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Tribes: Ascend |OT| SHAZBOT! SHAZBOT! SHAZBOT! WHOOHOO! (Now officially out of beta)



Almost as skilled as Quake rockets.

Card Boy

Wait what? You can't buy the infil pack now?

Only Infiltrator pack you can buy is the one with skins included. The assassin skin pack with weapons is 1282gold or both skins and weapons for 1620. You can't buy the 800 weapons pack anymore for the Infiltrator. Its the raiders turn.

edit: beaten
I've got a particular friend who is a staunch defender of HiRez and all of their decisions. We played T2 together for years and he really wants this to be a good game. Just to screw with him I've decided to only use the raider class when he and I play together, particularly trying to get on the opposite team so I can harass him with the plasma gun for a few hours. It's worked so far, but he still insists that the plasma gun is balanced. His rage over teamspeak says otherwise, though.


I'm sure Hi-Res will nerf it. They have being receptive to feedback so far. It's just a matter of when.

why not try this novel approch, called "playtesting their shit"? preferably before they release this garbage for money, so pay2win assholes don't statpad until they get off their lazy asses and patch a fix in

jackal was bad enough, this plasma gun is the straw that breaks the camel's back for me, uninstalled

I think I was level 15 or something

oh well
jackal was bad enough, this plasma gun is the straw that breaks the camel's back for me, uninstalled

I sympathize, I'm not a huge fan of being part of play testing when I'm playing a released product. Free to play games commonly lack thorough internal play testing. Common sense may even dictate that they prefer to release new weapons in an over-powered state in hopes to attract as many buyers as possible, only to fix the weapons in question at a later date. It's a pretty shady business move and if they really want this game to be the competitive darling they're trying so hard to make it, they're going to have to cut it out sooner or later. The Jackal is still banned from competition. The Plasma Gun will follow suit I'm sure.
They're obviously releasing overpowered weapons on purpose so people buy them. Then a couple weeks later, they'll apply a nerf. That's quite questionable.

They've done that since the very beginning. People also purchased classes to test them out. Game comes out and they can't "re-spec" their points into other things.. even though they were doing HiRez a favor by testing their fucking products.


Completely bullshit. From the start I've told them I didn't like them. And that's because they've had poor game design and poor politics behind this game from the start.
So many Raiders running around now with those damn plasma guns, jeez. I mean, I like the class, and I find it cool they're getting new toys, but that new weapon is ridiculous. I sincerely hope they're not going to do this with all the other classes, especially those that actually are in need for new cool toys (looking at you, Brute).


Completely bullshit. From the start I've told them I didn't like them. And that's because they've had poor game design and poor politics behind this game from the start.

I don't think calling this game "poorly designed" does it justice. It's a very well-made game. It has a good share of flaws, obviously, but hey, it's F2P.
Poor politics I can agree on, however.
Oh look, a description of what the Plasma Rifle SHOULD DO.

The Plasma Rifle shoots hot balls of plasma with an excellent rate of fire. This can be a deadly indoor weapon, and is often used for destroying base assets. Striking a moving target at medium range is difficult due to the projectile's low speed, which is why the weapon is not used outdoors very often. The plasma rifle cannot be used at long ranges due to the fact that the shot totally dissipates after a few seconds. The plasma rifle also cannot be fired while underwater for obvious reasons. Plasma rifles are frequently used by cloak-pack-equipped Scout-class (light) infiltrators as a supplement to the Shocklance, as the plasma rifle does more damage on a direct hit than a Spinfusor disc, with a smaller blast radius and more rapid fire. Plasma rifles also carry between two and three times the ammunition of a Spinfusor.
Yea, I actually remember Plasma Rifles being absolutely shitty outside because of their low range and slow projectile speed.
I don't mind them changing weapon functionality, but at least make the hitbox detection less ridiculous. :/


Kills Photobucket
Oh look, a description of what the Plasma Rifle SHOULD DO.

Plasma gun also had almost non-existent splash damage. It did more damage than a spinfusor, but only with a direct hit.

I think that's a big problem this game is running into, there's too many weapons since they want every class to have their own. It's tough to balance when you're introducing dozens of different weapons.
I don't think calling this game "poorly designed" does it justice. It's a very well-made game. It has a good share of flaws, obviously, but hey, it's F2P.
Poor politics I can agree on, however.

