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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Alfarif said:
@NewGamePlus: is that good enough? Have I pushed us over the limit yet?
Nope, no you failed. You should be ashamed of yourself now.

OneEightZero said:

You should ask a mod to change your name to "NewGame+"? ^_^
But almost nothing else excepts + as a character for a screen name. I couldn't even attempt to have some consistency.
Even though I often have to shorten to NGPlus as it is :/


Not pure anymore!
I'm soooooo jealous of you guys. :( Our topic (Girl-GAF) was locked because it wasn't "on-point" and covered broader topics. You guys can go off topic all you want and no one would touch either your topic or gay-gaf's because that would be considered discriminatory behaviour. And we all know girls are always considered the "bottom of the barrel" so of course we can't have our own official topic. :(


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Inanna said:
I'm soooooo jealous of you guys. :( Our topic (Girl-GAF) was locked because it wasn't "on-point" and covered broader topics. You guys can go off topic all you want and no one would touch either your topic or gay-gaf's because that would be considered discriminatory behaviour. And we all know girls are always considered the "bottom of the barrel" so of course we can't have our own official topic. :(

I kind of thought the Girl-GAF thread was supposed to be a broad topic thread. That really sucks that it got closed, because I told my wife about in the hopes that she would start posting more and not lurking as much.

NewGamePlus said:
Nope, no you failed. You should be ashamed of yourself now.

Well, that sucks. I would be ashamed of myself, but I am just too awesome! :lol


Not pure anymore!
Alfarif said:
I kind of thought the Girl-GAF thread was supposed to be a broad topic thread. That really sucks that it got closed, because I told my wife about in the hopes that she would start posting more and not lurking as much.
So did I. I always thought it'd be kinda like "post pointless stuff" topic, but for girl stuff. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. You guys have tons more topics where you can post and talk to each other. Us girls only had that topic where we could talk about girl stuff without guys being, well ya know, guys! :(

Anyways, sorry about posting here. I just needed a place to vent some more!
Dunno if anyone cares, but a trans man won the International Mr. Leather Competition this past weekend.


It's pretty interesting because the entire IML experience is generally geared towards gay men and specific idea of masculinity, often to the exclusion of other gender expressions. As far as I know they weren't even allowing trans contestants as recently as a couple of years ago.

A lot of people have accused it of being tokenism, but I think that's a cynical attitude to have. Even if it's essentially just a beauty pageant, it's a really nice step forward seeing trans men included in what can be seen by many as a very insular scene within the gay community. It's nice to see they've created a space where this can happen.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Jugen, what is this, exactly? I went to the link, but I don't completely understand it.
International Mr. Leather is basically the equivalent of a beauty/drag pageant for gay men, but instead of wearing dresses, the guys all dress up in full leather/BDSM gear. The entire event surrounding the pageant is kind of a convention for (mostly) gay BDSM enthusiasts. It's actually a lot like any fan convention, it just happens to be about gay sex. :lol

Anyway, a lot of that scene is notoriously insular. If value is placed on a drag queen passing as a woman or even exaggerating femininity, then a big part of being a "leather man" is a sort of exaggerated hyper-masculinity. Because of that a lot of members of the community have a fairly narrow view of what is acceptable, which is really ironic when you consider their community is based around extreme forms of sex. This is one of the main criticisms of the leather community, and probably has a lot to do with its waning popularity. I have a casual at best acquaintance with it, and I know hardly any other gay men my age or younger who are at all interested in it.

All that being the case, its really unprecedented for a trans man to be in the pageant at all, let alone win it. It's definitely the most interesting and truly progressive thing that's happened at IML in a very long time, and is definitely a wake up call to a lot of that community. I know a lot of gay men can be surprisingly transphobic, so it made me extremely happy to see this happen.


So this thread is dead and I haven't posted a photo in a month. Getting a little camwhore-ish, but whatever.


Dead Man

Jugendstil said:
Dunno if anyone cares, but a trans man won the International Mr. Leather Competition this past weekend.


