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Trump: Obama Bribed New York’s Attorney General To Sue Trump University

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President Barack Obama arranged for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to receive a $15,000 donation in exchange for investigating Trump University, Donald Trump alleged in February in comments that were overlooked, likely due to the even more ridiculous and offensive remarks that he was making at the time.

Trump didn’t quite accuse Obama of handing Schneiderman an envelope with $15,000 stuffed in it. Instead, Trump said, Obama appears to have arranged a campaign contribution to Schneiderman from a law firm representing victims of Trump’s scam. (Like Trump’s usual claims, there’s no evidence to support this one.)

“The attorney general of New York meets with Barack Obama in Syracuse,” Trump said at a rally in Bentonville, Arkansas. “The following day he sues me. What they don’t say is, I believe, fifteen thousand or a lot of money was paid to the attorney general by the law firm in California that is suing me.”

Trump’s math here gets a little fuzzy. Trump and Trump University are facing three lawsuits, not just one. The first suit was filed in California in 2010, by a woman named Tara Makaeff, who along with other plaintiffs, accused Trump University of fraud, breach of contract and false advertising. That case is moving forward.


not a medical professional
So they dug through all of his bullshit and found even more bullshit? Seems about right.

I wonder how Crooked Hillary fit into this..


No Scrubs
Yes Trump, the guy on track to be governor after Cuomo took a bribe from the president of the US just to go after you.

What a fucking loon.
Now he is just saying random shit

To be fair, this is shit he said half a year ago.

I wonder how much stuff like this there is just waiting to be discovered since, like the article says, people were distracted by more outrageous stuff he happened to be saying at the time.

Yes Trump, the guy on track to be governor after Cuomo took a bribe from the president of the US just to go after you.

What a fucking loon.

Actually considering his base it's probably not a dumb thing to say, assuming he's already given up on the presidency and is hoping to start a news network or sell books or whatever after the election. Almost every off-the-deep-end conservative I know is really into these conspiracy theories. This is no different than talk show hosts spouting 9/11 theories to an audience eager to feel uniquely capable of connecting the dots (or following along at least).


Your pick, Trump.

If he's at all serious about this president thing--and I'm not really saying he is--he needs to stop pointing fingers at every fucking thing that moves. Obama did this. Crooked Hillary did that. The media hates me. The system is rigged.

Blah fucking blah blah.

Do you have an actual platform? Why don't you fucking talk about what you'd do if the people elected you president, instead of constantly whining like a 6 year old child.

Christ, how long until the election? This d-bag's 15 minutes was up a long fucking time ago.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
It almost seems sometimes that Trump took the 'Thanks Obama' meme too seriously and now truly believes everything bad is thanks to Obama.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
So they dug through all of his bullshit and found even more bullshit? Seems about right.

I wonder how Crooked Hillary fit into this..
Obviously she helped with the cover up by deleting all the emails.


So many lies they can't be handled in real time. In the future, curators will review terrabytes of The Donald footage, plucking out new and ever more bizarre lies that were embedded in other lies, or backward masked into his speech. Lies communicated by blinking, or the movement of his fingers. New algorithms will be developed to extract subverval and subsomatic lies. His lies are eternal and neverending.
Yes, Trump, it's everyone else's fault.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection said:
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

Projection of general guilt: Projection of a severe conscience is another form of defence, one which may be linked to the making of false accusations, personal or political.

The guy is transparent as hell.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Thread title should read :

Trump: Obama Bribed New York’s Attorney General To Sue Trump University (He didn't)


So many lies they can't be handled in real time. In the future, curators will review terrabytes of The Donald footage, plucking out new and ever more bizarre lies that were embedded in other lies, or backward masked into his speech. Lies communicated by blinking, or the movement of his fingers. New algorithms will be developed to extract subverval and subsomatic lies. His lies are eternal and neverending.

It's like the call backs in Arrested Development.
I really question the reasoning behind anyone thinking of voting for this guy. Then again, I will enjoy seeing how they react once Trump loses this election, and, yes, he will absolutely lose.
Cannot wait until this year is over. I am so damn sick of hearing about Donald Freaking Trump. Every day there has to be 2-3 threads talking about some stupid shit this moron said that day. I wish we'd stop giving him the attention he desperately craves, or at least make a Trump OT so those of us tired of him can pretend he doesn't exist.


So many lies they can't be handled in real time. In the future, curators will review terrabytes of The Donald footage, plucking out new and ever more bizarre lies that were embedded in other lies, or backward masked into his speech. Lies communicated by blinking, or the movement of his fingers. New algorithms will be developed to extract subverval and subsomatic lies. His lies are eternal and neverending.

They will have to create AIs who only job is to terminate the AIs that go insane from curating the lies.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So many lies they can't be handled in real time. In the future, curators will review terrabytes of The Donald footage, plucking out new and ever more bizarre lies that were embedded in other lies, or backward masked into his speech. Lies communicated by blinking, or the movement of his fingers. New algorithms will be developed to extract subverval and subsomatic lies. His lies are eternal and neverending.

"I know lies, I have the best lies. I have the best, but there is no better lies than stupid ones.”


Well, everyone, according to Trump all it takes is $15,000 to bribe an Attorney General. You now know the going rate for getting off with things!


We need someone of actual significance to come on TV every day and denounce Trump's legitimacy. Every. Single. Day.

Obama already did it, so that's great. We need to get about 3 months worth of people to do it every day. Just run that man into the ground, non stop. Make him angry so he spews more stupid shit. Make him show his true colors even more.

Make him feel small to fit the size of his hands.
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