increases my anxiety. Except for this thread, I'm trying to avoid everything trans related until then. I really really don'w want to chicken out in the last minute. Despite being finally at peace and ok with my choice, I still have panic whenever I think about surgery.


Had an appointment with Dr. J. Michael Caruso via Skype yesterday/today. I finally have a prescription for my hormones, and it includes Progesterone!
What would be different from post op underwear and regular underwear ?

Does the post op comes with a dilatator ? =O

I don't have regular underwear. I wear either guy underwear at home, or gaffs. maybe I have some normals to put over the gaff and hide it, but I just don't know what's to have normal women's underwear that fits correctly. And as far as I know, there was one person that would hold the dilator with the underwear to do stuff during the morning. Highly debatable, as far as I've been told, you are not supposed to move, although you do need to be applying constant pressure.

When I think about post-op underwear, it's more about underwear that can fit pads, as that will be dropping a lot fluids until it heals (or so I've been told).

I've been one month on P again. No noticeable effects. As far as things go:

- Medroxiprogesterone at night: No changes.
- Natural Micrognised progesterone 100 mg at night: No changes.
- Natural Micrognised progesterone 200 mg at night: +20 ng/dl of testosterone, high libido, morning wood. I used to get better sleep and a sensation of calm, but at the moment that's being handled by the antidepressant.


I just moved to a new state and found out my new insurance covers HRT and SRS. I'm pretty excited. In TN it was impossible for me to get any reasonable healthcare.

Lady Gaia

I just moved to a new state and found out my new insurance covers HRT and SRS. I'm pretty excited. In TN it was impossible for me to get any reasonable healthcare.

Congratulations! As important as it is for people to push for progress where they are, sometimes it just makes more sense to walk away from the madness. Here's hoping the country doesn't take a giant leap backwards come November. If anyone here isn't registered to vote, now would be the time.


That girl in the bunny hat
Orchiectomy scheduled for August 15th. Had the initial visit in December. Took bloody well long enough to get scheduled, but the spiro I have on my desk will probably be the last of it I ever take. :)

Then it's just getting enough electrolysis done for SRS, maybe next year.


Orchiectomy scheduled for August 15th. Had the initial visit in December. Took bloody well long enough to get scheduled, but the spiro I have on my desk will probably be the last of it I ever take. :)

Then it's just getting enough electrolysis done for SRS, maybe next year.

Are you going to be okay for SRS after getting the orchiectomy? I've been told that if you know you're going to want to do the one, not to do the other.
Are you going to be okay for SRS after getting the orchiectomy? I've been told that if you know you're going to want to do the one, not to do the other.

Depends on your time frame but there are some surgeons who will flat out deny you. Basically if you plan on doing SRS in about a year of orchie then you should be okay, YMMV of course.

Beth Cyra

Depends on your time frame but there are some surgeons who will flat out deny you. Basically if you plan on doing SRS in about a year of orchie then you should be okay, YMMV of course.
Butterfly Witch is correct. Also to note some surgeons prefer you to have them done at the same time.

As was my case.


I don't have regular underwear. I wear either guy underwear at home, or gaffs. maybe I have some normals to put over the gaff and hide it, but I just don't know what's to have normal women's underwear that fits correctly. And as far as I know, there was one person that would hold the dilator with the underwear to do stuff during the morning. Highly debatable, as far as I've been told, you are not supposed to move, although you do need to be applying constant pressure.

When I think about post-op underwear, it's more about underwear that can fit pads, as that will be dropping a lot fluids until it heals (or so I've been told).

I've been one month on P again. No noticeable effects. As far as things go:

- Medroxiprogesterone at night: No changes.
- Natural Micrognised progesterone 100 mg at night: No changes.
- Natural Micrognised progesterone 200 mg at night: +20 ng/dl of testosterone, high libido, morning wood. I used to get better sleep and a sensation of calm, but at the moment that's being handled by the antidepressant.

P? What's that?

Also grats on all the srs news.

Sarah also did a Tedx talk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw5vyJ30djM which was rather good. I encourage you to check it out as well.

I'll look into it.


That girl in the bunny hat
Are you going to be okay for SRS after getting the orchiectomy? I've been told that if you know you're going to want to do the one, not to do the other.

My surgeon's willing and able to do SRS afterward. I'm gonna try to accelerate the process so there's not as much time in between, but since nothing I've done hormones-wise has pushed my testosterone down, the orchi is more "urgent", as it were. Once electrolysis is done done, then I'll go for Round 2.


My surgeon's willing and able to do SRS afterward. I'm gonna try to accelerate the process so there's not as much time in between, but since nothing I've done hormones-wise has pushed my testosterone down, the orchi is more "urgent", as it were. Once electrolysis is done done, then I'll go for Round 2.

Good luck with everything. :)
Hello Transgaf,

I’m here to ask for help and advice on how to talk to my mother about my trans brother. My brother has been struggling with his gender for over a year now, he is 16, and my mother seems to be happy ignoring/denying the issue. She has stated before that she does not ‘believe’ in ‘transgendered stuff’ and thinks he is making everything up. My brother and my mother already have issues communicating and since this is so personal to him he can get hysterical easily when she denies his gender.