It's pretty interesting because the entire IML experience is generally geared towards gay men and specific idea of masculinity, often to the exclusion of other gender expressions. As far as I know they weren't even allowing trans contestants as recently as a couple of years ago.

A lot of people have accused it of being tokenism, but I think that's a cynical attitude to have. Even if it's essentially just a beauty pageant, it's a really nice step forward seeing trans men included in what can be seen by many as a very insular scene within the gay community. It's nice to see they've created a space where this can happen.
Yeah, good to see. It might not sound like much, but a lot of that community can be very transphobic, and plain old misogynistic as well. Really a good example, even if it was tokenism, I don't think it should be ignored just because of that.


OH MY GOD my dreams are starting to piss me off! Typically I have these big, elaborate, Hollywood blockbuster-esque dreams, and I'm still having that, but now I'm also stressing over gender issues in my dreams as well! *laughs*

For I believe three nights in a row now, one of the major themes of my dreams has been confusion over that issue. I mean, for as long as I can remember, I've had the "I'm a guy" or "I'm a girl" dreams, but the past few days have been specifically situations of me dealing with the frustration and confusion of being in that in-between land. Where as sex is typically not a big factor of my dreams, I think every day now this week I've had a point where I've had a woman (or women) directly propositioning male-me for sex, more than once while being naked. Er, them being naked, not I. (And I love the fact that the first day was a group of Japanese women, the second was a black girl, and then last night was a white gal who I'm pretty sure was a celebrity. *laughs* My subconscious is attacking me with a multi-cultural gambit of hotties!)

Even beyond that, though, nearly every night has had me dealing with the confusion of my gender inter-weaved into the bigger storyline. Like, oh here I am, trying to save the world, but what am I going to wear while doing it? Or here I am, trying to escape this strange Matrix-like land I've found myself in, I'm stressing over how to survive and make it out alive, but also, gee, should I be more girly or more manly while shooting the robots and jumping through the escape portal?

I want to go back to my standard dreams... like where I'm learning to fly, or running around as video game UIs pop up in the air in front of me so that I can switch weapons, or I'm partnered with a dinosaur as a giant tornado brings about the apocalypse. You know, the normal, mundane stuff I typically dream about. *laughs* Why am I having to deal with realistic, real-world issues dammit?!

Oh, and in the dream I had two nights ago, Lexi was there. *heh*


Dreams can suck. I so feel your pain. Though that bit about the dreams you used to having gaming interfaces and such gave me a good laugh. :lol

I haven't updated here in forever so here goes. It seems I'm completely ignorant to the acronyms behind head doctors names and such. The therapist I've been seeing is an LPC. Pretty much a professional counselor. Which does me no good. So a year+ of appointments a few grand in co-pay is down the drain and I'm currently looking for a different therapist. One with a Phd behind their name, or Doctor in front of it. :lol

Aside from that moving seems to be looking good for this fall. Gonna be moving in with my best friend in the wide world. And hopefully will be able to start taking actual steps towards transition since I won't be stuck under the heel of THE LORD here at my Gramma's place. :lol

Anyways, come on peeps. Get back to posting. Fuck the haters. ;)


Dreams can suck. I so feel your pain. Though that bit about the dreams you used to having gaming interfaces and such gave me a good laugh. :lol

It's SOO bizarre, and I've never heard anybody else who has anything similar in their dreams. *laughs*

Are you familiar at all with Dead Space, specifically in how, instead of a "normal" gaming interface, the UI kind of pops up in-game as if being projected from the character's suit? That's kind of how it is. In many dreams now over the years, I'll be having a more action-oriented game, and then suddenly a menu pops up in front of me in real (dream) life and I use it to pick another weapon or whatnot. And then, of course, I'll have the dreams where I'm right in the middle of a firefight and try as I might, I can't get the weapon select menu to show up. *laughs*

I haven't updated here in forever so here goes. It seems I'm completely ignorant to the acronyms behind head doctors names and such. The therapist I've been seeing is an LPC. Pretty much a professional counselor. Which does me no good. So a year+ of appointments a few grand in co-pay is down the drain and I'm currently looking for a different therapist. One with a Phd behind their name, or Doctor in front of it. :lol

I know very little about such things as well, but sorry to hear about that. I'm sure I can understand your frustration with that.

