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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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For you.
Also what the hell happened to this thread some pages ago. I read a title about the suspect being released and I came in this thread for more info only to find the usual British xenophobes giving their usual lectures to Europe.
They read the word "refugee" and instantly went on their terrible far-right tirade. They are a predictable bunch that instantly jumps at every opportunity. And it often backfires as we see here, when the refugee suspects seems to have nothing to do with it and there's no information whatsoever about the actual culprit.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
The insistence by some that there is a moral duty to accept unvetted, undocumented mass immigration from conflict areas is absurd.

We also must remember that many of these migrants want to choose where they want to live, rather than the nearest safe place.

It is very difficult for affected families to leave Syria, so most of the migration has been young, unattached men (as they can get out easiest) and some camps (notably Calais) have had violence.... How is there a duty to accept those people? Young, unattached men anywhere are a risk, why the hell would you accept them unequivocally, without documentation, and without any reason to believe they accept European and secular values?

Accepting them is encouraging potential disaster. Anyone who came on a rickety boat took a significant risk and should not be encouraged to take that risk, but the EU seems to think they're doing the memories of those drowned a favour...

There's this belief by some that we have a moral superiority in the West and should help countries that likely wouldn't reciprocate a mass influx of the indigenous peoples of Europe or their cultural practices, starting right from standards of dress and protections for women...

There's a refusal to adapt by people who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity and it's emboldening the far-right. It's not too much to ask to at the very least not accept unvetted migration.


The Birthday Skeleton
Oh, look, another poster from that country who opposed for years finding a solution to the issues that Greece and Italy faced and opposed a common EU solution when the bubble burst and showed a total lack of solidarity when was needed and has no actual internal refugee issues but likes to give lectures to others. How surprising.


Edit: Daily mail is block on gaf?

Yes, it's a gossip rag that is very willing to release stories with no or very dubious sources, and it's mostly focused on drooling over (and/or making up) the sordid affairs of celebrities, and it's fine with stalking famous people just to get some unflattering nudie pics of celebrities. They're rats.

It's not a trustworthy news source.

The thing about IS seems to be true but there are better sources to quote.
Completely understand. My wife is also a non-EU immigrant. It's funny to be repeatedly called racist because you think borders should be properly enforced (I just ignore posts with hysterical reference to "oh no, brown people" now, it's become such a ridiculous meme). I find that most people who have to deal with the immigration system - I mean, really deal with it - are the most chagrinned at having people simply waved through with no screening.

Pretty sure you're labelled a racist for your views on Romanians.

I mean, that shit did get you banned... I'd dig the posts up if I could be bothered to.


Also what the hell happened to this thread some pages ago. I read a title about the suspect being released and I came in this thread for more info only to find the usual British xenophobes giving their usual lectures to Europe.

The brexit racists are out in force.


Bild reports based on the autopsy of the Polish driver that he was still alive at the time the truck drove into the Christmas market. They say, and I'll quote, apparently the Polish man had reached into the steering wheel to prevent further bloodshed, resulting in a struggle between the two men in which the Polish man sustained multiple knife injuries. Once the truck came to a halt, the perp then shot him and fled.

Which at least would fit the early reports that the Polish man died at the scene and wasn't dead already when the attack was being carried out. It would also explain the route the truck took, turning left back onto the road instead of further down the alley of the Christmas market.


But what did the polish guy do in the lead up to all this? Was he knocked out? Hmm...

Or did the driver catch the truck right there? Can't be, since there are stories that he tried driving it a few times before.


The insistence by some that there is a moral duty to accept unvetted, undocumented mass immigration from conflict areas is absurd.

We also must remember that many of these migrants want to choose where they want to live, rather than the nearest safe place.

It is very difficult for affected families to leave Syria, so most of the migration has been young, unattached men (as they can get out easiest) and some camps (notably Calais) have had violence.... How is there a duty to accept those people? Young, unattached men anywhere are a risk, why the hell would you accept them unequivocally, without documentation, and without any reason to believe they accept European and secular values?

Accepting them is encouraging potential disaster. Anyone who came on a rickety boat took a significant risk and should not be encouraged to take that risk, but the EU seems to think they're doing the memories of those drowned a favour...

There's this belief by some that we have a moral superiority in the West and should help countries that likely wouldn't reciprocate a mass influx of the indigenous peoples of Europe or their cultural practices, starting right from standards of dress and protections for women...

There's a refusal to adapt by people who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity and it's emboldening the far-right. It's not too much to ask to at the very least not accept unvetted migration.

Good post.


The insistence by some that there is a moral duty to accept unvetted, undocumented mass immigration from conflict areas is absurd.

We also must remember that many of these migrants want to choose where they want to live, rather than the nearest safe place.

It is very difficult for affected families to leave Syria, so most of the migration has been young, unattached men (as they can get out easiest) and some camps (notably Calais) have had violence.... How is there a duty to accept those people? Young, unattached men anywhere are a risk, why the hell would you accept them unequivocally, without documentation, and without any reason to believe they accept European and secular values?

