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Trump Fires James Comey

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What do your family members thinks now after voting for Trump? We all have that somebody. I'm sure still drinking the Trump kool aid.

Nobody in my family would ever vote Republican much less someone like Trump. The thought of some family gathering bickering about politics is foreign to me thankfully. Now people I work with, they might have voted but poltics is never really discussed.
No, we're not going to "Bank" on Trump getting s second term. Have you SEEN just how much Dems have been gaining traction in RED states lately?

God, what is it with you people. Why are you constantly, constantly trying to shove pathetic speculative doom and gloom down other people's throats?!?

It's like all manner of rational thinking in this thread has been replaced with nothing but panic.
TBF, I can see where AlimNassor is coming from. People have underestimated Trump from the start. Remember, Trump was also post to be "done" several times over during the election, and yet, Trump kept moving forward. Yeah, hopefully Trump only has one term, but don't put it pass this country for a second to re-elect Trump. To me, that's not a call for "doom and gloom." It's call that a Dem. victory is not guaranteed. If it was, Hillary would be the president right now, not Trump.


Republicans are gonna be running on anti Trump
his first term. That didn't happen to W.
Maybe. We'll see if any of them still have balls left to risk upsetting Furor Trump.

I am highly doubtful.


TBF, I can see where AlimNassor is coming from. People have underestimated Trump from the start. Remember, Trump was also post to be "done" several times over during the election, and yet, Trump kept moving forward. Yeah, hopefully Trump only has one term, but don't put it pass this country for a second to re-elect Trump. To me, that's not a call for "doom and gloom." It's call that a Dem. victory is not guaranteed. If it was, Hillary would be the president right now, not Trump.

That "underestimating Trump" part ignores that Clinton was severely hindered through by scandals, real and invented. He had a great deal of help, in short. Without that help he would have lost miserably.


Oh, he's a hypocrite. No doubt about it.

My dad is for him for many reasons.

- Trump is from New York (not even kidding; tribalism is this strong)
- Trump is there to "fix the broken system"
- Trump has no "obligation to anybody" because he's rich

He's caved a bit on Clinton because "everyone does something wrong" but the pivots he makes to Trump are hilarious. He think the AHCA is better than the ACA only because Donald Trump has said so. Despite the CBO concerns of the older bill and the concerns of the current bill, it will cover more because Trump said it would.

Speaking with people like this confirms there is only innate intelligence from nature, because anything inferential is a quaking mess.

Especially the American people it seems.


That "underestimating Trump" part ignores that Clinton was severely hindered through by scandals, real and invented. He had a great deal of help, in short. Without that help he would have lost miserably.

He'll have an even greater deal of help next time as well though.


Denial seems stupid, especially since Comey will undoubtedly testify before Congress about it.

Or more likely someone from the DOJ or FBI will leak proof that he asked. By all accounts Comey was very popular among his FBI employees and they were loyal to him, even if Democrats and Republicans disliked him.
Expect a very leaky ship in response.


Maybe our sons and daughters, removed from the reality of his laughable presidency, will be able to chuckle at the outlandish nature of everything that's going on. We already do so with Nixon.

I wouldn't be worried about some future where Dictator Trump is rounding up all the snowflakes and putting us to work on his golf courses though.
Future benji is going to be arguing with future GAFfers about the vicious racist and tyrant Trump while they praise him like now with Wilson and FDR.
That "underestimating Trump" part ignores that Clinton was severely hindered through by scandals, real and invented. He had a great deal of help, in short. Without that help he would have lost miserably.
Look, all I am saying this idea Dem. victory is a given/guaranteed is not correct. We should learn from history.


Rush laughingly called this a "massive troll", then said libruls don't know what to believe because they are "totally programmed"

He's doing the the same guttural, arch villain insulting spin move, demeaning everyone but donnie, same as KAC did this am.

These folks have their audience figured out, a-z, my goodness. Talking points and laughing out insults work 100% of the time, so wash/rinse/repeat.


Marches mean nothing. The Republican congress and senate don't care what the democrats march about and their base still loves trump. McConnell's statement today should tell you all you need to know about how pointless a march is. I think we are getting close to the point where its going to take violence to make anything change. When direct treason is being ignored and lawful investigations directly hampered by the ruling party its a very scary situation.

What crucial is getting some of the 48% that didn't vote to the polls in 17/18/19/20.

