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Trump Fires James Comey

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I'll be honest, I won't start panicking until Trump appoints a lackey in Comey's place. Comey himself desperately needed firing, he was an awful fucking FBI director, anyone could see that.
Oh well in that case:

The process is much more involved. You see it has to go through senate confirmation with hearings and is quite the lengthy process that will be watched very closely by democrats in the chamber and likely be stalled and filibustered if they deem necessary.

Here's everything you need to know about the process:


And it's after that process that my series of events will begin ;)

Trump is doing everything he can to shut this thing down. Don't believe for a second that after a firing like this everything will be played by the rulebook from here on out.


yea the key witness in a murder trial gets found dead somewhere. The precious optics on that are fantastic.

you don't think it looks bad for Trump to fire the person investigating him? Historical precedent alone says its a fucking terrible look RE Nixon and Watergate.
Historical precedent doesn't matter as much as current context. The polarization in today's political climate is far greater than that time. Party over country mentality has never been stronger. Even historical precedent with Trump has proven repubs wont take action if it hurts them. They're not going to piss off and chase away the Trump slice of the electorate.


Are people just demanding a "special prosecutor" because...it sounds special? What's wrong with the current FBI investigative group investigating Russia and Trump ties, the lack of unenforceable promise by the AG (who has already recused himself) to not shut it down due to the dictator he works under?

Nobody's bringing back the IC statute. At least not as long as anyone alive during Whitewater is still in Congress.

Because Trump can get rid of next FBI head or install one of his goons to it. In either case it will either delay or stop the investigation, or worse, they can concludes Trump team with no wrong doing. A Special prosecutor I don't think Trump can touch, correct me if I am wrong.
I don't believe for a second anyone in the White House thought this would be uncontroversial. They're just playing dumb to try to make it not seem like a big deal.

You think too highly of them. I absolutely can believe some of them (including dear leader) are stupid enough to think this wouldnt have a blow back.





i've been begging for over 5 years.
I don't think the Trump presidency is worse than I expected. I went into this expecting the absolute worst (America starting nuclear war because some country insulted the size of Trumps hands).

It's amazing that I'm not really surprised anymore by anything the man-child does. What does sorta surprise and depress me is that nothing the man-child does causes these idiots to wake up and see they put a tyrant in the White House. The hypocrisy of Trump being literally exactly what the GOP has been accusing Obama of for 8 years. Truly baffling.
Because Trump can get rid of next FBI head or install one of his goons to it. In either case it will either delay or stop the investigation, or worse, they can concludes Trump team with no wrong doing. A Special prosecutor I don't think Trump can touch, correct me if I am wrong.

He could touch a special counsel, but he wouldn't be able to hide behind any false pretenses when doing so.


I don't believe for a second anyone in the White House thought this would be uncontroversial. They're just playing dumb to try to make it not seem like a big deal.

The Republicans at large and Donald in particular are utterly uneducated and unaware of many issues. They never needed to be because they are privileged. But yes, they know what they are doing.
Are people just demanding a "special prosecutor" because...it sounds special? What's wrong with the current FBI investigative group investigating Russia and Trump ties, the lack of unenforceable promise by the AG (who has already recused himself) to not shut it down due to the dictator he works under?

Nobody's bringing back the IC statute. At least not as long as anyone alive during Whitewater is still in Congress.

As long as the president has leverage over the investigation in the form of being able to fire the head of the FBI and installing a stooge, there will not be an independent investigation at the FBI An independent special prosecutor is an attempt to creatr a non-partisan invesigation. Note, I said non-partisan, not bo-partisan. As the Sally Yates hearing demonstrates, bi-partisan hearings are prone to FUD and grandstanding.


Wouldn't a new director just shut it all down?
Yes, of course it's entirely possible that after Senate confirmation a new FBI head can close down the investigation and nobody never finds out about it or what they had uncovered.

Because Trump can get rid of next FBI head or install one of his goons to it. In either case it will either delay or stop the investigation, or worse, they can concludes Trump team with no wrong doing. A Special prosecutor I don't think Trump can touch, correct me if I am wrong.
The AG appoints and can dismiss a special prosecutor. The department regulation (not by statute aka Congress) restricting how one can be dismissed would be the least of the things preventing it.

You just don't because like, you know, maintain the rule of law and all that. But since this thread spent most of last night convinced the dark knight of totalitarian fascism was dawning upon us because the President did something he's allowed to do under the law well then, you know it doesn't really matter.

As long as the president has leverage over the investigation in the form of being able to fire the head of the FBI and installing a stooge, there will not be an independent investigation at the FBI An independent special prosecutor is an attempt to creatr a non-partisan invesigation. Note, I said non-partisan, not bo-partisan. As the Sally Yates hearing demonstrates, bi-partisan hearings are prone to FUD and grandstanding.
Then there will never be and never has been an independent investigation at the FBI.

A special prosecutor is not independent of the Justice Department, they simply cannot be a sitting US Attorney.