Accepting them is encouraging potential disaster. Anyone who came on a rickety boat took a significant risk and should not be encouraged to take that risk, but the EU seems to think they're doing the memories of those drowned a favour...

There's this belief by some that we have a moral superiority in the West and should help countries that likely wouldn't reciprocate a mass influx of the indigenous peoples of Europe or their cultural practices, starting right from standards of dress and protections for women...

There's a refusal to adapt by people who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity and it's emboldening the far-right. It's not too much to ask to at the very least not accept unvetted migration.

Its not that you Europeans have a moral superiority its just that all of this shit can be directly traced to the West in one way or the other. I mean bloody fucking hell the fact that Bush et al and Blair et al are allowed to roam the earth freely absolutely makes my blood boil.

So y'all better fucking suck it up.
Bild reports based on the autopsy of the Polish driver that he was still alive at the time the truck drove into the Christmas market. They say, and I'll quote, apparently the Polish man had reached into the steering wheel to prevent further bloodshed, resulting in a struggle between the two men in which the Polish man sustained multiple knife injuries. Once the truck came to a halt, the perp then shot him and fled.

Which at least would fit the early reports that the Polish man died at the scene and wasn't dead already when the attack was being carried out. It would also explain the route the truck took, turning left back onto the road instead of further down the alley of the Christmas market.

Well I hope this is true
So at this point its not even clear if it was really islamic terrorism right? Looks like police just captured the wrong guy because he looked non-german and the real criminal has fled succesfully due to that. Just shows how effective racial profiling is


So at this point its not even clear if it was really islamic terrorism right? Looks like police just captured the wrong guy because he looked non-german and the real criminal has fled succesfully due to that. Just shows how effective racial profiling is

Well it was claimed by IS


So at this point its not even clear if it was really islamic terrorism right? Looks like police just captured the wrong guy because he looked non-german and the real criminal has fled succesfully due to that. Just shows how effective racial profiling is

They arrested someone who matched the description a witness provided. Fuck off.
Pretty sure you're labelled a racist for your views on Romanians.

I mean, that shit did get you banned... I'd dig the posts up if I could be bothered to.

Gypsies =/= Romanians.

And yeah I don't think lawless berks in caravans should be treated like Hindu holy cows.

The whole 'racist' angle of that is complete guff - they're British and white.
Gypsies =/= Romanians.

And yeah I don't think lawless berks in caravans should be treated like Hindu holy cows.

The whole 'racist' angle of that is complete guff - they're British and white.

Da fuck

1. they are called sinti and roma
2. many of them live as "normal" citizens and pbey the law
3. they have been prosecuted due to their race since the middle ages. Fuck this shit
That racist angle is complete guff tho.

Hindu cows!

Fantastic, a race I can effectively become by illegally parking my campervan.

Da fuck

1. they are called sinti and roma
2. many of them live as "normal" citizens and pbey the law
3. they have been prosecuted due to their race since the middle ages. Fuck this shit

I obviously have no issue with those who live normally and obey the law.


IS is trustworthy now?
IS claimed a lot of acts where they had no ties. They just want maximum chaos.

Do you have sources for that?
IS's MO is that also individuals can fight for 'the cause'. If an Islamic terrorist commits an act of terror in the name of IS than it is indeed in the name of IS. It doesn't work like Al Qaeda with cells.


Sadly it seems some american posters along with the usual suspects have successfully managed to poison the thread and any fruitful discussion with their extreme hyperbole(take in everybody or they die; "brown people" strawman), namecalling(once again everybody is a racist/facist) and ban baiting(see above) so maybe before this thread gets closed we should focus ontopic and look for relevant new news instead.

As they still havent captured the person and dont seem to have much clues, is it safe to say now more than 24h later the person escaped for good? The scary thing is that I'm pretty sure that person will resurface with another attack sooner or later.


Do you have sources for that?
IS's MO is that also individuals can fight for 'the cause'. If an Islamic terrorist commits an act of terror in the name of IS than it is indeed in the name of IS. It doesn't work like Al Qaeda with cells.

Indeed, we can say a lot about IS but they don't fall for the no true Scotsman fallacy


Sadly it seems some american posters along with the usual suspects have successfully managed to poison the thread and any fruitful discussion with their extreme hyperbole(take in everybody or they die; "brown people" strawman), namecalling(once again everybody is a racist/facist) and ban baiting(see above) so maybe before this thread gets closed we should focus ontopic and look for relevant new news instead.
Agreed we should focus back on topic.
As they still havent captured the person and dont seem to have much clues, is it safe to say now more than 24h later the person escaped for good? The scary thing is that I'm pretty sure that person will resurface with another attack sooner or later.

German Police official said last night they're are going to catch the attacker with high certainty so i guess they know who it is and are now searching all over europe for him since he's probably hiding now.

