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Trump Foundation ordered to stop fundraising by N.Y. attorney general’s office

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This isn't a big deal at all by the way. And I'm no Trump supporter. The charity just failed to register. It's run by incompetent people for sure, but this isn't corruption or fraud.

His own charity failing to register and thus being ordered by the state attorney general's office to immediately cease operations doesn't raise ANY questions at all about his general competence at being able to govern an entire country? Like nope, this has no reflection at all on his ability to potentially run the nation?

I really don't get why some people trip over themselves to shout that X or Y in politics is "no big deal" when it very, very clearly is.


Yeah, I think you pulled out the most important parts here.

Trump doesn't just have to stop fundraising. The NY AG ordered him to file, within 15 days, independent financial audits for the current year and all previous years in which the foundation was in violation, and they clearly state that fraud charges or torts may result from a failure to comply.

They also provide some polite shade by spending a paragraph reminding the Trump Foundation that knowingly signing incorrect documents would be perjury and you "may be guilty of a crime under the New York Penal Code."

I'm not sure it would even be possible to do independent financial audits for like 15 years in 15 days! So this is a pretty aggressive order that clearly states that the NY AG is not particularly pleased.
Given the probable size of the foundation, they are most likely legally required to get independent financial audits every year. So they should already have them.

Unless they forgot to sign that form too.
Yeah, I think you pulled out the most important parts here.

Trump doesn't just have to stop fundraising. The NY AG ordered him to file, within 15 days, independent financial audits for the current year and all previous years in which the foundation was in violation, and they clearly state that fraud charges or torts may result from a failure to comply.

They also provide some polite shade by spending a paragraph reminding the Trump Foundation that knowingly signing incorrect documents would be perjury and you "may be guilty of a crime under the New York Penal Code."

I'm not sure it would even be possible to do independent financial audits for like 15 years in 15 days! So this is a pretty aggressive order that clearly states that the NY AG is not particularly pleased.
So Imagine you're Michael Cohen (Trump's/Trump Organization's lead attorney). What is your move? What do you do?
Can you imagine the average Trump devotee right now? The mental contortions must be unprecedented.

Every Trump misdeed has been handwaived away with "the media/government/whatever is lying" so it's not like this latest news requires more contortions than usual.
Yeah, the audit is really what's gonna fuck him over, especially with all the reports about the foundation's misuse of donations. Let's see if they can falsify a decade of records in 15 days.


Can you imagine the average Trump devotee right now? The mental contortions must be unprecedented.

"Government stooges propping up Crooked Hillary are now depriving vets and other charities of Donald Trump's philanthropy to install her as President! LOCK HER UP!"


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Given the probable size of the foundation, they are most likely legally required to get independent financial audits every year. So they should already have them.

Unless they forgot to sign that form too.
As a charity they're supposed to be audited each year. But since they werent properly registered, they weren't submitting the standard audit documents they should have been. The AG is basically saying "okay, you have 15 days to get all your documents to us. If so, we'll approach this as a case of incorrect registration, since you'll have shown that you were still operating as a proper charity for all that time. If not...."


Given the probable size of the foundation, they are most likely legally required to get independent financial audits every year. So they should already have them.

Unless they forgot to sign that form too.

Can you clarify this? I thought the thing that required them to get independent audits was the specific thing that they weren't doing because they're not registered as a charity under Article 7-A. What other law applies here?

So Imagine you're Michael Cohen (Trump's/Trump Organization's lead attorney). What is your move? What do you do?

Probably what Atomic Playboy suggested and go ask for a stay and extension of the 15-day deadline. This isn't guaranteed but you can make a reasonable argument and just try to get it extended til after the election. Ultimately that's all that matters. The hard part will probably be just successfully arguing that you genuinely didn't realize you needed to register and do audits. You pretty much have to claim that you haven't been paying attention for like 15 years.

Use part of the foundations funds to try and make this go away like they have done numerous times?

In the middle of a presidential election? I would definitely like to see Trump try to bribe the NY AG while running for president, when he clearly is unsympathetic judging by this order. There's no way he could get away with even suggesting it.


When Trump came the Washington Post and NY Times trying to discredit both, he forgot the rules of the game.




Can you clarify this? I thought the thing that required them to get independent audits was the specific thing that they weren't doing because they're not registered as a charity under Article 7-A. What other law applies here?

He's saying that as the charity has been taking in well over $25,000 a year in funds from outside donations, these independent audits should already be done. No excuses.

As mentioned up thread, the AG is giving the Trump Foundation fifteen days to prove that everything was being done on the up and up and that this was merely an administrative error or they'll be going in.


This isn't a big deal at all by the way. And I'm no Trump supporter. The charity just failed to register. It's run by incompetent people for sure, but this isn't corruption or fraud.