That "true" independence was what the IC statute allowed for, and Ken Starr had to ruin it for everybody by refusing to not stop finding things to prosecute.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
No kidding, that people give a shit what Keith Olbermann says really says alot for the state of the country.

It's not that I give a shit about what he's saying, more of a comment that I find it bizarre that it's become normal for a news man to speak like that in a public forum to the POTUS (Regardless of you think it's warrented)


Looking for meaning in GAF
The hypocrisy of Trump being literally exactly what the GOP has been accusing Obama of for 8 years. Truly baffling.
Probably just more projection. The GOP was accusing Obama of doing exactly what they would do in his position.


Also how are people doing these twitter pics. Excuse my ignorance lol

I'm using Windows program called Snipping Tool to area grab tweet and then just upload that picture to imgur. I prefer to post tweet as picture over text and then just give link to it as source, just personal thing.


There's obviously no one actually losing their mind over this and I really don't give a shit about my liberal purity, but I am legitimately perturbed by this action because of its timing, because of its suddenness, because of its fundamental lack of ethics in firing someone without first establishing sufficient cause, because of the basic indecency of notifying the world before the person being fired and what the implications are for an administration and a pres. who thought this had to be done so abruptly RIGHT NOW. So I don't know where I quite fit on your spectrum of lunacy, but your hand-waving, "Trump being Trump, what did you expect?" comes across as completely tone deaf and uncritical of context to me, if that helps you establish better where I lie.

I'm perturbed as well! It's something that I did not expect and clearly throws the future of the Russia investigation into murky waters as we simply don't know who will replace him. However as I explained in my original post, I don't see an avenue in this firing where Trump comes out on top. Every recusal and dismissal and firing involving the Russian investigation has simply increased media attention and public attention. Comey being out does not stop the investigation, and who ever the replacement is would have to be a political and management genius to stop the investigation while keeping anything that's already be discovered from leaking, further inciting the media and public.

Comey has seemed flustered and incompetent, in my eyes, for some time. The fact that he was handling this investigation never allowed me to sleep better at night, to be frank, and his ouster under any other circumstances would have been perfectly fine with me. Perhaps I'm being naive, but I believe that the checks and balances in place have not only already stopped Trump multiple times already, but will continue to keep him and his plutocratic cronies in check for the foreseeable future.

I don't believe there exists enough evidence to impeach Trump over his ties to Russia and the hacking, much less convict him. So I've built in the idea that we're stuck with him until 2020.


It's not that I give a shit about what he's saying, more of a comment that I find it bizarre that it's become normal for a news man to speak like that in a public forum to the POTUS (Regardless of you think it's warrented)
Do you know anything about Keith Olbermann other than that he's "a news man"?

Check YouTube for some of his old show rants about W.

Or read anything anyone of his coworkers has ever said about him.
Republicans calling out the leaking of information, while also ignoring that there is an active campaign to stomp out that information.

I mean, I'm not surprised, but yeah.


It must have been higher in 2006, wasn't it? I'm not even sure what this means tbh, since Democrats win the popular vote regularly and still lose seats.

Looking at the 2006 wikipedia page, its interesting how many "scandals" were going around. I keep wonder if the Dems should be focusing more on pinning scandals on vulnerable republicans right now, rather than trying to pin everything on trump and tie those guys to him.

Yeah I mean Dems get shafted all the time. In Ohio in 2012 Republicans won over 75% of the seats while only getting 55% of the vote thanks to gerrymandering. So even if Dems lose the state overall but its a close loss, due to gerrymandering its a republican landslide.
I don't believe for a second anyone in the White House thought this would be uncontroversial. They're just playing dumb to try to make it not seem like a big deal.
Well Donald surrounded himself with sycophantic fluffers, so I 100% believe it

I'm loving the "rude awakening" angle of this story
Congress can impeach for any reason it sees fit. The terms aren't defined in the Constitution:

Impeachment can be done about anything technically, and lining your pockets with tax payer money due to your massive conflict of interests would be an easy case to make

Article 2: Section 4

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors."

The constitution clearly defines Treason, but not the others: Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors. Those can be argued over sure, but lets look at precedent.

Two Presidents have been impeached:

Andrew Johnson: He defied the Tenure of Office Act
Bill Clinton: Committed Perjury

There is not a substantial enough case yet to bring impeachment against President Trump. I get that there are a lot of questions about Trump's finances. And I hope to god the emoluments civil case headed by Zephyr Teachout succeeds, but It would be unprecedented if the House brought impeachment charges against Trump now for vague "conflict of interest" reasons, and it would FAIL.


McCain on news that his foot is on fire "I am deeply troubled by this recent development, my foot looks like it is in pretty bad shape. I hope that everyone realizes the gravity of this situation and takes this matter seriously."

* proceeds to let the rest of his body burn.
Saw a tweet earlier that was something like "republican maverick searches deep in his cupboard of last straws"
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