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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Dead Man

InfiniteNine said:
Hi everyone, I'm a bit too shy to really say much right now but I thought I'd come and introduce myself since I plan to eventually post and ask some questions in here. Still curious and trying some things so I'm a bit nervous about saying anything yet.


I feel kinda weird posting in this thread for some reason but since it's bumped and I see a few familiar faces I guess now's as good a time as any to take the first step.

Otherwise it's just going to bug me all day.


Actually, this thread is little more than a honeypot. I use it to see who is new to stopping by and admitting to dealing with these issues, so that I can then stalk them on AIM and talk them into sending me pics of them cross-dressing to add to my ever-increasing collection.

Er, I mean... welcome!

Are you comfortable enough at least mentioning what your situation is tiff, or would you rather not at this point?


Rolling Girl
Dead Man said:
Thank you~!

tiff said:
I feel kinda weird posting in this thread for some reason but since it's bumped and I see a few familiar faces I guess now's as good a time as any to take the first step.

Otherwise it's just going to bug me all day.
Hey tiff, nice to see someone I know from other topics. :)

shidoshi said:
Actually, this thread is little more than a honeypot. I use it to see who is new to stopping by and admitting to dealing with these issues, so that I can then stalk them on AIM and talk them into sending me pics of them cross-dressing to add to my ever-increasing collection.

Er, I mean... welcome!
Is this what out talks where about? ;___;


shidoshi said:
Are you comfortable enough at least mentioning what your situation is tiff, or would you rather not at this point?
Oh, it's not much of a situation. I really didn't know much of anything about transgenderism until a year or so ago, and since then I've been feeling more and more that, y'know, that kinda sounds like me. It'd certainly make sense of a few things about me, in any case.
InfiniteNine said:
Hey tiff, nice to see someone I know from other topics. :)
Likewise :>


How are most of you handling hair removal? I plan to start the process next month and I'm still torn between electrolysis and laser. On one hand laser is quick and easy but also more expensive and more risky for me (have to research places thoroughly) since I have dark skin. The main reason I don't want to go the electrolysis route is because I'm simply impatient. However it's a lot more convenient for me than laser since I can get it done 10 minutes from my house. Currently leaning toward the long process of electrolysis.


My instinct is to tell you to just forget laser if you're darker skinned. Electrolysis is a long and grueling process, but it works. Laser is flaky even if you're an ideal candidate for it, it was beneficial to me, but even so I'm still going to need electro to finish up.
I personally am not going through what you all are, but we do fall under the same rainbow flag (I'm G in LGBT). Admittedly, I'm rather ignorant about issues you all may face and how you deal with them, so I'm going to subscribe and peruse the thread over time (I feel like I've made this exact same post, though =/).

I do have one question I've always wondered about, though: if a male feels he's meant to be a woman, does he have all the urges of a woman? As in, he would date/be attracted to men? Or are there instances of variation? One Male to Female would like men, and one would like women? Both?

tiff said:
I feel kinda weird posting in this thread for some reason but since it's bumped and I see a few familiar faces I guess now's as good a time as any to take the first step.

Otherwise it's just going to bug me all day.
Hey! It's you! We talked a bit in the avatar thread about my Fire Emblem (Ilyana/Nephenee <3) avatars. RIP.


That girl in the bunny hat
dragonlife29 said:
I do have one question I've always wondered about, though: if a male feels he's meant to be a woman, does he have all the urges of a woman? As in, he would date/be attracted to men? Or are there instances of variation? One Male to Female would like men, and one would like women? Both?

There are as many different types of transwomen as there are women (or men). My first trans friend that I actually met in person is a total butch with a total butch girlfriend. Meanwhile, shallow as it sounds I just wanna be pretty, and my boyfriend doesn't exactly mind being glammed up when we're feeling playful.
Beings trans is more about being true to yourself rather than determining who you're attracted to, at least the way I see it. In other words a transgendered person can still identify as straight, gay, bi etc.

Also hey Charron, haven't seen you around since the old RB thread.


That girl in the bunny hat
Motion Picture Soundtrack said:
Beings trans is more about being true to yourself rather than determining who you're attracted to, at least the way I see it. In other words a transgendered person can still identify as straight, gay, bi etc.

Also hey Charron, haven't seen you around since the old RB thread.

There's a new RB thread. And I've always been more of a lurker anyway.
dragonlife29 said:
I do have one question I've always wondered about, though: if a male feels he's meant to be a woman, does he have all the urges of a woman? As in, he would date/be attracted to men? Or are there instances of variation? One Male to Female would like men, and one would like women? Both?
Gender, sex, and sexuality are separate. You can find any combination, though of course some combinations are more likely than others.


