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Trump Fires James Comey

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The permanent replacement is going to have far less credentials than these folks.


I'm quoting this for accuracy.

I know a lot of us were stunned by what happened in November, but the Dems will have a huge advantage in 2018.

(I definitely expect a ton of voter suppression though)

The republican gerrymandered firewalls were built to withstand some unpopularity but not huge unpopularity. The problem with maximizing seat gains is you have to lower the voter firewalls height. So a district that is built to be nominally a 60-40 republican win in good years and in years where dem turnout or voting is only nominally higher will still result in a republican win. The problem is if you get people so mad that the firewall turns out to be too low and you actually built in the ability for wave to happen. So the goal of the democrats should not just be to make sure there is a wave nationally but states wide as well. The best thing dems can do in 2018 is take over state legislatures nationally and rewrite election law to force fair redistricting so that the seats don't promptly flip back republican again if dem turnout isn't excessively higher than the built in republican advantage. They will not keep the House of Representatives in 2022 otherwise. I think due to 2020 being an election year they could probably hold on there but the state legislatures need democratic control in at least all blue and swing states (and hopefully some of the lean R states) between 2018 and 2022. This is essential if you want things to change and to stop seeing Bushes and Trumps. If you can get enough competitive districts created, I don't think it will even be necessary to gerrymander the districts in democratic favor. It would be enough to ensure that people have to moderate.


You're not wrong.

This was precisely the moment that Bill Clinton cinched the younger voters. Politics and policy be damned, it was COOL to vote for Clinton back then.

And his opponent was a stuffy, uptight old guy who checked his watch during the town hall debate (imagine when that was the biggest scandal to appear from presidential debates) and was a middling president.


People called Romanes they go the house?


Speaking of voter suppression, for specifically the tactic that requires an ID to vote, I'd totally be down to donate to some organization or fund that pays for impoverished people to get an ID.

Well Trumps religious executive order had the unintended consequences of freeing up Black and other liberal churches to participate more in getting out the vote and registering voters, something republican state governments in the past have used federal church/state laws to suppress but can't now. Funny story, conservative churches never faced the same scrutiny even before this executive order.


All you hear today is law experts stunned because they had faith in Rosenstein being independent and nonpartisan.

I have zero faith in whomever the Senate would appoint as an independent prosecutor.


Can we just get someone, ANYONE, with a shred of charisma?

Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.


And his opponent was a stuffy, uptight old guy who checked his watch during the town hall debate (imagine when that was the biggest scandal to appear from presidential debates) and was a middling president.
Bush's biggest downfall was he broke republican orthodoxy by raising taxes. He did it to save a slumping economy but it didn't matter, he betrayed his base.
oh that's right i forgot that my alt accounts were discovered

That post reads like he was ironically masturbating as he wrote it too. Unless I'm mistaken you've basically argued this isn't going away simply because of Comey's firing. Which only adds to the hilarity of his post.
It's a TV crowd. Cheering is what they do. I would not put too much into that.

Though, I'm sure places like Fox will use that footage to slam the controversy.


Unconfirmed Member
You're not wrong.

This was precisely the moment that Bill Clinton cinched the younger voters. Politics and policy be damned, it was COOL to vote for Clinton back then.

We need to draw from Governors rather than Senators.

Shame the only Democratic governor who stepped up was O'Malley. Dude isn't even that popular in Maryland and is a very traditional wet sponge Democrat. Must be someone else who doesn't have baggage and actually seems like an enjoyable person.

Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.

There's a big gap between reality TV stars and experienced leaders who are also cool people. Please realize this before we nominate another wet towel.


MORE: Comey briefed some Senate Intel Committee members Monday about request; request made directly to Deputy AG Rosenstein


Crosspost from me, updated with this. Sorry for the shitty format, doing this while at work.
So last week:

Comey asks for money for investigation to Rosenstein >>> Comey testifies to the Senate May 3rd about Clinton, makes error that is used to justify his firing >>First mention I can find of Comey's inaccuracy is Monday May 8th >>May 8th, Comey briefs Senate of request to Rosenstein>>Rosenstein goes to Sessions, at some point writes the letter to Sessions that the WH used to fire Comey >> WH fires Comey May 9th

CNN reporters claim they have been working this story for more then a week. The claim is that the WH/Sessions have been actively searching for ways to fire Comey. The reason they used for justification was revealed Monday(?).


Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.

You'd have to change American culture, unfortunately.

Charisma is also how JFK and Reagan steamrolled their competition.
Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.

I don't know if they said only charisma. Of course you'd want skill and charisma, but as this election showed, only leadership/skill is largely irrelevant.

If people can't get excited over you, they won't show up even if the underlying policy would be neutral or good for them.

People will show up for charisma, though, whether or not skill or leadership is there. They'll be so happy, they will delude themselves into thinking they actually do possess skill and leadership for a position like this.


Unconfirmed Member
Well Trumps religious executive order had the unintended consequences of freeing up Black and other liberal churches to participate more in getting out the vote and registering voters, something republican state governments in the past have used federal church/state laws to suppress but can't now. Funny story, conservative churches never faced the same scrutiny even before this executive order.

While that may be possible has there been word that black and other liberal churches are going to start doing this?


Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.

What you or I want means nothing. The only way to get people to the polls is by having a charismatic candidate.


Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.

You need to put forward someone who can win, first and foremost. When is the last time the less charismatic candidate won? The last one that wasn't just "the one perceived as more charismatic won" was I guess George HW Bush and his opponent tanked his own campaign.

It's been that way since Reagan at least. So find another Clinton or Obama, not another Kerry.
The crowd was warmed up. They are heavily encouraged to cheer and make noise.

I watched the episode. Later in the show, Colbert asked if they cheered because of what Comey did to Hillary. They applauded yes. The Colbert reminded them that the FBI was the only real investigation into Trump, and Trump stomped on it. That sobered them up quick.


Beat EviLore at pool.
DOJ spox Ian Prior tells me Comey never asked Rosenstein for more money or more resources for the Russia investigation (1/2)

(2/2) and that Sarah Flores is being misquoted when reporters say she said Comey asked for more resources for the Russia investigation

So Prior says the DOJ is not drawing a distinction between money and resources, and that Comey didn't ask Rosenstein for any of that





Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.

Clinton, Gore, and Kerry were all more qualified leaders but since they were basically bags of dirt personality wise they lost.

Certainly having qualified leaders is great, but you have to be naïve to believe that America is capable of handling that responsibility without being wooed by a flashy personality, especially after Trump. At this stage, honestly, I think Dems should prioritize personality above everything else when running for the presidency.


There's a big gap between reality TV stars and experienced leaders who are also cool people. Please realize this before we nominate another wet towel.

The pragmatist in me rather have a wet towel than Trump. People like Kerry, Gore, and Clinton absolutely had experience in spades. Way more than Sander who hide most of his political life in the tiny state of Vermont doing exactly what to gain experience?


Unconfirmed Member
I watched the episode. Later in the show, Colbert asked if they cheered because of what Comey did to Hillary. They applauded yes. The Colbert reminded them that the FBI was the only real investigation into Trump, and Trump stomped on it. That sobered them up quick.

On a real note, people are so one-dimensional. People suck at realizing repercussions ahead of time. If people really applauded Comey's firing because of his mishandling the Clinton investigation, then they either don't know jack shit about what else he is/was investigating at the moment, which itself is awful, or they don't care enough.

People are so stupid.


That post reads like he was ironically masturbating as he wrote it too. Unless I'm mistaken you've basically argued this isn't going away simply because of Comey's firing. Which only adds to the hilarity of his post.
Back in 2004 I liked asking promoters/canvassers why I should vote for John Kerry when he keeps saying that moron Bush tricked him into supporting Iraq. I got similar responses.

Actually most of my material gets similar results now that I think about it...

No, it's the children who are wrong.
On a real note, people are so one-dimensional. People suck at realizing repercussions ahead of time. If people really applauded Comey's firing because of his mishandling the Clinton investigation, then they either don't know jack shit about what else he is/was investigating at the moment, which itself is awful, or they don't care enough.

People are so stupid.

Well, yeah. We elected Trump.
Dude, substance is more important than charisma. Charima got us Bush Jr. and Trump. Obama and Bill Clinton are flukes who had both.

This purity/entertainment bullshit has to stop. We need to elect leaders, not reality TV stars.

Yeah good luck with that. Maybe the voting public can take an IQ pill that raises their intelligence? We can hope.
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