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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


InfiniteNine said:
Artefact does that on purpose for hits. I found this out by arguing with him in the comments of an article. :| Of course that's all deleted now.
Of course the titles are total hit bait, but even then I thought using the word 'terrifying' is pretty weird word choice to say the least.


Rolling Girl
tiff said:
Of course the titles are total hit bait, but even then I thought using the word 'terrifying' is pretty weird word choice to say the least.
Yeah, it wasn't focused on displayed hit-bait at one point though. I'm pretty sure he threw it in there to get some people arguing and generate more hits.


What's to like about that TG story? Poisonous title, massively transphobic comments, no positive narrative. All it does is just sensationalize transgender people as freaks. I've seen more civility on 4chan.


She's doing fine. She lost her password to her GAF account though, so hasn't been able to log in for a long time.


lexi said:
What's to like about that TG story? Poisonous title, massively transphobic comments, no positive narrative. All it does is just sensationalize transgender people as freaks. I've seen more civility on 4chan.

If you're talking about the comments on Sankaku, I don't care about those. I was more talking about the pics, how cute the kid was, and how funny I thought the Japanese reaction comments were (the ones in the orange box with the pics, which I didn't think were at all offensive).


lexi said:
What's to like about that TG story? Poisonous title, massively transphobic comments, no positive narrative. All it does is just sensationalize transgender people as freaks. I've seen more civility on 4chan.
I liked the pictures themselves. They're pretty incredible.


tiff said:
I liked the pictures themselves. They're pretty incredible.

Yeah, I like the pictures too, I've seen a few of them before but they're really stunning. Not a fan of... you know, EVERYTHING else about the article.


lexi said:
Yeah, I like the pictures too, I've seen a few of them before but they're really stunning. Not a fan of... you know, EVERYTHING else about the article.
Yeah, I understand that. The pictures are the only part of a Sankaku article I pay attention to anyway.


lexi said:
Yeah, I like the pictures too, I've seen a few of them before but they're really stunning. Not a fan of... you know, EVERYTHING else about the article.

Wait... we're talking about different stories here, I now see.


shidoshi said:
Wait... we're talking about different stories here, I now see.
It's the other TG article they did that day, called "Top 10 Terrifying Transformations" or something dumb like that.


But one or 2 of those pictures (specialy the goth one) says more about the angle wich they take pictures than the effects of the transformation on itself =P


tiff said:
It's the other TG article they did that day, called "Top 10 Terrifying Transformations" or something dumb like that.

Yeah, I had just been thinking lexi's comments were in regard to the initial link I had posted.
tiff said:
It's the other TG article they did that day, called "Top 10 Terrifying Transformations" or something dumb like that.

Shitty article, but I laughed at how many people were all muscled up in their before pictures. Was down seeing my parents last week, mum pointed out the weights I bought when I was a teenager are still in the garage...


Instigator said:
Plastic surgery?
FFS probably .... but if i remeber her pics .... whyyy ????

She didn't needed and people say that is one of the most painfull surgeries ever ><

edit : ....gaf don't have some kind of password recovery system ? why all the problem ?
Angelina Jolie lips? Trim the jaw line? More pronounced cheek bones? Make her eyes appear bigger somehow? But I don't think she needs any of it.

But if she comes back and post some photos, maybe she'll prove us wrong. I'm still skeptical though.

Dead Man

Source: News.com.au

A COURT has allowed a 10-year-old boy to become the youngest Australian to have sex-change therapy.

The boy, known as Jamie, has lived as a girl for two years, dressing in feminine clothes, using the girls' toilet at school and "presenting as a very attractive young girl with long, blonde hair", the court heard.

Jamie's parents, medicos and psychiatrists feared early-onset puberty could lead to self-harm or suicide and supported an urgent application for the child to receive sex-change therapy.

Family Court Justice Linda Dessau ordered that Jamie be allowed to start drug therapy to stop male puberty and that the court reconvene when she turned 16 to consider approving the second stage of taking female hormones to feminise the body.

The court heard Jamie saw herself as a "freak" and a "girl in a boy's body", and had first identified as a girl when she was a toddler.

Her mother said though doctors had told her Jamie would be the youngest patient to start such treatment, she was confident it was in her best interests.

She said before her child changed schools in year 3 and acted as a girl, she told her, "Mummy, it is so hard trying to be a boy", and that she had to "go to school disguised as a boy".

The mother said the family had started treating Jamie as a female in 2008 after her non-identical twin brother accepted her condition and announced: "I have a sister."

The mother was concerned that without treatment, Jamie's voice would break and an Adam's apple and facial hair would grow.

"(If Jamie does not receive treatment) she will very shortly develop obvious male characteristics ... which will be permanent and will not be able to be reversed," the mother said.

"At the moment Jamie can live comfortably as a girl, is socially confident and suffers no teasing or social isolation."

A medical expert said when he first saw Jamie in February 2009, she "looked convincingly female in every way" except her genitalia.

The doctor said he was concerned about Jamie's rapid-onset puberty, which was equivalent to that of a 14-year-old, and that sex-change treatment should start immediately.

Another doctor said stage one treatment to stop male puberty was reversible.
Kind of impressed by her family, brother especially, and her school.


Wait... Jamie... from Austrialia.

I totally bet the Jamie from here went back in time, got her younger self, and brought him into the future so she could have all of this done earlier in her life. She's totally messing with the time-space continuum!

Dead Man

shidoshi said:
Wait... Jamie... from Austrialia.

I totally bet the Jamie from here went back in time, got her younger self, and brought him into the future so she could have all of this done earlier in her life. She's totally messing with the time-space continuum!


