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Trump Fires James Comey

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Probably a review to prove the firing wasn't due to Russia.

Knowing that fuck.

I'm still amazed that no one seems to give a shit that he was the one that publicly released the letter from Comey in October, not Comey himself. Chaffetz is the fucking worst.

I know this is daily kos, but just came across it looking into Chaffetz a bit. I want to believe so bad. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/4/21/1654905/-Why-Did-Chaffetz-Resign-It-Will-All-Come-Out-in-the-Laundering

I'm no lawyer, but if the investigation digs up enough to convict Flynn, doesn't this pave the way to indict Trump for obstruction of justice? Did he just complete the knot for his own noose?

I'm not really sure, but I think it might depend on if the admin knew about something like that. i.e. The admin got wind that the FBI had evidence to convict Flynn and decided to boot Comey. Without something like that I think they get away with the "poor handling of Clinton emails investigation" excuse without legal consequences.
I'm no lawyer, but if the investigation digs up enough to convict Flynn, doesn't this pave the way to indict Trump for obstruction of justice? Did he just complete the knot for his own noose?

If FinCEN traced Trump's financial activities then RICO would be the way to get him and people associated with him. Trump has many ties to Russian Mafia.




From where that video is? No way Trump made it. Did WH make it?

Ughh the same talking points I keep hearing from ppl defending Trump on twitter. It doesn't take much critical thinking to figure out that the outrage is over the timing of this, not because of some hidden love everyone had for Comey. Just typical deflecting, not sure why I expected anything else.


I've got to admit that this season of the Fall Of the United States has so many twists and turns. It's entertaining but full of ludicrous plot holes. The guy they got to play the president is a great actor. I think his wife is also beautifully cast. While some of his lines are silly, he delivers them convincingly. My favorite line this season, "My crowds are bigger than yours and I will get Mexico to build a wall. "

I think the best part is seeing who gets fired at the end of each month. I have to admit I thought Bannon was going to go but the FBI director came as an unexpected surprise. Kudos to the writers for genuinely surprising us. I think Sean Spicer is next because he was caught hiding between a bush. His newly hired replacement did a better job at flinging poo at reporters.

Still, I find the some of the twists ridiculous. I thought when Kellyanne Conway came on television to promote Ivanka Trump was ludicrous.In real life, she would have been fired at the very least.

The latest one is even more dumb. Why would the president of the United States be so stupid to fire the head of the FBI at this time when he is being investigated. That just throws more suspicion on him. The funniest part is he sent him a letter. He then claims that the reason he fired the director was because of Clinton's emails. Who would buy that in real life?

Then he meets with the Russians the next day and bars the US media from taking photos. That's just poor writing and makes the president look silly. I know it's just a reality show and sometimes you have to suspend belief, but now it is getting silly.What's next - will the president release Hillary's concession call?

What do you think is going to happen in next week's episode?


I don't know if this has been brought up, as I just got off work a bit ago. But on MSNBC the line is "FBI Sources: Comey was fired because he would not end Russia investigation"

Not talking about it really... it's just at the bottom of the screen.
Trump must have Jeffrey Lord's peepee tape or something. WTF is wrong with him?

He is a partisan. I think part of the problem of all this is the political climate of 2017, this isn't the Watergate era were partisan politics were as extreme as they are now. It is going to take direct evidence, talking CSI level shit to get leadership of the Republican party to shift.


Let them sweat. They made the choice to fall on the sword for Trump. First we take Georgia in June.
I'm not getting my hopes up for that one but the fact that it's so close is a good omen.

This deep into the south should be an easy win for them but it isn't which hopefully bodes well for the future.
I've become so pessimistic about all of this. It's really absurd to think Trump is going to get away with firing the guy leading an investigation into his wrongdoing. The fact that they could seriously do this with the assistance of a letter from Jeff Sessions, who had to recuse himself because of his own russian involvement... man this just smells like shit. It's nuts but i really think whatever happened or is happening, they're going to get away with it.


2018 seems like such a long time away in the 24/7 cycle.

I'm actually OK with it. Its constant pressure. During Nixon, you only got this info. on the evening news, or have to wait for the newspaper in the evening, etc.

