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Trump Foundation ordered to stop fundraising by N.Y. attorney general’s office

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The New York attorney general has notified Donald Trump that his charitable foundation is violating state law — by soliciting donations without proper certification — and ordered Trump’s charity to stop its fundraising immediately, the attorney general’s office said Monday.

James Sheehan, head of the attorney general’s charities bureau, sent the “notice of violation” to the Donald J. Trump Foundation on Friday, according to a copy of the notice provided by the press office of state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D).

The night before that, The Washington Post had reported that Trump’s charity had been soliciting donations from other people without being properly registered in New York state.

According to tax records, Trump’s foundation has subsisted entirely on donations from others since 2008, when Trump gave his last personal donation. This year, the Trump Foundation made its most wide-ranging request for donations yet: it set up a public website, donaldtrumpforvets.com, to gather donations that Trump said would be passed on to veterans’ groups.

Permanently A

Junior Member


When Trump came at the Washington Post and NY Times trying to discredit both, he forgot the rules of the game.

But the Trump Foundation never registered under article 7A of New York’s Executive Law, as is required for any charity soliciting more than $25,000 per year from the public. One important consequence: Trump’s foundation avoided rigorous outside audits, which New York law requires of larger charities which ask the public for money.

In addition, Sheehan ordered that Trump’s foundation provide all the financial audit reports it should have provided in prior years, when it raised money without legal permission. He said that if Trump’s foundation did not stop its fundraising and file the proper paperwork, that would be considered “a continuing fraud upon the people of New York.”

It begins?


They're sitting on more bombshells?
Susanne Craig implied that they had other stories related to it that they were working on.

“Are you sitting on more documents?” Stelter wondered.

“We’re doing a lot of reporting,” Craig stated somewhat guardedly.

“That’s a yes,” Stelter pressed. “You have more documents besides the three.”

“That may be a no comment,” Craig replied.



Tagged as I see fit
Man, by the end of this Trump and his family are probably going to wish he never even *thought* about running for President.
this is just another attack by the biased media against trump, who have been out to get him from the start. nothing he has said or done has been his fault, just more sound bites and out of context comments to make him look bad!

If you want to make america great again, youll have to break a few eggs. Those eggs might be women. or blacks. or any minority. or the entire middle class, or maybe the freedom of the whole country. But WE HAVE TO. Because of isis. or mexicans. or something.
When he loses. His business is fucked. Reasonable people will never do business with him again. And Russia will no longer deal with such a loser


Why is GAF ignoring the large Foundation that Clinton built on top of those four innocent Americans killed by Benjamin Ghazi?


No bald cap? Lies!
This is HUGE.

NY AG, Eric Schneiderman, just shot himself in the foot. Not that he was ever a good shot, he's a pretty terrible AG from what I hear. Unlike my good friend Florida AG Pam Bondi.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about American culture (I'm an expert, really the best expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in CHINA where you can become successful by being an asshole. Trust me, I have a great temperment. That's why I'm worth 15 BILLION dollars. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the American public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to visit NYC, nor will they purchase any of NYC's merchandise. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but NY AG has alienated an entire country with this move.

Eric Schneiderman, publicly apologize and rescind this order or you can kiss your job goodbye.
Based on the report I heard on NPR a couple weeks ago, the Trump Foundation is Trump attempt at looking philanthropic without spending any money at all. They discussed one wealthy donor that is still apparently a supporter of the man but started donating directly to the causes instead of the Trump Foundation when they realized Trump was taking credit while donating nothing personally.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
When Trump came the Washington Post and NY Times trying to discredit both, he forgot the rules of the game.


OMG Trump is Stringer Bell. he thought he could go legit but hes just a street thug who doesnt belong in the big leagues.

how did i never make this connection before?!!

Trump, where wallace at!?!?!!
Is this just an administration error? They are taking charity donations from NYers without proper certification that they are living in the state.


Credit to David Fahrenthold, the reporter who dug up this and much more shit about the foundation.


idk, just seems more like smart charity running imo.

Trump using your money would be better than some homeless or veterans anyways.


This election is certainly putting a microscope on Trump and his business practices. After it's over, why would anyone want to do business with him?
This is HUGE.

NY AG, Eric Schneiderman, just shot himself in the foot. Not that he was ever a good shot, he's a pretty terrible AG from what I hear. Unlike my good friend Florida AG Pam Bondi.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about American culture (I'm an expert, really the best expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in CHINA where you can become successful by being an asshole. Trust me, I have a great temperment. That's why I'm worth 15 BILLION dollars. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the American public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to visit NYC, nor will they purchase any of NYC's merchandise. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but NY AG has alienated an entire country with this move.

Eric Schneiderman, publicly apologize and rescind this order or you can kiss your job goodbye.

I'd replace HUGE with YUGE, but that's pretty good. :D
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