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Trump Fires James Comey

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The hits keep coming apparently the Deputy AG threatened to quit after being cast as the reason for Comey being fired.


Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey and that the president acted only on his recommendation, said the person close to the White House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The hits (leaks) keep coming. I love it.



Holy shit, this is unreal.

Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey and that the president acted only on his recommendation, said the person close to the White House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Justice Department officials declined to comment.


Gold Member
Not a good source. They jumped on some stupid stuff around the Chaffetz stuff a few weeks ago.

you mean right around the time Chaffetz withdrew his run for governor in the 2018 race out of no where?

Perhaps he made a deal..

I also wasnt aware FINCEN was assisting the FBI and CI in their investigation until now....

Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has assisted in the ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation into Trump administration ties with Russia, multiple U.S. officials have said. A former senior Treasury official said that agency would have the authority to demand from any bank with a U.S. branch, including foreign banks, relevant records of transactions by Trump, his family members or his associates. FinCEN also maintains databases of reports of suspicious and cash transactions.



Professional Schmuck
CNN just said WaPo is reporting -- i haven't seen it -- that Rosenstein threatened to resign since this thing came out pinning the reasoning on him yesterday.


The hits keep coming apparently the Deputy AG threatened to quit after being cast as the reason for Comey being fired.


The hits (leaks) keep coming. I love it.

C'mon Deputy AG. Let everyone know why Comey was fired.

My theory:
Russia employed advisors close to Trump and all parties kept Trump truly in the dark about it.

Meanwhile, Trump is in the pockets of Russian oligarchs. He uses his teams of lawyers and accountants to deeply bury and hide these connections but is still worried it leaking out into the public (possibly for legal reasons).

It creates a complete Russian connection but one that is completely coincidental, it would explain why he hasn't released his tax returns, and it would explain why he's angry and defensive about the investigation behind-the-scenes but also able to be the 'same-ol Trump' in front of the cameras (business ties are extremely well hidden but the weight of the FBI nags at his confidence and worries him).
I don't think Trump's in the dark, but I do think he wasn't aware of the scope of how bad what he did is as well as likely thinking it's normal behavior for politicians and heads of business.
So Tom McArthur had a town hall tonight and he got grilled. Little gem.


Think they need a competency test. Might explain why no one does anything.

Uh wow....

Oh the pain.

I mean strictly speaking it is constitutional, but there are tons of things which were previously regarded as traditional norms which presidents have had the self-control and respect for the office to not do. Trump despises America and the constraints of office to such a degree, and has such reverence for dictators who just kill political opponents, that he constantly steamrolls such conventions with little regard for how it looks. He invents reasons for his actions from thin air.

I think in the future, once we have competent control of government again, we're going to make some hard laws regarding emoluments violation and things like this (firing an FBI Director when you're currently under investigation, etc). Clearly, our system of checks and balances is far too weak in certain areas. This must be remedied.



The hits keep coming apparently the Deputy AG threatened to quit after being cast as the reason for Comey being fired.


The hits (leaks) keep coming. I love it.

Holy shit, that's probably why the weird timeline that came out today seemed to differ from what they were saying yesterday. Yesterday Trump was just acting because the AG and DAG had said Comey was bad. Today they wrote things up stating that Trump was the impetus and had called them. Guess they realized after the chaos that the DAG resigning would be way too awful.

This is pretty huge. The case for Trump being impeached for obstruction of justice can be made if it was all his idea. Of course that won't happen without a seismic shift in republican support for impeachment.

And what's interesting about that is, Dems now have an actual campaign issue for the 2018 mids. They can be the body that effectively brings impeachment against Trump, and can run their entire pitch on this.

This alone could motivate Republicans to jump ship and push for impeachment if they want to keep their jobs in 2018.

The squeeze might very well be ready to start.


Wasn't Rosenstein who Huckabee Sanders was talking about this morning that was loved by both sides of the aisle and to let him do his job? Or was that someone else?
Bit late for Rosenstein to suddenly develop integrity, even if that is true.

I feel it's premature to label him one way or another. He could be a good dude trying to stick it out and keep a reasonable person in charge of the FBI. Or maybe he's a shot heel who doesn't want the bad press. I have no inkling either way.


The anger behind Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday had been building for months, but a turning point came when Comey refused to preview for top Trump aides his planned testimony to a Senate panel, White House officials said.

Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had wanted a heads-up from Comey about what he would say at a May 3 hearing about his handling of an investigation into former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

When Comey refused, Trump and his aides considered that an act of insubordination and it was one of the catalysts to Trump’s decision this week to fire the FBI director, the officials said.

Wouldn't Jeff Sessions just appoint a far worse deputy?

I think another deputy would have to be confirmed by the Senate. Also I just want him to resign for the sake of escalating the fuck out of this even more. Without Rosenstein, Sessions has to take the heat.


Quick reminder of what RICO is please.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Meant to deal with Organized Crime etc.

Under the law, the meaning of racketeering activity is set out at 18 U.S.C. § 1961. As currently amended it includes:
  • Any violation of state statutes against gambling, murder, kidnapping, extortion, arson, robbery, bribery, dealing in obscene matter, or dealing in a controlled substance or listed chemical (as defined in the Controlled Substances Act);
  • Any act of bribery, counterfeiting, theft, embezzlement, fraud, dealing in obscene matter, obstruction of justice, slavery, racketeering, gambling, money laundering, commission of murder-for-hire, and many other offenses covered under the Federal criminal code (Title 18);
  • Embezzlement of union funds;
  • Bankruptcy fraud or securities fraud;
  • Drug trafficking; long-term and elaborate drug networks can also be prosecuted using the Continuing Criminal Enterprise Statute;
  • Criminal copyright infringement;
  • Money laundering and related offenses;
  • Bringing in, aiding or assisting aliens in illegally entering the country (if the action was for financial gain);
  • Acts of terrorism.


You really can't write this stuff.

Prior to Trump: "Man what kind of political thriller is this book? That garbage House of Cards is more realistic than this. Throw this next to the bin of Tom Clancy trash."

After Trump: "Well really who is to say if the maid didn't fuck him up the ass using a strap on in order to blackmail him for intel on China."
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