It's already been shown that his charity was used to pay legal fines and bought items that were then used in his business. These might be technically legal but I don't know. Also it was fined for making political contributions to the Florida AG. That AG later decided not to take Trump U to court when other states did.


No Scrubs
This isn't a big deal at all by the way. And I'm no Trump supporter. The charity just failed to register. It's run by incompetent people for sure, but this isn't corruption or fraud.

You're right that it's not a huge deal by itself, he'll have to pay some fines, but the audits that will have to occur will sink him. There's limits on what charitable foundations that solicit donations from the public are allowed to spend money on, I don't think bribing attorneys general and buying giant painting of yourself are on the list.
Everything about Donald Trump gives us red flags.

-He manically tweets at odd hours of the night.

-He gets into petty squabbles with people while trying to run a campaign that should be about issues and his direct opponent

-Denies Climate Change

-Victim blames people of sexual harassment. Harassed at work? Go find a new job.

-He has a history of adultery and treating women like shit

-He's completely tone deaf on race. And deliberately taps into the angers of the white voter. He does very little to disavow racism found within his supporters and surrogates.

-He surrounds himself with terrible people. Lewandowski, Manafort, Bannon, Ailes, Christie, Giuliani, Roger Stone, etc.

-He blatantly makes things up. No Trump you didn't see thousands of Muslims in your area cheering for 9/11.

-He makes wild claims he can't keep. No you cannot enact the largest tax cut ever and pay off the debt at the same time while investing heavily in infrastructure, "rebuilding our military", defeating ISIS, and building a wall.

-His foundation has proven to be a corrupt, self serving institution.

-He started a fake university and ruined people's lives.

-He's been known to cheat business owners for services rendered.

-He won't release his tax returns.

-He's been accused of raping a 13 yr old girl.

-There's just incompetence bursting at the seams. Everything from having few campaign offices and no ground game to speak of. Failing to file disclosures for his Foundation.
His own children forgetting to register to vote for Trump in the primary.
And so much more.

-He frequently denies and distorts the truth. (Iraq War, Climate Change Hoax, Birtherism)

It's a red flag everywhere.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Billion dollar loss during buoyant market - not an issue
18 year tax writeoff - not an issue
Federal lawsuit for racism - not an issue
Four bankruptcies - not an issue
Business deals with Iran - not an issue
Business deals with ghadaffi - not an issue
Self dealing from charity account - not an issue
Infidelities- not an issue
Dozens of racist comments- not an issue
Insulting families of deceased war heroes - not an issue
Draft dodging - not an issue
Calling POWs losers - not an issue
Rape Accusations - an issue
Misogynist statements by the hundred- not an issue
Birther conspiracy - not an issue
Endless flip flops - not an issue
Inciting Russian hacking- not an issue
Close ties to anti US Russian backers - not an issue
Hypocrisy on literally every single issue - not an issue
Sexual harassment of employees - not an issue

I can't type any more on a phone.


Billion dollar loss during buoyant market - not an issue
18 year tax writeoff - not an issue
Federal lawsuit for racism - not an issue
Four bankruptcies - not an issue
Business deals with Iran - not an issue
Business deals with ghadaffi - not an issue
Self dealing from charity account - not an issue
Infidelities- not an issue
Dozens of racist comments- not an issue
Insulting families of deceased war heroes - not an issue
Draft dodging - not an issue
Calling POWs losers - not an issue
Rape Accusations - an issue
Misogynist statements by the hundred- not an issue
Birther conspiracy - not an issue
Endless flip flops - not an issue
Inciting Russian hacking- not an issue
Close ties to anti US Russian backers - not an issue
Hypocrisy on literally every single issue - not an issue
Sexual harassment of employees - not an issue

I can't type any more on a phone.

*blanket statement about something about how Clinton has flaws so both sides are EQUALLY bad*

He's saying that as the charity has been taking in well over $25,000 a year in funds from outside donations, these independent audits should already be done. No excuses.

As mentioned up thread, the AG is giving the Trump Foundation fifteen days to prove that everything was being done on the up and up and that this was merely an administrative error or they'll be going in.

Ah, I see. The situation has 2 possibilities.

1) The Trump Foundation was actually being audited the whole time, but failed to get their certification and thus never submitted the audits.

2) They never did them. This would be clearly deliberate, and so the NY AG has basically set such a small deadline to force them to admit this (i.e. you can't get these records from scratch in 15 days, so you either have them or you don't).


Clothed, sober, cooperative
November 2016 Trumpularity. Pivotal date in relative spacetime where universe could calibrate massive violations to avoid appearance of partisan asymmetry.
You're right that it's not a huge deal by itself, he'll have to pay some fines, but the audits that will have to occur will sink him. There's limits on what charitable foundations that solicit donations from the public are allowed to spend money on, I don't think bribing attorneys general and buying giant painting of yourself are on the list.

