This game is absolutely fantastic. It looks absolutely beautiful, some great level design and I love the fantasy world. I think some of the puzzles could be more intricate and the trio of characters could be put to use better but having just completed the core game, it's been a fun experience. Gone straight into the Goblin expansion levels, which in my opinion look even better.
Only just realised that as the Wizard, if you draw and stack two objects, you can stand on the top one and lift the bottom one. Instant access to pretty much any high and hard to reach vial. Wish I'd realised this sooner rather than spending an hour trying to build some delicate structure to climb and jump from.
Also worked out that you can reset individual upgrades, so all this time I could have just kept temporarily giving the Wizard the maximum four summoned objects, then reapplied the XP to other areas.
Feel a bit stupid, but it will make playing through the game a second time a lot more fun. Lots of paintings and vials to gather.
EDIT: Do I need a peripheral for voice chat or is it done through the GamePad? Haven't played online with anyone yet.