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TRON: Evolution |OT| End of Line.


I hate to belabor the point, but again... I guess my expectations are rock bottom, because the Quicklook makes the game seem pretty appealing to me. I now plan on picking it up on day 1. And I say this as someone who loved Tron 2.0 so much that I played it from beginning to end at least six times.

The commentary seems to indicate Johnny V is playing the game, not the Disney rep. Am I missing something?


Beowulf28 said:
Is Jeff Bridges in the game?

His characters (Kevin Flynn/Clu) are in the game but he doesn't voice them. The only actors to reprise their roles from the films in the game are Olivia Wilde Quorra and Bruce Boxleitner as Tron.


Banstick Emeritus
Mdk7 said:
Despite my love for Propaganda (i'll be forever grateful for Turok, probably the most underrated game of this generation!) and despite my passion for the franchise the game seems frankly garbage, or at least it looked like that at E3.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Did people really hate Tron 2.0? I've heard nothing but good impressions about it from everyone I talked to.


Wario64 said:
Did people really hate Tron 2.0? I've heard nothing but good impressions about it from everyone I talked to.

I remember a lot of people saying it looked like shit when it was unveiled at E3 and there was a playable demo on the floor which drew a lot of hate. But I've never heard anyone say they played the finished game and hated it.
How do you fuck up a Tron game? Tron and Transformers games should always be high quality games. The content and subject matter are perfect for great videogames. At least transformers seems to have turned it around. Hopefully Tron can do the same.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Wario64 said:
Did people really hate Tron 2.0? I've heard nothing but good impressions about it from everyone I talked to.
I think it just sold poorly. I think it got a 90% or something in my PC gamer way back in the day.
Picked it up today. I'm having fun with it. The leveling system is pretty cool, and the visuals are pretty nice outside of cutscenes. The Move support is awful, though.


Will likely be picking this up later against my better judgement. Maybe my lowered expectations will pay off when I start playing!


Three hours in, and I'm at the third level.
I'm enjoying it so far.
The play reminds me a lot of the 2008 Prince of Persia.
I know it's a bit petty to complain about, but the faces in the cut scenes look rough.
PS2 rough.
And my downloadable map pack won't work. The game says its corrupted.
I gave this a rent and I'm up to chapter 5. I think the game is pretty awful. The story is throwaway and uninteresting, the combat is repetitive and dull, and the platforming is merely ok. Then there's the crappy lock on targeting and the camera that never wants to cooperate.
I <3 Memes said:
How do you fuck up a Tron game? Tron and Transformers games should always be high quality games. The content and subject matter are perfect for great videogames. At least transformers seems to have turned it around. Hopefully Tron can do the same.

War for Cybertron didn't have to be out at the same time as a movie.
I wish there were some more even impressions on this. I keep stopping myself from grabbing the LE. I really want that LightCycle...

Anyone try the DS or Wii versions? Sometimes they can be hidden gems.


El Pescado said:
I wish there were some more even impressions on this. I keep stopping myself from grabbing the LE. I really want that LightCycle...

Anyone try the DS or Wii versions? Sometimes they can be hidden gems.

Giant Bomb said they'd be looking at the Wii version this week.
I haven't seen a single screenshot of the DS or PSP versions, much less a review.


Rented the ps3 version and 94 Meg update along with a hefty install. On a brighter note I borrowed the 3 dlc cards out of the remaining copies on the shelf.
Finished the game. My opinion remains the same. It's a 5/10. Tron looks and sounds nice but everything else is just dull and annoying.

And for anyone who wants to quickly grind to level 50 just replay the tank section at the beginning of chapter 6. You'll go up two levels per time.


Unicorn said:
I concur. Turok was one of my favorite shooters this gen.
Turok's awesome and it embodies sooo well the spirit of the saga (even if it has space marines in it, really!).
I'll never ever understand why it got so bashed by the critics.


My world-first review : )

The game is overall not bad at all.
Have good speed, some very insanely awesome atmosphere and "epic" (Matrix-esque) moments. Downsize is the ultimately uninteresting disc-based fights, the unneccessarily harsh difficulty bumps and the idiotic level design.

Story mode is not long (in fact, it is a few hours long - 4-5 at best.), but the multiplayer can be fun if enough player stays.


I won't go so far as to say I regret buying Tron Evolution yesterday... but I probably would say that, if I wasn't such a major Tron-tard for the last 30 years.

