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Trump Fires James Comey

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go.cnn.com calling Axelrod "Axel Rod".

If trump ends any investigation what's the plan?

Basically a dictator at that point.

as my 8 year old said in the car this morning, ok so can he be voted out? he can't cancel elections, right?

then I had to explain how a modern dictator manages to have the veneer of democratic elections while cheating them so he always wins.
Then he said, well after 8 years, he'll not be allowed to be president anymore, right?
so then I said yeah but he'll put his son-in-law in..
ugh poor guy what world did I bring you into.
Taylor mentioned that the grand juries which were reported tonight by CNN a few weeks back.

I've been following what he's said on Twitter and taken it with a grain of salt for a while simply because of the nature of second-hand sources (and still do; a small amount of skepticism is always good) so here goes:

Three grand juries are out there -- one focusing on FARA violations and possible RICO violations (likely regarding Flynn and Manafort; makes too much sense if that's true), one involving RICO, and a third now for FISA-related stuff.

This is where it gets interesting: he says the feds and foreign intelligence services have the goods not just on Trump, but on multiple people in government who were all in on this.

Why the fuck are you spoiler tagging this?
2018 election
Dem takes control of something (lolololol)

That is assuming there is going to be a 2018 election.

People need to be vigilant enough to realize it may not get to that point. There is a viable path to ensuring that we do not get a 2018 election.
I expect Trump to end up in jail after his presidency at this point. If he thinks he can just quash investigation like that, what makes him think he is immune once he is out of power? The claws are already out and you can never bring them back in again.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
as my 8 year old said in the car this morning, ok so can he be voted out? he can't cancel elections, right?

then I had to explain how a modern dictator manages to have the veneer of democratic elections while cheating them so he always wins.
Then he said, well after 8 years, he'll not be allowed to be president anymore, right?
so then I said yeah but he'll put his son-in-law in..
ugh poor guy what world did I bring you into.

How encouraging for your son


To any of you saying that we need to be 100% peaceful... tell that to the Jews during the Holocaust or the Armenians during their genocide. Or even black America during the Civil Rights Movement.

Violence solves a fuck ton of things that "peace" never will. That's life.


That is assuming there is going to be a 2018 election.

People need to be vigilant enough to realize it may not get to that point. There is a viable path to ensuring that we do not get a 2018 election.
Don't be silly
He can't stop the elections
until 2020
congress appoints an independent investigator.

good luck with that though

Trump probably thinks he's got some time before any results are in , and people will forget ...but Dems aren't going to forget that.

The good news , is now , nobody is talking about healthcare ..mission accomplished donald !
To any of you saying that we need to be 100% peaceful... tell that to the Jews during the Holocaust or the Armenians during their genocide. Or even black America during the Civil Rights Movement.

Violence solves a fuck ton of things that "peace" never will. That's life.

Preach bro. That's what I've been saying. Peaceful resistance is for when your government is rational and responsive.

These are not those times.
One thing I've come to realize is how fucked the GOP is. They've obviously put party over country because they know that Trump's antics have backed them into a corner to the point where they have to brush everything off in order to save face. They're pretty much "damned if you do, damned if you don't". But the thing about all this is they've done this to themselves. Repubs were able to survive Watergate but this is a scandal that will ruin their credibility for a long time once it comes to an end.
That is assuming there is going to be a 2018 election.

People need to be vigilant enough to realize it may not get to that point. There is a viable path to ensuring that we do not get a 2018 election.

How would they do this? Literally, HOW would they do this?

I'm pretty sure elections are in the American constitution somewhere, and the judges on the Supreme Court aren't going to blatantly say yes to stopping them.

Trump's already got his hands full with the health care drama and now this crap. No republican has even said anything about this.

This "stopping elections" crap really needs to stop. It's just pathetic panic-talk at this point.
To any of you saying that we need to be 100% peaceful... tell that to the Jews during the Holocaust or the Armenians during their genocide. Or even black America during the Civil Rights Movement.

Violence solves a fuck ton of things that "peace" never will. That's life.

Yep. This is important. You need to back up your words with something and when all other avenues are exhausted or stripped away it's all you're left with, for better or for worse.
Trump probably thinks he's got some time before any results are in , and people will forget ...but Dems aren't going to forget that.

The good news , is now , nobody is talking about healthcare ..mission accomplished donald !

When the senate get a bill together, or when the results of the budget analysis on the house bill come in, everyone will be talking about healthcare again.


I expect Drumpf to end up in jail after his presidency at this point. If he thinks he can just quash investigation like that, what makes him think he is immune once he is out of power? The claws are already out and you can never bring them back in again.

A Pence pardon, most likely.


One thing I've come to realize is how fucked the GOP is. They've obviously put party over country because they know that Trump's antics have backed them into a corner to the point where they have to brush everything off in order to save face. They're pretty much "damned if you do, damned if you don't". But the thing about all this is they've done this to themselves. Repubs were able to survive Watergate but this is a scandal that will ruin their credibility for a long time once it comes to an end.

you are forgetting the solid R supporters though, based on the 40% approval rating of Trump

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
How would they do this? Literally, HOW would they do this?

I'm pretty sure elections are in the American constitution somewhere, and the judges on the Supreme Court aren't going to blatantly say yes to stopping them.

Trump's already got his hands full with the health care drama and now this crap. No republican has even said anything about this.

This "stopping elections" crap really needs to stop. It's just pathetic panic-talk at this point.