My local transgal friend called me today, which was nice, but it's always a bit rough talking to her because she has a habit of going on and on about herself while never seeming to truly listen when it's the other way around. This is especially tough because she's now about ten weeks on hormones, so I get to hear her talk and talk about all of the progress she's making on that. I'm glad for her, I really am, but it's still a bit tough to hear and I'm spending our entire conversations wondering if I'm even really needed as part of said conversation.

lexi said:
I'm posting because I want to hear more of my involvement in shidoshi's dream.

Well, it was actually pre-transition you (not that I'm sure I've ever seen a photo of that), and I think you were like eight feet tall. *laugh* You had on this car shop-esque jumpsuit (like you were a mechanic or something), and you told me some very important piece of advice as I was trying to escape the weird world we were in. Of course, I've totally forgotten what said advice was. *heh*
Haven't posted an update in a while, so here goes it. Therapy is going okay. I don't think my therapist is a good fit for me. She isn't bad, but not too helpful either. In fact, I haven't seen her for almost two weeks now, and I'm kind of feeling apathetic in regards to making my next appointment. I've already started to look into obtaining HRT. It seems that it's going to be a 3 hour minimum drive to any doctor who can get me started. I haven't started contacting any of them yet, but there is one clinic that doesn't follow the Harry Benjamin SOC. That one seems like the best bet.

However, before I figure out the logistics of that, I need to come out to my family. My father already knows, sort of. A month or so ago, we were talking and it came out. I said I had identity issues, and his first response was to ask if I meant my sexual identity. I quickly said that wasn't the issue, so he brought up gender next. I couldn't lie to him, so I let it out. Of course, I didn't make it sound too definite, but I'm sure by now he can see that it is so. We haven't really talked too much since then, though we don't talk a whole lot to begin with. At the time, he was supportive and claimed that it didn't matter to him if I was a boy or a girl, which is great. It definitely relieved some stress. So, I'm trying to figure out how to come out to my mother and sister.

My future is really shaky at the moment. I was hoping to get a job this summer, but at this rate that ain't happening. I still haven't made up my mind if I should go back to school in the fall or not. At first I was assuming that wouldn't be a good idea, but I'm changing my mind now. If getting a job doesn't seem like a real possibility, college seems like the only real alternative. I'm really hoping that starting HRT will be able to break my depression. To help with that, I have been eating healthier and caring about my health. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule too, but that is definitely a steep hill to climb. I know that I need to get more exercise, but it's so damn hot and I'm so damn lazy. >_<

On a sillier note, I think my leg hairs are impervious to Nair. I had the stuff on for almost ten minutes, and it didn't really accomplish much. It didn't hurt that bad either.
lexi said:
So this thread is dead and I haven't posted a photo in a month. Getting a little camwhore-ish, but whatever.

Ooh, I really like that outfit. ^_^
Well, I'm in for a fun night. -_- My dad told my mother, who just took my sister somewhere to tell her. At least the cat's out of the bag now, though I still think I should have been the one to tell them.

Yay, my mother is excepting, though my sister... I'm still waiting to see on that. :lol
ninj4junpei said:
Well, I'm in for a fun night. -_- My dad told my mother, who just took my sister somewhere to tell her. At least the cat's out of the bag now, though I still think I should have been the one to tell them.

Yay, my mother is excepting, though my sister... I'm still waiting to see on that. :lol
Oh wow, I'm sorry I missed this when you posted. I hope things are going well with your sister.

On an unrelated note, this was posted earlier today on Reddit for anyone interested.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
Oh wow, I'm sorry I missed this when you posted. I hope things are going well with your sister.

On an unrelated note, this was posted earlier today on Reddit for anyone interested.

That's a very coo, very civil discussion going on in there. Glad to see that.

@Junpei: hope everything went well. Shoot us an update.


That girl in the bunny hat
Alfarif said:
That's a very coo, very civil discussion going on in there. Glad to see that.