lexi said:
My instinct is to tell you to just forget laser if you're darker skinned. Electrolysis is a long and grueling process, but it works. Laser is flaky even if you're an ideal candidate for it, it was beneficial to me, but even so I'm still going to need electro to finish up.
Yeah, I just have to suck it up and be patient. Besides there's tons of other stuff to work on during that period.
InfiniteNine said:
Hi everyone, I'm a bit too shy to really say much right now but I thought I'd come and introduce myself since I plan to eventually post and ask some questions in here. Still curious and trying some things so I'm a bit nervous about saying anything yet.
Awesome, another (possible) member of TransTexan-GAF (title tentative). Welcome. :D
tiff said:
Oh, it's not much of a situation. I really didn't know much of anything about transgenderism until a year or so ago, and since then I've been feeling more and more that, y'know, that kinda sounds like me. It'd certainly make sense of a few things about me, in any case.
You sound like me about a year ago. :3


dragonlife29 said:
I do have one question I've always wondered about, though: if a male feels he's meant to be a woman, does he have all the urges of a woman? As in, he would date/be attracted to men? Or are there instances of variation? One Male to Female would like men, and one would like women? Both?

I know you've already gotten answers, but screw it, I'll give my own! Yeah, first of all, gender identity and sexuality are totally separate issues. Who you feel like you are and who you are attracted to are totally different. Plus, that aspect can actually change when/if you do HRT.

I've talked to people making the transition from guy to girl who were into girls before, and was that way after hormones. I've talked to people who were into guys before, and were still. And then I've talked to people who had one preference, and then had that preference totally shift the other way. Every example I've personally heard of that has been going from liking girls to liking guys, suggesting that hormones can play at least a small part in things like sexual preference.


I used to think i wasn't attracted to men, but that changed during my transition. Not sure if hormones did it. I think it is because I'm more open about it.


InfiniteNine said:
Not sure how to model these without it looking pornographic so maybe not right now, haha.

Hello fellow Texan! :3

You wouldn't think there'd be so many of us from one state...


Hey dudes and ladies. Not trans, just chillin' here. May as well post so I don't feel like a creep.

Or maybe I'm here for I9's maid photos! Who knows.

Point is, hi, what's up.
My first time seeing this thread. I'm a straight, non-trans man, but I just want to show my support for people doing what they feel is the right thing to do for themselves.


Since all the lurkers are making themselves known, I guess I'll do the same :p

Hello! I've been following this thread since day one, but never posted in it.
I'm generally not one for putting any personal information about myself online, but the mere act of posting here will probably imply something :p

So let's just say that this is something that has been important to me for a long time, and that I'm happy for this thread's existence.
lexi said:
If anyone has a subject to raise or questions they'd like to see answered, I'm definitely down for that. :)

Yeah, this is a bit delicate but here we go. I suspect anyone who dated transgender folk is probably better positioned to answer this question than any of the transgender people here.

You know, a woman is not just physical appearance, there are also detaqils like the voice and scent too. It's all part of the allure, of the physical attraction. With scent, I am not talking about perfume here, but natural body odor. There's a big difference between men and women here and if you're a straight male, a musky, manly scent , even your own, is kinda repulsive. I'm not sure how effective hormone therapy is for transgender people, but I do wonder if it's enough to make this little detail just right.


Instigator said:
Yeah, this is a bit delicate but here we go. I suspect anyone who dated transgender folk is probably better positioned to answer this question than any of the transgender people here.

You know, a woman is not just physical appearance, there are also detaqils like the voice and scent too. It's all part of the allure, of the physical attraction. With scent, I am not talking about perfume here, but natural body odor. There's a big difference between men and women here and if you're a straight male, a musky, manly scent , even your own, is kinda repulsive. I'm not sure how effective hormone therapy is for transgender people, but I do wonder if it's enough to make this little detail just right.

I can't give a definitive answer on these, I'm sure one exists and would be happy to have what I have to say expanded upon, as I'll most likely just give a TL;DR version that pertains to my own experience.

Voice can be retrained. I'd always, always thought I would never pass when it came to that, but I surprised even myself as my voice improved over time and is in fact one of my strongest gender cues.

Also speaking as someone who used to possess that musky male-scent, I no longer possess any element of that, from my understanding HRT does alter this to be in line with how other females smell.


InfiniteNine said:
Hello! :D

Got some nice stalkings in today for some maid cosplay I'm going to do at AX this year. They make my legs look nice, so I love them~!
You didn't already have stockings?
ninj4junpei said:
You sound like me about a year ago. :3
Really? I've never really heard of people having situations like my own. That's good to hear :)


Rolling Girl
tiff said:
You didn't already have stockings?
Yeah, I got some special ones for my maid outfit though. They are a bit see through with a bow above the back of the foot and lace at the top thigh area. I had ordered them before my maid outfit but I guess they came quite a bit later, hehe.
lexi said:
Also speaking as someone who used to possess that musky male-scent, I no longer possess any element of that, from my understanding HRT does alter this to be in line with how other females smell.
That describes me, too; I'm told my body smell changed a lot after I'd been on HRT for a little while. And apparently it changed again after surgery.


