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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Jamie xxoo said:
Oh that's too bad. Well if it's any consolation there's nothing particularly girly about my furniture either. I actually quite like modern, clean and neutral furnishings, with some warm dark wood pieces. The only girly things in my place are some white tulips, some cherry blossom twigs, a zillion pillows on the bed and a teddy bear. Dave. Oh, and a woollen throw on the couch. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you have to live in a sea of pastel florals and whimsical paintings of children wandering down country paths.

My parents are deas set against me being girly, and yet my room has girly purple walls, and I've got black and white floral bedsheets... which my mother bought me :lol Still, I'm not going to argue ;D

Might take the Star Trek poster down soon, though. It's a bit geeky even for me, but it was a gift from a friend so I'd feel bad about not having it up :p
Android18a said:
My parents are deas set against me being girly, and yet my room has girly purple walls, and I've got black and white floral bedsheets... which my mother bought me :lol Still, I'm not going to argue ;D

Might take the Star Trek poster down soon, though. It's a bit geeky even for me, but it was a gift from a friend so I'd feel bad about not having it up :p

She KNOWS. And subconsciously approves.


Android18a said:
Might take the Star Trek poster down soon, though. It's a bit geeky even for me, but it was a gift from a friend so I'd feel bad about not having it up :p

Don't take it down if you're just trying to change for change's sake. You might not identify totally with what's on the outside, but from what I've read you're just fine on the inside.

Or maybe I'm just making excuses for framing my Star Trek: The Motion Picture poster. :D
lexi said:
I've seen Android's room and I think her parents honestly sub-consciously know.

Why can't they just sit me down and say "Whatever you decide, we'll support you" then?


Android18a said:
Might take the Star Trek poster down soon, though. It's a bit geeky even for me, but it was a gift from a friend so I'd feel bad about not having it up :p

Take it down... then put up a Star Wars one. Star Wars is cool, Star Trek is nerdy. *laughs*

Speaking of nerdy... at some point around 5am or so, when I was in a sort of half-awake/half-asleep state, a video suddenly popped into my mind. It was a hex-based Strategy RPG, kind of like Final Fantasy Tactics or whatnot, and the main party members were the regulars here in TransGAF. Instead of fighting monsters, we were doing battle with the "normal" members of NeoGAF, except instead of trying to kill them we were trying to make them understand what being transgender is all about.

So, where as in a normal SRPG you would attack the opponent with weapons, spells, whatever, "attacks" in this game were different types of posts (answers to questions, stories from childhood, jokes, photos of ourselves, etc.), and different "attacks" word better on different types of forum members. Instead of reducing their HP, it would fill like an "understanding" bar, and when that bar had filled they were no longer hostile to us. Each TransGAF member then, of course, had their own dedicated class, personalized special "super" techniques, etc.

Soooooo... yeah. *laughs*
Speaking of nerdy... at some point around 5am or so, when I was in a sort of half-awake/half-asleep state, a video suddenly popped into my mind. It was a hex-based Strategy RPG, kind of like Final Fantasy Tactics or whatnot, and the main party members were the regulars here in TransGAF. Instead of fighting monsters, we were doing battle with the "normal" members of NeoGAF, except instead of trying to kill them we were trying to make them understand what being transgender is all about.

So, where as in a normal SRPG you would attack the opponent with weapons, spells, whatever, "attacks" in this game were different types of posts (answers to questions, stories from childhood, jokes, photos of ourselves, etc.), and different "attacks" word better on different types of forum members. Instead of reducing their HP, it would fill like an "understanding" bar, and when that bar had filled they were no longer hostile to us. Each TransGAF member then, of course, had their own dedicated class, personalized special "super" techniques, etc.

So, after each turn, do you get to choose which direction you face? And how are the terrain advantages? Please let me know; I'm trying to decide on whether to buy or not.


That girl in the bunny hat
Whoompthereitis said:
So, after each turn, do you get to choose which direction you face? And how are the terrain advantages? Please let me know; I'm trying to decide on whether to buy or not.

Well, you can build hills.


Whoompthereitis said:
So, after each turn, do you get to choose which direction you face? And how are the terrain advantages? Please let me know; I'm trying to decide on whether to buy or not.

