Jamie xxoo said:Now that I'm starting to look like the woman...
Stealth boasting detected
Jamie xxoo said:Now that I'm starting to look like the woman...
Jin34 said:Stealth boasting detected![]()
Instigator said:I've been meaning to ask this question for a while...
What's the deal with transexuals and Jerry Springer?
I know the man does it for ratings, but it's like there is an unlimited supply of transexuals out there, just waiting to get on TV and humiliate their straight, clueless boyfriends.
tehAinsley said:
Jin34 said:Stealth boasting detected![]()
lexi said:Starting, indeed. *hmmphs*
Jamie xxoo said:Oh I didn't mean it like that at all :lol
I meant I'm not a finished product. Facial feminization surgery in 2 months, 5 days! Woot! I'll grow my hair out more, I also intend to lose a little bit of weight and muscle mass, and I'm pretty sure my breasts will get bigger than this with time and hormones. Lots to look forward to. In 6 months I hope to look back on these pics and cringe. =) My transition's underway but there's a lot ahead of me, as there is for all of us.
tehAinsley said:Trans-angst incoming: I was just outside talking to my Mom. As some of you know I'm planning to get an apartment soon. And she's dead set on buying me a set of bedroom furniture. She was telling me about a deal she got a set yesterday and in describing it to me she goes " It's just real contemporary! It doesn't look girly at all!"
Jamie xxoo said:@CharlieDigital I totally understand the curiosity and the natural inclination to treat someone's transition like a spectacle or a magic trick, and I'm not offended that you would ask for a "before" pic, but I don't pull them out to show just anyone. Some people love to show off how far they've come, but I just don't want to have those old images associated with me in a stranger's eyes. Now that I'm starting to look like the woman I was always wired in my head to be, I want my current image to be associated with me, not my old one, which never represented who I felt I was. Does that make sense?
shidoshi said:Edit: Facial feminization surgery? WAT.
shidoshi said:Edit: Facial feminization surgery? WAT.
shidoshi said:See, I'm the kind of person that would then get like a bunch of glitterly unicorn stickers or something, slap them all over the bed, and then be sure to ask my mother when she came over how she liked my personalizing of the bedroom set. *laughs*
Fox the Sly said:DISCLAIMER: This isn't aimed at Jamie or her getting FFS (especially since it's pretty standard for trans-women), it just reminded of something I wanted to touch on.
I completely respect the fact that you all have certain visions of how you ultimately see yourselves physically, but please be careful with the amount of surgeries you get in the future. I've seen girls ruin their look because they went too far and I wouldn't want that to happen to any of you. <3
Jin34 said:why don't you post more pics Jaime
Alfarif said:As an aside, did anyone get a chance to watch that bit that was on CNN the other night? I don't have cable, and I was at work, so I didn't get to check it out. Any opinions?
If Jesus was here tonight, he'd want "him" terminated.
Fire "him" or give "him" testosterone, and let's move on.
If Jesus was here tonight, he'd want "him" terminated.
lexi said:Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?
The Lurker said:I hope this comes across as positive, I read almost this whole thread before going back to page 7 to actually reply to this.
Android18a said:For the non-trans people here: Would you date a trans-girl/guy? Or how would you respond if the person you'd been dating revealed they were trans after you'd been out a few times (and likely grown fond of already)?
Well speaking for myself, if I met someone who I genuinely thought was a female I would have no hesitation and if later they revealed they were a trans it wouldn't have any impact on my decision to date them. Obviously I would hope they would reveal it if things were working out and it looked like we had some sort of connection. I cannot say what I would think if it was revealed within the first few minutes of meeting since I have never been in this situation.
Would it change things for you, or would you find it irrelevant?
Definitely irrelevant. As I said, if there is a connection there then why let something like this ruin it? I'm a very open minded person and don't judge people for what they are, it's about the person inside.
Would you expect to be informed of your date being trans before you went out together, or wouldn't you mind if it came up later?
Again, as mentioned before, I don't think I would mind but it is hard to say without being in the situation and as I haven't experienced it.
Curious as to how you guys think here. Sorry if this was asked and I missed it.
Well, in all honesty, I have dabbled on both sides of the fence but I have kept this to myself all my life apart from one female friend I have told. I've lived through various experiences but one thing I have learnt is that everybody is a person on the inside and you can't judge someone because of their outwards appearance whether it be race, religion or sexual preference. I would actually like to date a tg but not for fetish reasons but because I think they would be a stronger person and possibly be able to relate to men on a different level than the average female would.
