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Treme - the creators of The Wire look at life in New Orleans - S2 - Sundays on HBO

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The Hidalgo season long storyline was worth if only to see him try to bullshit an answer to that question in his final scene. Love this show, haters be dammed.


LaDonna was bloody great in this episode. Shit everyone was great in this episode. The corruption storylines with Hidalgo and the Homicide squad played out great. Second best episode of the season behind the mardi-gras episode.

Love this show

Amazing finale. The way everything came to a head within the Homicide division, Antoine's band, Davis' whole situation, LaDonna losing her mind, Sonny's turnaround, Hidalgo's dealings, etc. etc. were all great. I can't wait to see where these characters are headed next season with the events that were hinted at in the Finale. (elections, oil spill, new restaurant, Delmond's band, FBI involvement, etc.)
- Matt Zoller Seitz: David Simon explains "Treme"
The show's creator defends some surprising choices, and explains how it's "a story of fundamental patriotism"

Writer-producer David Simon didn't want to do this interview about "Treme," the New Orleans drama that just wrapped up its second season. When I put in a request to HBO, the initial response that came back through a publicist was, and I quote: "Oy, what can I tell that isn't self-evident?"

But I asked again, promising that this wouldn't be a nit-picky discussion of plot and character, but hopefully an interview that talked about larger issues: the style and architecture of the show, its storytelling philosophy, its view of art and culture, and the ways in which it is similar to or different from Simon's previous series, "The Wire," "The Corner" and "Generation Kill." And he said yes. The conversation ranged over nearly two hours. Excerpts follow


Console Market Analyst
Sepinwall's description of this scene is perfect:

The show has spent two years detailing Larry's unhappiness with LaDonna keeping one foot in New Orleans and the other (reluctantly) in Baton Rouge, and detailing how the rape crushed her spirit and only emboldened Larry in his determination to get her to leave that wrecked city. So the moment when Larry finally recognizes that this ridiculous place is what his wife needs to be whole did a number on me that was every bit as effective, in its much happier way, as some of the darkest late-season moments on "The Wire" (or even "Treme" season 1). Such a great moment for those characters, and the two actors, and I loved that scene's final shot of LaDonna rushing into Larry's arms just as the elevator doors closed.

Such a moving season finale.

Treme is strong, and rewards the patient.
Al-ibn Kermit said:
yeah, I agree with most of the complaints that article has. There's a lot of groan-worthy dialogue from the musicians and I do get really annoyed by the music video detours every 15 minutes.
It only sounds groan-worthy to those who have no idea that that's how they actually talk. As a lifetime New Orleanian and a trumpet-toting member of the music scene, trust me, that's how it works.

My god though, when LaDonna got into that rant at the lady at the police station about how fucked up hypocritical the system is in NO in trying to get people to come back to live here, I had just the biggest grin on my face. Ladies and gentlemen, if you ever wanted the frustrations of post-Katrina life in New Orleans summed up so eloquently, THAT was it. Great ending to the season, though as others have pointed out, a clear indicator that this isn't a normal show.
God, that was such a great finale. Even the stories I hadn't been interested in this year (Toni's case and everything involving Nelson) were fantastic. And of course that Wire-esque montage at the end put a big smile on my face. So glad that we're getting another season, even if it'll probably be its last.
good stuff

ironically it was the wire-esque moments that interested my the least.. the stuff with the cop or whatever totally lost me
Discotheque said:
lol I only learnt his name was Hidalgo in this thread, do they ever mention it in the show?

i dunno i cant remember half the names lol

there was a lot of great lines in this episode

rakin up leaves on a windy day

worryin is above my motherfuckin pay grade

i couldnt figure out if hidalgo was supposed to be shady the entire season i guess he was

edit: did it seem like antoine was gonna go to japan next season? or maybe just stick with teaching. i wouldnt mind a japan storyline similar to the new york bits this season.. too expensive?
Cornballer said:
Really really interesting interview, thanks. One bit that stood out to me was this:

Simon said:
I don’t care about the thrills you get in every episode. I want it to be resonant at the end, in a cumulative way. Eric feels the same way. We feel we’re writing a singular, elemental thing.
I really wish more people thought about TV this way. I honestly find it harder to watch more episode based programs after The Wire, and damn near impossible to watch any dramatic series which is entirely episodic. It just seems like a complete waste, you can have these long, interesting stories with really rich and deep characters, but no, that takes far too much effort to watch, how about some instant gratification.

