The insistence by some that there is a moral duty to accept unvetted, undocumented mass immigration from conflict areas is absurd.
We also must remember that many of these migrants want to choose where they want to live, rather than the nearest safe place.
It is very difficult for affected families to leave Syria, so most of the migration has been young, unattached men (as they can get out easiest) and some camps (notably Calais) have had violence.... How is there a duty to accept those people? Young, unattached men anywhere are a risk, why the hell would you accept them unequivocally, without documentation, and without any reason to believe they accept European and secular values?
Accepting them is encouraging potential disaster. Anyone who came on a rickety boat took a significant risk and should not be encouraged to take that risk, but the EU seems to think they're doing the memories of those drowned a favour...
There's this belief by some that we have a moral superiority in the West and should help countries that likely wouldn't reciprocate a mass influx of the indigenous peoples of Europe or their cultural practices, starting right from standards of dress and protections for women...
There's a refusal to adapt by people who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity and it's emboldening the far-right. It's not too much to ask to at the very least not accept unvetted migration.