I'm fine. But my pics were linked to on opa ages and used in a context where I was set up by GAF user DJ_Tet to look like a guy dressed as a woman to fool men into sleeping with me, which anyone who reads through this thread will know does not describe me at all.
He pretty much just exploited my image for a cheap joke and helped a bunch of ignorant guys gender me male through ignorance, dehumanize me, and set me up as a target for hatred. And then he brought Lexi into it, and put her through hell.
Why he felt the need to just out of the blue take my photos and put me in that position, in front of a crowd of ignorant and prejudiced people who are subject to no moderation rules that require forum members to act like decent human beings, to just hang me out to dry in a savage environment like that, I don't know. Why he would then take excerpts from posts I had made here to publish them in another place, totally out of context, and make fun of them, I don't get either. What would a guy get out of bullying a girl like that? Even if he doesn't think of me as a girl, which he clearly doesn't, why would he do it to a *human being*?
Lexi and I have both been treated as less than human today and made objects of ridicule. The people writing on that forum and producing those gifs obviously didn't read this thread, and just let their ignorance fly. If they did read this thread, and still thought that behavior was OK, then seriously, that just indicates a pathological lack of empathy.
Anyway it was vicious, and I didn't want to leave the pics up to encourage more people to join in on that thread or to act as raw material for the nasty animated GIFs that they were making.
I needed a day to feel destroyed over this before I could pull myself together to keep going. I've never been attacked like that before. Someone in that thread said it was fine because we'd never know. It's NOT fine to dehumanize people, no matter who's watching. Someone else said they didn't need to worry about making either of us suicidal, because "trannys have thick skin". As though when vulnerable people are treated like crap for long enough, they become immune to it, and it becomes OK for you to treat them like crap as well. Then there's the guy at the end who says he *wants* to provoke a suicide to get the forum on the news. What do you even say to someone like that? That's just sick.
The good thing that came out of this was that there was a poster in that thread who stood against the crowd and took the time to actually read our stories and treat us like we were human. Without people like that in the world, I don't know how I'd go on. And then there are the supportive people here who wrote to me with words of comfort. THANK YOU.
I couldn't just keep going without making it publicly known what happened today. Everyone else is dancing around it, probably thinking that thread will die by itself if left alone, and will just spark up again if referred to directly. Well I'm not going to be bullied into taking a bunch of crap like that and then roll over and pretend it just didn't happen. It was cruel and malicious, and illustrates perfectly the kind of prejudice that can happen when people stop thinking of each other as *people*, when they leave all regard for feelings at the door.
I'm not going to contact a mod to have DJ_Tet banned for this, there's no point. He can continue to do exactly what he did whether he's a member here or not, and I doubt it would make him feel any kind of remorse. But if you had any decency at all in you DJ_Tet, you'd ask for that thread to be deleted.
Or go on being a bully, picking on those who are more vulnerable than you. Laughing at vulnerable people as a bunch of complete strangers pick them apart and be as malicious and hurtful as possible. That's what I expect you'll do.