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True Detective - Season 2 - We get the Season we deserve - Sundays on HBO


I thought it was an okay start. This either ends up mediocre or a decent follow-up, but it won't be boring, which is its main saving grace.

There are some truly, truly ridiculous things in this première. Let's simply start and end with the Ferrell character: Not only was his wife raped, but she had a kid that's probably not his that he wants to raise as his own, and is now being taken away? And he put himself under the thumb of a gangster to kill the guy responsible--oh, and he wanted to be an astronaut but they don't go the Moon any more? This is the traumatic back-story that doesn't know when to quit.

By the time he was beating up that suburban father, I was cackling. When things are played this serious, they start to become hilarious.

You KNOW its serious when he threatens to buttsex that kids dad with his dead mums head or something. If we can look forward to clunkers like that this season will be a-ok with me.
John Carter being a thrill seeker, I didn't think about that. I assumed it was a suicide death wish. Could be he misses combat, so he's just turned into an adrenaline junkie. Hence, can't stay at night with his girl, always has to be out on the road.

Maybe he can only get a stiffie when it's dangerous. Like that one woman that Frasier dated.

I saw thrill seeker because of the scars. My interpretation is that he's reckless enough to get caught in a BJ kerfuffle (he has performance issues) and go riding a high speeds on a bike at night culminating with turning off the headlights in the process. I'll be disappointed if it's just suicidal acts.
When the two songs in this episode are available for DL, someone let me know. The Nick Cave and Lena Lynn ones.

I saw thrill seeker because of the scars. My interpretation is that he's reckless enough to get caught in a BJ kerfuffle (he has performance issues) and go riding a high speeds on a bike at night culminating with turning off the headlights in the process. I'll be disappointed if it's just suicidal acts.

Hm, now that you've said that, it's very much a possibility.


I was fine with most of Ray's story, but the stuff with the shoes was a bit much. Calling his son a "fat pussy" and then decking the bully's dad with brass knuckles lol. That was a little crazy. I thought he was gonna clock the bully also.

I think Kitsch may have been my favourite lead. Him and Rachel McAdams' character. I genuinely think Kitsch is an interesting actor with the right material.
I was fine with most of Ray's story, but the stuff with the shoes was a bit much. Calling his son a "fat pussy" and then decking the bully's dad with brass knuckles lol. That was a little crazy. I thought he was gonna clock the bully also.

he obviously loathes the kid because deep down he knows its not his and projects his feeling powerless over his wifes rape

the kids a freakin ginger

the genius pizzalatto strikes again!
he obviously loathes the kid because deep down he knows its not his and projects his feeling powerless over his wifes rape

the kids a freakin ginger

the genius pizzalatto strikes again!

lol While watching it I asked myself why they would make the kid a red head. I just feel like that's just way too heavy handed...which I guess maybe Pizza just wanted it that way? I dunno.
he obviously loathes the kid because deep down he knows its not his and projects his feeling powerless over his wifes rape

the kids a freakin ginger

the genius pizzalatto strikes again!

But what if Farrell's wife is a ginger?

Also, he was fucking wasted and running on an adrenaline high after beating up the journalist, since he still has blood on his shirt.


Show is off to a rocky start so far, everything about it feels like it's trying way too hard.

There's something hilarious about a grown man tracking down a 12 year old kid, making fun of his name, threatening to decapitate his mother, and beating up his father with brass knuckles while promising to come back and buttfuck him.


I thought it was an okay start. This either ends up mediocre or a decent follow-up, but it won't be boring, which is its main saving grace.

There are some truly, truly ridiculous things in this première, though. Let's simply start and end with the Ferrell character: Not only was his wife raped, but she had a kid that's probably not his that he wants to raise as his own, and is now being taken away? And he put himself under the thumb of a gangster to kill the guy responsible--oh, and he wanted to be an astronaut but they don't go the Moon any more? This is the traumatic back-story that doesn't know when to quit.

By the time he was beating up that suburban father, I was cackling. When things are played this serious, they start to become hilarious.

I thought I'd post my impression but I'll start off saying I pretty much agree with this especially Ferrel's character who is laughable.

First, I think it's important to understand my thoughts of TD1. I thought S1 had a great start from the very first episode and had a sense of mystery that permeated throughout the entire season. Now, by the end of S1 I didn't think the show was all that great, it was okay but I thought the teasing of the "supernatural" elements only to have them have no payoff was weak. I also just generally disliked the ending which basically gave us one big baddie for them to take down but ignored the larger mystery/conspiracy. So, all in all I thought S1 had a good start that sort of fizzled out by the end.