We had a suspect a few months ago that went into hiding aswell. Police got him like 2 days later


As they still havent captured the person and dont seem to have much clues, is it safe to say now more than 24h later the person escaped for good? The scary thing is that I'm pretty sure that person will resurface with another attack sooner or later.
That is very doubtful. Police isn't going to let this go and Berlin is very tightly knit with informants. I don't think he'll find prolonged shelter there.


Oh, look, another poster from that country who opposed for years finding a solution to the issues that Greece and Italy faced and opposed a common EU solution when the bubble burst and showed a total lack of solidarity when was needed and has no actual internal refugee issues but likes to give lectures to others. How surprising.

The only solidarity Greece and Italy are interested in is spreading those migrants around EU in mandatory quotas. Which won't happen and it's a stupid idea anyway, since it would only makes the crisis far worse.
Sadly it seems some american posters along with the usual suspects have successfully managed to poison the thread and any fruitful discussion with their extreme hyperbole(take in everybody or they die; "brown people" strawman), namecalling(once again everybody is a racist/facist) and ban baiting(see above) so maybe before this thread gets closed we should focus ontopic and look for relevant new news instead.

Get outta here with your holier than thou BS.

Guy claimed he's called a racist because he wants proper border controls when that's far from the truth. Not sure why posting the real reasons and some gentle ribbing is considered any more than that.


German Police official said last night they're are going to catch the attacker with high certainty so i guess they know who it is and are now searching all over europe for him since he's probably hiding now.

We had a suspect a few months ago that went into hiding aswell. Police got him like 2 days later

They could also just be saying that in order not to scare people, but let's hope they really have proper leads and find the person.

I also just read news that the polish truck driver guy who was found shot dead on the passenger seat appearantly put up a fight in order to stop the terrorist as marks on his body and the scene show. Poor guy and poor guy's wife/family.


The Birthday Skeleton
The only solidarity Greece and Italy are interested in is spreading those migrants around EU in mandatory quotas. Which won't happen and it's a stupid idea anyway, since it would only makes the crisis far worse.

I'm talking about 2012-2013 when Italy was the subject of a wave of refugees from Libya and nobody cared about supporting them. And then Greece started to have problems quite some times before the refugees start coming towards central Europe. And again nobody cared to listen to them.

Even to this day there is no good long term plan in place beside the deal with Erdogan. You can't ask Greece and Italy to handle it on their own a crisis of this magnitude.


Bild reports based on the autopsy of the Polish driver that he was still alive at the time the truck drove into the Christmas market. They say, and I'll quote, apparently the Polish man had reached into the steering wheel to prevent further bloodshed, resulting in a struggle between the two men in which the Polish man sustained multiple knife injuries. Once the truck came to a halt, the perp then shot him and fled.

Which at least would fit the early reports that the Polish man died at the scene and wasn't dead already when the attack was being carried out. It would also explain the route the truck took, turning left back onto the road instead of further down the alley of the Christmas market.
Damn, if that's true the polish man is a hero


Regardless of the outcome, Bild is a tabloid and not reliable.
The Berlin newspaper is sending a message to not be scared while Bild is calling for fear, angst and beeing scared.


Eugh, Bild is such a rag. I'm just glad they fucked up their online presence so thoroughly that it doesn't get linked in my feeds anymore.

Fuck them and their fear-mongering.


Bild reports based on the autopsy of the Polish driver that he was still alive at the time the truck drove into the Christmas market. They say, and I'll quote, apparently the Polish man had reached into the steering wheel to prevent further bloodshed, resulting in a struggle between the two men in which the Polish man sustained multiple knife injuries. Once the truck came to a halt, the perp then shot him and fled.

Which at least would fit the early reports that the Polish man died at the scene and wasn't dead already when the attack was being carried out. It would also explain the route the truck took, turning left back onto the road instead of further down the alley of the Christmas market.
It would also fit with witnesses hearing a gunshot



Even to this day there is no good long term plan in place beside the deal with Erdogan. You can't ask Greece and Italy to handle it on their own a crisis of this magnitude.

I think turning Italy/Greece into big migrant camps is the only sensible solution. But I don't think they should be left alone. Whole EU should be pitching in money and manpower, as well as helping with the law-side. It's ridiculous that Italy has to handle those migrants in their country and yet they aren't allowed to ignore the EU budgetary debt restrictions. That's beyond stupid. Like..wtf.
The only solidarity Greece and Italy are interested in is spreading those migrants around EU in mandatory quotas. Which won't happen and it's a stupid idea anyway, since it would only makes the crisis far worse.
i dont see why this is a stupid idea. the crisis will not be worse because unlike the current situation where greece and italy have to take care of all the refugees the burden would be given to multiple states and therefore the burden for each state would be less.

agree that wont happen though unless EU finally gets together
I think turning Italy/Greece into big migrant camps is the only sensible solution. But I don't think they should be left alone. Whole EU should be pitching in money and manpower, as well as helping with the law-side. It's ridiculous that Italy has to handle those migrants in their country and yet they aren't allowed to ignore the EU budgetary debt restrictions. That's beyond stupid. Like..wtf.
so let me guess you are not italian or greek right? classic NIMBY
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