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Trump Fires James Comey

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I really need someone to tell me what pathway there is to any of this making a difference in this partisan shitstorm of a Congress, the one body that can actually end this entire sad charade.

I mean, if Trump is found guilty of obstruction of justice?

Yeah that would probably do it.
It's interesting how they operating in regards to the DAG. It shows a knowledge of how to compromise people. They push it out it was that guys idea, and then see the amount of pushback from DAG it garners.

If it garners no push back then he's up there with complicity by omission. Like Comey said, does one choose to conceal or to alert.

I bet Comey will be portrayed pretty decently in the movies about this. I dunno who would play him, but definitely "The Last BoyScout" etc


It's been a single day. Give him till the end of the week at least. My guess is that he was unaware that the list of questionable actions by Comey would be used (and so quickly) to then fire him outright so quickly and during an active investigation.

Some reporters have noted in the wording of Rosenstein's letter didn't say nor suggest Comey should be fired like Trump and Sessions are claiming. Only that it should be looked into. The formatted doesn't match previous AG documents of something of that magnitude (ie firing a FBI director).

That alone makes it look like Trump and Sessions set him up to be the fall guy.


So....I was just thinking about this....ok...mind blowing scenario. Trump is found to have possibly committed a crime of some sort. Who would actually arrest the president? Secret Service? Attorney General? An actual General? Or just some beat cop? There's gotta be a plan in writing for this kinda stuff, probably since after the Nixon era.

Trump would have to be removed from Office first. Technically you cannot arrest a sitting president, he would need to be impeached or removed via 2/3rd majority of his cabinet using the acting president clause in the twenty fifth amendment of the US constitution. That acting president clause would also need to survive a 2/3rd majority in both the house and the senate if the President was capable of contesting the invoking of the clause. In that regard it is faster then impeachment as it doesn't require a trial, but it does require more support in the legislature to pull off. Once removed at that point he would face the same people anyone would face for the crimes they are being charged for. If he fails to remove himself from office after such actions I think it would be sergeant in arms which would be capable of removing him likely at behest of the US marshalls for assistance which are essentially the judicial branch police.


Professional Schmuck
I really need someone to tell me what pathway there is to any of this making a difference in this partisan shitstorm of a Congress, the one body that can actually end this entire sad charade.

Here's the pathway:

1. This is unsustainable. It just is.
2. The media knows there's blood in the water and will not let up.
3. People -- us -- have to turn out and make it impossible for our GOP reps to not flip.
4. It only takes a handful of GOP flips to demand a special prosecution.
5. Once we get there, that train doesn't stop.

The keystone here is amazing reporting and taking action as voters, putting pressure on our GOP MOCs.


Posted yet?


Former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired Tuesday by President Donald Trump, on Wednesday sent a letter to select FBI staff, friends and agents. Here is the text of that letter, which was obtained by CNN.


To all:
I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all. I'm not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you won't either. It is done, and I will be fine, although I will miss you and the mission deeply.
I have said to you before that, in times of turbulence, the American people should see the FBI as a rock of competence, honesty, and independence. What makes leaving the FBI hard is the nature and quality of its people, who together make it that rock for America.
It is very hard to leave a group of people who are committed only to doing the right thing. My hope is that you will continue to live our values and the mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution.
If you do that, you too will be sad when you leave, and the American people will be safer.
Working with you has been one of the great joys of my life. Thank you for that gift.
Jim Comey

Whatever. Trump is trash and this firing is so clearly all about the Russia investigation as all the leaks have already confirmed. But Comey was trash as well and completely politicized the FBI and played partisan politics with his handling of both the initial Trump campaign investigation and the Clinton email investigation. He's a part of why Trump is president now. The man is no hero or pillar of integrity.


Dang no more Melissa McCartney

This is hilarious. No press team in the goddamned world could calm things after that clusterfuck. This press team fucking sucks under normal circumstances. Under those you should just expect them to curl up and die... or hide in a bush.
Whatever. Trump is trash and this firing is so clearly all about the Russia investigation as all the leaks have already confirmed. But Comey was trash as well and completely politicized the FBI and played partisan politics with his handling of both the initial Trump campaign investigation and the Clinton email investigation. He's a part of why Trump is president now. The man is no hero or pillar of integrity.

This is one way of looking at it.

If the rumors of how hardcore fanatical the NY branch of the FBI is they were talking about undercutting Comey and leaking the Clinton investigation.

Rock and a hardplace for anyone in his position. At the end of the day Obama not firing Comey was the smart move. I really miss the Obama administration.
God damn, this just keeps on giving. I would love for the Deputy AG to start a special investigation over this, then step down. That'd be the ultimate fuck you.

This. Completely fucking remove their peddled story painting him as the fall guy for the actions directly of Trump (and Sessions, etc).


This is hilarious. No press team in the goddamned world could calm things after that clusterfuck. This press team fucking sucks under normal circumstances. Under those you should just expect them to curl up and die... or hide in a bush.

Seriously he fucked them supremely by not providing them a heads up. Honestly baffled he thinks anyone could've been ready for this. Even KellyAnne struggled to spin this mess.





Professional Schmuck
Doesn't McConell have to approve?

