Yeah Shi-chan
p), I already pmed you my msn address too, if you wanted to chat =)
shidoshi said:To be serious on this subject for a moment... I think, by nature, there may be some jealousy in us directed at others in the thread, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Jealousy is a natural human emotion, and while it can destroy you if you let it, it can also help push you in the direction you want to go because it helps you understand what things in life you really want.
shidoshi said:Far more than that, however, you're absolutely right: this thread has been less about "OMG that bitch is doing better than me at all of this" and more about trying to support one another in dealing with this all. As Jamie said in her response to you, we're all in a situation we wish we weren't in, so the best thing we can do is understand that, support each other, and hopefully get through it all without feeling like we have to do it alone.
I'm sure that already, each of us has taken something from this thread, and it really is wonderful to hear what it's done for you. It can be funny to think of just how much a little thread on a random message forum can mean to somebody, but that's one of the amazing things about communication.
shidoshi said:So, really, I don't think jealousy among any of us has ever really been an honest issue, but I also don't think we should feel ashamed of ourselves if that emotion does crop up from time to time. It's natural, and it is going to; being forced to understand it when it appears and deal with it in a constructive way is just one of the many positive aspects this thread can have.
But I don't know what my goals are. How will I know when I've gotten there?tehAinsley said:I don't want to see this thread end until we've all reached our goals.
NewGamePlus said:But I don't know what my goals are. How will I know when I've gotten there?![]()
NewGamePlus said:No, that's what I meant. I still really don't know exactly where I want to end up, or what will make me the most content with myself. I suppose I'll just have to keep this thread alive forever, just to be sure.![]()
Android18a said:Yeah Shi-chanp), I already pmed you my msn address too, if you wanted to chat =)
shidoshi said:Well, except for the jealousy I feel over the fact that I swear some of you have some super secret non-GAF chat fun going on that I'm not a part of. *laughs*
NewGamePlus said:But I don't know what my goals are. How will I know when I've gotten there?![]()
shidoshi said:Well, except for the jealousy I feel over the fact that I swear some of you have some super secret non-GAF chat fun going on that I'm not a part of. *laughs*
lexi said:Well, you're in with the clique now! Who would have thought it was as easy as asking?![]()
tehAinsley said:The Bacon. Thats who! Mmmmmm, BACON! :lol
weepy said:1. Is the longing for gender reassignment because you guys (and girls) genuinely feel like a man (or woman) trapped in the wrong body or is it more that you fit the role of said gender more? For example, a passive, emotional gay male who finds himself identifying with women more and wanting to become one himself or simply put a man who doesn't feel right with a penis or maybe something else rather? At what age should this (reassignment) seriously be considered?
weepy said:2. There has been several instances of transgendered people going through events that I can't say I agree with them on and in some cases think they're wrong for doing what they did. Examples: I was watching a documentary of a man going through the process of becoming a woman and succeeding, yet leaving behind her wife of 7(?) years and their three young children. I can't say that I understand her mindset as I don't have to go through the dual mentality that she does, but when you have young children involved I think her procedure was a bit selfish. Speaking of which, if a person is passed adolescence and marry/have offspring reassignment (imo) would only hurt those individuals and at that point I can't sympathize with them despite whatever roles society imposed on them as their birth sex. What's your options on this?
weepy said:3. Another involved a transgendered man getting pregnant and reverting back to his female self, having a baby, and continues to identify as a man. I agree that it's America and people could do whatever the hell they want provided it's legal, but if she truly felt that she was/is a man then why get pregnant? Why choose a gender role outside your own if you truly felt that you were male? Adoption's an option, right? It just seems like she wanted to have her cake and eat it too, though I'm hard pressed to identify her as a man because of her flip-flop. What's your thoughts?
weepy said:1. Is the longing for gender reassignment because you guys (and girls) genuinely feel like a man (or woman) trapped in the wrong body or is it more that you fit the role of said gender more? For example, a passive, emotional gay male who finds himself identifying with women more and wanting to become one himself or simply put a man who doesn't feel right with a penis or maybe something else rather? At what age should this (reassignment) seriously be considered?
2. There has been several instances of transgendered people going through events that I can't say I agree with them on and in some cases think they're wrong for doing what they did. Examples: I was watching a documentary of a man going through the process of becoming a woman and succeeding, yet leaving behind her wife of 7(?) years and their three young children. I can't say that I understand her mindset as I don't have to go through the dual mentality that she does, but when you have young children involved I think her procedure was a bit selfish. Speaking of which, if a person is passed adolescence and marry/have offspring reassignment (imo) would only hurt those individuals and at that point I can't sympathize with them despite whatever roles society imposed on them as their birth sex. What's your options on this?
