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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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BREAKING: Islamic State claims responsibility for truck attack in Berlin: group's Amaq news agency

They would probably do it anyway, but still, as always intelligence agencies need to take such claims as valid in order to see if the attacker does indeed have direct ties and will that help identify them.
Oh wow, first time I see these Amaq msgs in German:


Pretty unsettling.


Doesn't isis have a pretty good track record on only claiming stuff they ended up involved in?

Well they also claim responsibility if the attacker was simply found to sympathize with them. Therefore they aren't always involved, at times it is lonewolf attacks merely inspired by them.

The attacker here hasn't been identified, let alone killed and/or interrogated, so that is why anyone should take ISIS claims as unproven for now.

Yeah, it's mostly spread through telegram and apparently an app they've created themselves: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaq_News_Agency

Jeez that is unsettling. Always used to seeing Arabic, not native tongue of the country the attack took place in.


Jeez that is unsettling. Always used to seeing Arabic, not native tongue of the country the attack took place in.

They've done it in French and I think Dutch as well after the attacks in Brussels. It's not that weird, seeing that they have people from all over Europe.

Anyway, as is mentioned, they were gonna claim this anyway.


They've done it in French and I think Dutch as well after the attacks in Brussels. It's not that weird, seeing that they have people from all over Europe.

Anyway, as is mentioned, they were gonna claim this anyway.

It just makes it feel like ISIS are in your home, not just tucked away in some remote location with groups of their attack dogs infiltrating every so often. I'd also think they'd be rigid as to not speak in anything other than their mother tongue, but I guess at the end of the day they are chasing recruitment and sympathizers, and very few know Arabic in most European countries. There is also the large element of disgust of seeing such cretins speak your countries native language whilst posting propaganda against you.


ISIS have called on people to make attacks like this. They'd claim responsibility whether they were directly involved or not.

They seem to claim attacks done by lone wolf jihadists, like Orlando. But I don't think they claim any and every attack. I don't think they claimed the Munich shooting, for example. The fact that they claimed this attack before we knew anything about the motive makes me think it's genuine. And it's not like ISIS doesn't have operators in Germany, so it's not really surprising. Could still be false, ofc


They would probably do it anyway, but still, as always intelligence agencies need to take such claims as valid in order to see if the attacker does indeed have direct ties and will that help identify them.

of course they do. It doesn't matter if they actually had anything to do with it.

almost 24h later? seem like we don't know who did but better claim it anyways

They have been fairly consistent in what they claim. Depending on the language you can even see if it is one of their real soldiers like Paris or Brussels or someone that pledged to them through video. Even the timing is fairly consistent since they screwed up on the Paris message where they accidentally confirmed one of the bombers ran.


They have been fairly consistent in what they claim. Depending on the language you can even see if it is one of their real soldiers like Paris or Brussels or someone that pledged to them through video. Even the timing is fairly consistent since they screwed up on the Paris message where they accidentally confirmed one of the bombers ran.

I would wait for identity confirmation of the suspect, because ISIS attackers usually don't vanish into night, they are very vocal and want to be known
They would probably do it anyway, but still, as always intelligence agencies need to take such claims as valid in order to see if the attacker does indeed have direct ties and will that help identify them.
For them in the past they have made a distinction between merely inspiring attackers and being activepy involved in organizing.


I would wait for identity confirmation of the suspect, because ISIS attackers usually don't vanish into night, they are very vocal and want to be known
That isn't true. The ISIS attackers have always tried to retreat quietly for new attacks. This happened in the Jewish museum shooting, after Charlie Hebdo where they were being hunted for days, Paris where the survivors tried to stay off the police radar and the Brussels attacks where they walked away quietly. They go out with a bang when cornered but they have tried to retreat for new attacks almost in all big attacks. It is very rare for their attackers to actively stay on the radar.


That isn't true. The ISIS attackers have always tried to retreat quietly for new attacks. This happened after Charlie Hebdo where they were being hunted for days, Paris where the survivors tried to stay off the police radar and the Brussels attacks where they walked away quietly. They go out with a bang when cornered but they have tried to retreat for new attacks almost in all big attacks. It is very rare for their attackers to actively stay on the radar.

