lexi said:
Would you mind telling us a bit about yourself Alyson? I feel I can tell from your word choice / stories that you're from Britain.
Yep, I'm British; from the South but I've lived in the North seven or so years now. I'm 31 and I transitioned when I was 21ish. I gave being trans a sporting chance at screwing my life up good and proper before I transitioned, though, abandoning all my friends and dropping out of university and cutting myself up and such.
I did the laziest transition ever: spent the last of my student loan on an appointment with Russel Reid, who back then was the go-to doctor for trans people going the private path instead of going through the NHS (I went private because for NHS treatment you had to see your GP, then see a local psychiatrist, and then get a referral to one of the gender clinics, then potentially not get prescribed hormones until
after starting living in role, and I was suicidal and needed help right away. You don't have to jump through quite as many hoops for treatment on the NHS these days as you used to, but paying to go private still gets you your pills PDQ), got my prescription and just sat while the pills did their thing. I was lucky enough to have a GP who'd convert my prescription to an NHS one without making me jump through hoops, and she got me voice training on the NHS too, which was fantastic.
I was working in social services at the time, and when I got transferred from one town to the next one over and my new line manager saw me and said, "Uh, I think there's been some mistake: we were expecting a man," I took the hint and officially changed my name and all my documents and stuff. Social services was an amazing transition environment: no-one gave me any shit at all and it was really confidence-building to get to be myself at work without having to watch my back the whole time. Which is nice because the job itself was pretty stressful; we kept getting threatened over the phone and having people try and break down our front doors and stuff.
I got unlucky and the high estrogen levels triggered my latent hypermobility syndrome so I spent a few years getting progressively more disabled, then less disabled again as I did my physio. SRS was a big help with that because then I could go on a post-op hormone dose so my body wasn't flooded with estrogen any more. These days I don't quite have the stamina or strength I had pre-HRT -- I still have days when picking up the kettle is hard -- but it's a far cry from the worst times, when my occupational health doctor told me not to get pregnant or I'd lose the use of my legs (I didn't tell him why getting pregnant wasn't a concern though!).
So yeah, that's me. My 20s kinda sucked because they were dominated by joint pain but I'm mostly over that now, and we're moving back down south and it's time to start having fun...
I got pointed at gaming age recently and signed up since it seemed like a gaming forum not dominated entirely by idiots. I keep abandoning and re-starting my livejournal and twitter and stuff; the only place I've been active since I came on the internet is metafilter (
this is me there). I live with my partner who I've been with for seven years. I've worked in the public sector (social services and education) my whole adult life and I can't imagine ever working for a real company! I keep meaning to finish my degree and get a career but I seem to have picked up enough experience herding students to stay employed for now. Lately I've been playing Portal 2, Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2, watching Fringe, Adventure Time, Doctor Who and My Little Pony, and reading Dan Simmons. I've got some crappy webcam photos from the last ten years
And now I've talked waaay too much