F2P doesn't justify poor design. F2P is a pay-model NOT an excuse for bad design. And yes, it's poorly designed. Most of the people that don't have an issue with this game (i.e. probably you) have never touched the forums. Once you go in there on the other hand, it has so many problems.

No one is asking for Tribes 2, but many are asking why so many decisions were made that took something that worked and broke them. They also took problems like Chaingun whoring and made it even more of a problem by giving every class an automatic weapon that has even less spread, but a higher firing rate.

I've listed problems before, and so have many others.

F2P doesn't justify poor design. F2P is a pay-model NOT an excuse for bad design.

I'm rather saying "I don't mind errors and/or bad choices that much because I didn't pay money for it".

And yes, it's poorly designed. Most of the people that don't have an issue with this game (i.e. probably you) have never touched the forums. Once you go in there on the other hand, it has so many problems.

I've been lurking the forums since the late beta. I'm very well aware of the problems the game has and that Hi-Rez is not really fixing them or making them even worse (as with the chaingun problem you mentioned), but in the core, the game is still really solid. "Poor design" to me means that the game is full with bugs and pretty much unplayable from a technical standpoint, which T:A is definitely not. That's why I fully agree on "poor politics", which is what they are doing.

I'm mostly holding out for Hi-Rez realizing that they're on the way to destroying the competitiveness of their game with this.
why not try this novel approch, called "playtesting their shit"? preferably before they release this garbage for money, so pay2win assholes don't statpad until they get off their lazy asses and patch a fix in

jackal was bad enough, this plasma gun is the straw that breaks the camel's back for me, uninstalled

I think I was level 15 or something

oh well

You know, I just noticed something, TF2 guns don't become available to purchase until either after the product promotional phase is over or after it's been tested in the TF2 Beta for months.

I'm rather saying "I don't mind errors and/or bad choices that much because I didn't pay money for it".
I see

I've been lurking the forums since the late beta. I'm very well aware of the problems the game has and that Hi-Rez is not really fixing them or making them even worse (as with the chaingun problem you mentioned), but in the core, the game is still really solid. "Poor design" to me means that the game is full with bugs and pretty much unplayable from a technical standpoint, which T:A is definitely not. That's why I fully agree on "poor politics", which is what they are doing.
I still get problems of my game going below 30 fps... i7 3.0ghz 6g ram and HD 5870... I've got it running 720p on medium settings just so I can get extra frames. A lot of other people with AMD/ATI machines have problems with the game.

I also get stuttering and even teleporting problems when my ping is in it's 40's. I get moments where I'm flying toward a flag and the netcode stutters, and I find myself flying 30 degrees off from where I wanted to be. It's so infuriating. That's all just from a technical standpoint. Like I said, I can go into gameplay problems all day. I've listed several in the forums and in this thread.

I'm mostly holding out for Hi-Rez realizing that they're on the way to destroying the competitiveness of their game with this.
It won't last.
I still get problems of my game going below 30 fps... i7 3.0ghz 6g ram and HD 5870... I've got it running 720p on medium settings just so I can get extra frames. A lot of other people with AMD/ATI machines have problems with the game.

I also get stuttering and even teleporting problems when my ping is in it's 40's. I get moments where I'm flying toward a flag and the netcode stutters, and I find myself flying 30 degrees off from where I wanted to be. It's so infuriating. That's all just from a technical standpoint. Like I said, I can go into gameplay problems all day. I've listed several in the forums and in this thread.

Dunno. ._. I'm using lower setting generally because my PC isn't a strong lad, but I can see where you're coming from.
Dunno. ._. I'm using lower setting generally because my PC isn't a strong lad, but I can see where you're coming from.

I don't know what could be the problem. I see a lot of AMD people say they have the same issue, then again, I see several AMD people that say they don't.
I don't know what could be the problem. [...] AMD

There's your problem. :B [/hardwarefetishist]

Sounds like some sort of incompatibility issue to me, to be honest. Though I assume that those AMD people have all the same sub-series or even same CPU, so I couldn't tell you what the problem is, either.
If you unlock a perk is that perk usable across all classes? I'd assume so but the only reason I ask is because some packs are usable with difference classes (like the energy pack) but if you upgrade it on one class, it's still unupgraded on the other.