Today I was over at their house and he came up to her and called her out on still denying his gender. Her response was to scoff at him. I had to show him some texts I had where I was talking about him to my husband and referring to him as a he to make him feel better.

I feel like I need to talk to my mom and offer some kind of mediation but I have no idea how. She has her views set but I just need her to act a little more accepting even if she doesn’t ‘believe’ my brother’s gender. I need to soften her stance before any education on the subject can happen.


Hello Transgaf,

I’m here to ask for help and advice on how to talk to my mother about my trans brother. My brother has been struggling with his gender for over a year now, he is 16, and my mother seems to be happy ignoring/denying the issue. She has stated before that she does not ‘believe’ in ‘transgendered stuff’ and thinks he is making everything up. My brother and my mother already have issues communicating and since this is so personal to him he can get hysterical easily when she denies his gender.

Today I was over at their house and he came up to her and called her out on still denying his gender. Her response was to scoff at him. I had to show him some texts I had where I was talking about him to my husband and referring to him as a he to make him feel better.

I feel like I need to talk to my mom and offer some kind of mediation but I have no idea how. She has her views set but I just need her to act a little more accepting even if she doesn’t ‘believe’ my brother’s gender. I need to soften her stance before any education on the subject can happen.

Are there any LGBT youth groups in your area? That would be good for him and they would probably give you material that you could give to your mother in an effort to make hr accepting. If you can't bring him to meetings due to scheduling conflicts then check to see if they have any discreet meetings that he can lie to your mother about. I know the local LGBT youth group here does monthly meet ups at the library so kids with homophobic/transphobic parents can go by saying they're meeting up with friends or studying.

I'll ask some people around here for recommendations of articles and pieces of media that might help get through to your mother tomorrow. I'd do it now, but it's almost two in the morning.


Hello Transgaf,

I’m here to ask for help and advice on how to talk to my mother about my trans brother. My brother has been struggling with his gender for over a year now, he is 16, and my mother seems to be happy ignoring/denying the issue. She has stated before that she does not ‘believe’ in ‘transgendered stuff’ and thinks he is making everything up. My brother and my mother already have issues communicating and since this is so personal to him he can get hysterical easily when she denies his gender.

Might be good to search for famous trans men, like that dude from Men's Health


And other famous examples ... just avoid buck angel =P

Also talking about how scientists all over the world KNOW that trans people exist and better countries have lots of pro trans laws.

Shows that the future not only will help your brother but it will make him handsome as fuck =D
Are there any LGBT youth groups in your area? That would be good for him and they would probably give you material that you could give to your mother in an effort to make hr accepting. If you can't bring him to meetings due to scheduling conflicts then check to see if they have any discreet meetings that he can lie to your mother about. I know the local LGBT youth group here does monthly meet ups at the library so kids with homophobic/transphobic parents can go by saying they're meeting up with friends or studying.

I'll ask some people around here for recommendations of articles and pieces of media that might help get through to your mother tomorrow. I'd do it now, but it's almost two in the morning.

I live in Miami so there should be some, I didn't think of that Thank you. One of the things Im glad for is that he does have LGBT friends in his school and I've never heard of him complaining about bullying, at school anyways.
Might be good to search for famous trans men, like that dude from Men's Health


And other famous examples ... just avoid buck angel =P

Also talking about how scientists all over the world KNOW that trans people exist and better countries have lots of pro trans laws.

Shows that the future not only will help your brother but it will make him handsome as fuck =D

My mother is a nurse and she believes that science backs up her opinion so a scientific article might be effective. But Im also afraid she could just brush it aside to protect her opinion, she has gotten increasingly closed minded as she ages. An article from a magazine she would definitely brush off, liberal media and all that.

Beth Cyra

My mother is a nurse and she believes that science backs up her opinion so a scientific article might be effective. But Im also afraid she could just brush it aside to protect her opinion, she has gotten increasingly closed minded as she ages. An article from a magazine she would definitely brush off, liberal media and all that.

Wait she is a Nurse and says that Science backs her up?

WHO and world wide leaders in the medical fields for both mind and body have determined that it is indeed a thing that happens and something that is very real. Not just NA or Liberals. If she really does have faith in her field of study and Science then she needs to strongly think about who and what t she is because what she is thinks go directly against both of them.

Might have her check in to the Standard of Health care and WHO polices and thoughts on Transgender individuals. That isn't a mag and isn't based in NA. I'd seriously question any Nurse who could so largely ignore the Medical community on such a world wide scale.
Wait she is a Nurse and says that Science backs her up?

WHO and world wide leaders in the medical fields for both mind and body have determined that it is indeed a thing that happens and something that is very real. Not just NA or Liberals. If she really does have faith in her field of study and Science then she needs to strongly think about who and what t she is because what she is thinks go directly against both of them.