Now, S2 is here and I don't know what to think besides that, that was a weak ass opening. Again, with S1 behind us all I no longer have that sense of complete mystery and wonder as I tried to figure out what this show is about. I now know it's a noirish type detective story, filled with deeply flawed and disturbed characters, that deals with the more seedier, hidden, poorer elements of a specific city. So, the show no longer impresses me or makes me question things every time we get a close up shot of a character with ominous music playing in the background in the middle of the night. I'm not questioning every little detail, I'm just going through the paces hoping that things pick up and make some sense by the end.

It's too early to judge at this point but my expectations for this season are very low.

Show is off to a rocky start so far, everything about it feels like it's trying way too hard.

There's something hilarious about a grown man tracking down a 12 year old kid, making fun of his name, threatening to decapitate his mother, and beating up his father with brass knuckles while promising to come back and buttfuck him.


Better to cut off his hand.


I liked the thing about Ray raising the kid regardless of who the real father was and him trying to be a dad. But even that sliver of positivity had to be cut down by the disastrous shoe episode lol.


Show is off to a rocky start so far, everything about it feels like it's trying way too hard.

There's something hilarious about a grown man tracking down a 12 year old kid, making fun of his name, threatening to decapitate his mother, and beating up his father with brass knuckles while promising to come back and buttfuck him.

Already mentioned this earlier but it was definitely hilarious when it happened in Silicon Valley and they actually had the balls to let Erlich be a proper thug and gave the kid what for.
It started off slowly, but got better as the pilot progressed. Still, I'm not sure of what to think of it yet. I do want to watch more, though.

I like Vince Vaughn and Rachel McAdams, but have never been a huge Colin Farrell fan.
It's enough to keep me watching, but I didn't really enjoy it. Felt disjointed and too self-serious. Visually there's still some impressive moments, but as a whole it feels less cohesive than any episode form the first season, or at least my memory of the first season. Dug the bike at night and some of the aerial shots. I also liked the astronaut line. Overall it feels like Pizzolatto is trying too hard to capture what worked in the first season, rather than letting it come naturally to him.


Thought this was pretty bad. Everyone involved seems to be aware of how serious and grim and important their lines are, but they just manifest in tedious rehearsals of cop cliches and daddy issues. Farrell and Vaughn in particular feel awful - Farrell's character feels more appropriate for Nicholas Cage hamming it up, and Vaughn, when trying to project authority, looks more like he's trying to remember his lines, his eyes darting around looking for cues.

I think the show jumps between like three characters in five different scenes in the first ten minutes, and keeps moving forward in that fashion, never settling down to lend weight to these hollow caricatures. Like there's nothing that interests me beyond whether Kitsch's character has emotions beyond I LIKE BIKE and I WANT DIE, or whether McAdams gets to use the hilariously sizable armory of ninja knives she's stashed on person and in her house. And Pizzolatto's ponderous dialogue without Mac or Harrelson's delivery and acting fall flat, often in amusing ways. Farrell intones,

i used to want to be an astronaut.
but astornauts don't even go to the moon anymore

and then he goes and creates daddy issues because the show needed more of it, obviously.

The last scene - where the avengers assemble, Ninja Girl and Bike Cop awaiting Drunk Cop as the Ninja Girl's forgettable sidekick gently exits the scene - is also fun, I guess, in a really awful way, the camera panning out aboard a helicopter and showing the region in all its morning light glory because this is the setting and I don't think the viewer saw more of it beyond the occasional cut to an aerial view of a smoke belching factory.

Ahahah, that Astronaut line is so comically True Detective.

I think i'll still give this a shot when i have time, despite my thoughts of S1 and the general consensus not being that positive.


I thought it was okay, honestly I thought season 1 started off slow as well and it took me 2 to 3 episodes to really get into it so I'm willing to give this a chance.


Not as bad as early impressions suggested. I kinda dug it really and am hooked enough to see where it goes. The throwback jazzy, but omnious soundtrack is cool and a nice homage to classic noirs.
Acting good, Ferrel was a little over the top but maybe because of the dialogue. Vaughn's lines sometimes seemed too try hard. The bike cop was cool. Rachel was the best of the four main characters.

Dialogue was crap - very forced, too philosophical and would have been better if a lot of what Vaughn and Ferrel said was actually just acted without saying anything. Let the actors do their work of conveying what they are thinking.

Setting was good. I like the difference between this and Louisiana. As an Australian, this is what I think LA is like, so not sure if the stereotypical landscapes/highways and panoramas will be well received in the US.

The music was really good. I loved the drum beats and the direction was good.

Though I'm guessing there is some sex ring run through Rachel's cult. Birdman is a person who was abused by Birdman when he was a kid. This guy is going to get revenge on the abusers, serial killer style, which may even lead to Rachel's dad being implemented and killed. That's how I see this season going.


So I dont need to watch this? concensus that it bad right?

If you want a more accurate consensus you'll probably have to wait a few weeks. It's definitely way weaker than the first season from the start, but maybe it'll get interesting in its own right... eventually. Lol.