@Junpei: hope everything went well. Shoot us an update.

Reddit (and /r/IAMA especially) is quite civil about trans issues. And really of maligned groups in general, even my furry IAMA was met with little derision. And the majority of that was people claiming I don't count 'cause I'm not perverse. :lol
Charron said:
Reddit (and /r/IAMA especially) is quite civil about trans issues. And really of maligned groups in general, even my furry IAMA was met with little derision. And the majority of that was people claiming I don't count 'cause I'm not perverse. :lol
Trans and a furry? I bet people really love to hate you.


That girl in the bunny hat
NewGamePlus said:
Trans and a furry? I bet people really love to hate you.

I'm such a lovable li'l bunny though!

Really, people tend to hate me for arbitrary reasons long before they learn of either trait.

Dead Man

NewGamePlus said:
Oh wow, I'm sorry I missed this when you posted. I hope things are going well with your sister.

On an unrelated note, this was posted earlier today on Reddit for anyone interested.
This comment made me smile:

Very true. I'm dating a transgender FTM (though he's not on meds or anticipating any surgeries in the next 5 years) and had a "some people look like a boy/girl on the outside, but feel like a girl/boy on the inside" talk with my 7 year old. She replied that sometimes she wanted to do boy stuff and sometimes she wanted to do girl stuff and it was fine with her for people to act like whoever they wanted to act like and could she have a fudgesicle because she was done with her carrots.

tl/dr: Popsicles are way more important than gender disparity.
Sorry, I sort of left you all hanging with my last post. Things are going okay, though it kind of feels like nothing happened. Heh. Of course, that is definitely not a bad thing, since things could be far worse. Part of it is that I haven't told my family to start calling me by a girl's name or pronouns yet. I've pretty much decided on a name, but I'm not 100% on it yet. I haven't really talked seriously with my sister about this all yet. I'm under the assumption she'll be supportive too, since she still talks to me about what she normally does (news, pop culture, etc.). I'm meeting with my therapist, whom I haven't seen in three weeks, with my parents on Monday, so there won't be much of a development until then.


The Fool Who Follows Her
I was just wondering where this thread went lol. All of the stories in here are really interesting. :D

Lexi and Jamie are hot
. I only lurk occasionally, so those are the only two individuals whose pics I have seen. :lol
ninj4junpei said:
Sorry, I sort of left you all hanging with my last post. Things are going okay, though it kind of feels like nothing happened. Heh. Of course, that is definitely not a bad thing, since things could be far worse. Part of it is that I haven't told my family to start calling me by a girl's name or pronouns yet. I've pretty much decided on a name, but I'm not 100% on it yet. I haven't really talked seriously with my sister about this all yet. I'm under the assumption she'll be supportive too, since she still talks to me about what she normally does (news, pop culture, etc.). I'm meeting with my therapist, whom I haven't seen in three weeks, with my parents on Monday, so there won't be much of a development until then.
Glad to hear things are going alright.

So, I was just really really irritated with something just now, but no joke there's a double rainbow outside. Now I can't stop smiling :lol


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
Glad to hear things are going alright.

So, I was just really really irritated with something just now, but no joke there's a double rainbow outside. Now I can't stop smiling :lol

Please tell me you filmed it and started crying at the same time.


ninj4junpei said:
Sorry, I sort of left you all hanging with my last post. Things are going okay, though it kind of feels like nothing happened. Heh. Of course, that is definitely not a bad thing, since things could be far worse. Part of it is that I haven't told my family to start calling me by a girl's name or pronouns yet. I've pretty much decided on a name, but I'm not 100% on it yet. I haven't really talked seriously with my sister about this all yet. I'm under the assumption she'll be supportive too, since she still talks to me about what she normally does (news, pop culture, etc.). I'm meeting with my therapist, whom I haven't seen in three weeks, with my parents on Monday, so there won't be much of a development until then.

