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Trump Fires James Comey

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I think he said Chuck Schumer made that announcement. Democrats probably gonna refuse to do anything until they agree to an independent committee or something.

The headline said McConnel, unless it was a mistype.


Edit: MSNBC may have mistyped their headline, because others are insisting it was Schumer. /shrug. Unfortunately, I can't rewind the MSNBC stream to check.
Edit2: found a screengrab
MSNBC reporting that Sen. McConnel is asking ALL senate democrats to be on the senate floor tomorrow morning.

"There's not going to be any special prosecutor."

Until there's a single shred of evidence that Republicans do anything more than talk, the overwhelming evidence will remain that they will obstruct and downplay everything.


That wasn't my first comment in this thread buddy.

CNN showed an image of 3 people fired by Trump who were investigating Trump.

After talking about it for a few minutes the host casually said person number 1 wasn't actually investigating Trump then moved on.

Been watching CNN, didn't see that. Got a link?

Also, you said they're "scrambling."

Please explain what they are scrambling for.

People really have to learn what a Self-Coup is. Just in case.

It's literally what Palpatine does in the prequels.

Well, this isn't a self-coup even by that definition (especially by that definition). The Director of the FBI reports to the President, and the FBI is part of the executive branch. As much as I hate Donald Trump, and as backhanded and sketchy as this is, Comey served only by the behest of the President.

The ability of the president to appoint and dismiss the head of an office that reports to him is not extraordinary use of power, it's appropriate, constitutional use of power. It's just incredibly sketchy when that person is leading an investigation into your administration. Even Nixon was Constitutionally right to be able to dismiss Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor investigating Watergate. What was "The Saturday Night Massacre" was because his attorney general was not willing to go through with it; And so Nixon dismissed him, and then the Deputy AG was not willing to go through with it; so Nixon dismissed him, and then we got Robert Bork of all people who finally acted on the President's wishes.
That's exactly why he gets so much of the shit, because he of all people should have known better.

Yeah. Chris Wallace said the same thing and he didn't get nearly as much shit for it because people expected him to kiss Trump's ass. Van Jones was supposed to be smarter than one of Fox's hacks.
MSNBC reporting that Sen. McConnel is asking ALL senate democrats to be on the senate floor tomorrow morning.

It's either an announcement of the need for a special investigation, or an announcement that they will get their jewelry and clothes returned to them after the shower. Nothing makes sense any longer.

Edit: ah, Schumer said this, NOT Mitch


MSNBC reporting that Sen. McConnel is asking ALL senate democrats to be on the senate floor tomorrow morning.

"I've called you all here today to say we are setting up an independent invest... bwahahaha, I couldn't get through it all, but I had you going for a moment right? Right? Actually we just passed the healthcare bill for the senate in a back alleyway meeting behind the building."


Can someone explain what "Recuse" means?


Note that Trump explicitly said he is doing it on the recommendation of Jeff Sessions.

This is the Sessions thing, right? It is very strange that Sessions would then go on to FIRE the guy doing the investigating (while saying that he won't involve himself in the investigation).


Fuck the two party system to the ground.
A three party system would probably leave Democrats more fucked. You'd make your filibuster even less powerful.

The GOP has managed to get three insanely different groups, Christians, Racists, and Libertarians, to all work together for one goal, and shield each other from attacks "We're not all racist, just 1/3 of us are". The Democrats tore themselves apart because one person wanted everyone to be insured and one person wanted single-payer.
Well, this isn't a self-coup even by that definition (especially by that definition). The Director of the FBI reports to the President, and the FBI is part of the executive branch. As much as I hate Donald Trump, and as backhanded and sketchy as this is, Comey served only by the behest of the President.

The ability of the president to appoint and dismiss the head of an office that reports to him is not extraordinary use of power, it's appropriate, constitutional use of power. It's just incredibly sketchy when that person is leading an investigation into your administration.

Yeah I'm aware this isn't anything like that. It does contextualize a lot of anxieties people have about perceived grabs for power.

Personally this move seems too haphazard and untimely to be very calculated, but it's all conjecture right now.
This is the Sessions thing, right? It is very strange that Sessions would then go on to FIRE the guy doing the investigating (while saying that he won't involve himself in the investigation).

Yeah look I mean Sessions recused himself so he should have stayed well away from this firing and let Rottenstein do it all, but he is on the letter and mentioned by Trump (albeit second, after deputy AG) which makes me wonder.
Did the deputy AG force him to join in, to lock them both into whatever bad shit occurs? Because Recuse means Recuse and this isn't Recusing. He *could* have kept his legal promise not to be involved (even if he was, behind the scenes) and let the Deputy AG do all the dirty work.
In November, after Comey said nothing in Anthony Weiner'saltoo changes their conclusion from July, Trump says

"You can't review 650,000 new emails in eight days. You can't do it, folks," Trump said at a rally. "Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it."

The FBI comes out and says there weren't hundreds and thousands of emails. Minutes later, Trump fire him.

It's possible Trump reacted without thinking about optics. That he thought Comey was creating more noise and distracting. That is a scenario. The problem is we have too much of a coincidence on our hands on account of Preet and Sally being fired as well.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
"I win." Almost certainly a coincidence.

Absolutely we are talking about a guy that can't even string together sentences when talking. No way he did this on purpose. I would say he didn't even write the letter but it's clear he wrote at least the second paragraph.

It's tomorrow.

Oh, somebody said earlier that Schumer was speaking like he knew it was a historical moment or something. That's what I was asking about.


Trying to imagine the conservative reaction if Obama had so much as denied a paper clip to any investigation of Benghazi, the emails, etc.
No one is perfect, dude was bound to slip up at some point. We shouldn't keep holding that mistake against him.

Even then, news media talking heads on air have producers whispering into their ear pieces telling them to say something magnanimous, or make a statement, or say something that will get quoted the next day.

The reason I don't watch television news is because it's all choreographed bull shit. I like Anderson Cooper because he feels less choreographed than all of the others, but he's still choreographed. Television news talk show panels are like "Watch What Happens Live" and the Real Housewives w/ that producer Andy what's-his-name on Bravo. They lead conversations to make entertaining TV, but not really to tell the news.

So someone like Van Jones ends up being in a position where he feels like he has to say something magnanimous, and he says that. Real news reporters on NPR aren't encouraged to editorialize over the news, so you never get junk pseudo-magnanimity like this. I feel bad for some of them in those positions... Their producers want them to make scintilating TV that gets people talking, but then their ravaging fan bases rip them apart at the slightest mistep and it's saved for all of eternity.


A three party system would probably leave Democrats more fucked. You'd make your filibuster even less powerful.

The GOP has managed to get three insanely different groups, Christians, Racists, and Libertarians, to all work together for one goal, and shield each other from attacks "We're not all racist, just 1/3 of us are". The Democrats tore themselves apart because one person wanted everyone to be insured and one person wanted single-payer.

There has to be another solution. Clearly this sort of system does not work forever and is incapable of adapting fast enough. Corruption, party loyalty, racism, fear, faith over facts and tradition have won this round.

The Democrats will probably keep losing as long as they stay "the nice guys". Most are afraid to bend the rules and do what is "right". The GOP on the other hand is not playing by the rules, and winning the game.

Okay fine, I'll buy a Switch now.

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