Rolling Girl
ninj4junpei said:
Yeah, I posted almost a year ago as well: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=20826760&postcount=2461

Pretty much a throwaway post. I kinda went into denial thinking I was in a phase for a bit, but I don't really believe it is anymore. I kinda used cosplay as an excuse to try on some clothes, and I feel pretty good about myself in my outfits. Hoping to get some more normal clothes as opposed to cosplay sometime soon. Although I'll probably still confine it just to my room like now with my costumes.
InfiniteNine said:
Yeah, I posted almost a year ago as well: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=20826760&postcount=2461

Pretty much a throwaway post. I kinda went into denial thinking I was in a phase for a bit, but I don't really believe it is anymore. I kinda used cosplay as an excuse to try on some clothes, and I feel pretty good about myself in my outfits. Hoping to get some more normal clothes as opposed to cosplay sometime soon. Although I'll probably still confine it just to my room like now with my costumes.
That's good. :) I didn't go through denial, I was just glad to finally understand myself.


Rolling Girl
ninj4junpei said:
That's good. :) I didn't go through denial, I was just glad to finally understand myself.
Yeah, I was just thinking about what my friends and family would think and tried to shove it in the back of my mind. Although I started reading manga that contained cross dressing characters and such so it stayed in my mind and opened up to it more bit by bit until I just accepted it. I'm still a bit worried about what my family would think, but not enough to hold me back from trying things out now.

tiff said:
Of course, it's just, I don't know. Maybe I'm just still trying to find reasons to doubt myself.

Reading your posts helps though.
That's alright it's not like anyone is rushing you. :)
InfiniteNine said:
Yeah, I was just thinking about what my friends and family would think and tried to shove it in the back of my mind. Although I started reading manga that contained cross dressing characters and such so it stayed in my mind and opened up to it more bit by bit until I just accepted it. I'm still a bit worried about what my family would think, but not enough to hold me back from trying things out now.
Sounds like you have what it takes. Good luck with that. :)


alysonwheel said:
That describes me, too; I'm told my body smell changed a lot after I'd been on HRT for a little while. And apparently it changed again after surgery.

I've heard that a number of things can change/continue changing after the surgery, however minor.

Hi btw! You look new.


CHEEZMO™ said:
Another lurker here, heh.

Never realised GAF's Trans community was so active/large.

I've always loved your avatar. I've always loved the dirty/bloody look for some reason. There's one pic I especially love, but I can't exactly share it here. *laughs*

tiff said:
Of course, it's just, I don't know. Maybe I'm just still trying to find reasons to doubt myself.

Reading your posts helps though.

Self doubt is a HUGE hurdle you'll have to get past, at least if your situation ends up anything like mine. Hell, I'm still dealing with that.


Obsidian fan
shidoshi said:
I've always loved your avatar. I've always loved the dirty/bloody look for some reason. There's one pic I especially love, but I can't exactly share it here. *laughs*
Perfectly fine with me.


That girl in the bunny hat
shidoshi said:
Self doubt is a HUGE hurdle you'll have to get past, at least if your situation ends up anything like mine. Hell, I'm still dealing with that.

Ooh, and me! I've made fun of my boyfriend for seeing me as female. (To me I don't look female at all unless I'm girled up. And the angles are right.) Self-doubt plus a self-deprecating sense of humor isn't really the best combination. But when I get like that it makes him flirt with me so I'm really hesitant to stop :x


Rolling Girl
CHEEZMO™ said:
Is this thread open to discussion on transvestitism? Or is it just TG?
Well I'm only at that point right now so I don't see why not! Although I thought of that same thing when I was going to post and ended up not posting some time ago. :lol


I'd say anything falling under the umbrella of transgender, transvestitism, and cross dressing is totally fair game.

Also, I know some others aren't too fond of the word "trap" (due to the connotations it has), but I cannot help but find this story totally adorable. Possibly due to how damn cute that kid is, but also just because of how it was this totally surprising element of a program that had absolutely no connection to such things.

I also can't help but love the nickname "Energy Saving Trap". *laughs*

Link: http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2011/04/14/energy-saving-trap/
WARNING - site is quite NSFW in its ads and some of its content. There's absolutely nothing pornographic about this particular story, but the nature of the site it's on makes it something you may want to be careful opening.


Rolling Girl
shidoshi said:
Also, I know some others aren't too fond of the word "trap" (due to the connotations it has), but I cannot help but find this story totally adorable. Possibly due to how damn cute that kid is, but also just because of how it was this totally surprising element of a program that had absolutely no connection to such things.

I also can't help but love the nickname "Energy Saving Trap". *laughs*

Link: http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2011/04/14/energy-saving-trap/
WARNING - site is quite NSFW in its ads and some of its content. There's absolutely nothing pornographic about this particular story, but the nature of the site it's on makes it something you may want to be careful opening.
Yeah, I saw that earlier. Too adorable. <3


Obsidian fan
shidoshi said:
I'd say anything falling under the umbrella of transgender, transvestitism, and cross dressing is totally fair game.
Nice one. You can probably guess why I brought that up, lol.


Rolling Girl
shidoshi said:
3/4th of Sankaku's titles make me want to punch people. They seriously are terrible about that kind of thing.
Artefact does that on purpose for hits. I found this out by arguing with him in the comments of an article. :| Of course that's all deleted now.
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