Terrain advantages would be, like, type of thread. TransGAF thread (+50%), GLBT-friendly thread (+20%), random transgender-topic thread (fluctuates between +20% and -20%), general OT thread (+0%), gaming thread (-30% unless thread is somehow related to Bridget, Cuilan, Poison, or Persona 4).
Okay, sounds good. As long as the art style's nice, I'm in.

What sort of attacks do the 'normal' Gaf members use in retaliation? I mean, the game has to have some challenge, right?

I can imagine them using Akbar Jpegs and 'tranny surprise' links to lower the understanding bars of their 'normal' team mates.


Please... don't encourage me here. I'm the type of person who, as a child, would make up my own board games with full rule sets and whatnot. I also created an entire card game concept around my personal message forums.

So, yeah. It wouldn't take much to push me into entirely fleshing out the idea even though I know nothing would be done with it. *laughs*


Alfarif said:
Shidoshi, the more you post, the more in love with you I fall.

I told you... keep those kinds of comments to PMs, otherwise your wife is going to see!

And, I've got a question, since it seems to have gotten really quiet in here and I had been meaning to ask this for a while. Since we don't (as of yet) have any FtMs in our ranks, I'll work this specifically for the MtF side of things. (I guess this also might not apply to those who may consider themselves androgynous as well.)

Basically: what is your attitude towards being a guy? Sounds like a weird question, but it's not. Some people absolutely can't stand the idea of being a guy for even one day, and they want to move on to their female life ASAP. Some feel like they're supposed to be female, know that's who they truly are, and want to be that, but don't hate being a guy with every fiber of their being. Some feel all of those things toward being a woman, know that's where they'd prefer to be, but can still enjoy the time they're "forced" to be a man.

I guess why I ask is because this is a point that has caused me a lot of confusion in all of this, and I'd like to know how the rest of you feel. The honest truth is - I don't completely hate being a man. I do not at all relate to being one, and do not feel like I was meant to be one; that point is not up for discussion. However, while a majority of the time I would tell you that, at that moment, if I could snap my fingers and become female, I'd do it in a heartbeat... there are moments where I do enjoy being a guy.

For a while, that really bothered me - that I couldn't say with 100% dedicated that I hated being a guy - because I thought that that meant that maybe this wasn't all real. I've come to understand that that isn't the case; we don't have to hate one gender to feel like we're supposed to be the other. But, even now, sometimes, those occasional thoughts where I see myself enjoying the idea of being a guy in that moment, they cause me to get confused a bit.

So, I'd love to hear how you other girls feel about this topic.


Well, I tolerate it. At one stage I was very depressed about it and as mentioned earlier attempted suicide once, but now, I'm really happy that I'm doing something about it and feeling better every day. I don't really have anything deeper than that, I don't like to dwell on it too much, some days it can really frustrate me and leave me upset and in tears, but for the most part, I'm just happy I'm making progress in the other direction.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
shidoshi said:
Terrain advantages would be, like, type of thread. TransGAF thread (+50%), GLBT-friendly thread (+20%), random transgender-topic thread (fluctuates between +20% and -20%), general OT thread (+0%), gaming thread (-30% unless thread is somehow related to Bridget, Cuilan, Poison, or Persona 4).

Shidoshi -60% when in Shattered Memories thread.
shidoshi said:
I told you... keep those kinds of comments to PMs, otherwise your wife is going to see!
Clearly he's trying to slyly tell us he is a polygamist.

shidoshi said:
I guess why I ask is because this is a point that has caused me a lot of confusion in all of this, and I'd like to know how the rest of you feel. The honest truth is - I don't completely hate being a man. I do not at all relate to being one, and do not feel like I was meant to be one; that point is not up for discussion. However, while a majority of the time I would tell you that, at that moment, if I could snap my fingers and become female, I'd do it in a heartbeat... there are moments where I do enjoy being a guy.

For a while, that really bothered me - that I couldn't say with 100% dedicated that I hated being a guy - because I thought that that meant that maybe this wasn't all real. I've come to understand that that isn't the case; we don't have to hate one gender to feel like we're supposed to be the other. But, even now, sometimes, those occasional thoughts where I see myself enjoying the idea of being a guy in that moment, they cause me to get confused a bit.
I feel very similar to this. It's really hard to express though. I wish I had something insightful to say, but I don't think I do.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
Clearly he's trying to slyly tell us he is a polygamist.

