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Trump Fires James Comey

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I mean we have people diablosing that he's going to cancel the midterm elections.

That won't happen but there will be extreme interference by the Russians and I hope the dems have a plan to keep their servers/emails from getting attacked of how about they just not email stupid shit. The real telling of just how fucked we are is when the eventual hacks happen how many republicans will speak up against them or instead keep quiet as it benefits them. Then you will know the ugly truth.



... Is that the gorilla that gets their jimmies rustled?
How do you put in 10 Supreme Court justices

The number of Justices on the Supreme Court isn't mandated in the Constitution, and Justices can be added or empty seats can be removed by an act of Congress. It's called "Packing the Court," and it used to happen all the time until the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 failed to pass and nobody has attempted it since.
There is no federal election system. All are run at the state/district level.

Federal oversight could be gutted, though, or oversight directed in a way to maximize disenfranchisement.


Pence has Trump stink all over him.

Possibly, we don't know the full extent of Pence's involvement or knowledge in regards to 45's Russian collusion and, more importantly, if an investigation of Trump would conclude that Trump and Pence would be illegitimate and unable to serve as president or if Pence would need to be given his own trial and impeachment as VP, thus placing Paul Ryan in the position of president assuming he isn't involved and so on. However, Trump doesn't understands this and presumes Pence will do him a solid like Ford did to Nixon, likely holding the simultaneous assumption that Pence will be the next president.


Comey is actually Director Krennic and he just got Tarkin'd pretty hard.


It was nice knowing you GAF. This won't end well for the nation.

yeah, really starting to resent these Russian fucks and their ability to disrupt through our political fixtures and the American sense of decorum, pretense, and circumstance. I can just feel their smugness from here. All they had to do was manipulate our 'misguided and naive' democratic system and our unchecked corruption in finance and foreign business and bam. Look at the stupid Americans running around scared for their lives from their own inept leader, that they chose. Goddamn that's so Russian.

We left a super power to be run by former government assassins, corrupt businesspeople, billionaires, and mobsters. Why did we abandon Russia again? I mean I remember the repeated coups and generals roaming around making threats.
I'll just come out and say it: if Trump decided he was cancelling all elections someone would probably assassinate him. He isn't Darth Sidious. You're giving him way too much credit.

You're describing a crackpot scenario.

A. I don't think any potential assassin would get close to the POTUS, or even any member of his family.
B. After today, any and all scenarios should be on the table. This is certainly worse than Nixonian era maneuvers because at least back then there were Republicans with integrity to protest the actions. Here, there is some waffling. Nothing certainly along the lines of resignations.
The number of Justices on the Supreme Court isn't mandated in the Constitution, and Justices can be added or empty seats can be removed by an act of Congress. It's called "Packing the Court," and it used to happen all the time until the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 failed to pass and nobody has attempted it since.

interestingly packing the court was the time prior to Nixon saturday night massacre, where the electorate acted instinctively (and pushed back) to a naked presidential over-reach of power. The two events are often connected as examples of going too far.


I'd doubt he could pack the court even with McConnell the McCoward.

The GOP machine has been going fine bending elections to their favor because they do it quietly. Trump also doesn't have the approval rating to not lead to massive protests and the eventual violence if he did cancel elections.

But if we want to play fun dystopia fanfiction, I'd say Trump is more of a kill democrats in congress and blame muslims kinda maniac


Conway trying to spin it to the Democrats and their Comey comments.

It is 100% confirmed now the WH thought there would not be any blowback as this was the rumored defense. They are beyond incompetent politically...

well, maybe they thought that Hillary blaming Comey for her loss a couple of days ago would give their "we did it for Hillary"- excuse some legitimacy.

either way, i really hope that the next (D) administration goes hard after the orange fucker and his putrid spawn.
He isn't Darth Sidious. You're giving him way too much credit.

You're describing a crackpot scenario.
Your post before the edit was spot on.

If midterms were cancelled, you can bet there will be violence of some kind, if not violent protests on the streets.

Us Americans are not as timid as some think we are. A line has to be drawn somewhere, hence why I don't see this happening.


When it comes to demonstrating how politically inept Trump is, this is poetic. He will be impeached before christmas at this rate


Your post before the edit was spot on.

If midterms were cancelled, you can bet there will be violence of some kind, if not violent protests on the streets.

Us Americans are not as timid as some think we are. A line has to be drawn somewhere, hence why I don't see this happening.

Lines already been drawn, and half the country along with more than half your government has accepted that any action is OK so long as it keeps more (R)'s around.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Your post before the edit was spot on.

If midterms were cancelled, you can bet there will be violence of some kind, if not violent protests on the streets.

Us Americans are not as timid as some think we are. A line has to be drawn somewhere, hence why I don't see this happening.
Its one of those things that you don't really like to put out there but I think it's true. I don't think the apparatus of the United States would be unified behind a literal dictator.
Lines already been drawn, and half the country along with more than half your government has accepted that any action is OK so long as it keeps more (R)'s around.
Cancelling midterms for bs reasons is beyond anything that has happened so far.

It will get violent real quick.


When it comes to demonstrating how politically inept Trump is, this is poetic. He will be impeached before christmas at this rate

He'll still be in in 2029. He'll be in a cryogenic chamber and his thoughts processed through electrodes that produce tweets, but he'll still be in office.
Your post before the edit was spot on.

If midterms were cancelled, you can bet there will be violence of some kind, if not violent protests on the streets.

Us Americans are not as timid as some think we are. A line has to be drawn somewhere, hence why I don't see this happening.

To be honest, the brainwashed Fox News half of the country would cheer. Even the few that thought he was a dictator would say "but he's our dictator."


Everything is moe to me
Your post before the edit was spot on.

If midterms were cancelled, you can bet there will be violence of some kind, if not violent protests on the streets.