The game play really lacks polish. Giving you multiple disc weapon types and different enemies which are weak vs. specific discs is on the right track (if not particularly imaginative), but without a target-lock feature, it's often useless. The free-running/parkour could have used some tuning. Feels pretty sloppy coming on the heels of AC Brotherhood.

On the bright side, I may try Turok after reading this thread. I loved the first two Turoks on N64. But I tried the reboot demo a couple years ago, and I thought it was just fucking atrocious. I guess it wouldn't be the first time a demo made a game look worse than it really is...

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Wag said:
Anyone try the PC version yet?
Yeah, it has 360 pad support and runs well with forced AA (using the UE3 profile).

Game is decent, but is failing really hard in comparison to Tron 2.0.
I posted some screens on this page:


...which tell you nothing about how good the game isn't. It's a Prince Of Persia / Mirror's Edge hybrid with vehicle levels that only serve to distance you from the Tron universe. The parkour controls are contextual, meaning that the difference between a vertical and horizontal wall run is the angle you hit the wall at. Not so great in a game where the run speed is twice what it should be, much of the action involves hopping between tiny platforms over bottomless pits, and the exit animations for each move cover just enough ground to send you over the edge - for the fifth time.

Don't get me started on what they've done to the light cycles. The least you can say about Tron 2.0 is that it nailed those.


TheOctagon said:
I posted some screens on this page:

...which tell you nothing about how good the game isn't.

Those are great pics, they make me want to rush home and play... despite the fact that it had me swearing at the TV last night.

In the middle of the game circa chapter3/4 you have to vault off of a cliff and throw your disc at a switch before you fall. No problemo, easy-peasy. After that, I couldn't figure out what to do. Nothing presented itself as a means to progress. Hitting the switch didn't seem to do anything helpful. After a while I went back up to the top of the cliff to see if maybe I had to hit the switch again or something. So I vaulted off and threw my disc, though nothing was targeted... or so I thought. Apparently, I'm literally kind of guessing here, there's a second switch above the first switch, but it's off camera. And the camera is locked when you're standing on the cliff. There's no way you can see the switch from up there.

I am totally open to the idea of me being wrong about this and that the real issue was me being a dope... because otherwise, what the fuck? Hard to believe something like that could get past QA.


Finished the game in what felt like 6-7 hours.
The 3/5 Giant Bomb gave it seems a bit generous, in hindsight.

The BAD:
There were times where I killed all the enemies in a room, but doing so did not trigger the exit door to open, so I would restart from the last checkpoint and do everything exactly the same just to progress.
Jumping onto walls with grip points was maddeningly inconsistent. Sometimes my character would grip, sometimes he would just fall. This was mostly an issue in the last few levels.
Some of the characters voiced lines are inaudible even with the voice volume at maximum.
Having light cycle chase sequences rather than actual battles was a letdown to me. Tron 2.0 was vastly superior in this regard.
Tron Evolution PSP looks like the game to play for old school light cycle battles.
So, Tron is killed off camera? Seems a bit pathetic for the titular character to go out like that.

Being a Tron fan, the story is what compelled me to finish the game, and in that regard things were fairly decent.
The actor playing Jeff Bridges did a good job sounding like him, and John Glover makes for a good villain.
The tank sequences were interesting, and something previous Tron games had not done as well.

Not sure if I'm up to grinding Level 50 for the achievements.


For some reason, every time I launch into multiplayer from the story (using those white hubs) the multiplayer matches are all bots. After the match you can choose settings but there's no way to apply those settings and initiate a search. Anyone else having this problem?

And how do you activate the multiplayer skin dlc that came with the game?

Other than that, the game is decent. A lot of deaths due to the sloppy controls. It's good to play a tron game right before the movie, but glad I only paid $40 for it. Probably a 5/10 so far (up to Chapter 3).


At first I was sorta surprised at how decent the framerate seems to be on PS3. Then I realized that the geometry, textures, and overall level design is incredibly simple. Very repetitive level/gameplay design. Many times you find yourself thinking you've gone the wrong way because you do the same jumps over and over again. Not sure about the 3d support but the light cycle sections are worse than the vehicle sections in Gears of War.


Nice seeing Tron 2.0 love. It was one of the most bizarre gaming experiences I've ever had... the only one I ever played start to finish completely on acid. In my mind it is a monolithic experience, built up on phantoms and shifting lights, and I wonder if it would hold up sober. But it was unlike anything I ever played that's for sure.