Acting good, Ferrel was a little over the top but maybe because of the dialogue. Vaughn's lines sometimes seemed too try hard. The bike cop was cool. Rachel was the best of the four main characters.

Dialogue was crap - very forced, too philosophical and would have been better if a lot of what Vaughn and Ferrel said was actually just acted without saying anything. Let the actors do their work of conveying what they are thinking.

Setting was good. I like the difference between this and Louisiana. As an Australian, this is what I think LA is like, so not sure if the stereotypical landscapes/highways and panoramas will be well received in the US.

The music was really good. I loved the drum beats and the direction was good.

Though I'm guessing there is some sex ring run through Rachel's cult. Birdman is a person who was abused by Birdman when he was a kid. This guy is going to get revenge on the abusers, serial killer style, which may even lead to Rachel's dad being implemented and killed. That's how I see this season going.

i was going to say how i felt but you've pretty much summed it up

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Punching the bully's dad in front of him and threatening his family
was the best part of the episode.


I really enjoyed it. I have not read any of the previews/reviews - since when should I let someone else's opinion influence my enjoyment of something?

To be honest with you, S1 started a little slow, I think this has started a little quicker and I am thankful for that. I am not going to compare it to the original season again, I'm just going to enjoy this for what it is.


Without actually responding with the names (just want a yes/no) can you name each of the four lead characters?

If you know either the first or last name that's fine.. and asking about the name of the character, not the actor/actress.


My thoughts- I loved S1, but S2 is setting up to be the perfect show for me.

Clearly the direction and writing aren't up to the level of S1. That said, I'm a HUGE sucker for anything noir. The LA setting and the cliches just lean into that soooo heavily that I'm all in.
Without actually responding with the names (just want a yes/no) can you name each of the four lead characters?

If you know either the first or last name that's fine.. and asking about the name of the character, not the actor/actress.
I honestly only know Velcoro. I'm 90% sure his first name was Ray.

Can't name anyone else other than ASS PEN.


Without actually responding with the names (just want a yes/no) can you name each of the four lead characters?

If you know either the first or last name that's fine.. and asking about the name of the character, not the actor/actress.

It has just been 1 episode. If you have more than two main characters and a lot of plot stuff happening in the episode then I doubt any show can make the audie3nce memorize all the mains from just the first episode.


Without actually responding with the names (just want a yes/no) can you name each of the four lead characters?

If you know either the first or last name that's fine.. and asking about the name of the character, not the actor/actress.

I can name 2/4.


I liked it. Sure, it was slow as hell, but the first season wasn't particularly action-packed either. I'm a bit disappointed that Colin Farrell wasn't allowed to use his natural accent though.

is it safe to assume Taylor Kitsch character, Paul Woodrugh, is
gay based on the blue pill (Viagra) he took in the bathroom?
Trying to see where they go his character.

Eh, that's reaching. He can be just disinterested in sex or have some sort of sexual disorder. Young people taking viagra before sex aren't automatically gay.


I'm not worried. This is going to be an eight hour long movie and first three episodes probably won't be anything spectacular. Season 1 peaked too soon anyway. Majority of shows today have slow starts. I guess I'll watch all 8 episodes together. It will be better that way.


I liked it. I think its just difficult to be the same as season 1. Season 1 was a suprise and we didnt really expected something. Now there is season 2 with a complete new story and cast and high expectations.
I was expecting something a lot worse. I actually enjoyed it though it's obviously not of the same standard as season 1, but what is? Will certainly be continuing to watch.
Average season premiere.

Great, all three main-characters are tortured souls, colliding against one another seeking redemption/answers. Then they jump the shark with each of the three to demonstrate how edgy they are.

This season will need to do A LOT to find itself in the same league with its predecessor, much less in the same league as The Killing.
BMW motorcycle with a Harley sound (and then the correct exhaust note seconds later!) is just fucking stupid.

Don't worry. You're the only person that will ever notice this. :p

The episode itself was better than I expected, but not nearly as interesting as Season 1. I'm in. Still very much above-average television.
It's enough to keep me watching, but I didn't really enjoy it. Felt disjointed and too self-serious. Visually there's still some impressive moments, but as a whole it feels less cohesive than any episode form the first season, or at least my memory of the first season. Dug the bike at night and some of the aerial shots. I also liked the astronaut line. Overall it feels like Pizzolatto is trying too hard to capture what worked in the first season, rather than letting it come naturally to him.

That's what happens when HBO throws money at you with the stipulation that a 10-episode script has to be completed in less than a year.

This is Pizzolatto just trying to get the bull out of the gate. I feel for him, because he produced some of the best television last year and it'll be very difficult to recapture that.
It introduced its characters oddly, and didn't give us a lot of background information on them. That was one of the major downsides of this pilot.

I'd love to watch the rest in one day, but we'll have to wait and hope it gets better. A site I've written for scored the first 3 episodes a 3.5/5, though, which is merely good.
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