Looks like I need a new avatar... like 3 guys and then 3 girls... 3 guys... 3 girls...

Jin34 said:
Shhh dont ruin it! :p

I'm not. I was hoping there was some sort of subliminal message in there that would gift what you were hoping for... but it didn't seem to work. Dang.
I guess I don't *hate* being a man as such. I get through each day as it comes, plus I've had 27 years to cry about it. That doesn't change the fact I see myself as a woman though, and would certainly not want to spend the rest of my life as a man.
shidoshi said:
Basically: what is [edit: was] your attitude towards being a guy?

Before I went on HRT a gender therapist asked me what I would miss about being walking through the world with a man's bod and in a man's role.

My reply was:

"Never having to wait at a public restroom or touch the toilets there. And that's IT."

Everything else about having a man's body and playing a man's role is yuck. Yuck yuck yuck. As it relates to me of course. The very things I found repulsive about my own body and about enacting that behavior I find sexy as hell in a boyfriend.


So I went out to dinner tonight with my mum, sister and step-brother. My mum lives on the other side of town and its a MAJOR hassle to get there, so I hadn't seen her since Christmas.

Anyway my step-brother is on a disability pension and has some weird mental stuff going on, but thinks I've gone crazy. He didn't refer or say or ask anything to me and still called me by old nickname. And this may sound like silly whining since so many of you have far greater problems with your family and loved ones, and I know they're trying, but I still get so many 'he's' or my former name used, and especially the former.

Not an overly terrible experience but I far prefer the company of friends to my family. Credit to my mum though, she is trying so hard.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
lexi said:
So I went out to dinner tonight with my mum, sister and step-brother. My mum lives on the other side of town and its a MAJOR hassle to get there, so I hadn't seen her since Christmas.

Anyway my step-brother is on a disability pension and has some weird mental stuff going on, but thinks I've gone crazy. He didn't refer or say or ask anything to me and still called me by old nickname. And this may sound like silly whining since so many of you have far greater problems with your family and loved ones, and I know they're trying, but I still get so many 'he's' or my former name used, and especially the former.

Not an overly terrible experience but I far prefer the company of friends to my family. Credit to my mum though, she is trying so hard.

As someone who has done that in the past, It's diifcult not to, even if you try,

I feel bad about it now. Someone on an old RPG-ish mailing list transformed. What didn't help was I was in the military and had no internet for a year, and it was doing that time, so I have little idea initially, other then the name changing to Jo-chan, which I thought was the character not the person. I don't speak to her anymore, we just drifed apart naturally, that's fine. I feel bad about it, because I don't like drifting apart with anyone.

I was so confused, especially since I was in the military culture so much, where things like this just don't happenn.


Water is not wet!
shidoshi said:
Basically: what is your attitude towards being a guy?
i dont think ive ever considered myself a guy besides in body. Most of the time when im on auto-pilot i either dont think about at all. When i do think about things i realize that stuff is terribly wrong. im happy enough but that doesnt mean im content or satisfied. One of my main reasons for wanting to transition is that i know in my heart if i dont it will eventually drive me mad and destroy me.

Oh and hiya gals (and guys)! Havent been around much since ive been stuck inside a game really bad so i thought id drop in and say hello! :D


Jamie xxoo said:
Are you kidding me? I hate my jaw! God, a few people talked about my "wonderful" jaw line in the Post Pics thread and I totally thought they were tactfully saying "hey there Ms. man-jaw". Were those compliments? LOL I really am clueless about what other people see when they look at me.

Your jawline fits well to your head face. Just because it's more defined doesn't mean that it looks masculine. There are many beautiful women with dominant jawlines.

At least it doesn't look "glued-on" like mine! :D


Whoa, you girls look amazing. This thread has been an fascinating read.

Dragona Akehi said:
Gods, if everyone were 100% bisexual, life would be so much better for everyone. And sexier too!

And more interesting for sure. :lol
I'm straight. But I think that the world would be a better place if everyone were bisexual. I'm objective enough to agree on that.
OMG thank you everyone for the nice things you've been saying about me. I just skimmed the thread while I take a 5 minute break from packing (I'm moving house in - 9 hours. ARRGH!)