Trust me, I know that odd "nothing happened" feeling. It's such a huge thing for you to do, and you build yourself up and build yourself up, and then it happens and then... nothing. Things just kind of seem to go on as normal. I mean, that's a far, far better reaction than what you could get: rejection, scorn, hate, exile, all of those kinds of things. At the same time, though, your mind get you into this expectation that everything is going to change once you get it out, and then if it doesn't you can't help but feel a little weird.

After I told my mother, she was curious to hear if I had told my brother and best friend yet, and how those had gone. Otherwise, the only thing that really changed is that suddenly she seems far more open about bringing up vagina-related topics with me. *laughs*

Glad that it happened, and that things seem to be going okay so far. Even if nothing much has changed, just the fact that you've gotten that secret out of the way and can be more true to yourself is a huge step.

As for me, I have little to no progression news of any sort, good or bad, because posting pics to show how my pigtails are coming in. *heh*




ninj4junpei said:
My (ex)therapist is full of shit. >:| Today did not go well at all.

One of the most important things at this point is finding a therapist that is a good fit for you, and one that you actually feel can be helpful to you in sorting things out. Since it was sounding like things weren't going good with her anyhow, it's for the better that she's now an ex-therapist.


shidoshi said:
As for me, I have little to no progression news of any sort, good or bad, because posting pics to show how my pigtails are coming in. *heh*

Your hair grows fast, or time is moving fast. Or maybe I am going crazy.

/you know me as Aurora :)
shidoshi said:
One of the most important things at this point is finding a therapist that is a good fit for you, and one that you actually feel can be helpful to you in sorting things out. Since it was sounding like things weren't going good with her anyhow, it's for the better that she's now an ex-therapist.
I realize that now more than ever. I essentially really hurt my chances of getting my parents to believe that I need to transition. My therapist pretty much called me a child in front of my parents and said that I obviously wasn't taking care of my self enough. I really think she is the type of person who believes those with depression can just simply get over it. Admittedly, I froze up a lot and had trouble answering her bullshit questions like, "how will transitioning change things?". Thanks to her, I've had some of my darkest thoughts in quite some time today. /vent
GraveRobberX said:


(>^_^)> <(^_^<)
Yes, please.
RiskyChris said:
Firebomb the place.
:lol Don't tempt me.
NewGamePlus said:


Gatekeeping sucks. Makes you feel like a trained animal because there's apparently only one answer to every question


shidoshi said:
Trust me, I know that odd "nothing happened" feeling. It's such a huge thing for you to do, and you build yourself up and build yourself up, and then it happens and then... nothing. Things just kind of seem to go on as normal. I mean, that's a far, far better reaction than what you could get: rejection, scorn, hate, exile, all of those kinds of things. At the same time, though, your mind get you into this expectation that everything is going to change once you get it out, and then if it doesn't you can't help but feel a little weird.

After I told my mother, she was curious to hear if I had told my brother and best friend yet, and how those had gone. Otherwise, the only thing that really changed is that suddenly she seems far more open about bringing up vagina-related topics with me. *laughs*

Glad that it happened, and that things seem to be going okay so far. Even if nothing much has changed, just the fact that you've gotten that secret out of the way and can be more true to yourself is a huge step.

As for me, I have little to no progression news of any sort, good or bad, because posting pics to show how my pigtails are coming in. *heh*



More pics please and whats your sister like? If you too get along well then am sure things will go well and she will be very supportive.


I remember following this thread a few months back (for reasons I can no longer recall), and I must say that this has been my first real experience with trans culture. Over the last 3 or 4 days, I've read the entirety of this thread, mostly because I'm starting to think I may be trans myself, and it is sort of terrifying.

The only reason I don't think I've realized this sooner is because it hasn't been until very recently that it really hit me just how possible this all is. For a very long time, I haven't exactly been shy about admitting that I wish I was born a girl (although it's not a fact that is flaunted by me either; just the few times it has come up in conversation I haven't had any hesitation in admitting it). I have never exactly been against being a guy either. However, I have never really been able to relate to guys at all, and while more recently I've learned to be myself more and more, there have been a lot of repressed feelings and behavior, and I'm now starting to think this has a lot to do with it. It goes deeper than not being able to relate to guys either, in many ways, I'm still not even comfortable functioning as one, and I'm in my mid-20s now.