Us Americans are not as timid as some think we are. A line has to be drawn somewhere, hence why I don't see this happening.
'a line has to be drawn somewhere' is a very timid statement.
Your post before the edit was spot on.

If midterms were cancelled, you can bet there will be violence of some kind, if not violent protests on the streets.

Us Americans are not as timid as some think we are. A line has to be drawn somewhere, hence why I don't see this happening.

Yes. And this is an armed country. If it ever went that route America would be ruined. I can guarantee another country or group would step in and cause hell, while civil war is going on.

Which is why I can't see that scenario happening. Trump and the GOP would be dragged out in the streets.

I expected Comey to either be fired or do nothing with the investigation. I think it's good he is gone, but the timing is some shit.


Guys court packing was tried before under different circumstances and by a person under infinitely less levels of scrutiny and it didn't work. It's just not gonna happen.

Republicans realize that demographics are moving away from them and their future is in doubt. Throwing out all rules and decorum, loudly embracing racism, and brazenly disregarding reality itself has rewarded them with unprecedented political power. They're going to capitalize on the miracle of Trump every chance they can get, whether it's through gerrymandering, outright lies, and possibly even packing the courts.

I wouldn't put literally anything past them. They would be chomping at the bit to cement their legacy in the most underhanded and undemocratic​ ways even if their current president wasn't a sociopathic wannabe dictator.


Cancelling midterms for bs reasons is beyond anything that has happened so far.

It will get violent real quick.

I remember when I thought most Republicans would righteously refuse to vote for an overt white supremacist because I believed they had moral standards.

Good times.
We need to protest like Tahrir Square style and completely shut down DC until either an independent investigation is started, impeachment proceedings begin or Trump steps down. The republic is in danger.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'd doubt he could pack the court even with McConnell the McCoward.

The GOP machine has been going fine bending elections to their favor because they do it quietly. Trump also doesn't have the approval rating to not lead to massive protests and the eventual violence if he did cancel elections.

But if we want to play fun dystopia fanfiction, I'd say Trump is more of a kill democrats in congress and blame muslims kinda maniac

When the name of the person who called for all Senate Dems to meet tomorrow morning was initially misreported I thought "Oh, shit...".


I saw a joke on Twitter earlier about Alex Jones being named the new FBI Director..............now I'm lying in bed scared this could actually happen. JFC.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The problem is that the kind of support necessary to install yourself as a dictator doesn't exist.

These doomsday scenarios are absurd on their face.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
How do you figure that? The White House fired Comey for a reason the Democrats allegedly wanted. Now the WH gets to play the victim as Democrats hound on them. "Why u mad guys? I did you a solid?"
Heh, "now" the WH gets to play the victim. They never STOP playing the victim. This WH readily plays the victim or finds a scapegoat without any forethought or validity to their claims, not sure why you think it matters if they invested the faintest amount of either in this case. There's always a liberal to blame and as long as Obama or Clinton still draw breath they will always be an effective foil, as far as Trump is concerned.

Curious how you think they could have fired Comey in a more effective way? Just flatout say that Trump wanted the investigation stopped?
Oh the way they fired him was "effective" enough at the firing part. But nothing about the way it was done from the crossed signals between Trump's message to Comey and the AG's letter, to the blind rush to commit the firing such that Comey heard about it first from TV news, to AG's participation in matters he was supposed to have recused himself from...none of it exactly speaks to competence or safeguards against blowback. It's just one more completely unforced error for this WH.


Guys, literally everytime we've said "It can't get worse than this" it got worse. Expect anything and everything. If a civil war is what it takes then so fucking be it.


Ice cold.

Mr. Comey was addressing a group of F.B.I. employees in Los Angeles when a television in the background flashed the news that he had been fired.

In response, Mr. Comey laughed, saying he thought it was a fairly funny prank.

Then his staff started scurrying around in the background and told Mr. Comey that he should step into a nearby office.

Mr. Comey stopped addressing the group. He proceeded to shake hands with the employees he had been speaking to. Then he stepped into a side office, where he confirmed that he had been fired. At that point, he had not heard from the White House.

Shortly thereafter, a letter from Mr. Trump was delivered to the F.B.I.’s headquarters, just seven blocks from the White House.



Partisanship will keep him in for a long time yet.

Something has to happen right? Something has to? Every time we say he's gone too far he keeps doing things that pushes the limit of what is now acceptable as a president.

We all keep saying something has to happen. Get him impeached. Send him to prison. But the sad truth is NOTHING much will happen

The whole country is divided. Even if we push for him to go, the other half of the country i.e. Republican voters would then rise up against it. Partisan politics has split the country up along party lines. There is no unity. Both sides might as well just make 2 different countries at this rate.

Unless Americans unite both the left and the right, only then will true change happen.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Guys, literally everytime we've said "It can't get worse than this" it got worse. Expect anything and everything. If a civil war is what it takes then so fucking be it.
Guys there isn't going to be a violent overthrow of the government by either side. Don't be ridiculous.

There is nothing, NOTHING, that should convince you Trump or his top advisors are smart enough to pull that off.
The problem is that the kind of support necessary to install yourself as a dictator doesn't exist.

This President has whittled down the Federal Government to the bones, is consolidating powers within a few Departments (DHS is getting a lot more authority), firing anyone with a dissenting opinion, and ruling almost exclusively through executive orders. And he still has a 80% approval rating among his party, and the support of most Senators and Representatives within his party--including a man whose personal Cell Phone number he gave out to the public out of spite, a man who he literally said had a small penis during a debate, and a guy who Trump said had an ugly wife and whose father may have killed JFK. Not to mention he called them all losers and failures a dozen times over. The party in question has a majority in the House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and the office of the President.

What support is lacking again?


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