Lexi I know it's hard. It takes some people time to dissociate your old name and image from the actual person in front of them right now. We carry around ideas in our heads about who the people in our lives are and often those people change but we don't notice because we still have that old image stuck in our head and overlay it on reality. They've known you as your old name and as "he" all your life until recently. There's a lot of reinforced imagery they need to reprogram. The more time you spend with them as who you re now the more it will set in with them. It also helps to have an "avocate" in the family who you can pull aside and ask to make a real effot to consistently and constantly keep using your new name and saying "she". If you have one person doing that, everyone starts to correct themselves.

I was lucky in that my 5 year old niece instantly switched to "Auntie Jamie" and would say it 20 times a minute (she loves me) - it made everyone else make an effort and they ll converted almost instantly as a result.

Back to packing (*sob* I miss sleep!)


@Jamie /comfort. Moving doth suck!

@Wendi *glomps* Hai! I've been pretty lost in FFXIII. Addicting game is addicting!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
water_wendi said:
i dont think ive ever considered myself a guy besides in body. Most of the time when im on auto-pilot i either dont think about at all. When i do think about things i realize that stuff is terribly wrong. im happy enough but that doesnt mean im content or satisfied. One of my main reasons for wanting to transition is that i know in my heart if i dont it will eventually drive me mad and destroy me.

Oh and hiya gals (and guys)! Havent been around much since ive been stuck inside a game really bad so i thought id drop in and say hello! :D

I missed you, Wendi. Welcome back. I'm stuck in a game, as well. God of War III. But I'm also really busy getting my school financial stuff together, and closing/moving into a house, so I haven't paid as much attention to this thread as I'd like in recent days.


lexi said:
And this may sound like silly whining since so many of you have far greater problems with your family and loved ones, and I know they're trying, but I still get so many 'he's' or my former name used, and especially the former.

I don't at all consider that whining, because that's a huge thing. It can take a while to unwire countless years of referring to you as a male, and I think that you have to understand that and give them a proper amount of time for it. At the same time, it's perfectly reasonable that internally you'd want them to hurry up and get that worked out, because for you it's a reminder of what you're trying to leave behind.

Even though I'm in no position at all to ask the people around me to change their way of referring to me at this point, I know that even I feel a little uncomfortable when referred to in a male way by close friends and family now that they know what's going on. I think just a few days ago my best friend called me "bro" and male some other male reference in talking to me.


Well, somebody's going to have to help pick up the awesome post quotient in this thread, shidoshi is banned for a month. :(


lexi said:
Well, somebody's going to have to help pick up the awesome post quotient in this thread, shidoshi is banned for a month. :(

Aww, I'd move up from lurker status, but I don't have much to add to the discussion.


Tiger uppercut said:
for trying to make a pissing contest of her forum & GAF. (read the GAF skin thread)

Why does everybody read it that way? Is this an ego thing? She was merely saying you can do more with a forum then just change the header and footer, she wasn't saying her forum was the bees knees or that it is what GAF should be like or anything, yet all you idiots take exactly that out of it.

aoi tsuki

lexi said:
Why does everybody read it that way? Is this an ego thing? She was merely saying you can do more with a forum then just change the header and footer, she wasn't saying her forum was the bees knees or that it is what GAF should be like or anything, yet all you idiots take exactly that out of it.
Whether it was ego or not, she linked to her forum which was expressly forbidden in the OP. And when you post your own work as an example, complaints of egotripping are sure to follow.
I really don't have much to add except my support as a vanilla guy. Know that the times, they are a changin', and there's lots and lots of people out there that support you.

Also, *ahem*

Goddamn, Jamie, goddamn


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
FlightOfHeaven said:
I really don't have much to add except my support as a vanilla guy. Know that the times, they are a changin', and there's lots and lots of people out there that support you.

Also, *ahem*

Goddamn, Jamie, goddamn

You see her new pics in the Post Pics Now Thread? Dayum!
Well, I've only seen her photograph. I can't judge based on avatars!

Then again, if you confuse me with one of the most powerful (and a very intelligent) men in the world, I certainly don't mind. : p


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
Maybe you guys should just start a Jamie adulation thread? *folds arms*

Gimme the goods over MSN! <3

FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, I've only seen her photograph. I can't judge based on avatars!

Then again, if you confuse me with one of the most powerful (and a very intelligent) men in the world, I certainly don't mind. : p

Wait... you're not Barack? Ah, crap. Thought my fave powerful guy in the world was a true Transgaffer!
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