3. Another involved a transgendered man getting pregnant and reverting back to his female self, having a baby, and continues to identify as a man. I agree that it's America and people could do whatever the hell they want provided it's legal, but if she truly felt that she was/is a man then why get pregnant? Why choose a gender role outside your own if you truly felt that you were male? Adoption's an option, right? It just seems like she wanted to have her cake and eat it too, though I'm hard pressed to identify her as a man because of her flip-flop. What's your thoughts?
Don't say that, I'm the one who shouldn't have bothered. Your post was excellent.Jamie xxoo said:P.S. Awesome answer Alfarif. if I had ready that first I wouldn't have bothered posting. I can't believe how well informed you are for someone who, all jokes aside, isn't trans.
Alfarif said:And because sexuality and what's between your legs seems to be the only way people can identify or separate gender, would that mean that because he has a vagina, you would court him as a woman? What if when he walked up to you, he sounded like your best male friend, looked like your best male friend, talked like your best male friend, and even ogled women like your best male friend? Is he still female in your eyes? Should we, then, all flash our genitals to make sure people treat us as our genitalia seem to suggest?
I kind of just want to ignore this question, but yes, there is practically an unlimited supply of idiots from all walks of life who will do any stupid thing to get on TV. You do realize that show is about on par with professional wrestling when it comes to realism?Instigator said:I've been meaning to ask this question for a while...
What's the deal with transexuals and Jerry Springer?
I know the man does it for ratings, but it's like there is an unlimited supply of transexuals out there, just waiting to get on TV and humiliate their straight, clueless boyfriends.
Instigator said:I've been meaning to ask this question for a while...
What's the deal with transexuals and Jerry Springer?
I know the man does it for ratings, but it's like there is an unlimited supply of transexuals out there, just waiting to get on TV and humiliate their straight, clueless boyfriends.
Alfarif said:I'm of the mind that these "transsexuals" are not actually trans-anything. Jerry Springer is completely staged.
Then I don't get why you were asking the question, just felt like being facetious? Whatever, I should probably just go to bed.Instigator said:My guess is 1 in 100 including all people who feel strongly like they're the wrong gender.
Those who dress up to compensate are a fraction of that number. All the post-ops probably an even smaller fraction.
You can follow that one with the related videos. She took her trans-anything beyond the Springer arena. Why use fake transexuals when you can get the real thing for next to nothing? The show can still be staged with these people.
Instigator said:My guess is 1 in 100 including all people who feel strongly like they're the wrong gender.
Those who dress up to compensate are a fraction of that number. All the post-ops probably an even smaller fraction.
You can follow that one with the related videos. She took her trans-anything beyond the Springer arena. Why use fake transexuals when you can get the real thing for next to nothing? The show can still be staged with these people.
Instigator said:I've been meaning to ask this question for a while...
What's the deal with transexuals and Jerry Springer?
Instigator said:My guess is 1 in 100 including all people who feel strongly like they're the wrong gender.
Those who dress up to compensate are a fraction of that number. All the post-ops probably an even smaller fraction.
You can follow that one with the related videos. She took her trans-anything beyond the Springer arena. Why use fake transexuals when you can get the real thing for next to nothing? The show can still be staged with these people.
weepy said:2. There has been several instances of transgendered people going through events that I can't say I agree with them on and in some cases think they're wrong for doing what they did. Examples: I was watching a documentary of a man going through the process of becoming a woman and succeeding, yet leaving behind her wife of 7(?) years and their three young children. I can't say that I understand her mindset as I don't have to go through the dual mentality that she does, but when you have young children involved I think her procedure was a bit selfish. Speaking of which, if a person is passed adolescence and marry/have offspring reassignment (imo) would only hurt those individuals and at that point I can't sympathize with them despite whatever roles society imposed on them as their birth sex. What's your options on this?
Jamie xxoo said:This is me today:
CharlieDigital said:Is there a before pic?
CharlieDigital said:Is there a before pic? I ask because you look very feminine (facial structure, lips) and I'm just curious what you looked like before.
Also, are you/have you dated men since? Gay or straight? How do you approach revealing your transition?
Jamie xxoo said:They'd date me anyway. I'm adorable IRL.![]()