And do you guys use the smaller gun models? They seem much more akin to the Tribes 2 gun size, and opens up a bit more of the screen. Something satisfying about seeing the big ass gun model for me though... but for the time being I'm going to stick with the smaller guns to keep my view cleaner.
If you unlock a perk is that perk usable across all classes? I'd assume so but the only reason I ask is because some packs are usable with difference classes (like the energy pack) but if you upgrade it on one class, it's still unupgraded on the other.

I think perks translate from one class to the next as long as it's not class specific... Like super heavy (which still needs to be removed since it's so bullshit).

EDIT: Picture was originally for the Huntsman in TF2.
Applies perfectly for Plasma Rifle.


They're doing this shit on purpose.
If you unlock a perk is that perk usable across all classes?

That is correct, sir.

And do you guys use the smaller gun models?

Nope. I've no real beef with the size of the guns.

...problems of my game going below 30 fps...

...stuttering and even teleporting problems ...

...netcode stutters, and I find myself flying 30 degrees off from where I wanted to be...

I swear, it's starting to sound like 90% of your beef with the game, is purely because your computer is possessed and should be taken out back and set on fire. Tribes Ascend remains one of the smoothest PC gaming experiences for me, and I don't even have that beefy of a rig, and a shitty ATI card, and I run it max detail (720p, sure).


Ascend is being a hilarious ecosystem right now, of people who love to sit in servers and complain, complain, complain for the entire duration of the match, but won't actually STOP playing the game they're complaining so much about. I had a match yesterday where a Jugganoob was just sitting mortaring the flag, and typing non-stop moan while doing it. I snuck up behind him (took me nearly 2 minutes to reach him), killed him with some 'nades and a melee, and suddenly he's all like "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS SHIT THE GAME JUST SPAWNED SOMEONE BEHIND ME I THOUGHT IT WOULDN'T SPAWN ANYONE IN THE TOWERS IF YOU'RE IN THEM THIS JUST PROVES HOW SHITTY THIS GAME IS" etc. I continued to kill him easily whenever I saw him, because he was always too busy typing to respond properly.

I agree there are valid complaints to be leveled at the game, but realistically, you could argue that at least half of them are just people being fucking stupid and *wanting* to bitch. Confirmation Bias, and all that.

The moan-and-piss crew remind me so much of the 20-somethings on Modern Warfare 3, who have a constant litany over the mic detailing just how the game is unbalanced, screwing them over, and personally trying to make their lives shit - meanwhile they just suck and have no idea how to play. It's hilarious.
So you want to ignore everything else that's wrong with the game? Because I assure you the technical shit I get from this game (that I don't get from others, I run Crysis at a higher FPS avg) is only a tiny fraction of the games problems.
So you want to ignore everything else that's wrong with the game? Because I assure you the technical shit I get from this game (that I don't get from others, I run Crysis at a higher FPS avg) is only a tiny fraction of the game.

Of course not. If you're having a technical issue, you have every right as a paying customer to ask for support, and the devs should do everything they can to help. Doesn't always work out that way, especially not in this industry, but that's where "voting with your wallet" comes in. If you're unhappy, don't give them your money.

As for game balance, well shit son. That never ends, people are *never* satisfied. Look at WoW. 8 years later and there's still as much bitching now about balance this and balance that, as there was at launch. Same for Starcraft, it's STILL getting balance patches.

If you play fighting games, you'll know where I'm coming from. Balance isn't just a matter of copying what you previously thought was balanced (because I assure you, there are just as many people who would disagree with you on what you think is balanced, with equally valid arguments). Balance is also not just about having numbers add up on a spreadsheet.

Now don't get me wrong, stupid shit like overly-large hitboxes and damage vs vehicles vs damage vs players stuff, that's stuff that can and should be fixed as they become apparent.

I'll give them until the next patch to see what they do about the Plasma, but I'm not going to condemn their entire company a month after launch just because other people aren't having the fun they think they rightfully deserve. Hell, I wish Tech would get a lot more love in the damage output department without having to resort to Thumpers because when you kill someone with a Thumper they don't fucking stop bitching at you for it.....

Online gaming. Woo!

At the end of the day, if you're not having fun, if you REALLY think the company is a box full of monkies, then why are you bothering to spend so much energy bitching about it? Let it go. Either play, or don't play. If you think you can make a difference, by talking to the devs, by all means. If you think the devs don't care, then why bother talking to them? Let it go.

I'm not saying you don't have the right to bitch, hell, this is NeoGAF - it's powered by the magic of bitching. Bitching pays its server costs somehow, I'm sure.

