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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


That girl in the bunny hat
NewGamePlus said:
That's because it does take forever to grow out hair, forever and ever and ever.

Especially if you're like me and are constantly dying (read: damaging) your hair.


That girl in the bunny hat
NewGamePlus said:
Not as far as I know, but it will most likely look better ^.^

Yea. I screwed up when I did pink and had to go to dark blue the next day to clean it up. (Well, could've gone to dark anything, but still.)

Plus it's cheaper, not withstanding that I can never find a salon that'll do punky colors.
NewGamePlus said:
Not as far as I know, but it will most likely look better ^.^

Vanity doesn't come cheap
Charron said:
Plus it's cheaper, not withstanding that I can never find a salon that'll do punky colors.
Really? that sucks. In high school I just went to the nearest decent salon (like 5 mins away) and was like "I wanna dye my hair blue", and they were like "alright." :lol Then of course that spirals from there. Every few weeks, "Red this time, now purple, back to black, just red highlights..."

RiskyChris said:
Vanity doesn't come cheap
Hair = Srs Business


shidoshi said:
Oh, trust me, I had figured out who you were earlier in the thread. *heh* I'd say time is moving fast, because I swear it feels like it's taking forever to grow my hair out.

:) Well, you have amazing quality hair! It looks so healthy and shiny. That's always a good sign when growing your hair out.


That girl in the bunny hat
NewGamePlus said:
Really? that sucks. In high school I just went to the nearest decent salon (like 5 mins away) and was like "I wanna dye my hair blue", and they were like "alright." :lol Then of course that spirals from there. Every few weeks, "Red this time, now purple, back to black, just red highlights..."

To be fair I didn't try very hard. Once I realized how much cheaper it is to do it myself I was like "yea, gonna stick with this route".

Also, why the hell am I not on hormones yet? :/ Seriously, what's wrong with me?
Charron said:
To be fair I didn't try very hard. Once I realized how much cheaper it is to do it myself I was like "yea, gonna stick with this route".

Also, why the hell am I not on hormones yet? :/ Seriously, what's wrong with me?
If you're like me then there's probably a list of things wrong with you :p but are you seeing a therapist?
Charron said:
Well we should probably start there. Do you know how to find one? Do you have insurance? Why wait, you could call right now, leave a message, wind up talking to someone tomorrow, and end up with an appointment. If you freak out you can cancel and that's that. It's probably the easiest step in transitioning, though it might seem like a big one.
I had a great trans-woman experience the other night with my boyfriend. We were sitting outside on the patio of an ice cream shop with two other ladies a table over from us. Both of them were really pretty, might I add.

At any rate, we're eating and I noticed that one of the women (eventually noticing both women) had a slight Adam's apple bump where the tracheal shave has removed most of it, but not all of it. Anyway, we are sitting there when a guy pulls up next to us due to traffic (the patio is next to the street), and starts eying the women. One of the guys hollers out, "Hey baby, I bet that ice cream goes down smooth. Almost as smooth as me."

The guys drive off with the women trying so hard not to bust out laughing (the boyfriend and I also trying not to). Once the guys drive off, I hear the blonde one say, "Really, all I wanted to ask him was, (her voice drops drastically)'Hey buddy, you wanna suck my dick?!" and both ladies start busting out laughing, as do the boyfriend and I. She turns to us, and said something to effect of "Oh my god, I'm so glad you were here to see that!"

It just makes me admire the resilience of the trans community. That and it makes me admire the resilience of women everywhere who go through that kind of misogynistic bullcrap every day. Kudos to you, ladies and men. All of you.


That girl in the bunny hat
NewGamePlus said:
Well we should probably start there. Do you know how to find one? Do you have insurance? Why wait, you could call right now, leave a message, wind up talking to someone tomorrow, and end up with an appointment. If you freak out you can cancel and that's that. It's probably the easiest step in transitioning, though it might seem like a big one.

Well I'm on the Internet. :p

Insurance is the big x-factor. I'm in college, on my parents' coverage, easily 3-4 hours away from all the in-network clinics and such. And my parents hate the fact that I'm trans so I feel compelled to do everything I can to hide any attempts at progress, which also helps to hinder any attempts at progress. I'm even afraid to spend money on what I really want, one because I'm way too frugal and two because I know my parents monitor my finances.

I've seen therapists before. First was a family therapist, no idea about trans issues, totally useless. Then I wound up with Dr. Griffiths, but after she gave her diagnosis (which was apparently a rather easy and quick one) my parents were like "nope, not seeing her anymore". I've been without a proper therapist since, only visiting the college psychs for a year in the hopes they could help. They couldn't.

I don't worry about therapy. Ever since seeing Dr. Griffiths I've been fine with it. It's just everything surrounding it that's wrecking me.