Same logic could sink hillary, since she got all that donation money that bernie got from non-USA redditors and such
Both sides have illegal funds


Same logic could sink hillary, since she got all that donation money that bernie got from non-USA redditors and such
Both sides have illegal funds

This is one of my favorite arguments so far -- Hillary may have illegal money because her primary competitor was lax in his FEC responses!

Unfortunately I don't think it works out. Bernie's FEC violations were already cited and he was asked to return the money. The FEC files these reports periodically, so if the violations were still outstanding and Clinton was responsible for them, she would presumably be seeing them on her FEC report. These are public record. Can you produce a document that says she has illegal foreign donations?
When Trump came at the Washington Post and NY Times trying to discredit both, he forgot the rules of the game.

NY Times is clearly Omar. Washington Post is clearly Brother Mozoune. And Trump as Stringer Bell is fucking perfect. Trump wanted to go legit but all he can do is run the towers and talk shit.
All y'all comparing Trump to Stringer Bell is downright insulting to Idris Elba. Stringer wasn't as smart as he thought he was, but at least he had some intellectual curiosity. Trump is like Johnny Weeks; committing stupid crimes (charitable tax evasion) to finance his addiction (shameless narcissism seeing his name in the press) until it consumes him and he ODs (runs for President and everything gets exposed). Although I guess that metaphor doesn't work either, since Johnny had the support of at least one black person.


Do you have a link that shows she actually accepted foreign donations?

This is one of my favorite arguments so far -- Hillary may have illegal money because her primary competitor was lax in his FEC responses!

Unfortunately I don't think it works out. Bernie's FEC violations were already cited and he was asked to return the money. The FEC files these reports periodically, so if the violations were still outstanding and Clinton was responsible for them, she would presumably be seeing them on her FEC report. These are public record. Can you produce a document that says she has illegal foreign donations?
All y'all comparing Trump to Stringer Bell is downright insulting to Idris Elba. Stringer wasn't as smart as he thought he was, but at least he had some intellectual curiosity. Trump is like Johnny Weeks; committing stupid crimes (charitable tax evasion) to finance his addiction (shameless narcissism seeing his name in the press) until it consumes him and he ODs (runs for President and everything gets exposed). Although I guess that metaphor doesn't work either, since Johnny had the support of at least one black person.

How quickly we've forgotten Pastor Burns


Billion dollar loss during buoyant market - not an issue
18 year tax writeoff - not an issue
Federal lawsuit for racism - not an issue
Four bankruptcies - not an issue
Business deals with Iran - not an issue
Business deals with ghadaffi - not an issue
Self dealing from charity account - not an issue
Infidelities- not an issue
Dozens of racist comments- not an issue
Insulting families of deceased war heroes - not an issue
Draft dodging - not an issue
Calling POWs losers - not an issue
Rape Accusations - an issue
Misogynist statements by the hundred- not an issue
Birther conspiracy - not an issue
Endless flip flops - not an issue
Inciting Russian hacking- not an issue
Close ties to anti US Russian backers - not an issue
Hypocrisy on literally every single issue - not an issue
Sexual harassment of employees - not an issue

I can't type any more on a phone.
Never underestimate right wing populism.

Rob Ford had a laundry list of conflicts of interest, was openly racist, was vulgar on camera, consistently lied until it was proven he was lying, smoked crack, drank himself into a stupor in public on many occasions, was formally stripped of his duties as mayor... and his supporters would just say stuff like "Nobody's perfect, are you?"

He probably would have been reelected too if he hadn't gotten cancer.


Billion dollar loss during buoyant market - not an issue
18 year tax writeoff - not an issue
Federal lawsuit for racism - not an issue
Four bankruptcies - not an issue
Business deals with Iran - not an issue
Business deals with ghadaffi - not an issue
Self dealing from charity account - not an issue
Infidelities- not an issue
Dozens of racist comments- not an issue
Insulting families of deceased war heroes - not an issue
Draft dodging - not an issue
Calling POWs losers - not an issue
Rape Accusations - an issue
Misogynist statements by the hundred- not an issue
Birther conspiracy - not an issue
Endless flip flops - not an issue
Inciting Russian hacking- not an issue
Close ties to anti US Russian backers - not an issue
Hypocrisy on literally every single issue - not an issue
Sexual harassment of employees - not an issue

I can't type any more on a phone.

All of those things ARE issues. BIG ONES. But that doesn't mean this thing is too. You're only minimizing those things by equating this one to those listed.


All of those things ARE issues. BIG ONES. But that doesn't mean this thing is too. You're only minimizing those things by equating this one to those listed.

We now have RealClearPolitics independently reporting that Donald Trump may have used funds from the foundation to launch his political campaign.

This is a very big issue.
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