But there comes a point where it just starts sounding wrong, especially when people KEEP playing the thing they're hating so much.
Of course not. If you're having a technical issue, you have every right as a paying customer to ask for support, and the devs should do everything they can to help. Doesn't always work out that way, especially not in this industry, but that's where "voting with your wallet" comes in. If you're unhappy, don't give them your money.

I'm not giving them my money. I did once because they were showing they were doing well. Then... they started to get greedy and just not give a fuck. They haven't done anything good since, and they haven't seen a dime from me since.

Trust me, I'm one for boycotts. Haven't bought an Activision game since Tony Hawk Underground 2. And I haven't bought an EA game since Burnout Paradise.

EDIT: I've already given my reasoning for playing it. Tribes 2 is too old for me. It's dated, so I play the "next best thing." Sure, I can play games I love like CS:Source and TF2... etc... I've played those two games over 3000 hours EACH. I need something new, even if it does infuriate me.

I keep bitching on here and on the forums because even though I think they are absolute idiots, I hope they can still learn. I want them to succeed, and NOT just because everyone is settling for less. That's what most players have done this gen. Settle for less. So we end up getting developers that don't want try like COD and bullshit models of releasing OP guns making thousands of dollars then nerfing them.

I'm hoping people will realize the more space you give a developer in terms of them charging you, the more they'll take. I bitch because I want people to see what this problem is, that this shit isn't isolated, and to not just blindly throw your money at bad practices.
I've been really enjoying this game. Easily 40 hours. So much so that I went ahead and put in $10 (and I never spend money in f2p games hardly ever as I have a strong dislike for the model). It seemed to me that they had struck a really decent balance of unlocks vs stock gear. Then they put in this plasma gun crap and games are FULL of raiders abusing this clearly overpowered weapon. They won't get another dime from me till they stop this bull. Its as if they didn't even play test it or they did it on purpose to tempt people into paying up cash to unlock it. :( Really has soured me on the game.
Fair enough. I was only bringing up my counterpoint, because as much as you're not having fun and all, the thread for the game really does deserve better than to just be an outlet for perpetual complaining about it. I've been enjoying the game immensely, and I'd like to actually connect with more people who are also enjoying it, in spite of all the terrible earth-shattering issues. I'm not ignoring the problems, I'm just not being utterly fixated on them.

Also, don't go hating on COD. It's a lot of fun, and MW3's MP is remarkably balanced, which you'd know if you played it seriously.

Side note: I've played about 10 matches since the Plasma came out, and oddly enough, I've yet to actually see it in the game.


Most of the people that don't have an issue with this game (i.e. probably you) have never touched the forums. Once you go in there on the other hand, it has so many problems.

Yeah, but they cry about everything there. Everything. Not particularly surprising anyone who spends time around such negativity would come away jaded. It's hard to imagine how those guys can enjoy anything.
I don't think a forum dedicated to a game exists, that isn't filled with hate, vitriol and generate negativity towards the game it's dedicated to. If you go by game forums, every single game ever released is a broken, unbalanced mess.

I guess people show their love in strange ways...

Ah, a "Hilter Hates" video. Now you KNOW people are just bitching because they're getting killed, and don't have the gun that's doing all the killing ;)

<Paper> Rock is fine, Scissors is imba.
I don't think a forum dedicated to a game exists, that isn't filled with hate, vitriol and generate negativity towards the game it's dedicated to. If you go by game forums, every single game ever released is a broken, unbalanced mess.

I guess people show their love in strange ways...

Ah, a "Hilter Hates" video. Now you KNOW people are just bitching because they're getting killed, and don't have the gun that's doing all the killing ;)

<Paper> Rock is fine, Scissors is imba.

Sooo... the weapon ISN'T imbalanced? Is that what you're saying? =D
To be honest, I don't really know. It certainly *looks* that way, but I only have other people's word on it. I've not used it myself, and I've not had it used against me, so I'm not really in a position to give a true opinion on it.

The videos do make a compelling case, especially the one where the guy methodically goes through the weapons on the training dummies. At first glance, yeah, I think the hitbox is too big, it should be half the size.


The funny thing about the Quake comparison is that those plasma shots would actually be pretty Quake-like if they'd just fix the damn hitbox. I actually like the gun in concept, especially for its emphasis on going for midairs and various wild shots instead of playing the (fun) energy waiting game with Spinfusors.

