I was just thinking the same thing today (that this thread has been awfully quiet).
Hopefully you have a good experience at the TG forum that you joined. I found one last year that I joined, and ended up getting turned off by the experience pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong: it's a great resource, and a nice place to talk about things or ask questions without feeling weird about doing so. For me, though, I found being on a forum specifically dedicated to that topic to be incredibly heavy emotionally; it's hard to talk about things casually when you always have this huge cloud of mental, emotional, and physical issues weighing down everybody who is a member.
Plus, I actually like having people who aren't TG taking part in the discussion most of the time. There are those times when it's nice to get away from that and be able to talk shop directly to people who understand your situation, but that's what things like IM and whatnot are great for.
As for shaving, I remember some months ago when I decided it'd be a great idea to use an electric razor to shave my underarms. I think, years and years ago, I had learned why that was such a bad idea; obviously, I forgot the lesson that I had learned, and had to learn it again.