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Trump Suggests Paul Ryan Struck Some 'Sinister Deal' Behind His Back

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Thanks Lucky Forward
Donald Trump suggested Wednesday that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was part of some “sinister” deal to to undermine his candidacy, citing Ryan's failure to congratulate him on his Sunday night debate performance.

“Wouldn't you think that Paul Ryan would say ‘Good going’? In front of just about the largest audience for a second night debate in the history of the country?” Trump began. “You’d think they would say ‘Great going, Don. Let’s go. Let’s beat this crook. She’s a crook. Let's beat her. We’ve got to stop it!’”

“No, he doesn't do that,” Trump said as the crowd booed along. “There is a whole deal going on there. There is a whole deal going on and we’re going to figure it out. I always figure things out. But there’s a whole sinister deal going on.”


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"Everything that doesn't go my way is sinister, biased, and evil."

--Every republican in some political position



Steve Bannon, the chairman of the right-wing news outlet Breitbart who became CEO of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, gave explicit orders to his staff to destroy Speaker Paul Ryan(R-Wis.).

On editorial conference calls, the Breitbart chairman would often say “Paul Ryan is the enemy,” according to a source who worked with Bannon at the news organization.

In December 2015, weeks after Ryan became Speaker, Bannon wrote in an internal Breitbart email obtained by The Hill that the “long game” for his news site was for Ryan to be “gone” by the spring.


Bannon: “Long game is him gone by spring.”

Bannon’s disregard for Ryan has been recorded in other reports, but this is the first time emails have emerged that showed him setting a timeframe for trying to get rid of the Speaker. Bannon is now giving Trump advice as his campaign CEO.

Trump on Tuesday unleashed a series of tweets directing scorn at the Speaker, who on Monday said he would no longer defend Trump and would instead focus on electing Republicans to the House.


A former Breitbart staffer said Bannon used to rage against Ryan all the time.

Bannon views Ryan as a leader of an elite globalist cabal determined to sell out America by opening its borders on immigration and trade.

“Bannon has Alex Jones-level paranoia about Paul Ryan,” the source said, referring to the right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist who runs the pro-Trump website Infowars.Z

“He goes on these amazing rants,” the source added of Bannon. “He thinks Paul Ryan is part of a conspiracy with George Soros and Paul Singer, in which elitists want to bring one world government.”


With less than four weeks to go and way down in the polls, Trump has decided to spend an entire news cycle waging war against Paul Ryan because he's incredibly thin-skinned and petty. Let's see how well that works out for him.


It's fascinating that Trump labels the most powerful Republican the same way he labels the soon-to-be most powerful Democrat. Crooked. This image will start spreading amongst his followers and they will never let that go. Ryan's political career is severely damaged because of his lack in leadership skills, because he is spineless and surprisingly because his own candidate attacks him.
i think its pretty clear, at least today, that trump is gonna lose.

now im wondering: what happens when he does? Hes not gonna accept it.


If it were true that Ryan made a deal with Hillary behind Trump's back it'd at least give some hope for some actual legislation moving through congress over the next 4 years.

Alas, Trump is a conspiratorial idiot.


Unconfirmed Member
With less than four weeks to go and way down in the polls, Trump has decided to spend an entire news cycle waging war against Paul Ryan because he's incredibly thin-skinned and petty. Let's see how well that works out for him.

If Trump ever becomes President (by some perverse twist of fate, mind you) he'll need to clean house and rebuild the Republican party in his image. As the Speaker of the House with a habit of rationality and level-headedness, Ryan is a prime target.


Pat Buchanan said Trump has the single greatest debate performance in the history of presidential politics? Is that the same debate where he said he has more respect for women than ANYONE days after at tape came out where he bragged about grabbing women's privates without their consent? That one Don?
Building up for that new alt-right political party.

Sadly, I could see it happening. Pissed off conservatives have done some shit before.


Scientists really should examine how a Youtube comment gained sentience and won the Republican nomination for the presidency.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.


Trump knows he's going to lose. He has to have a scapegoat to justify his defeat to Hillary Clinton coming November. The perfect alibi is his own party conjuring against him. That would put him in a position where he could say that everyone was against him, even those that should support him the most. And it feeds the whole anti-establishment, corrupt Washington politics mantra that he's got going for him.
Trump knows he's going to lose. He has to have a scapegoat to justify his defeat to Hillary Clinton coming November. The perfect alibi is his own party conjuring against him. That would put him in a position where he could say that everyone was against him, even those that should support him the most. And it feeds the whole anti-establishment, corrupt Washington politics mantra that he's got going for him.

but he knows how to WIN


Even if Ryan unendorses he has actually managed to do maximum damage to his image in the eyes of.... pretty much everyone. If he officially unendorsed now I don't think anyone is going to be like "way to go Paul - showing some backbone!"

The ship has totally sailed on that.


i think its pretty clear, at least today, that trump is gonna lose.

now im wondering: what happens when he does? Hes not gonna accept it.

Yeah, I kind of wonder that too. The losing candidate always concedes at the end of the election results but it's very hard to imagine Trump doing that when it happens. So, what will he do? He can't call for a recount since it won't be close.


Elden Member
He's going to go scortched earth now that he knows he's going to lose. He'll do everything he can to bring those around him down with him. And it for sure wont stop once the election is over.
heard rush limbaugh begin his radio segment today with begging trump to stop what he's doing and i just sat there smiling enjoying every second of the sack of shit's dismay


Christ, he's more delusional than Romney. He seriously thinks he won that debate? He got almost as wrecked as the last one.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Trump going full Trump.

Someone told him that acting like he did during the primary is going to win him the White House didn't they.

Anyone other than Trump would have realised that's a bad idea. Of course, he is Trump so goes in hard.

Can he go lower than 35%? I think any "always red" voters who tolerated Trump because he was representing their ticket may well just stay home.
I'm going to say that either Paul Ryan struck a sinister deal behind Trump's back or someone leaked tape of Trump bragging about how he likes to grab women in the pussy and Ryan is distancing himself from Trump. It's definitely one of those two things.


This guy always think something is going on. Hillary and the emails and the FBI. Obama and the Orlando shooting. Paul Ryan now... what a delusional nut job. He's 70 now and will only get crazier as he gets older.


Yeah, I kind of wonder that too. The losing candidate always concedes at the end of the election results but it's very hard to imagine Trump doing that when it happens. So, what will he do? He can't call for a recount since it won't be close.
Conceding is a tradition but not a requirement for the loser. He can whine on Twitter or threaten legal action that never materializes, but Clinton will be inaugurated just the same.


This guy always think something is going on. Hillary and the emails and the FBI. Obama and the Orlando shooting. Paul Ryan now... what a delusional nut job. He's 70 now and will only get crazier as he gets older.

Imagine the supernova of insanity that Alex Jones will be at 70.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
"I always figure things out."

Hey Donald, what did your investigators find in Hawaii?
If trump manages to permanently turn his base off the GOP establishment it's going to be a serious thing of beauty.

It's starting to make me wonder if this could all lead to a new spinoff party that would permanently hurt Republicans going forward because they'd be pulling sizable number of votes away from the main candidate. I fully expect that if he loses the traditional Republicans will go on the attack since the election will be over and there will be nothing for them to lose. They'll want to get him out and distance themselves from him similarly to what's happened with Palin. But Trumps base seems like they'd continue to listen to him if he decides to continue to stay around politics. So in four years he and the people around him could start pushing a new candidate. And that seems like it'd be a nightmare for Republicans if he's able to retain a good chunk of that following.
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