FFS is something most transwomen consider to be 'on the table' regardless of how well their bodies react with HRT. There's usually something we see about our faces that we consider... not ideal. A masculine feature. For me, it's my nose and I'm counting the days down to when I'll be able to have it fixed.

Pain? Pain is temporary and there are painkillers.

Wait... Jamie... from Austrialia.

I totally bet the Jamie from here went back in time, got her younger self, and brought him into the future so she could have all of this done earlier in her life. She's totally messing with the time-space continuum!

Yes, it's true. I tagged along, however I had to provide my own weapons.


Out of curiosity, are all of you ok with a 10yr old making the change or do any of you believe that he should wait at all?

This isn't effectively 'the' decision. It's drugs that block the onset of male puberty and is at this stage and for quite some time, completely reversible. Although I'd say if she has been living as a girl since 2008, attending school as a girl, etc, this isn't some random whim of a child.

Dead Man

Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Out of curiosity, are all of you ok with a 10yr old making the change or do any of you believe that he should wait at all?
Well, between these 2 statements that I probably should have bolded:

The doctor said he was concerned about Jamie's rapid-onset puberty, which was equivalent to that of a 14-year-old, and that sex-change treatment should start immediately.

Another doctor said stage one treatment to stop male puberty was reversible.
I think it is a bit of a special case. Do I think all kids would be in a position to make that choice at that age? Probably not. But it sounds like the courts took a lot of information into account, and reached what they though was the best solution.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Out of curiosity, are all of you ok with a 10yr old making the change or do any of you believe that he should wait at all?

The only thing I would wonder about doing this so early is health reasons / puberty.

I'm no doctor and have no medical knowledge but it would make me wonder but if they say it's okay, I guess it's okay.
Skipped over the reversible point somehow. I'm just curious since I've seen other people in here debating back and forth whether to go through with it and wondered if they felt 10yr is too young.


Jamie has requested that I post the following on her behalf.
Hi, Jamie here. I forgot my GAF password and i couldn't reset it because the email address I had for my GAF account is long dead (it was with an old ISP). I applied to sign up again last November under a new user name and email address but am still in the approval queue. Miss posting on GAF but maybe I'll be able to again later this year (after E3 I'm guessing). Still lurking without my account. *waves*
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Out of curiosity, are all of you ok with a 10yr old making the change or do any of you believe that he should wait at all?
She says she's a girl trapped in a boys body, has been checked out by doctors, and has been living publicly as a girl since 08. If she were my kid, making the change would be the only option in my mind. Puberty is a trans person's worst enemy so I think it's awesome when kids can be diagnosed before hand and their family supports them.

Hi Jamie.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Out of curiosity, are all of you ok with a 10yr old making the change or do any of you believe that he should wait at all?

I can totally understand the hesitation some people have when hearing this, because let's face it - what kids like or what at that age and what they like or want later in life are totally different.

That's why you have to be very careful and be sure to determine that there is a serious case of gender dysphoria there, and it isn't just a case of "grass is greener on the other side". I think if doctors are sure that the child's feelings are genuine, then go for it. If I could travel back in time to change how things we or knew then what I know now, I'd love to have had things start at that age. I can't even begin to express how much I wish I could have experienced that portion of my life on the other side, instead of it always being nothing more than a "what if" scenario.

There obviously is the worry about the child having regret later in life, and that's a valid worry. Not everybody who transitions ends up being happy that they did - but I wonder if there's any kind of data as to why that happens. Was it a case that those people were trying to run away from who they were, and thought that changing their sex might be a way to fix that? Or was it a case that they found themselves unable to be passible, and thus couldn't stand how society treated them?

In those two cases, this child would be far better off I have to image; I doubt a child's mind would consciously or subconsciously decide upon gender identification as a solution to other problems, and starting things before puberty is going to be a huge help in passibility. If the reasons for regret stem from other issues, however, you never know.
shidoshi said:
I can't even begin to express how much I wish I could have experienced that portion of my life on the other side, instead of it always being nothing more than a "what if" scenario.

Me too. I mean, right now I'm a pretty happy and comfortable early thirties, but I transitioned at 21. I'll never know what sort of person I would have been if I'd been a teenage girl instead of a sullen, depressed, self-harming teenage fuckup. It took me a long time to get over all that.


There's only so much you get out of saying 'I really wish I had done this earlier / sooner'. I like to take a more optimistic approach and be happy that I did what I did.

I'm not yet into being full-time for a year, and it's already made an immeasurable positive impact into the quality of my life.


Kentpaul said:
After a while of using a female voice, does the voice inside your head change ?

I don't have a voice inside my head. I have words, but there is no voice associated with it.


My head-voice sounds like whatever I want it to sound like, but if I'm not intending to have it sound like anything, it doesn't really have a sound...

I find this kind of thing fascinating, how thinking works differently for different people.
Someone I knew from a Pokemon chat room 6 years ago IM'd me today. They wanted to apologize to me for giving me a hard time about being trans way back then, and that they were now trans. I have not talked to this person in 6 years, they said that my story, and the things they said to me stuck in their head for years. I didn't think I'd ever have that much of an impact on anyone's life, ever.


FleaTheMagician said:
They wanted to apologize to me for giving me a hard time about being trans way back then, and that they were now trans.

Cool, kinda like those rabidly anti-gay Republicans who end up being gay themselves.
Soooo there is a thread on gaf where a transgendered person tried to use the female bathroom. The girls took issue with this and yelled. The person wouldn't leave so they started pulling and punching and kicking. My question is has anyone ever been in a similar situation and what bathroom do you use?
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