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Crazymoogle said:
Not really seasons by any means - its just Nightow switching publishers. The severe differences in the manga and anime was a combination of Nightow dragging on and the animation company buying in too quickly - was Maximum even out at the time of the last Trigun episode airing?

And besides...

I thought Wolfwood doesn't die in the manga...?
Yeah, I just couldn't think of another word to put it as. Dark Horse calls Maximum a sequel but what to call The Planet Gunsmoke? The first volume of Maximum is around 50% similar to the anime stories so the animators knew of Maximum's story. The second volume is gonna be a fight with the Gungho Guns but I don't think they'll happen the way they did in the anime.


It's out in the states from Dark Horse Comics. It sells very well so you can easily find it at Borders. I guess Canada would be the same.


neptunes said:
I can get the Trigun Manga in north america?




I love Trigun. Especially the latter episodes. The comedy portions were good though. It really is just a mask for the real story though.


So I finally picked up the last 3 DVDs. And although it may not have been the best final episode ever, the last 4 made for some of the best and most emotional endings to the series when taken as a whole.:) Great series and with the ending, surpasses Bebop for me.

And that Hallelujah thing is GREAT! Although I thought the scene itself was handled just fine, made me a bit misty-eyed.:)
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