For example, I've always wanted to look nice, but been an IRL trainwreck grooming-wise since day 1, mostly out of fear of caring too much, and being considered "metro". I have long envied make-up. I to this day don't style my hair, simply because I'm a afraid of looking like I care too much. Similar inhibitions keep me from shaving my arms/legs. I can't say I've ever had the urge to wear dresses or anything, but some women don't care much for them as well. It also doesn't help that I have zero sense for what looks good on me, but at least with women I know what I'm attracted to. A lot of my mannerisms are decidedly feminine, and my professional voice is even mistaken for a females fairly often. Voice control is a little... interesting for me anyways. My voice is naturally pretty high, and although it's gotten easier with time, I normally am at least making some effort to channel my "manly" voice. Therefore, during any time of general excitement or distraction, it can definitely raise quite a bit.

Sorry for jumping around, but back to my earlier confession about wanting to be born a girl. I'm sure that a lot of people would be taken aback by such thoughts, and now that I'm starting to realize the possible ramifications of them, I am as well, but growing up, and until VERY recently, it never really hit me that I could reassign my gender in a dignified and believable manner. Most of my experiences with trans culture up until this point was Jerry Springer style sideshows, the sexual fetishists associated with it and various jokes (tranny surprise, it's a trap!, etc) and my knowledge about HRT or SRS before this thread was practically nonexistent. Honestly, these thoughts began to surface fairly quickly once I realized that sexual reassignment is a reality for many people, and I haven't been able to shake them since. They all haven't been positive thoughts either; there have been many moments where what I'm considering just HITS me like a sack of bricks and leaves me stunned and scared of all I have to lose (mostly referring to friends/family). The cost worries me as well, but I'm generally a productive, hard worker when motivated, and know that I could make things work out on that end if I decide to. I've also considered just ignoring it, thinking that I can save myself all the trouble and just live as I have. However, if this short period of time has been any indication, I'm not going to be able to just ignore this. Seeing all of your posts regretting similar phases, I know that once I'm confident I'm not just being crazy this week, I need to get started sooner than later.

It normally doesn't show on the outside, but throughout my life, I have been told multiple times that I'm an incredibly resilient and disciplined person where it counts. I'm inclined to agree, and thus, once I figure out what I need to do, I'm sure I'll be able to weather it. I've always been on the fringe of society for one reason or another, but something like this I'm sure would test me like nothing else has, and thus I MUST know that this is what I want first of all.


Will have my first appointment at the responsible hospital in my country soon, I hope everything'll work out well because its the only place to get insurance-covered treatment around here.


Tyrant_Onion said:
Will have my first appointment at the responsible hospital in my country soon, I hope everything'll work out well because its the only place to get insurance-covered treatment around here.

Where are you from?


Himuro said:
What state? I can give you some good medical material depending on the state.

Sorry, I was intentionally being vague, but it doesn't matter too much in retrospect. Texas, as with several people in the thread I've noticed.


Flink said:
Your hair grows fast, or time is moving fast. Or maybe I am going crazy.

/you know me as Aurora :)

Oh, trust me, I had figured out who you were earlier in the thread. *heh* I'd say time is moving fast, because I swear it feels like it's taking forever to grow my hair out.

Norwegian Wood said:
More pics please and whats your sister like? If you too get along well then am sure things will go well and she will be very supportive.

Brother, not sister, unless you're confusing me with somebody else. He's actually been more supportive than I was expecting, because he's always been quite the opposite of me: more the republican, conservative, traditional, old-fashioned type of man's man. He's changed a lot over the recent years, though, opened up to more things outside of his sphere of comfort. Since talking to him, he's actually make it a point to watch things on TV dealing with transgender issues, and learn a little more about it in other ways.

As far as junpei and iirate, I'll need to come back to the thread later to give a decent reply to you two.
My gosh, look at all this activity. It's almost disorientating.

shidoshi said:
because I swear it feels like it's taking forever to grow my hair out
That's because it does take forever to grow out hair, forever and ever and ever.
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