Ugh. Fuck the casual viewer indeed.

...wow that was a lot more ranty than I had initially anticipated, haha. Oops.


RobotNinjaHornets said:
Really really interesting interview, thanks. One bit that stood out to me was this:

I really wish more people thought about TV this way. I honestly find it harder to watch more episode based programs after The Wire, and damn near impossible to watch any dramatic series which is entirely episodic. It just seems like a complete waste, you can have these long, interesting stories with really rich and deep characters, but no, that takes far too much effort to watch, how about some instant gratification.

Ugh. Fuck the casual viewer indeed.

...wow that was a lot more ranty than I had initially anticipated, haha. Oops.
Totally agree, just caught up with the final two eps and that point was well-made in the finale. Everything came together, and it was totally satisfying. Fucking love this show.
Fucking incredible finale.

The best scenes were certainly LaDonna's, her breakdown in front of her rapist was phenonemol, followed by her brilliant rant. Khandi Alexander: bow. Emmy now.

The only aspect of the season that I felt didn't work as well as it could've was Toni's investigation, it never grabbed me like last seasons investigation into LaDonna's brother, it was missing that personal connection. The entire cop plotline was overall rather underwhelming, I like that the plotline that a lot of the people meh on season 1 were looking forward to, was the least compelling of the bunch. :p

Everything else was wonderful, from Sonny becoming a likeable dude, to Antoine and Davis each forming and losing a band. Loved Annie's interactions with Harley, and enjoyed Janette's adventures in New York (including Ripert's hilarious "acting"). Janette and Jacques make an adorable couple too, was hoping that would eventually happen. Kim Dickens is such a great actress, and too often overlooked.

Can't wait to immerse myself back in these characters lives again next season.
Just watched the finale, man was it good. Even though I always liked the show, there were times where I thought on not keeping up to date with each episode. Glad I did.

Greyface said:
The Hidalgo season long storyline was worth if only to see him try to bullshit an answer to that question in his final scene. Love this show, haters be dammed.

That scene was great. I kinda ended up feeling bad for the guy, he played it off pretty good.
Brinbe said:
Totally agree, just caught up with the final two eps and that point was well-made in the finale. Everything came together, and it was totally satisfying. Fucking love this show.

I feel bad for doubting it in retrospect (and I did doubt it, HARD, and felt like it had a whole lot to answer for and pull off by the end of the season). It turned out to be one of the most satisfying and gratifying seasons of television I've ever seen, thanks mostly to the events in the finale. That interview with Simon is so fantastic in that respect, and why I feel bad. I never should have judged the season "by its balustrade" so to speak.

I was telling Cornballer on Twitter, it didn't even bring together just this season. The slight mention of the "new" roof when LaDonna was trying to sell the bar and Antoine telling the kids to "play for that money" and then playing "Feel Like Funkin' It Up" both were incredibly resonant callbacks to the first season.

I liked his mention of Sonny because it's a storyline I'm now deeply invested in. There's this hanging thing now, now that its been two whole seasons without it being fully and directly addressed, of his participation in the post-Katrina rescue effort. I doubt what we'll ever see is something like a flashback or even any kind of serious discussion of what really happened, but his continued "aw, shucks, I guess" appraisal of it is so fucking fascinating when you see the deep ways in which is actually completely torpedoed his whole life.

Wish I'd kept every episode on the DVR, but I'm glad I at least have the finale still.


Watching the finale only reinforced my love for the show. I just wish the show get the love it deserves. Oh well, can't wait for next season!
Really enjoyed the finale and love the show. I thought it peaked in the first hour and sort of meandered home, but with a nice montage at the end. I really think that Toni comes across as very unsympathetic though by the end of the season. She is basically a user who throws Colson out in the trash when he isn't her errand boy. I don't know, it just rubbed me the wrong way.


Surprisingly great finale, redeemed the sometimes sluggish season. I also really enjoyed the extended length of the episode. More series should do that.

