-Red_Mage- said:Woops just realized what you meant. Sorry.
It's fine.
I can appreciate you just made a little mistake, and that's no problem.
-Red_Mage- said:Woops just realized what you meant. Sorry.
Shurs said:So I guess the question then comes down to whether or not public restrooms/locker rooms are meant to be segregated by gender or by sex.
My initial, and completely ignorant thought on the matter was that they were intended to be separated by sex given the Men's/Women's (terms I've been identifying with sex) room classification rather than Male's/Female's (terms I've been identifying with gender) room and how bathrooms for everyone are commonly referred to as "Unisex." But, really, I'm probably wrong there, as I assume that Man/Male probably aren't only associated as I had them in my head and can be swapped with one another; e.g. "I identify as male" and "I identify as a man."
It totally makes sense to me that a person identifying as male or female would want/expect to use the respective bathrooms of the genders they identify with. It seems easy enough to respect their wishes.
You're absolutely right but when faced with the level of ignorance and intolerance being displayed in that thread, implicitly attacking transpeople's identities, maintaining level-headed and rational discourse is asking for a lot.dream said:I know.
Consider this though - I'm guilty of playing the trannysurprise game too. At one point, I didn't think someone could change their gender because...you know, if you're born a dude, you're a dude. Reading all the stories everyone's shared in this thread changed my mind because there was no bitterness or angry defensiveness. Me realizing lexi is really a girl only happened because she openly and honestly her situation and it convinced me that the concept of gender isn't as rigid as I had once thought.
I've always gone with what seems safe. Soon as I realised I didn't look like a bloke any more I switched to using the women's loos and changing facilities, although I avoided going swimming or using changing facilities with no private showers or anything like that until I was post-op. Just choosing whatever isn't going to get me outed against my will; more practical than ideological.Shurs said:So I guess the question then comes down to whether or not public restrooms/locker rooms are meant to be segregated by gender or by sex.
Platy said:Bathrooms were created by people who didn't know gay and lesbian people existed, much less trans =P
In a perfect world bathrooms would be unisex and will have closed stalls where you do your stuff and nobody see.
Platy said:Bathrooms were created by people who didn't know gay and lesbian people existed, much less trans =P
In a perfect world bathrooms would be unisex and will have closed stalls where you do your stuff and nobody see.
AceBandage said:I dunno about that.
I'm a guy, and I barely want to share bathrooms with other guys. No way girls would go for that. We're filthy.
Clearly you've never been in a women's restroom.AceBandage said:I dunno about that.
I'm a guy, and I barely want to share bathrooms with other guys. No way girls would go for that. We're filthy.
gerg said:. And if you're going to have exclusively male urinals you may as well just separate male and female loos entirely.
Platy said:No urinals ... if urinals were really usefull people would have then in their own home =P
Just a simple toilet like the one you have at home is more than enoght
gerg said:If elevators were really useful people would have them in their homes, too, right?
Platy said:No urinals ... if urinals were really usefull people would have then in their own home =P
Just a simple toilet like the one you have at home is more than enoght
lexi said:Would you mind telling us a bit about yourself Alyson? I feel I can tell from your word choice / stories that you're from Britain.
Also "bloke"Gaborn said:It was "loo" that gave it away for me![]()
Yep, I'm British; from the South but I've lived in the North seven or so years now. I'm 31 and I transitioned when I was 21ish. I gave being trans a sporting chance at screwing my life up good and proper before I transitioned, though, abandoning all my friends and dropping out of university and cutting myself up and such.lexi said:Would you mind telling us a bit about yourself Alyson? I feel I can tell from your word choice / stories that you're from Britain.
Lately I've been playing Portal 2, Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2, watching Fringe, Adventure Time, Doctor Who and My Little Pony, and reading Dan Simmons.
It's a decent enough place most of the timealysonwheel said:I got pointed at gaming age recently and signed up since it seemed like a gaming forum not dominated entirely by idiots.
Mank said:Bleh, just found out the story from that other thread happened not terribly far from where I live (not in the neighborhood or anything, but not much of a drive at all). Nice to know that such terrible, hateful people live so close.