I like going for midairs with the Spinfusor as well but the timing can be tricky, since if you miss that can mean your ass when you land, so that's why a lot don't seem to and just wait for their opponent to hit the ground. It can get kinda goofy when two players are just gliding around in the air, not shooting at each other and waiting for one to touch ground first.

And Miktar the plasma gun is definitely fucked up. I actually think other weaps that people always complain about like the chain gun and SMG are generally fine and can be handled, but the plasma needs some changes.
Chaingun is perfectly fine. Doombringer has nothing else going for it but sitting on the flag with their fat ass and shooting stuff with the chaingun. If they took one of the biggest redeeming factors away from the DBR, that'd be 2 useless Heavy classes along with the Brute.
And most SMGs are fine too, honestly.

Also, Quake was fucking awesome.
People complain about the chain gun and SMG? o..o I always thought those weapons sucked. The only bitching I ever hear is about Thumpers. Which I also think get way more credit than they deserve, I don't even use the Tech Thumper anymore. I just 'nade spam when someone comes into my gen room.
Complaining about Thumpers is like complaining about Spinfusors. If they don't like shit blowing up, they should play CoD.

So much COD hate. >..> Don't get it. Must be bandwagon jumping, or just "hipster hate". Besides, CoD has noobtubers, so shit gets blown up regardless of where you go. :p
So much COD hate. >..> Don't get it. Must be bandwagon jumping, or just "hipster hate". Besides, CoD has noobtubers, so shit gets blown up regardless of where you go. :p

I neither bandwagon nor am I a "hipster", I just can't stand war-shooters; I neither like Battlefield or Medal of Honor or Far Cry either. ;)
Perfectly valid! I stand corrected, and apologize for the assumption.

I don't care much for the theme of the games myself either, but I like how MW3's MP plays. It's fast, punchy, feels good and the guns have weight. I prefer more sci-fi fare, which is where Tribes is naaaice, but when I just want to shoot some bros, there's only one Bro Hunting Simulator out there, and that's CoD.
Chaingun is perfectly fine. Doombringer has nothing else going for it but sitting on the flag with their fat ass and shooting stuff with the chaingun. If they took one of the biggest redeeming factors away from the DBR, that'd be 2 useless Heavy classes along with the Brute.
And most SMGs are fine too, honestly.

Also, Quake was fucking awesome.

Chaingun IS perfectly fine. It's so much like the original ones, it's not bullshit powerful. The other full auto guns on the other hand absolutely trump the chaingun in spread and firing rate. Resulting higher DPS most of the time.

I think SMG's need spread increase as well.


I like the Raider's new SMG a lot. That's one addition they didn't screw up, at least. :p The slow rate of fire puts more emphasis on a person's ability to lead shots and punishes misses more, in exchange for higher damage when hits land. The zooming ability comes in handy as well. It's a particularly effective weapon against heavies since they're easier to target than the quicker classes.

Haven't used those cluster grenades much yet.

I hope they don't take ages to fix the plasma gun because Raider is a fun class and it's impossible to use the plasma without feeling bad. :p
I like the Raider's new SMG a lot. That's one addition they didn't screw up, at least. :p The slow rate of fire puts more emphasis on a person's ability to lead shots and punishes misses more, in exchange for higher damage when hits land. The zooming ability comes in handy as well. It's a particularly effective weapon against heavies since they're easier to target than the quicker classes.

Haven't used those cluster grenades much yet.

I hope they don't take ages to fix the plasma gun because Raider is a fun class and it's impossible to use the plasma without feeling bad. :p

It has a higher DPS than the CG IIRC. Which means it's OP. Medium shouldn't outclass a heavy so easily.
Is there a list of Gaffer players on this thread? What are you guys' names so I can add you? And is there mic support? I just realized that I haven't heard a peep from anyone, but during the end of the game scoreboard there's a microphone icon next to people's names for muting purposes...

I'm Vertigo-1 FYI. Add me. I need some people to play with.

Also, what are people in this thread using for their forcing AA solution (if at all?) I'm using nVidia inspector to run 2x Sparse Grid Super Sampling AntiAliasing (SGSSAA) similar to what is explained in the PC Mass Effect III thread. It works great except it makes things in the distance a tad blurred, and a VERY subtle jittery look to things in the distance as well, but when I use regular multisampling, jetpack effects really glitch out in the distance making the game look pretty bad.
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