I liked seeing Jeanette & Jacques together, they make such a cute couple :) It was also good to see Ladonna back in form.

Quick question though, Colson got kicked out of homicide, right? He was back in his old uniform at the end.
Season finale was outstanding. Wasn't expecting a 90 minute episode either, so that was a nice surprise. Ladonna knocked it out of the park. Anyone feel like this episode was written as the end of the show, not just the season? They wrapped up practically everything that happened this season. And the extra 30 minutes runtime along with the musical montage at the end gave off that impression, too.

So glad it's getting another season, though.
I still have to catch up on the finale, but i had to comment that the second half of this season has been incredible. That's not a slight at the first half, because i think the entire season has been great. Once the Mardi Gras episode aired, though, it has been delivering on a whole new level. All the characters, even Sonny (!!!), have been a pleasure to watch.

The scene where Wanda quit the Soul Apostles had me rolling. Antione has been consistently hilarious this season.

Now to watch the finale!
Loved the finale. What an incredible show.

Full Metal Jacket said:
David Simon has a way of making shows feel genuine and authentic; it doesn't feel like TV.

This pretty much sums up why I love David Simon's work.
Spotless Mind said:
I still have to catch up on the finale, but i had to comment that the second half of this season has been incredible. That's not a slight at the first half, because i think the entire season has been great. Once the Mardi Gras episode aired, though, it has been delivering on a whole new level. All the characters, even Sonny (!!!), have been a pleasure to watch.

The scene where Wanda quit the Soul Apostles had me rolling. Antione has been consistently hilarious this season.

Now to watch the finale!

Oh man, report back! It's SO GOOD!!!!

dave is ok

aztek is ok
The Treme writers room must be the easiest job in the world. You don't even have to break stories. You just come up with a start point for a character and an end point and put whatever you want in the middle
Delmond's band with the Big Chief sounded awesome, wish it was real.

This show has made me genuinely interested in checking out some jazz.
- About a half hour of Treme finale discussion on this week's Sepinwall/Fienberg podcast
Dan was traveling back from Canada in the early part of the week, so the Firewall & Iceberg Podcast makes a temporary Wednesday return, and a fairly busy one, as we discuss "Torchwood: Miracle Day," "Curb Your Enthusiasm," the "Treme" finale, a new "Twin Peaks" and answer several letters.

The run-down:
"Torchwood: Miracle Day" -- 2:05 - 16:05
"Curb Your Enthusiasm" -- 16:05 - 24:25
"Treme" finale -- 24:30 - 51:30
Listener Mail: "Buffy" Big Bads -- 51:30 - 59:25
Listener Mail: Movie actors on TV -- 59:30 - 01:12:20
James Spader on "The Office" -- 01:12:30 - 01:16:30
"Twin Peaks" -- 01:16:50 - 01:30:00


force push the doodoo rock
Crimson Clown said:
Delmond's band with the Big Chief sounded awesome, wish it was real.

I came in here hoping that someone had posted a full version somewhere.

Do want :(
Bernette seriously just used and cut loose Colson here. That really put her quite a few notches down in my book.

But I'm really glad Sonny got redeemed. Him and Antoine had my favorite storylines this season. Bernette and her daughter's was good too but I found LaDonna's the saddest (with a great ending to it, however)


I fuckin' love this show.

HBO is literally the only place you'd see something like Treme - and not only that, but only on HBO with the clout of someone who made the most critically acclaimed show of all time. Only place you'd find that subject matter explored in a drama. Only place where you'd have a show with an 70% or more African American cast. And I fucking love everyone involved for that. God bless the execs who've greenlighted three seasons now.

I finished this season last night. I saved all the episodes on my DVR and just binged through them in two days. It was awesome. I'm going to do that every year.

So good.

The only bummer is how it won't win any, or many, awards. But whatever - who gives a shit. That only shows how much those are worth.


I'm pretty interested in this show. Every time I go to Best Buy I pick up the box and consider it but I am not sure if I'd like it or not.
On one hand I live in Louisiana and could probably appreciate a lot of the shows details.
On the other hand, Im not actually from NOLA and I don't really follow much TV series.
I do love the music though and the style that's presented.
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