I've been knocking around the internet for ten years, and for a while I didn't have any new pictures of myself because when I lost my mobility I put on weight and hated how I looked, so I hid from cameras. So if you think you've seen a headshot before, you're probably right -- I know I overused the hell out of the orange-tinted one from my old house for a few years.shidoshi said:I'm just going to make this quick and will give your little write-up a proper read later, but alysonwheel - first, you're a total hottie, and second, I swear I've seen that "random internet headshot" pic before. Either that or I've seen pics of somebody else who is trans who looks a hell of a lot like you.
CrocMother said:So I'm taking a trans issues class at Uni and I have to say it is really terrible the way LGB have thrown you guys under the bus in the past.
I have a lot of respect for those that have to go against the grain just to be themselves.
Don't give up, you guys and gals are an inspiration not just to other trans but everybody!
Sadly true.Gaborn said:I definitely agree with this. I think it's a huge problem in our community that gays often don't consider trans issues being as "important" as ours, or as worth fighting for. Ignorance and bigotry exist everywhere. Bisexuals often face a similar problem with the gay community, there is still a lot of misunderstanding and ignorance among people that should absolutely know better.
Indeed. It's nice to think that a group that has lots of problems with being accepted for who they are would themselves accept other groups with the same kind of problems, but unfortunately that's really not how it tends to work.Gaborn said:I definitely agree with this. I think it's a huge problem in our community that gays often don't consider trans issues being as "important" as ours, or as worth fighting for. Ignorance and bigotry exist everywhere. Bisexuals often face a similar problem with the gay community, there is still a lot of misunderstanding and ignorance among people that should absolutely know better.
Bwahahaha this story is hilarious!alysonwheel said:I never had any trouble in the womens' loos, mainly because I was dumb and carried on using the mens' loos way too long. Quoting myself from another website:
Yeah, I've seen quite a bit of scorn poured on Bisexuals by some Gay people. What's that all about?Platy said:I heard too much "bisexual = whore" from gays and lesbians to know that if you are going to take the T you must take the B out too =P
Sometimes I get too bored to stay away but I feel the same, really.icarus-daedelus said:That kind of crap is why I basically avoid current events GAF these days.
The idea as I understand it is that being bisexual cheapens homosexuality. Like, you can't really be bisexual, you're just a straight person pretending to be gay who can go back to being straight if the need arises?CHEEZMO said:Yeah, I've seen quite a bit of scorn poured on Bisexuals by some Gay people. What's that all about?
Some gay people, for a whole bunch of reasons, none of which make much sense, think bisexual people don't actually exist, or are just sluts. Irritating, but hey, people are people. All oppressed groups have members that respond by trying to oppress another group to increase their self esteem.CHEEZMO said:Yeah, I've seen quite a bit of scorn poured on Bisexuals by some Gay people. What's that all about?
Dead Man said:Some gay people, for a whole bunch of reasons, none of which make much sense, think bisexual people don't actually exist, or are just sluts. Irritating, but hey, people are people. All oppressed groups have members that respond by trying to oppress another group to increase their self esteem.
Maybe so. I used to label myself bisexual, but the either/or bullshit got really old, and I just got sick of labels in general, so now I don't bother. So yeah, too many people do live in a binary world.Gaborn said:honestly if I had to guess I think that their concern isn't even with bisexuals itself. It's driven I think by the fear of the perception that if there are bisexuals that in some way undercuts gay rights generally, that bigots sometimes use the "Well I knew a guy, right, and he was straight, had a really hot girlfriend, he went to prison and now he's dating a dude!" "argument" as some sort of evidence that gays can "change" and thus shouldn't be afforded rights. I think they see that dynamic as "messy" and difficult to explain. It's completely irrational and stupid though because people understanding about bisexuality actually eliminates that so-called argument even though some people seem to take it seriously (at least, I've seen it advanced seriously on GAF). Too many people, gay and straight alike live in a binary world.
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!! Nah, but I do think it's just people being people, and compared to some of the shit I have seen trans people, or even just effeminate gay people, go through, it's not exactly catastrophic. Just more hypocrisy to point and laugh at.icarus-daedelus said:I like to jokingly put forth the "bisexuals don't exist" thing sometimes, but yeah, the fact that people actually and seriously possess such an attitude is pretty ridiculous and lolworthy to me.