I'm just going to put it out there that this is impossible for reasons external to the legal reasons.
Gaf has told me Trumps presidency is over/near ending/this is IT so many times now that its very hard to feel anything about this news. I imagine hell be in power next week and the week after that.

To be fair... Any decent person would expect there to be repercussions for all of the shameless actions Trump has shown but the bar seems to have been lowered the instant he was elected. Nobody surrounding Trump wants to question him because he's the first Republican president in 8 years and they just want to dismantle everything to cut taxes. Not far from half of the country still supports Trump himself despite all this too. They don't feel obligated to care about any criticisms.
To any of you saying that we need to be 100% peaceful... tell that to the Jews during the Holocaust or the Armenians during their genocide. Or even black America during the Civil Rights Movement.

Violence solves a fuck ton of things that "peace" never will. That's life.

Speaking of which, lets see what the most historically relevant Peaceful Protestor in American History has to say on the subject;

Martin Luther King Jr. said:
But at the same time, it is as necessary for me to be as vigorous in condemning the conditions which cause persons to feel that they must engage in riotous activities as it is for me to condemn riots. I think America must see that riots do not develop out of thin air. Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality, and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation's summers of riots are caused by our nation's winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.

Not that it isn't all important, but I found the bolded sections to be most relevant. Figures like MLK did preach peaceful protest, but they fully understood sometimes violent protest was an inevitability.

Source: Martin Luther King Jr.'s "The Other America" Speech. Grosse Pointe High School -- March 14, 1968.
Don't be silly
He can't stop the elections
until 2020

Certainly he can.

-Congress packs the Supreme Court with a shitload more justices.
-They pass a bullshit law.
-Court affirms it.

You also have options to pass laws that further erode voting rights to literally make it impossible for nearly anyone but Trump favored groups to vote.

How would they do this? Literally, HOW would they do this?

I'm pretty sure elections are in the American constitution somewhere, and the judges on the Supreme Court aren't going to blatantly say yes to stopping them.

Trump's already got his hands full with the health care drama and now this crap. No republican has even said anything about this.

This "stopping elections" crap really needs to stop. It's just pathetic panic-talk at this point.

There is nothing in the constitution to prevent Court Packing. So there is a path to do this. I've outlined it above.

I'm certain that expecting Trump to outdo Nixon was also considered pathetic panic-talk in January. Yet here we are. There is a lot of time between now and 2018.


How would they do this? Literally, HOW would they do this?

I'm pretty sure elections are in the American constitution somewhere, and the judges on the Supreme Court aren't going to blatantly say yes to stopping them.

Trump's already got his hands full with the health care drama and now this crap. No republican has even said anything about this.

This "stopping elections" crap really needs to stop. It's just pathetic panic-talk at this point.
Here's how

-Put in like, 10 Supreme Court "justices" that will support you. Rationalize it by saying that these 10 are necessary to protect our freedoms against liberals who are trying to terrorize our great nation.
-Write an executive order saying there are no elections to be held in 2018
-It gets challenged? The 10 justices protect it.
-Limit freedom of speech, press....

It's really quite easy. Republicans in Congress have already proved they don't have any sort of conscience, so what's to stop them? Morality? hahahahahahahahaha
How would they do this? Literally, HOW would they do this?

Not that I agree with people suggesting this, but never underestimate the possibilities that become available after a Reichstag fire type of situation. Trump has called the integrity of our elections in question repeatedly; I would never put it past him to conduct some kind of witchhunt against "illegal voters" and for the GOP to happily follow suit. Even if there are elections, they could be fraudulent.

The most dangerous thing about Trump is that he is a fucking idiot. If he wants to do something extremely brazen like that, the question is who is going to stop him? There is very little faith in our checks and balances with the Republicans in control of all branches of government.


Here's how

-Put in like, 10 Supreme Court "justices" that will support you. Rationalize it by saying that these 10 are necessary to protect our freedoms against liberals who are trying to terrorize our great nation.
-Write an executive order saying there are no elections to be held in 2018
-It gets challenged? The 10 justices protect it.
-Limit freedom of speech, press....

It's really quite easy. Republicans in Congress have already proved they don't have any sort of conscience, so what's to stop them? Morality? hahahahahahahahaha

How do you put in 10 Supreme Court justices
One thing I've come to realize is how fucked the GOP is. They've obviously put party over country because they know that Trump's antics have backed them into a corner to the point where they have to brush everything off in order to save face. They're pretty much "damned if you do, damned if you don't". But the thing about all this is they've done this to themselves. Repubs were able to survive Watergate but this is a scandal that will ruin their credibility for a long time once it comes to an end.

This isn't damned if you do, damned if you don't. They're willingly going along with compromising our democracy. What you're seeing on display is cowardice, lack of conviction and a complete void where integrity should be.
Guys court packing was tried before under different circumstances and by a person under infinitely less levels of scrutiny and it didn't work. It's just not gonna happen.


Yep. This is important. You need to back up your words with something and when all other avenues are exhausted or stripped away it's all you're left with, for better or for worse.

Precisely. My favorite MLK Jr Quote:

"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Certainly he can.

-Congress packs the Supreme Court with a shitload more justices.
-They pass a bullshit law.
-Court affirms it.

You also have options to pass laws that further erode voting rights to literally make it impossible for nearly anyone but Trump favored groups to vote.

He isn't Darth Sidious. You're giving him way too much credit.

You're describing a crackpot scenario.


How do you put in 10 Supreme Court justices

You just confirm them. There's nothing in the Constitution that says how big the Court must be. I think there might be a law setting it to 9 but that's just a law, you can change that with enough jingoism against the other side.
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