I am really glad that this thread has been a positive one for all of you for the most part and hasn't turned into a gender hate slinging contest from homophobes. Be strong.
Jamie xxoo said:I just can't post old photos of myself Shidoshi. I'm glad you respect my feelings about that, even if you disagree with the reasons for them. It would hurt me more than it would help anyone else.
Jamie xxoo said:With regards to cosmetic surgery, it's a very persistent feeling in me that I've been disfigured by testosterone, and I want to remove the scars that it's left on me. Scars that other people skim over, but which hit me like a brick every time I see myself, and make me afraid of being stuck behind a mask for the rest of my life.
Jamie xxoo said:@tehAinsley Instead of griping about what your mom did to you, go set her straight! "Mom, you said that bedroom set didn't look girly like that was appropriate for me. I LIKE girly things. I'm trans, remember? That means I think and feel like a woman. You know that, right? Or did you forget?" Just be upfront and tell it like it is, don't be a victim and brew in silence or she'll *never* "get" it!
Jamie xxoo said:I turned out fine. This is me today:
Cenobite said:Hetero comment
border said:There's a lot of customer service-related positions out there, and it seems like most TSes go through the "guy in a dress" phase which frankly tends to give normal people a creepy, uncomfortable sensation of the uncanny. Even if their look is off-putting to a majority of regular people, should everyone be receiving a fair shot at a job? Or is it fair to say that those in a customer-relations position need to be passable or better in terms of both looks and voice?
CENOBITE said:Wow. Well, I guess I'm not as "hetro" as I thought.
edit: Or maybe I am & you're just a very attractive woman.
I'm not sure if you've addressed this, and you don't have to if you don't want to, but may I ask what's kept you from transitioning if you've been out for so long? I only ask because telling people was probably my number one roadblock.tehAinsley said:I guess the reason it bugs me so bad is that she's known I'm trans for over 10 years now.
I can completely understand the need for surgery. Until it's done, you're always going to see that shadow of your former self in the mirror. Of course that won't bother everyone, but I can't fault you for wanting the surgery.Jamie xxoo said:
That situation kind of sounds more like a societal problem to me. I do think that people in transition should be eligible for any job. I can understand the desire for companies to project certain images, but I usually disagree with their methods (as Alfarif pointed out, firing a girl for only having one arm, like really? really?). Though fortunately for them, our rights are only protected in thirteen states here in America. I don't know what the situation is like internationally.border said:employment discrimination
Jamie xxoo said:
Omg, why is this starting up again. Of course you are. Do you really think a gay guy would want Jamie?salva said:I'm heterosexual and everything but i just came to this thread to say that i
NewGamePlus said:I'm not sure if you've addressed this, and you don't have to if you don't want to, but may I ask what's kept you from transitioning if you've been out for so long? I only ask because telling people was probably my number one roadblock.
NewGamePlus said:Omg, why is this starting up again. Of course you are. Do you really think a gay guy would want Jamie?
NewGamePlus said:Omg, why is this starting up again. Of course you are. Do you really think a gay guy would want Jamie?
NewGamePlus said:That situation kind of sounds more like a societal problem to me. I do think that people in transition should be eligible for any job. I can understand the desire for companies to project certain images, but I usually disagree with their methods (as Alfarif pointed out, firing a girl for only having one arm, like really? really?).
That sounds really rough. I'm glad you have managed to seemingly come out of it so well. I'd be an utter wreck. I mean I'm no stranger at the psych ward as it is, and I've had, for all intents and purposes, a great life.tehAinsley said:It's a variety of reasons. In telling people I got a lot of mixed reactions. Which scared me back into the shadows, so to speak. Also, soon after I told my Mom had a breakdown. So once again I had to step up and keep a roof over out head. Which wasn't the first time. I'd dropped out of high school at 16 and gotten a job to pay the bills for that very reason before. And so my brother had a stable home to finish high school in. That was pretty much much the entire reason. That and until recently I just didn't have the money or courage to really go through with anything.
So yeah, in a nutshell, I've played parent for 10 years now while Mom got herself fixed. Which she isn't even really. Doesn't have her own home, or car. She drives a truck making 14k a year and refuses to look for another job.