Right but they always screamed the infamous "Allah Akbar" didn't they? This one aparently not. Haven't we learn nothing and just jump to any bandwagon we see? I'm skeptical I want to see the police results of the investigation first, before making any pointing finger
Right but they always screamed the infamous "Allah Akbar" didn't they? This one aparently not. Haven't we learn nothing and just jump to any bandwagon we see? I'm skeptical I want to see the police results of the investigation first, before making any pointing finger

I'm sure there were many Allah akbars in the truck as he was doing it. Before he ran off like the cowardly piece of shit he is.


Right but they always screamed the infamous "Allah Akbar" didn't they? This one aparently not. Haven't we learn nothing and just jump to any bandwagon we see? I'm skeptical I want to see the police results of the investigation first, before making any pointing finger
They didn't always scream that, at least not that anyone can confirm. For instance this has not been confirmed for the Nice attack. For now this looks very much in line with an IS attacker that is prepared enough to have a way out, which strengthens the IS claim.


So, guy uses a truck like IS tell people to do, IS claims responsibility for the attack and people here try to deny it? Burst this bubble already.


So, guy uses a truck like IS tell people to do, IS claims responsibility for the attack and people here try to deny it? Burst this bubble already.

ISIS claim responsibility for every successful terrorist attack without actually being involved to make them seem bigger and more dangerous than they actually are. On some people it's clearly working...

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
So, guy uses a truck like IS tell people to do, IS claims responsibility for the attack and people here try to deny it? Burst this bubble already.

I'd say German authorities are much more trustworthy than anything else at the moment, and it is their conclusions that matter.


IS tells people to use trucks? Source for that?

ISIS have been telling people to use vehicles for a while now. Am not going to bother to source it. They've been fairly loud especially after the success (from their POV) of Nice vs more traditional Al Qaeda style attacks.


Unconfirmed Member
So, guy uses a truck like IS tell people to do, IS claims responsibility for the attack and people here try to deny it? Burst this bubble already.

but how are they "involved" if that's the scenario? I feel this this is the same myth the world created about Al Qaeda where we were told they had a complex terror network all across the world and no such thing existed. People might do something in their name or whatever but they're not funding, planning or directly supporting most of these attacks. To suggest otherwise creates an oversimplified narrative where there's a central enemy to defeat or a leader you can capture to make it all stop but that's simply not true and distracts from the real issues of radicalisation and isolation. There's nothing complex about driving a truck into a crowd and we should be more worried someone who would do that then this idea of a big bad terror network pulling all the strings.


but how are they "involved" if that's the scenario? I feel this this is the same myth the world created about Al Qaeda where we were told they had a complex terror network all across the world and no such thing existed. People might do something in their name or whatever but they're not funding, planning or directly supporting most of these attacks. To suggest otherwise creates an oversimplified narrative where there's a central enemy to defeat or a leader you can capture to make it all stop but that's simply not true and distracts from the real issues of radicalisation and isolation. There's nothing complex about driving a truck into a crowd and we should be more worried someone who would do that then this idea of a big bad terror network pulling all the strings.

Do they need to actually finance the attacks??
I mean, who else is spreading videos telling people how to do terrorist attacks out there? They are sending the message and some crazy motherfuckers are listening, that's pretty successful for them if you ask me, even if they didn't plan or finance the attack directly. It's their ideia, their voice being heard.

Driving a truck to kill is not complex, but why weren't people doing it before? Why now?


The dates and details of recent attacks are starting to blur together in my memory, I hate that, it feels like the start of an internal involuntary normalization process. Paris, Copenhagen, Paris again, San Bernardino, Brussels, Orlando, Nice.


The dates and details of recent attacks are starting to blur together in my memory, I hate that, it feels like the start of an internal involuntary normalization process. Paris, Copenhagen, Paris again, San Bernardino, Brussels, Orlando, Nice.

Unfortunately. And by reading this thread one would think they are isolated cases.


The Birthday Skeleton
The fact that IS waited for some news confirmation before claiming responsibility kind of shows that it was not really organised by them, but it could be inspired.


BREAKING: Islamic State claims responsibility for truck attack in Berlin: group's Amaq news agency

Isn't one of IS's desires to create tension and hatred between Muslims and the West? Wouldn't they just claim every attack, especially in a country like Germany where there is already tension with refugees.


