Everything about Donald Trump gives us red flags.
-He manically tweets at odd hours of the night.
-He gets into petty squabbles with people while trying to run a campaign that should be about issues and his direct opponent
-Denies Climate Change
-Victim blames people of sexual harassment. Harassed at work? Go find a new job.
-He has a history of adultery and treating women like shit
-He's completely tone deaf on race. And deliberately taps into the angers of the white voter. He does very little to disavow racism found within his supporters and surrogates.
-He surrounds himself with terrible people. Lewandowski, Manafort, Bannon, Ailes, Christie, Giuliani, Roger Stone, etc.
-He blatantly makes things up. No Trump you didn't see thousands of Muslims in your area cheering for 9/11.
-He makes wild claims he can't keep. No you cannot enact the largest tax cut ever and pay off the debt at the same time while investing heavily in infrastructure, "rebuilding our military", defeating ISIS, and building a wall.
-His foundation has proven to be a corrupt, self serving institution.
-He started a fake university and ruined people's lives.
-He's been known to cheat business owners for services rendered.
-He won't release his tax returns.
-He's been accused of raping a 13 yr old girl.
-There's just incompetence bursting at the seams. Everything from having few campaign offices and no ground game to speak of. Failing to file disclosures for his Foundation.
His own children forgetting to register to vote for Trump in the primary.
And so much more.
-He frequently denies and distorts the truth. (Iraq War, Climate Change Hoax, Birtherism)
It's a red flag everywhere.