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Trump Fires James Comey

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Kills Photobucket
Senate committee still has integrity.

Comey gets called to testify before that committee, blows the case open.

Either that, or the uproar manages to get an independent prosecutor appointed.

Either way, your members of Congress, even the Republican ones, are amenable to constituent pressure.



One situation the Dems controlled Congress

The other had the entire government controlled by the Republicans

: thinking emoji:
Okay. If you think because Republicans are in power, they'll be able to sweep this under the rug, then you're incredibly mistaken, and i don't know where you're getting that assumption. Did you just decide that made sense in your head? That's not how it works and that wasn't the deciding factor over Nixon being toppled.

Dude Abides

"It is not the bureaus responsibility to opine on whether a matter should be prosecuted"

"Stepped way out of his job disclosing the reccomendation in that fashion" doing so was "An error in his judgement"

I cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Sec HRC's emails, and his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgement that he was mistaken. (Meaning everyone thought she was guilty)

The Director was wrong to usurp the AG's authority, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosection

You're being way too simpleminded about this. The letter says he did three things wrong:

(1) Tell the public he was recommending no prosecution. This is the part you are hung up on.

(2) Talk shit about Hillary in his press conference. You are ignoring that part.

(3) Tell everyone they were reopening the investigation because of Weiner's emails. You are ignoring that part also.
Because it's true? Trump should never have made it this far... And he keeps getting further. The statement holds true until something sticks to Trump.

Plenty has already stuck to him, in case you haven't realized he hasn't been able to pass anything of measure at all. His own party doesn't respect him, he continues to be beyond lame-duck, and the only thing he has been succeeding in has been firing people only to make himself look worse and worse each time.

Be honest, the only thing that will appease you "nothing will come of this" dummies is if Cheeto Turd is being taken away in literal handcuffs, and even then I'm sure some of you will say "NOTHING WILL COME OF THIS!" This isn't a switch you flip. Hell, Nixon's resignation came after YEARS of investigation and shit escalating to a breaking point. If you don't think things are happening fast enough think about this: this administration is crumbling faster than any in the country's history. I know you probably get your political acumen from House of Cards, but this "arc" doesn't get resolved in two episodes.


This fucking administration!

We are so incredibly fucked. Please save us Senate Intelligence Committee, you're our only hope!
Nah, he's gonna get got too. President Paul Ryan is likely, though the most likely scenario is Dictator Trump re-installed by a right-wing militia coup after his impeachment.

Trump doesn't even want to be president. He just doesn't want to go to prison or be found guilty of any wrongdoing. Why would he stage a coup?



The FBI investigation was the only hope we had.

Everyone always said he can't fire Comey because it would look too bad, but Trump has always somehow blown past "looking bad". To me, this screams that he is guilty as hell. There's simply no other reason. But what does it matter if you can't actually nail him down with a proper investigation?

Fuck, we need a special prosecutor but I can't see how it happens with Republican obstruction. End of 2018 may be too late.


Don't people that high up the chain politically usually get pressured into stepping down rather than being outright terminated?
"It is not the bureaus responsibility to opine on whether a matter should be prosecuted"

"Stepped way out of his job disclosing the reccomendation in that fashion" doing so was "An error in his judgement"

I cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Sec HRC's emails, and his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgement that he was mistaken. (Meaning everyone thought she was guilty)

The Director was wrong to usurp the AG's authority, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosection
What about Comey making "derogatory" statements about Hillary, which Sessions is saying he shouldnt have done?
Jeffrey Toobin speaking truth on CNN. All the other commentators are dancing around the subject while he's the only one saying this all a farce so Trump can place a stooge in the FBI and shutdown their investigation.

I'm glad someone finally said it out loud.
he is gonna get got by whom?

The same investigation that got Trump. He's already shown clear signs of being compromised in regards to Flynn

What right-wing militia is going to be able to stand up to the USA army lol?

The USA Army. There's gonna be a lot of soldiers who rebel and stand up for their dear leader.

Trump doesn't even want to be president. He just doesn't want to go to prison or be found guilty of any wrongdoing. Why would he stage a coup?

Dude doesn't want to be President because he wants to be a Fuher.


Mook double-crosses our hero to suck up to our villain, villain disposes of mook because mook is now worthless

tale as old as time


Does anyone have a list of quotes from Trump and Sessions decrying Clinton during the election when Comey held his conference.
Boggles the mind that Trump would actually admit he didnt win the election fairly. Thats like the only thing he talks about is the electon win.


Junior Member
I wish the media would stop tip-toeing around and keep it straight with the public (sorta like how Toobin just did on CNN). They're playing WAY too nice.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
She defended Trump's decision to fire Comey. Her legal analysis wasn't wrong but it doesn't take into consideration the political analysis of Trump being investigated.

Ugh. And she's supposed to have been one of the less shittier people at Fox.
The President who is under investigation for his links to Russia just fired the head of the FBI investigating those links at the recommendation of an Attorney General who had to recuse himself from those investigations because of his links to Russia.

Sounds like this so called "United States" needs a regime change and dismantling of all WMDs.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Plenty has already stuck to him, in case you haven't realized he hasn't been able to pass anything of measure at all. His own party doesn't respect him, he continues to be beyond lame-duck, and the only thing he has been succeeding in has been firing people only to make himself look worse and worse each time.

Be honest, the only thing that will appease you "nothing will come of this" dummies is if Cheeto Turd is being taken away in literal handcuffs, and even then I'm sure some of you will say "NOTHING WILL COME OF THIS!" This isn't a switch you flip. Hell, Nixon's resignation came after YEARS of investigation and shit escalating to a breaking point. If you don't think things are happening fast enough think about this: this administration is crumbling faster than any in the country's history. I know you probably get your political acumen from House of Cards, but this "arc" doesn't get resolved in two episodes.

I will settle for impeachment. I understand it takes time but acting like it's just a matter of time does nothing to get there.

And plenty of bad shit his come from his presidency. If you really think he's accomplished nothing, then another 7 years of him shouldn't bother you.


wait... he fired Comey over the Clinton emails because Comey didn't lock her up? Or is he trying to come off as compassionate to Dems and say he shouldn't have meddled in the election? I assume the former...


What a strange situation. I actually agree with the reasons to fire him, the way he handled the entire email situation was wildly inappropriate and he should have been fired on the spot (except then it would look like Obama firing him to protect Clinton.) But now it's trump firing him, obviously to block Russia investigation, but he has legitimate reasons to do so and if another Republican president was doing I would applaud the decision.
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