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Trump pardons former AZ Sheriff Arpaio [convicted of violating civil rights laws]


If not supporting a worthless organization that tolerates losing and incompetence makes me "part of the problem", then so be it.

I will not support the DNC as long as it remains the party of old, white people.

Don't come in here and pretend to give a fuck about what's going on and who's lives are being affected by this administration.

The party of old white people are the ones in office now. Fucking us minorities over.
So I guess when you say "I didn't vote for Trump" to defend yourself in online arguments, you're going to be omitting that you either didn't vote or voted for a third party, knowing full well that it would realistically be either the Trump or the Democrats that win?

My first post clearly states I voted for Hillary.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Clinton won the popular vote by millions of votes. Let’s stop pretending like the majority of Americans wanted this.


That's the reality.


Clinton won the popular vote by millions of votes. Let’s stop pretending like the majority of Americans wanted this.

This is true.

Europeans need to understand that this is more or less a hostile takeover carried out by abusing an archaic rules system, both for the White House and Congress.

This actually makes it more horrifying.
I can't believe I'm still looking at some of ya'll talking about all the fuckin things that definitely will or will not happen. How many times do you have to be wrong to get you to say "you know, maybe I'm not actually omniscient?" I know there was a talking head or a thinkpiece that just seemed really confident but actually none of those guys can tell the fuckin future either. History is not over, we do not have all the variables mapped out, the future is unwritten. We gotta get back in touch with this. Reality is happening around us.
Clinton won the popular vote by millions of votes. Let’s stop pretending like the majority of Americans wanted this.

Subtract NY, California, and DC. She loses by 2+ million, we are an isolated party, super majorities in a handful of places give a false impression of the reality. I wish the popular vote was the decider, but it never has been, we have to deal with what the rules are and win within that structure.
Subtract NY, California, and DC. She loses by 2+ million, we are an isolated party, super majorities in a handful of places give a false impression of the reality. I wish the popular vote was the decider, but it never has been, we have to deal with what the rules are and win within that structure.

This is a really meaningless statement
Clinton won the popular vote by millions of votes. Let’s stop pretending like the majority of Americans wanted this.

I have a feeling tho that a majority of Americans will still stay silent when they keep coming for marginalized groups.

I get it, it sucks to have your feelings hurt because people now equate you with being part of the population that helped enable Trump. But people should be upset that Trump represents them now, and all of his actions are reflecting on ALL of the people of America.


Take away the biggest city in the country, the center of political power in this country, and the sixth largest economy on the planet and things are different guys


Trump literally only has one political ideology: white supremacy.

Either we're going to stop him or we're not. Everything else is noise.
I'm not going to give them money.

I don't think the nomination process is fair.

I think the people running the party are not representative of the constituency.
How is the process not fair exactly? I mean, you brought up superdelegates. You're aware that they affected literally nothing, correct? That even without them, Hillary would have still won the primary? That they never, at any point, mattered?

Unless you're going to claim that people just voted the way the superdelegates did and applied no thought of their own to the process. In which case I'd like to see evidence of this claim. Because I never do. I've never seen evidence that any significant number of people voted for Hillary just because of superdelegates instead of it just being their own choice and what they wanted to do.

On top of that, if you seriously think that a significant number of people, enough to tilt the entire result of the primary, voted for Clinton simply because of Clinton, do you realize how extremely condescending you sound? How utterly, purely, 100% condescending? That you are so unable to comprehend why a significant number of people voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary, that you're more willing to believe based on zero evidence that people, instead of making that choice of their own free will and because they actually liked her and supported her and believed in her, that instead in somehow makes more sense to you that a significant group of her voters only voted for her because of superdelegates and the DNC? That it's more likely that people voted for her because of superdelegates than because they actually, genuinely 100% supported her and believed her to be the better candidate? Do you have any idea, even the slightest idea, how condescending and insulting that is, to think that lowly of the people who voted for Clinton just because you don't agree with them? That you think it's more likely that they're just some hivemind because you don't understand? Because that's the only way that position works. The only way.

My first post clearly states I voted for Hillary.
Interesting. Then you understand why someone might make that decision, considering you did so yourself. That maybe, just maybe, she didn't win the primary because elites behind the scenes were pulling the strings, but rather because millions of actual people evaluated the options and decided that she was the better choice. You know, exactly the way you did it! If you can do it, then why can't they?

So in that case, what's with this superdelegate bullshit--why bring them up at all? How did they influence anything? Where's the evidence for this? Not feelings, not hunch or instinct, but evidence? That it in any way impacted people's decisions and there choice was any less their own than your own vote? Or does freedom of thought only apply to you and everyone else is affected by the evil superdelegates and DNC? Seriously, take a moment and realize how ridiculous this train of thought is. It doesn't hold up at all.