Might have her check in to the Standard of Health care and WHO polices and thoughts on Transgender individuals. That isn't a mag and isn't based in NA. I'd seriously question any Nurse who could so largely ignore the Medical community on such a world wide scale.

Ignorance has no limits. The main issue I think is the education of nurses, there is no class where transgender issues are brought up. It is left up to the individual to educate themselves and if the person already has biases you would never get that education.
WHO would be a great resource because its in her field and unquestionably backed by science AND not an article behind a pay wall.
P? What's that?

Also grats on all the srs news.

I'll look into it.

As they said, Progesterone. After more than one month on it, I'm noticing that my libido is back. It could be that, or it could be that I've gotten fat enough that my AA's are losing effect again (more body mass = less effectiveness, something I confirmed last year). Heck I even have breast folds now. Either the implants have dropped (difficult since they are under muscle) or I have more fat there now. In any case I have started diet and high intensity workouts to get back to 62 kg in 1-2 months.

First passport with female gender and final name obtained. Only thing left to do is the medical tests when the surgery date is close.
I haven't thought a lot about surgery, only worried about the other stuff once I am in Bangkok. Exchanging money, things to buy, and what to do in case there are ants in the room (apparently it's a plague there). Last time I had surgery there i was spraying insecticide in the sink every day.


Hello Transgaf,

I’m here to ask for help and advice on how to talk to my mother about my trans brother.

"You can agree with his feelings and what he's doing, you can disagree, but the fact is, this is something to core to who he is and so important that, if you don't support him, he is probably going to come to hate and resent you over this. What you see as a minor disagreement is something that you could potentially lose your child over, so you need to decide if that's okay with you or not."

Put it that bluntly. Obviously that might not end up being the case, but this is something where she may think it's just a phase or think he's going through and not really appreciate how deep-seeded a thing it is for your brother. I'd say don't try to change her mind per say on her feelings about being transgender as a first step—make her realize the effect it could have on your family. Justified or not, it could lead your brother to wanting to cut ties with her, and their relationship being hurt, and she should understand that.


Gaf, I was reading second sex, and I think I've always been like my mother, thought/ felt like a woman, but I'm unsure of why, in what way getting a sex change would benefit me?
Is it for acceptance as society will not tolerate a man having certain feelings?
If I start dressing like a girl I will not look any better, I feel like I'd only be opening myself up to further scrutiny.
I want to be accepted for my feelings, and I just got through a really bad experience where I was rejected by an asexual girl- I'm asexual too- and a lot of her problems with me seemed to stem from-not liking me due to depression- but also it also seemed like she was frustrated that I was unwilling to change.
I feel like I should be able to feel and still be a man, but it seems like with everyone changing sex, that everyone has capitulated to the idea that men will be permanently relegated to their gender roles unless the change manifests itself obviously.
I'm not trolling, I just don't understand as I was raised in a very tough, masculine, ghetto environment, and if there are any books or blogs I should read, please recommend them to me.
Thank you, sorry, if I'm being offensive, I realize I am a lot of the time, and I now also realize that liberals hate people that don't agree with them just as much as any person of any body they despise.
I guess all politics are like religions that help tired people incapable of effecting anything keep things orderly.

Sorry, ranting a bit. Really strange, mind blowing experience with my friend and I'm still in shock over kind of it all; thought I fell in love for a bit but I was just being a simp I guess.


Gaf, I was reading second sex, and I think I've always been like my mother, thought/ felt like a woman, but I'm unsure of why, in what way getting a sex change would benefit me?
Is it for acceptance as society will not tolerate a man having certain feelings?
If I start dressing like a girl I will not look any better, I feel like I'd only be opening myself up to further scrutiny.
I want to be accepted for my feelings, and I just got through a really bad experience where I was rejected by an asexual girl- I'm asexual too- and a lot of her problems with me seemed to stem from-not liking me due to depression- but also it also seemed like she was frustrated that I was unwilling to change.
I feel like I should be able to feel and still be a man, but it seems like with everyone changing sex, that everyone has capitulated to the idea that men will be permanently relegated to their gender roles unless the change manifests itself obviously.
I'm not trolling, I just don't understand as I was raised in a very tough, masculine, ghetto environment, and if there are any books or blogs I should read, please recommend them to me.
Thank you, sorry, if I'm being offensive, I realize I am a lot of the time, and I now also realize that liberals hate people that don't agree with them just as much as any person of any body they despise.
I guess all politics are like religions that help tired people incapable of effecting anything keep things orderly.

Sorry, ranting a bit. Really strange, mind blowing experience with my friend and I'm still in shock over kind of it all; thought I fell in love for a bit but I was just being a simp I guess.

Fixed gender roles and trans people are not the same thing. We have butch "trucker driver" trans women who lift weights and girly drag queen like trans men.

Being trans has nothing to do with "men can't have feelings" it has to do with how you feel as a man or a woman.
Your post sounds like you are still mixing "have feelings and other 'feminine' things" with "being a woman" ... one thing does not equal the other
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