It hasn't even been four fucking months yet. This presidency has been a trainwreck in a way I never anticipated.
I feel like we all anticipated this, but didn't want to believe it
It hasn't even been four fucking months yet. This presidency has been a trainwreck in a way I never anticipated.
It adds up with everything everyone has said about the guy, him being a non-partisan official and isn't some Republican lackey. Shit keeps getting better and better (or worse and worse as the case may be).
Rosenstein has had a good reputation throughout his career. I think he is someone that would resign over this to uphold his reputation.
Read: https://t.co/fOy25nZpyq
this is going down.
I feel it's premature to label him one way or another. He could be a good dude trying to stick it out and keep a reasonable person in charge of the FBI. Or maybe he's a shot heel who doesn't want the bad press. I have no inkling either way.
Read: https://t.co/fOy25nZpyq
this is going down.
then why didn't he resign?, why let himself be used.
He got played. they threatened him in some way, or lied and said he wasn't going to be used as the excuse and then got used.
In which case his resignation should come now.
Wouldn't Jeff Sessions just appoint a far worse deputy?
Willing to give him a couple of days for it to play out. He might actually be just as blindside by Trump's move as everyone else. Or he is a stooge. Or something inbetween.
He had his chance to stand up to the President and he didn't.
I don't see how anyone can trust him going forward.
then why didn't he resign?, why let himself be used.
He got played. they threatened him in some way, or lied and said he wasn't going to be used as the excuse and then got used.
In which case his resignation should come now.
He should quit. Flat out. He's basically Trump's only out at this point.
ThenGod damn, this just keeps on giving. I would love for the Deputy AG to start a special investigation over this, then step down. That'd be the ultimate fuck you.
The guy has had the job for less than a month. I can see him being a little reluctant to resign. But he so needs to. If he doesn't his reputation is destroyed. Shit career wise it would probably help him... Just not a government career. Lol
Assuming Comey deserved to be fired for all the reasons outlined in the letters.. NOW?
They thought now was the appropriate time?
No sense of tact or care to attempt and hide what they are doing.
Wouldn't Jeff Sessions just appoint a far worse deputy?
I think it would be reasonable to let him wait until the end of the week. Give himself time to secure any info and have contingencies in place to prevent things from being swept under the rug.I completely agree, he should resign ASAP and say the WH used his name without his permission.
I do not understand why there isn't some Republican having a "Mr. Smith" moment and realizing he can be a hero.In another timeline the GOP gathers together and begins the impeachment process with Paul Ryan saying, "Let's just do it and be legends."
John McCain once called his own wife a cunt in front of reporters.John McCain has a legendary temper.
John Dean was a Nixon loyalist who only turned against the administration when he realized he was being set up as a fall guy. You ask people to fall on swords, you don't plant them in their path and try to trip them.[Rosenstein] threw himself under the bus when he signed that letter, no matter who told him to.
Our very own Saturday Night Massacre! Well, not exactly, but it definitely gives vibes.
Wouldn't Jeff Sessions just appoint a far worse deputy?
Read: https://t.co/fOy25nZpyq
this is going down.
It's an easy thing for someone to tell someone else they should end their career. If I were him I'd need at least a few days to make some calls, etc.
It's nice to think any one of us would do the right thing and tell people to pound sand, but that doesn't pay the bills. Just looking at it from a ground-level view.
Is Trump and Sessions getting together trying to figure out a way to fire Comey illegal?
I know its shady shit, I'm just talking on the legal front. Not a loaded question, I'm just wondering.
then why didn't he resign?, why let himself be used.
He got played. they threatened him in some way, or lied and said he wasn't going to be used as the excuse and then got used.
In which case his resignation should come now.
Is Trump and Sessions getting together trying to figure out a way to fire Comey illegal?
I know its shady shit, I'm just talking on the legal front. Not a loaded question, I'm just wondering.
So....I was just thinking about this....ok...mind blowing scenario. Trump is found to have possibly committed a crime of some sort. Who would actually arrest the president? Secret Service? Attorney General? An actual General? Or just some beat cop? There's gotta be a plan in writing for this kinda stuff, probably since after the Nixon era.
I agree that this is far easier said than done, but this isn't even an unprecedented situation.
If Rosenstein had been DAG in 1973 he would have fired Archibald Cox. The standard of integrity for the office has been set and he didn't meet it.
The best part is they actually thought people were going to buy their excuse and any on the Left was gonna be happy about this.
Is Trump and Sessions getting together trying to figure out a way to fire Comey illegal?
I know its shady shit, I'm just talking on the legal front. Not a loaded question, I'm just wondering.
I really need someone to tell me what pathway there is to any of this making a difference in this partisan shitstorm of a Congress, the one body that can actually end this entire sad charade.Listen: Trump can't survive this. The momentum is unstoppable.
So....I was just thinking about this....ok...mind blowing scenario. Trump is found to have possibly committed a crime of some sort. Who would actually arrest the president? Secret Service? Attorney General? An actual General? Or just some beat cop? There's gotta be a plan in writing for this kinda stuff, probably since after the Nixon era.
Dan Diamond @ddiamond
A sampling of the Comey, Trump and Russia news breaking tonight.
I still think he gets the benefit of another news cycle or so. Just my take. I don't know anything about his bio, what sort of family situation he is in. Am I assuming he will do the right thing? Yeah. He seemed to have a good rep before this.
This board isn't the best at letting things breathe for a bit. News just went public, which will probably force his hand a bit.
@jonathanvswan 2m2 minutes ago
I can independently confirm reporting that President Trump has been sounding people out about removing Sean Spicer as Press Secretary. 1/2
@jonathanvswan 1m1 minute ago
The President feels his press team poorly served him yesterday. He believes it was incompetence on their part, not lack of time. 2/2
ThenNixonTrump just fires the special prosecutor.
It would be the FBI and it would be crazy.
No, he should go public with a statement and basically dare the WH to make this situation worse by dismissing him as well for telling the truth. Though, is the deputy an appointment or a civil servant and therefore can't just be summarily fired by Trump anyway?
Maybe the problem is not with the press team ?Dang no more Melissa McCartney