That and why the fuck are we talking about this in a thread about Trump proving that he's a racist ass? Why do you want to talk about the DNC and Clinton more than Trump when they don't even have anything to do with anything, and you want them to be the topic anyway? C'mon man. Not the time or place at all. Not remotely.
Why do we value certain lives over others. Killing stupid people would help our society. Maybe it's time to start doing this. We are stagnant as a whole because idiots like Trump
And Arapaio exist.
I'm drunk. But maybe it's time to cull out the stupidest people in our society.
I said middle-class/blue collar, I never said struggling. Why you assume those things are one in the same is up to you to figure out.

Because Blue Collar is considered Working class. Article I linked to

It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class.

Middle Class is considered large in this country and the definition is not understood well by many that is another rabbit hole to jump down.

If you use averages than both Trump and Clintons supporter were Middle Class. Clintons was lower middle class while Trump's base consisted of upper middle class. That also would jump start talking points about each party's political points and the involvement with lobbyist and Wall Street. But that turns into another forked conversation.

The truth is, it wasn't about Jobs or finances. Their concerns were about security against threats, largely imagined, peddled by conservative news sources that make a killing off of spreading this nonsense. As an added bonus, these threats threw in alot of misrepresentation and falsehoods about minoritys and PoC which has shown themselves as support for the president no matter how off the rails he has been.


I can't believe I'm still looking at some of ya'll talking about all the fuckin things that definitely will or will not happen. How many times do you have to be wrong to get you to say "you know, maybe I'm not actually omniscient?" I know there was a talking head or a thinkpiece that just seemed really confident but actually none of those guys can tell the fuckin future either. History is not over, we do not have all the variables mapped out, the future is unwritten. We gotta get back in touch with this. Reality is happening around us.
Tell 'em.


I think Trump just wanted to see if people were serious about this so called pardoning power.

...this was just a test of the Trump presidential powers

Wait. Why is this suddenly about the election?!


Let me try this again: stop talking about the theoretical future of the Democratic party or a specific poster's opinions on it. There are so many places to discuss that on GAF and this derailment has almost nothing to do with the topic of this thread.


This election year is a great example of why people shouldn't become complacent. You sleep on voting, this is what you get. America isn't for me and you, it is for rich individuals and powerful individuals. The only tool we have to combat them is to vote and make our voices heard by pouring into the streets and protesting.
Something needs to be done.

I think Trump just wanted to see if people were serious about this so called pardoning power.

...this was just a test of the Trump presidential powers

Jesus. You're right. I feel sick.

I hate this mother fucker with every fiber of my being. I can feel it in the marrow of my bones and the tips of my hairs.

Let me try this again: stop talking about the theoretical future of the Democratic party or a specific poster's opinions on it. There are so many places to discuss that on GAF and this derailment has almost nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

Quoting this so maybe people will see it this time.
Let me try this again: stop talking about the theoretical future of the Democratic party or a specific poster's opinions on it. There are so many places to discuss that on GAF and this derailment has almost nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

My apologies I missed your first post.
Eh. McCain was the one who ended up killing the healthcare bill, so it now means more than certain other Republicans.

I mean, it's in the boundaries of the usual mild correction from McCain / Rubio / Graham every time the president does something horrifying and indefensible. I'm not sure what's substantially more meaningful about this comment from McCain than previous.
Can't wait for the mass pardons presidents usually sign, I wonder who will make the cut and reach Trump's desk. Mobsters and Aryan brotherhood members perhaps.


Why do we value certain lives over others. Killing stupid people would help our society. Maybe it's time to start doing this. We are stagnant as a whole because idiots like Trump
And Arapaio exist.
I'm drunk. But maybe it's time to cull out the stupidest people in our society.

The fuck, dude? You're advocating for eugenics.


Homeland Security Fail
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He kept Arizona safe!

What a smug asshole.
That's cherry picking. The GOP is literally a party of old white dudes, and yet you levy that complaint about Dems. Ridiculous. Could the Dems be more diverse? Sure, but they're a helluva lot more diverse than the alternative, and they're the only party that actually gives a shit about minorities.

That's enough for you? A little more diverse than the alternative.

I am frustrated, because I am a captive voter dude. I am a Hispanic person from a very blue state, I was raised liberal, but I despise my party, yet I have no choice but to vote for them. There is literally no choice. So I complain aggressively, knowing that I will give them my vote regardless, because this system gives people like me (us) no way out.

If you are pro-civil rights, pro-LGBTQIAPK (yeah, I know all those damn letters off the top of my head, yay), pro-equality, pro-feminism, and/or pro-choice you have no where to go but the Democratic party. Yet I think the party does not appreciate that or firmly pursue a winning agenda.

I would not give an inch on social issues, not an inch, but that's the first thing they want to compromise when they talk about appealing to the middle.

They had no economic message in 2016, that's' suicide. I refer to James Carville, a liberal, on economic messaging in political campaigns, "it's the economy stupid".

The Democrats are useless and they believe in the status quo, and we let them keep chugging on.

I'm done, you guys win, have the thread, everything is fine.
That's cherry picking. The GOP is literally a party of old white dudes, and yet you levy that complaint about Dems. Ridiculous. Could the Dems be more diverse? Sure, but they're a helluva lot more diverse than the alternative, and they're the only party that actually gives a shit about minorities.

Dude, LEADERSHIP, dude!
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