Violence will just give them an excuse to crack down hard. Their propaganda machine will spin and give those people more reason to stay at home or support him; hell save your stuff from those thugs!

It's hard not to want to crack facists skulls, but facists and autocracy only finds legitimacy when it can crack down on violence and muddy the waters. They don't look as bad when both sides are bad. Gotta fight the urge to give them that win.


He'll have an even greater deal of help next time as well though.

He won't by default, as it won't be Clinton he'd be facing. Clinton had 25 years or more of Republican bashing, and recent manufactured scandals that exacerbated it. She was a uniquely easy candidate to attack from the start.

I mean much of the left voters disliked her, let alone right. He's not gonna have that next time, and he also won't have that "unknown" quality where voters could make imaginary scenarios where he's an outsider gonna get things done, h's going to have an undoubtedly appalling four year term showing how incompetent and useless he is in practice.

It's not guaranteed the Democrats will win, but it's a more even playing field.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
TBF, I can see where AlimNassor is coming from. People have underestimated Trump from the start. Remember, Trump was also post to be "done" several times over during the election, and yet, Trump kept moving forward. Yeah, hopefully Trump only has one term, but don't put it pass this country for a second to re-elect Trump. To me, that's not a call for "doom and gloom." It's call that a Dem. victory is not guaranteed. If it was, Hillary would be the president right now, not Trump.

I think this was also overestimating the average American voter being smart and decent enough to not fall for a bigoted conman's obvious pandering and bloated pie in the sky promises.
Or more likely someone from the DOJ or FBI will leak proof that he asked. By all accounts Comey was very popular among his FBI employees and they were loyal to him, even if Democrats and Republicans disliked him.
Expect a very leaky ship in response.

Yup. Trump keeps targeting intelligence folks like the FBI and CIA, but those are the people who can do some serious damage to his presidency. Same thing with the media. Trump is making enemies everywhere.


Yeah, but that was for pre-planned testimony as the FBI Director. Congress will surely want testimony regarding his termination. Well, at least the Dems will.

Sure, but it's still contingent on the Republican whims. They can force that meeting to be private instead of an open hearing or just shoot down the request.


What crucial is getting some of the 48% that didn't vote to the polls in 17/18/19/20.

Violence will just give them an excuse to crack down hard. Their propaganda machine will spin and give those people more reason to stay at home or support him; hell save your stuff from those thugs!

It's hard not to want to crack facists skulls, but facists and autocracy only finds legitimacy when it can crack down on violence and muddy the waters. They don't look as bad when both sides are bad. Gotta fight the urge to give them that win.

Tell the Jews to peacefully resist the Nazis? Tell black America in the 60's to peacefully resist against the government and racism?

You are far too idealistic.


We are three months into Trumps presidency.

Why are you people talking about 2020

Regardless, have you people forgot he won on the slimmest of margins and lost the popular vote by a very wide margin?
People have short memories.
Even if the people who voted blank while voting progressive across the rest of the ballot would have checked Clinton...

Just that.
Not even more turnout.

... Clinton would have won in a landslide.

That, you can bank on.

But due to a number of factors, of which polls were not the smallest, many in the booths were willing to roll the dice thinking she'd be elected anyway.

You can also bank that it won't happen in 2020 (having both a terribly unpopular candidate and voters trusting the polls and rolling the dice).
And what signs are there that aren't just wishful thinking? Carter wasn't beloved and was going up against Reagan. We need someone that can capture the hearts of voters like Obama did. We need someone that will inspire voters to get out and vote.

The Republicans are already planning for the future. A Republican controlled Government is a very scary thing.

He's incredibly unpopular (more so than any president at this stage in their careers, and Trump's lowest point was lower than Obama ever got, and Obama was considered vulnerable in 2012)

He's done nothing with a completely GOP controlled government (same as Carter). The ACHA is hated by 70% of the country and growing.

The only thing he's managed to do in his 100 days is fill a stolen Supreme Court seat and hype up Democrats to win. He is a failure of a president by every definition, and 4 years of doing nothing (he only has a year and a half before Dems take the house and then he has no chance of doing anything at all)

Where exactly is the evidence he would be re-elected? Because the severe lack of popularity, the inaction and the lost ground in many R held districts don't really point to a president guaranteed to be re-elected.
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