Sorry all, I really hate bitching about my Mother, but... gawd. It's funny, when you're a kid you see your parents as the ultimate. Infallible. But you grow up and realize they're just a kid, same as you. And it's frustrating the hell out of me. :lol
IIRC, in the incident being referred to it wasn't affecting her ability and was completely an appearance issue. Regardless, I find discriminating against people with disabilities to also be quite unjust. Unless a person has a severe mental handicap, I would think most companies could find something for them to do.border said:It's kind of a little different since having only one arm has a very real measurable effect on your ability to do a job, whereas being a non-passable transsexual has a less measurable effect on customer perception.
NewGamePlus said:Omg, why is this starting up again. Of course you are. Do you really think a gay guy would want Jamie?
NewGamePlus said:That sounds really rough. I'm glad you have managed to seemingly come out of it so well. I'd be an utter wreck. I mean I'm no stranger at the psych ward as it is, and I've had, for all intents and purposes, a great life.
Alfarif said:A nice lurker who wishes to remain anonymous asked me if I could make this post for him! So here we go: (lots of nice stuff)
shidoshi said:Actually, I think you mis-understood what I was disagreeing with you on. My comment was that I think non-trans people wanting to see before and after pics is more innocent that it seems like you were saying.
shidoshi said:I've ran into a number of trans folk that, now that they've transitioned (or gone a decent way through the process) seem to get annoyed or insulted when people who aren't trans want to know more about what they went through.
Jamie xxoo said:Well, you know, that's their private, personal life. And when you're visible to other trans people, SO MANY will just ask you the most personal, private questions as though it's a verbal handshake, with no thought for normal social etiquette or respect for the other person's privacy. It's understandable that some people would start to feel dehumanized by that behavior after a while, like all they are is their transition, and it could lead to shutting off. You shouldn't feel entitled to another person's medical history, experiences or personal life no matter what you have in common or how much you need information. If you approach someone respectfully though, introduce yourself, volunteer some information about yourself *first* without going too far and being overly intimate, and then ask permission to ask questions, most people will probably respond. If not, that's their right. They get to choose who and what to tell about their transition.
tehAinsley said:...[stuff about her and her mom]...
border said:Or is it fair to say that those in a customer-relations position need to be passable or better in terms of both looks and voice?
CENOBITE said:Wow. Well, I guess I'm not as "hetro" as I thought.
edit: Or maybe I am & you're just a very attractive woman.
Salva said:I'm heterosexual and everything but i just came to this thread to say that i ... would.
lexi said:So this whole prefacing that you're not gay but you _______ is starting to reallllly PISS me off. Do you start every fucking sentence indicating you're straight? Is that how you introduce yourself? Do you think you're being nice and making us feel good when you say that?
You could just say 'you look great' whatever, but no, you have to say that you're not gay, first of all indicating that even after transition you still see us as men and secondly, we should feel privileged for the honor of your attraction.
EatChildren said:Jamie's jawline is bullshit. Its like, the jawline I put on all my fem characters in videogames. Stop it. Its mine.
Jamie xxoo said:Are you kidding me? I hate my jaw! God, a few people talked about my "wonderful" jaw line in the Post Pics thread and I totally thought they were tactfully saying "hey there Ms. man-jaw". Were those compliments? LOL I really am clueless about what other people see when they look at me.
Jamie xxoo said:"I would" is like the best compliment some know how to give.
Jamie xxoo said:Are you kidding me? I hate my jaw! God, a few people talked about my "wonderful" jaw line in the Post Pics thread and I totally thought they were tactfully saying "hey there Ms. man-jaw". Were those compliments? LOL I really am clueless about what other people see when they look at me.
Jamie xxoo said:Oh hon, I'm so sorry. That's difficult. No wonder you didn't say anything about the bed set. *hugs*
:lol :lol :lol :lolJamie xxoo said:Oh that's too bad. Well if it's any consolation there's nothing particularly girly about my furniture either. I actually quite like modern, clean and neutral furnishings, with some warm dark wood pieces. The only girly things in my place are some white tulips, some cherry blossom twigs, a zillion pillows on the bed and a teddy bear. Dave. Oh, and a woollen throw on the couch. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you have to live in a sea of pastel florals and whimsical paintings of children wandering down country paths.
Jamie xxoo said:Are you kidding me? I hate my jaw! God, a few people talked about my "wonderful" jaw line in the Post Pics thread and I totally thought they were tactfully saying "hey there Ms. man-jaw". Were those compliments? LOL I really am clueless about what other people see when they look at me.