I believe so, but it only takes a handful to flip him. Don't forget he's one of the most talented politicians of all time. He's an evil motherfuckin snake and maybe one of the worst people of all time that has done very real damage to the world. But he knows what happens next.


Some reporters have noted in the wording of Rosenstein's letter didn't say nor suggest Comey should be fired like Trump and Sessions are claiming. Only that it should be looked into. The formatted doesn't match previous AG documents of something of that magnitude (ie firing a FBI director).

That alone makes it look like Trump and Sessions set him up to be the fall guy.

I think that letter is out in the wild and the request given to Rosenstein was to list what he considered questionable actions taken by the former FBI director and that was it. The letter itself was succinct, coming to a little more than two pages with no actual directive or direction.

And of course he's the fall guy because he has a history of working with both Dem and Repub administrations as well as being seen as someone with a high level of integrity and non-partisanship. Perfect fall guy to try and insulate the WH from criticism.



The Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election, formally subpoenaed former national security adviser Michael Flynn today.

Chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner, D-Virginia, said in a statement that the subpoena requests documents relevant to the investigation. They also noted that they had asked Flynn for the documents in late April, but that "he declined, through counsel, to cooperate with the Committee’s request."


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
He's such a caricature of a bad boss it's unbelievable.
I remember thinking Trump was actually an awful businessman on The Apprentice a decade ago. He'd totally misread every situation and find a fall guy to chew out whenever something went bad. I know it was just reality TV but I always thought he was a dimwit tyrant and not a clever leader in any sense.
I can't believe that all of this nonsense has already happened in little under 4 months. I can not see how Trump can recover from this and stop doing terrible shit to last for an entire term. His ego won't let him.


*quotes about Sean Spicer possibly being fired*

Dang no more Melissa McCartney

yes fire Sean Spicer. Fire everyone. Make this boiling shit storm rage even harder!

One day he'll realize it is the sheer insanity of his actions that make covering him for the press nigh on impossible! lol, just kidding he is too incompetent to learn things like facts.
I wonder if Comey goes infront of the senate committee next week and they ask if he would have prosecuted him or his campaign based on evidence, if he could respond to it. He would be a private citizen at the point and wouldn't be giving out any evidence or classified information.


Dang no more Melissa McCartney

Going out in a blaze of SNL glory.

Godspeed, Spicey.

I believe so, but it only takes a handful to flip him. Don't forget he's one of the most talented politicians of all time. He's an evil motherfuckin snake and maybe one of the worst people of all time that has done very real damage to the world. But he knows what happens next.

Yup, McConnell is a huge piece of shit, but he knows the game and plays it well. We just have to tip the field enough to make supporting Trump unpalatable.

Oh man, that actually fits pretty good with this bit in the same Washington Post article we've just been reading too:

Trump's team did not have a full-fledged communications strategy for how to announce and then explain the decision. As Trump, who had retired to the residence to eat dinner, sat in front of a television watching cable news coverage of Comey's firing, he noticed another flaw: Nobody was defending him.

The president was irate
, according to White House officials. Trump pinned much of the blame on Spicer and Dubke's communications operation, wondering how there could be so many press staffers yet such negative coverage on cable news — although he, Priebus and others had afforded them almost no time to prepare.

Whew, that sweating gif is right on.

Not to mention, as if more proof was needed further confirmation that he's world's biggest baby.
I wonder if Comey goes infront of the senate committee next week and they ask if he would have prosecuted him or his campaign based on evidence, if he could respond to it. He would be a private citizen at the point and wouldn't be giving out any evidence or classified information.
Nah. He wouldn't say anything that might affect the investigation, especially now.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I remember thinking Trump was actually an awful businessman on The Apprentice a decade ago. He'd totally misread every situation and find a fall guy to chew out whenever something went bad. I know it was just reality TV but I always thought he was a dimwit tyrant and not a clever leader in any sense.

I couldn't watch beyond a couple episodes of season 1. It was so transparent all those years ago how he was a coddled fuckwit that provided no real advice, wisdom, or show of talent to the contestants. Staged for sure, but you'd expect his minor cameos would at least have some substance or merit to impart.


Posted yet?


Former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired Tuesday by President Donald Trump, on Wednesday sent a letter to select FBI staff, friends and agents. Here is the text of that letter, which was obtained by CNN.


To all:
I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all. I'm not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you won't either. It is done, and I will be fine, although I will miss you and the mission deeply.
I have said to you before that, in times of turbulence, the American people should see the FBI as a rock of competence, honesty, and independence. What makes leaving the FBI hard is the nature and quality of its people, who together make it that rock for America.
It is very hard to leave a group of people who are committed only to doing the right thing. My hope is that you will continue to live our values and the mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution.
If you do that, you too will be sad when you leave, and the American people will be safer.
Working with you has been one of the great joys of my life. Thank you for that gift.
Jim Comey



My boy


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I couldn't watch beyond a couple episodes of season 1. It was so transparent all those years ago how he was a coddled fuckwit that provided no real advice, wisdom, or show of talent to the contestants. Staged for sure, but you'd expect his minor cameos would at least have some substance or merit to impart.
An ex-girlfriend and her family made me watch it.

You could still glean Trump's character from the show, and it wasn't good.

He's a poor man's idea of a rich man. A stupid man's idea of a smart man. A weak man's idea of a strong man.
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