With Trump's Presidency, its a 24/7 barrage. And for a man who clearly gets rattled by this, we're barely over 100 days and its to this point. I honestly didn't think it would get here until a few years in.


Beat EviLore at pool.

How Trump's anger and impatience prompted him to fire the FBI director

Trump was angry that Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Barack Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia's effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

In the weeks leading up to Comey's firing, Trump administration officials had repeatedly urged the FBI to more aggressively pursue leak investigations, according to people familiar with the discussions. Administration officials sometimes sought to push the FBI to prioritize leak probes over the Russia interference case, and at other times urged the bureau to investigate disclosures of information that was not classified or highly sensitive and therefore did not constitute crimes, these people said.

Over time, administration officials grew increasingly dissatisfied with the FBI's actions on that front. Comey's appearances at congressional hearings caused even more tension between the White House and FBI, as Trump administration officials were angered that the director's statements increased, rather than diminished, public attention on the Russia probe, officials said.

Trump and some of his advisers did not fully anticipate the ferocious reaction — in fact, some wrongly assumed many Democrats would support the move because they had been critical of Comey in the past — and were unprepared to contain the fallout.


I've become so pessimistic about all of this. It's really absurd to think Trump is going to get away with firing the guy leading an investigation into his wrongdoing. The fact that they could seriously do this with the assistance of a letter from Jeff Sessions, who had to recuse himself because of his own russian involvement... man this just smells like shit. It's nuts but i really think whatever happened or is happening, they're going to get away with it.

Take a week or two off to recharge. Seriously. I hit political fatigue a few week ago and just stopped following stuff until the public Senate IC started up. It has done wonder for my mood.

The behind the scene stuff with the Grand Juries is good stuff.


The Republican base are getting hammered. I know people like to bicker online but all this bad press and bad decisions have reduced the argument for Trump to just trolling the left. And even that reads as tired.

That was always the main argument for Trump. Trolling, hurting, and lashing out at minorities and other undesirables that comprise "the left".


Oh god, Jeffery Lord to the Cnn panel: "You're all in a bubble!"

Stop watching CNN Panels. They're dumb. They don't get to the heart of the issues. They don't explain anything. It's subjective political gladiator fighting where the viewer gets to choose who won or lost based on whether the panelist's comments reaffirm the viewer's own beliefs.



Trump was angry that Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Barack Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.


Man, I haven't even been thinking about this at all. What are the tinfoil hat chances something gets fabricated with whatever "yes man" he slots into Comey's place?


He's right. I find it unbelievable that the western world isn't united in sanctioning the utter fuck out of them. They're caught red handed trying to influence multiple elections and all they get is a few harsh words.

When nobody in the world wants to escalate into armed conflict with you for obvious reasons, you can get away with a lot of stuff.
I'm actually OK with it. Its constant pressure. During Nixon, you only got this info. on the evening news, or have to wait for the newspaper in the evening, etc.

With Trump's Presidency, its a 24/7 barrage. And for a man who clearly gets rattled by this, we're barely over 100 days and its to this point. I honestly didn't think it would get here until a few years in.

plus there's a chance it further fucks with his health


Maddow is making a case for why FBI Deputy Director McCabe may have a problem of impartiality after reports came out in February that he took Reince Priebus aside and told him that the Russian/trump contacts story from the NYtimes was "bullshit."



I want to take a moment to marvel at the timeline the White House apparently asked the press pool to distribute about this:

A travel/photo lid was called at 6:41 p.m.

Just beforehand, the White House asked your pooler to circulate this official timeline of events that led to President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey:

For pool distribution. We have received several inquiries to clarify the timeline of the Presidents decision. We are providing the below information on background.

The President, over the last several months, lost confidence in Director Comey.

After watching Director Comeys testimony last Wednesday, the President was strongly inclined to remove him.

On Monday, the President met with the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General and they discussed reasons for removing the Director.

The next day, Tuesday May 9, the Deputy Attorney General sent his written recommendation to the Attorney General and the Attorney General sent his written recommendation to the President.

Mostly because I want to say the initial response yesterday was trying to make it sound like Trump listening to wise counsel from others, while now the explanation is that he wanted to so he talked to them about it and they gave him letters to make it easier.
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