So, updates? iirate, how are things going with you, mentally and emotionally? And Tyrant_Onion, have you had your first appointment yet?

Also... transgender dog!

Oh, and...

iirate said:
A lot of my mannerisms are decidedly feminine, and my professional voice is even mistaken for a females fairly often. Voice control is a little... interesting for me anyways. My voice is naturally pretty high, and although it's gotten easier with time, I normally am at least making some effort to channel my "manly" voice. Therefore, during any time of general excitement or distraction, it can definitely raise quite a bit.

I have a funny story about this. I just moved to a new apartment, and a week ago, I get a call from the cable company that's my new internet provider. It goes basically like this:

Her: "This is blahblah from Charter Communications. Is Mr. or Mrs. [last name] around?"
Me: "This is [first name]."
Her: "How are you doing today ma'am? We're calling because blahblah..."
Me: "Well, actually, this is [full name]."

(I get tagged as female due to my voice all the time, and usually just go with it, but for some reason this time I decided to correct her, in case it might be important who she was talking to.)

Her: "Well... uhm... is Misses [last name] around?"
Me: "Who are you trying to reach exactly, and what is this about?"
Her: *talks about the new service order we placed*
Me: "Yeah, that was me. I'm the one who ordered the service. [Full name]. Not my wife."
Her: "Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't understand what you had said at first."

And then... she proceeded to spend the rest of the conversation calling me "ma'am". *laughs*
I haven't posted anything in a while, since not much has happened. I'm still unemployed with HRT no where in sight. My father has the most amazing ability at pissing me off. He keeps treating me like a boy and trying to use me to do crap around the house. He's so fucking insensitive.


I'm doing okay; lack of funds has me scared/unable to really get started right now, and I've been distracted by RL drama and school, which starts for me in about 1.5 weeks. I've actually told several friends at this point, but it's the ones that I've known longest that I haven't been able to bring it up to, with the exception of one. None of my family knows, and honestly, I don't plan on telling anyone else for a while; if it becomes need to know (i.e. with work or school) then I'll bring it up with those concerned. Otherwise, I'm not in too much of a rush to be completely public about this, and being paranoid leads me to assume that it'll come out sooner than I intend anyways, which is fine by me; that would just save me the trouble.


shidoshi said:
And Tyrant_Onion, have you had your first appointment yet?

Yes but I need to call the doctor again today to tell him how to continue.
I could start any day but as long as I live with my parents I can't really begin the process.
I need to be much more subversive by showing my true behavior, changing my habits. Maybe they won't even recognize it.


Bit of an update from me:

Got a little 'F' on my license last Friday. :)

And it's not a lexi post without a photo update.

You transgender people think you have problems? Well atleast your in the right species!

Behold the transpecials:

I can relate to what you are saying. I am TRANSPECIAL. I know deep in my soul that I was born to be a duck. But I can't get any therapist to take me seriously. I so want to have my body corrected so that I can have a bill and feathers and webbed feet . God made a mistake making me human, My inner duckiness calls to me. Worse yet, the other ducks won't accept me as the duck I truly am inside. They fly away when they see me in my ungainly human body splashing around at the shallow end of the pond. I hope to get a website for Transpecial people like myself who know deep in their hearts that they were born into the wrong species. If enough of us get together we can force the APA to remove transpeciality from the DSM and truly claim our rights. Soon, with our numbers swelling , we will have a political force to be recognized and will organize transpecial parades in all the major cities of the world . The pony boys and girls will gallop in their shiny new leather saddles. the poodle boys and girls will crawl around on all fours sniffing each other's butts, and we duck people will have a float with a big pond on it to paddle around in as we declare our pride and demand that the rest of society accept us as " normal" and pay for whatever surgical procedures are necessary to correct our " birth defects"

I found that and thought it would be fun to post :lol forgot where it came from...

Ps Love the thread and I wish everyone here the best of luck ;)


WiiRevolution1 said:
You transgender people think you have problems? Well atleast your in the right species!

Behold the transpecials:

I found that and thought it would be fun to post :lol forgot where it came from...

Ps Love the thread and I wish everyone here the best of luck ;)

99% sure it's meant to troll/put down transgendered people.


That girl in the bunny hat
AniHawk said:
99% sure it's meant to troll/put down transgendered people.

Yea. Though, I mean there are probably some lunatic furries that would fall into that description. (Poe's law should be more generic; for any well-faked depiction of insanity someone out there actually does think like that.) But yea, you find a way to blend two oft-maligned groups like this, of course they're gonna use it to troll.


How're all you other TransGAFers doin'?

Update: Still a dude. Such is life.