I think I will go buy that game now to play it


Multiplayer is turning out to be more fun than I thought it would be.
The mix of lightcycles and tanks with on-foot light disc fighting ends up being pretty enjoyable.
Anyone planning on getting the trophy/achievement for 100 Lightcycle Derezzes should plan on playing a lot of multiplayer battles.
Does anyone have one of those GameStop pre-order codes for the Quorra multiplayer skin (360 version), or know where I could find one? I can't even find one to buy on eBay.
Jesus Christ, this game sucks.

I bought it on a whim when I was at Best Buy today. As apathetic as I was towards the demo, I decided to grab it anyway since it's $40 and my ridiculous love of the Tron universe and aesthetic that almost always outweighs my love for either of the movies got the better of me. Could this game be any more boring if it tried? The entire thing is ridiculously simplistic without having the benefit of looking or feeling stylish, with the most ridiculously dull, never-ending combat ever and a multiplayer mode that was equally dull the one time it dropped me into a game with bots (which is the only time I've been able to get a match in). Not to mention the controls feel ridiculously loose and sloppy.

I've only completed Chapter 1, and I have absolutely no motivation to do anything but put the game up on Goozex and go back to Assassin's Creed.


I loved the discussion the Giant Bomb crew had about the Collector's Edition on a recent Bombcast.
At $130, it really is an insane rip off.
Subtract $60 for the game and you're paying $70 for that weird light cycle/rider hybrid that Jeff said reminded him of a melted shoe.


I enjoyed the Wii version.
Not a great game, but a fun diversion. Since it's focused on the gaming-aspects. You create a character, choose the light-pattern of your costume ,colors, helmet (all which can be upgraded/changed as you play).

You run around a hub doing "missions". The missions are basically games so you either participate/fight someone using your disc or run in your lightcycle (which you can also buy new ones).

The game can be played using the remote only (which for the case of the races urns the controls ala Mario Kart Wii. On the rest is like playing a 3D game with a NES pad. Which may sound bad, but since the movements are basic when you're moving around you don't need precision.
Well what this topic accomplished is that I should get Tron 2.0. Should I get it for the Xbox for comfy couch or the PC for any good mods (if there are any)?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
br0ken_shad0w said:
Well what this topic accomplished is that I should get Tron 2.0. Should I get it for the Xbox for comfy couch or the PC for any good mods (if there are any)?
PC, there is a mod for the game that allows for proper widescreen and the graphics look incredible in HD.


So is anyone actually playing this or is the multiplayer community DOA?

I'm tempted to pick it up, I've heard the multiplayer isn't so bad ...


br0ken_shad0w said:
Well what this topic accomplished is that I should get Tron 2.0. Should I get it for the Xbox for comfy couch or the PC for any good mods (if there are any)?
PC for sure, if you wind up not liking the light cycle stages theres an official patch that lets you skip them.
Just know that theres an awful stage involving a deresolution somewhere in the first quarter that may make you want to quit because of how shitty it is.
Bamelin said:
So is anyone actually playing this or is the multiplayer community DOA?

I'm tempted to pick it up, I've heard the multiplayer isn't so bad ...
I have found absolutely no one online the handful of times I've tried to play.

Speaking of which, I played through Chapter 2. Yep, this game is still awful. Let me count the ways:
1) That horrid fight against the light tank where using a power disc attack will send you into an animation that made me leap into the tank's cannon and die instantly, despite the tank moving about as fast I the System Monitor can run (oh, and it's a cannon, for God's sake). Not to mention that dodging the cannon blasts seems nigh on impossible.
2) The part where you pilot a light tank, that wishes it was a fraction of the quality of any of Halo's vehicle segments.
3) The fact that it doesn't save pick-ups. So one of the Tron files in Chapter 2 is in the boss fight area. And every time you die, you have to pick it up again. And the time I beat that annoying fight, nope! Forgot to pick up the Tron file so I can't have it! Come on, I thought we learned from Bionic Commando.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Neuromancer said:
The lack of a dedicated lightcycle game mode for online is a crime against humanity.

You know what they should have done? Make a pure lightcycle game, online multiplayer, stick it on XBLA/PSN.

Done. Ship it. People would buy it. Probably would have sold better too.
ZealousD said:
You know what they should have done? Make a pure lightcycle game, online multiplayer, stick it on XBLA/PSN.

Done. Ship it. People would buy it. Probably would have sold better too.
Sounds good, I can do one better. Lightcycles and disc battles (two separate modes.)



just played about an hour or so on the ps3 version and the game is ok so far, nothing spectacular but I like the platforming stuff and combat is not too shallow imo.
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