The Birthday Skeleton
Also what the hell happened to this thread some pages ago. I read a title about the suspect being released and I came in this thread for more info only to find the usual British xenophobes giving their usual lectures to Europe.
Isn't one of IS's desires to create tension and hatred between Muslims and the West? Wouldn't they just claim every attack, especially in a country like Germany where there is already tension with refugees.
I mean, sure.

That doesn't mean this wasn't inspired by or committed for ISIS, though.

Why do people act like them taking responsibility is somehow making it less likely it was a terror attack by/for ISIS?

At what point can people believe this is an Islamic terrorist incident without being xenophobic? We've seen this shit happen before, we know who calls people to do this, and we know the current landscape for terrorism. All of this hand wringing and virtue signaling to avoid categorizing this as what it appears to be is ridiculous.

Shit, even if it IS speculation, speculating that this is Islamic extremist terrorism is just as valid (but obviously more so govern the details we know) as believing it's an old person's shitty driving.


Unconfirmed Member
Do they need to actually finance the attacks??
I mean, who else is spreading videos telling people how to do terrorist attacks out there? They are sending the message and some crazy motherfuckers are listening, that's pretty successful for them if you ask me, even if they didn't plan or finance the attack directly. It's their ideia, their voice being heard.

Driving a truck to kill is not complex, but why weren't people doing it before? Why now?

It's happened before. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/fr...ry-vehicles-being-used-deadly-weapons-n609811

I mean in this day and age probably the attack of choice because it's low tech and low risk. Anyone can just go and steal a truck, you don't need money or materials and you're probably not going to raise any eyebrows driving a truck around unlike if you were say buying a gun or something.


IS tells people to use trucks? Source for that?

ISIS puts out an internet magazine where they specifically suggest people use trucks to cause mass casualty incidents etc.

ISIS learned from Al Qaeda. Bin Laden and crew were always trying to one up their attacks with more and more spectacular things. ISIS sees the benefit in simplicity and things you really cannot stop.

Jumping in a Semi and murdering dozens can happen anywhere at anytime


The Birthday Skeleton
How meaningful is the distinction? Is it worth arguing over to no end?

For the victims, no, but for trying to prevent future occurrences, sure.

It is meaningful though. Organising terrorist attacks means they have the money and the infrastructure to train people and supply them with weapons and materials. A possible IS cell can organise more attacks and the challenge to track and keep them under control require much more resources.

Inspired by IS means require other type of intelligence countermeasures.

I still think the most important would be to tackle the radicalisation and the ones who drive that.


ISIS claiming responsabily => the author has given his allegiance to ISIS. That doesn't necessarily mean they actively contributed to the attack.


IS tells people to use trucks? Source for that?

It has been one of the most common tactics they have encouraged, it was in Inspire magazine before the Nice attacks and it was in Rumiyah last month. They even mentioned it in a couple of speeches. It is also literally a page from the Al Qaeda handbook where Al Qaeda thought it wasn't good because you don't know who you kill.

ISIS claim responsibility for every successful terrorist attack without actually being involved to make them seem bigger and more dangerous than they actually are. On some people it's clearly working...

Experts claim otherwise, that they do source the attacks and that their statements show which one are heavily guided and which ones are inspired.


For the victims, no, but for trying to prevent future occurrences, sure.

It is meaningful though. Organising terrorist attacks means they have the money and the infrastructure to train people and supply them with weapons and materials. A possible IS cell can organise more attacks and the challenge to track and keep them under control require much more resources.

Inspired by IS means require other type of intelligence countermeasures.

I still think the most important would be to tackle the radicalisation and the ones who drive that.

One would be a lone wolf who did it on his own. If ISIS is involved, there might be a cell there of multiple people who are involved.

Ok, I was referring to the allocation of guilt.


can't tell if you're joking or not, but yes, apprehending people on the basis of their skin color is definitely a "real problem"

yeah, odds are that guy is a fucking racist too

This is germany, not the US. This whole "brown people" meme is really getting on my nerves.

You don't know what the guy following the suspect saw, you don't even know the skin Color of the guy following him. You know fuck all.


For you.
So, guy uses a truck like IS tell people to do, IS claims responsibility for the attack and people here try to deny it? Burst this bubble already.
That's not being directly involved, which is what people are discussing here. Learn to read, please.
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