I'm getting to a point where I'm going to have to man-up either figuratively or literally, though. The in-between world I'm living in right now is killing me mentally and emotionally.
shidoshi said:

I'm getting to a point where I'm going to have to man-up either figuratively or literally, though. The in-between world I'm living in right now is killing me mentally and emotionally.

Not sure if this helps but thanks to you I've read through this thread and I feel as a more educated and better person for it.


Urban Scholar said:
Not sure if this helps but thanks to you I've read through this thread and I feel as a more educated and better person for it.

Well, I'm really glad to hear that. If I've done anything to help somebody understand more about people they didn't know a lot about previously, I'd consider that a good thing.


lexi said:
Thanks you :) it's pretty much my everyday style, I don't seem to be able to do much with it.

It looks different for some reason, hmmm. Maybe I am losing it. Great picture, regardless. Very pretty.


Just thought I'd share this:

Medical advances may eventually make childbearing possible by using a donor uterus long enough to carry a child to term as anti-rejection drugs do not seem to affect the fetus.[8][9][10][11] The DNA in a donated ovum can be removed and replaced with the DNA of the receiver. Further in the future stem cell biotechnology may also make this possible, with no need for anti-rejection drugs.

Pretty neat for anyone interested in sexual reassignment surgery.
I just want to wish you all well in your endeavors, and I hope that you don't end up like me. I am glad that I figured out who I really was thanks to this thread, but it still couldn't change the inevitable. Good luck, everyone. :)



ninj4junpei said:
I just want to wish you all well in your endeavors, and I hope that you don't end up like me. I am glad that I figured out who I really was thanks to this thread, but it still couldn't change the inevitable. Good luck, everyone. :)

oh my god, what is this? don't.
ninj4junpei said:
I just want to wish you all well in your endeavors, and I hope that you don't end up like me. I am glad that I figured out who I really was thanks to this thread, but it still couldn't change the inevitable. Good luck, everyone. :)


I just so happened to open this thread and see this. Explain yourself. =(
ninj4junpei said:
I just want to wish you all well in your endeavors, and I hope that you don't end up like me. I am glad that I figured out who I really was thanks to this thread, but it still couldn't change the inevitable. Good luck, everyone. :)

Nothing is inevitable. Don't do anything stupid.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
ninj4junpei, I haven't talked to you a lot but you seem like a great poster. I know this has shit to do with everything you are going through, but don't do anything stupid. Nothing merits suicide, ever.
ninj4junpei said:
I just want to wish you all well in your endeavors, and I hope that you don't end up like me. I am glad that I figured out who I really was thanks to this thread, but it still couldn't change the inevitable. Good luck, everyone. :)

Please don't do anything rash.


Regulus Tera said:
ninj4junpei, I haven't talked to you a lot but you seem like a great poster. I know this has shit to do with everything you are going through, but don't do anything stupid. Nothing merits suicide, ever.

Co-signed. And I don't even know you.

I'm not shitting you but come and stay with me for a while if it'll help! We can walk my dog (I've got a cat too if you don't like dogs), shoot the shit and have a beer/coffee or two.

Anything's worth a shot but I do mean that.
ninj4junpei said:
I just want to wish you all well in your endeavors, and I hope that you don't end up like me. I am glad that I figured out who I really was thanks to this thread, but it still couldn't change the inevitable. Good luck, everyone. :)


It's just a tag. Don't take it too seriously/literally.
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.


corporate swill
ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.

Glad you're OK. :D

Might want to let everyone else know in the other thread.


Prodigal Son
ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.
Stay safe my friend! My offer still stands, if you need to talk to someone here just fire off a private message.


ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.

Only my 2nd ever post in this thread and glad to do it: Don't be silly.

See my post above too; I really meant it if you need to get away.

ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.

Hey now, don't worry about it. When times get tough it's good to let some friends help you out, that's what we're here for.


Water is not wet!
ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.
Its okay. i think ive been in the same place plenty. The thing ive come to realize is that those feelings pass. Glad you are okay!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.

I wouldn't worry about it. People here were genuinely worried about your health and safety. It's better to talk to people about these things.


ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.

I don't believe in God but thank fucking God. I am not going through the same you are and I don't live in the same country, but there are a lot of people in this thread alone you can probably talk to outside of GAF. As you can see by the panic in the other thread people do care.
ninj4junpei said:
I'm sorry everyone, I had a freak out. I'm okay now. I couldn't go through with it. I'm not going to post again for quite a while on GAF, just to make sure I'm not just being another attention whore.
No, please do keep posting on GAF. The worst thing you could do is take an oath of leave and have those irresponsible thoughts fester again. But then there will be no one to know what's going through your head. Do continue posting, and stay safe. Shit happens. No one will think you're an attention whore. PM anyone of us if you ever need to.
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