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Trump Fires James Comey

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Just hold and accept the L. The only people who will be living in shame for the rest of their lives are the folks who nominated the candidate who went on to lose claiming they wanted to risk nothing while losing everything. In any event, it's time to shift our focus on the consequences for firing FBI Director Comey.

This is disgusting.

You are being a disgusting person.


If you are a Trump supporter and you are reading this, think very long and hard, and ask yourself if you are, in fact, one of the bad guys in the book of history. It's not too late to get right with this.

You're talking about the same group of voters who voted to take away their own healthcare because they were more concerned about taking it away from the "others". They vote their feelings rather than do sound analysis of the choices in front of them.


Just hold and accept the L. The only people who will be living in shame for the rest of their lives are the folks who nominated the candidate who went on to lose claiming they wanted to risk nothing while losing everything. In any event, it's time to shift our focus on the consequences for firing FBI Director Comey.
Fascism is totally cool. Got it.


I'm not talking about you. I'm taking about certain posters who CLAIM to be progressive Bernie fans but spend all of their posts attacking Dems.

Hence the "so-called" part.

Honestly, this shouldn't be a party issue anymore. It is, but this goes way beyond normal political behavior.


fucking hell imagine Rudy Giuliani as director of the FBI



You want to assault Republican senators without hurting them? Do you know what it means to assault someone? Of course you do. Which Republican senators do you want to assault? How do you plan on assaulting them without doing any harm?

The ones that continue to support Trump obviously. By not hurt I meant serious harm. A few bruises or a bloody nose aren't really a big deal.
I thought Sessions recused himself? He still signed off on this, under oath too.


We need to start rallying for Sessions to resign. He probably won't, but the man is severely compromised and he blatantly violated the investigation with this move after already recusing himself.

At the very least, we need to make sure Sessions goes down with Flynn here.
The whitehouse knows this looks bad
It also knows there is a risk it could push the senate into setting up an independent polrosecutor.
People told them it would be a mistake.
Despite all that, they did it anyway.

Therefore, having Comey continue was more dangerous to their skins than all of the above Bad Things.
assaulting isn't just physical.

you could also substitute the non-violent definitions of Assail in there too which im certain is what they meant.
"An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal and/or civil liability."


Figured this would happen at some point. If Trump's guilty, he has the most to lose letting the FBI continue since the House and Senate won't hold him accountable.


listen to the mad man
This is the stupidest time possible to drag up primary bullshit when the entire party is united against these actions. And I used to think Bernie Bros couldn't bury the hatchet.

Jacobin published a hit piece on Gillibrand a few days ago using essentially the logic that her positions are good but she didn't take them earlier so we can't trust her, so I view it as entirely relevant to bring up that their efforts to do so are profoundly unproductive given what a strong voice she's been in resisting Trump's actions. This isn't an inference about ground level people not burying the hatchet, this is a claim about a particular elite messaging attempt backfiring badly. I certainly wouldn't want to have the entire thread revolve around this, rather I was pointing out the futility of using airtime to make bizarre claims about someone who is doing exactly what we want them to do.
The ones that continue to support Trump obviously. By not hurt I meant serious harm. A few bruises or a bloody nose aren't really a big deal.
Try giving a Republican senator a bloody nose and see if it's a big deal or not. I dare you. Assaulting an elected official is obviously no big deal.

Prison is no big deal to you?
Since you asked, I asked my dad (red as red can be).

Paraphrasing here: Comey's messed up, can't believe anything he says, but unsure if it was the right move for Trump at the current time. But, if he lied to the public like mentioned in the Propublica, then he deserved it.

The propublica report for those that haven't seen or read it.

Well that is something lol. Thanks for sharing.


No now is the PERFECT time to bring it up considering many of those so-called-bernie-fans are nowhere to be seen in this thread.

I'm not talking about you. I'm taking about certain posters who CLAIM to be progressive Bernie fans but spend all of their posts attacking Dems.

Hence the "so-called" part.

Bro, nobody calls you out on your bullshit, but just stop this shit.

Every political thread you call out Bernie voters and dance around calling them Nazis. And by dance, I mean you've literally called them Nazis. Additionally you were known for going over people's posts and social medias until you were banned.

Stop acting like such a fucking spaz in every thread you walk in and obsessing over Bernie in a thread where the FBI Director was fired by Trump and essentially everyone in this thread unanimously feel the same way.
Most Trump supporters are too fucking cowardly to have an opinion here. I mean it's not surprising when you quiver like a little bitch at the thought of minorities, refugees, etc.

They try and when they discover we take their bullshit, they softly fade away only to shit post every now and then.

jesus christ

it's "hanged for treason"
Hanging is too good for Trump. A perfect punishment would to have him wisked away in the middle of the night in secrecy, to an underground imprisonment center in the heart of Area 51 (or any other "no man's land" government facilities they heavily patrol and don't let anybody get within a considerable mile distance from), lock him up in an "oubliette" and forget about him. For someone who LIVES in the limelight and craves attention, that is a fate worse than death. Let him disappear and slowly be forgotten.
Just hold and accept the L. The only people who will be living in shame for the rest of their lives are the folks who nominated the candidate who went on to lose claiming they wanted to risk nothing while losing everything. In any event, it's time to shift our focus on the consequences for firing FBI Director Comey.

Go to hell.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just hold and accept the L. The only people who will be living in shame for the rest of their lives are the folks who nominated the candidate who went on to lose claiming they wanted to risk nothing while losing everything. In any event, it's time to shift our focus on the consequences for firing FBI Director Comey.

I'm sure you'll lose your healthcare soon enough.


You couldn't just parachute in a political sycophant. Surely the FBI is too assured as an organisation to have that happen successfully.

Mind you, maybe the Administration doesn't care about CI/E work but only terrorists.
So fun watching Fox right now. Zac Petkanas calling out Fox for calling this an attack by Democrats when both sides are against this move.


If anything can make me laugh in the face of the impending re election of our shitty provincial government it's you America. Keep on keepin on shredding every bit of dignity your country claims to have as the "beacon of democracy." Shit's a joke man. And half the country supports it. Madness.



Everything is moe to me
The ones that continue to support Trump obviously. By not hurt I meant serious harm. A few bruises or a bloody nose aren't really a big deal.
Publicly advocating for criminal actions on a site that would be legally obligated to hand you over seems unwise to me.
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