No seriously. Is there gaydar for trans people?
So you knew I was trans this whole time? >_>Sup Billy. What? I've lurked this thread since way back >_> Anyhow, I kinda got that vibe from you from time to time in the IRC room lol. I think the part that made me question it was when we were talking about Aigis and you said something along the lines of, "I wouldn't mind it at all if I were to wake up and be a girl". That was when I was like... I wonder if he's trans... Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in finding yourself friendo. KS GAF will be rooting you on
So you knew I was trans this whole time? >_>
So you knew I was trans this whole time? >_>
^_^I remembered you from way back remember? Ninj4junpei. We never talked back then, but when I met you, you were reborn as Femmeworth, so you're a girl to me.
Indeed.KS GAF's VN has go to have the higest trans to non trans ratio than any other game developer.
That's fucking awesome.
That's fucking awesome.
KS GAF's VN has go to have the higest trans to non trans ratio than any other game developer.
I just like to chill with ya'll.
If it's contagious, who infected you?it's contagious
If it's contagious, who infected you?
Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Washington-based Family Research Council, said the EEOC's decision is misinterpreting Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
"Those who are discriminated against because they are transgender are not discriminated because they are male or female, it is because they are pretending to be the opposite of what they really are, which is quite a different matter," he said.
I must have missed that lovely quote. *rages*I'm really tired of discriminatory groups stealing use of the world "family". More pro-diversity, pro-equality groups need to start calling themselves the "Family Something" or "Something Family Council".
I also love how he couldn't help but get that little "pretending" jab in there.
I'm quite sure many of my outwardly supportive relatives and school friends think I'm pretending to be the opposite of what I really am.
(k) The terms “because of sex” or “on the basis of sex” include, but are not limited to, because of or on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; and women affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions shall be treated the same for all employment-related purposes, including receipt of benefits under fringe benefit programs, as other persons not so affected but similar in their ability or inability to work, and nothing in section 2000e-2(h) of this title [section 703(h)] shall be interpreted to permit otherwise. This subsection shall not require an employer to pay for health insurance benefits for abortion, except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or except where medical complications have arisen from an abortion: Provided, That nothing herein shall preclude an employer from providing abortion benefits or otherwise affect bargaining agreements in regard to abortion.
If it's contagious, who infected you?
So. I told my manager I wanted to get the team at work together so we can discuss the whole trans thing a bit. The four of us get over to the conference room, close the door... and my coworker starts talking about how he's given his two-week notice. Apparently there was a meeting planned anyway!
So my manager's having a kid, my coworker's leaving, I'm out as trans.... I feel bad for the fourth on our team, he's got nothing. XD
You might be surprised. There are tons of us out there who support our friends and family, that you might not realize because we are not often outspoken. Don't let the haters give you the impression that the world is a cold place. I mean, yeah OK it's a cold place. But there is warmth if you look for it!Welcome to how 95% of the world thinks. (At least it seems that way.)
I'm quite sure many of my outwardly supportive relatives and school friends think I'm pretending to be the opposite of what I really am. This is why I don't go around telling people I'm transsexual in the real world.
You might be surprised. There are tons of us out there who support our friends and family, that you might not realize because we are not often outspoken. Don't let the haters give you the impression that the world is a cold place. I mean, yeah OK it's a cold place. But there is warmth if you look for it!
Or embrace your femininity like I did.Maybe I should think of a new, gender neutral username
Or embrace your femininity like I did.
Well, Billy is almost always a boy's name. Billie is the girl equivalent.On a related note, it always impresses me how much people read "Paty" from my nick ...
edit :
Considering how much people knew you are a girl ... are you sure that the name chance is really necessary ?
Coming up with a username is hard. I'm just glad that it didn't take me too long to come up with mine.Yeah, maybe. Its just that I want consistency everywhere. I can't think of any good names though
EDIT: Feminine name is probably better because that's what I would want anyway.
Well, Billy is almost always a boy's name. Billie is the girl equivalent.
Coming up with a username is hard. I'm just glad that it didn't take me too long to come up with mine.
Totally subtle.LesbianRevengeance is nice and subtle, right?'s everything going?
I still haven't really told people other than internet friends (everyone has been supportive except for one person, but they're kind of dumb so I'm just ignoring it). I guess things are the same? I don't know, I just feel happy.
I just like calling you Billie.
I've switched to just using that in IRC. Maybe I'll keep it.
hopes a mod changes her tag to LesbianRevengeance
I'm never one for arbitrary user name changes. Give it a decent amount of thought before you pick one, and don't pick one that's any sort of fad (and thus you'll hate in six months).
I also hate the idea of just going with a girl version of my boy name, but that's just me, and partially because I so dislike my boy name. *heh* My advice is trying a lot of names in different scenarios, and seeing if you end up connecting with one. The name that I decided on was a name I never thought I'd use as a considerationsomething about it just ended up clicking with me.
Emilie isn't for a GAF name, I really love it and it's the name I want to change to right now. Of course I've got a lot of time to think about it because I might wait until after college to do anything.