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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


Your chosen President finally reveals his psychotic personality. Congrats whoever voted for him in the US! You sure know how to pick them.
I don't care if being mad "gives them what they want". You don't get to dictate what others should or shouldn't be mad over just because of some insane fear that we're somehow playing into the enemy's hands by calling them on their shit. That benefits only one side: theirs.
All I hope for is that the next Democratic candidate promises to unite the United States again, no spade left behind, whatever. Because I doubt hammering on Trump's failures both as a president and a human being alone will do the trick. A complacent candidate who thinks that Trump doesn't have a chance next time is most likely going to lose again, and I don't know if the credibility of the US can take another hit.

I doubt we'd make the same mistake twice (referring to focusing on Trump being an asshole and not what she'd do as president). I hope.

Fitting actually, because memes on social media was how the left chose to battle him during the election

Shitposting shouldn't require reaching that far.




This should be in the OP's post.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's not like he hasn't showing signs of it but this is just beyond embarrassing for a President of a country to be engaged in.

Dude, putting aside how he wants to ban Muslims from entering the country, take health care away from poor folks, and all the other horrible shit that's actually affecting people today, how is a bottom-tier meme of the event more concerning to you than the fact that the motherfucker actually participated in a somewhat lengthy WWE storyline? This is his thing.
Why am I accused of shit posting? Liberal turn out was LOW, these are the facts. Clinton would've easily won the election had there been a higher turnout of voters in the election, which is why republicans are so hell bent on voter suppression, particularly targeting minority and low income populations. Nothing I'm saying is outrageous


Dude, putting aside how he wants to ban Muslims from entering the country, take health care away from poor folks, and all the other horrible shit that's actually affecting people today, how is a bottom-tier meme of the event more concerning to you than the fact that the motherfucker actually participated in a somewhat lengthy WWE storyline? This is his thing.

Who said it's more concerning to me? Don't put words in my mouth!

Don't shit on me for decisions that your countrymen made. Him being selfish, racist, and bigoted is consistent with the policy he wanted to enact right from the election started and the reason why he got elected. That's entirely on the US' political system and the people who voted for him.

Him being unhinged wasn't really that obvious until now, at least for me. YMMV
Why am I accused of shit posting? Liberal turn out was LOW, these are the facts. Clinton would've easily won the election had there been a higher turnout of voters in the election, which is why republicans are so hell bent on voter suppression, particularly targeting minority and low income populations. Nothing I'm saying is outrageous

Anyone got a link to the electoral map handy?
Why am I accused of shit posting? Liberal turn out was LOW, these are the facts. Clinton would've easily won the election had there been a higher turnout of voters in the election, which is why republicans are so hell bent on voter suppression, particularly targeting minority and low income populations. Nothing I'm saying is outrageous

This an entirely different post, though. What you posted earlier was a line about the left relying on memes, so it's fitting that we have a memer president. That doesn't even make sense, shitposting aside.
I had CNN on all morning since I entered this thread. Lots of people are not undesrtand my posts but man CNN handed Trump a morning victory.

Trump is smiling, is laughing this morning and so are his insane supporters, They illicted a reaction and they got it. They will continue down this path even deepr and darker.

Mika and Joe on Morning Joe did a way superior job at responding to Trump's hateful tweets this last Thursday and Friday on MSNBC. Mika and Joe are handling Trump way way way better than how CNN is handling Trump.

CNN goes: "how, let's have a multi-person panel, oh-eyuh"

CNN failed this morning

Yea CNN is ridiculous. They were attacked and then bring people on that they pay to defend that attack. Well then what's CNN's official stance on this? You can't say you denounce this then have people defend it on your network.


Neo Member
Why am I accused of shit posting? Liberal turn out was LOW, these are the facts. Clinton would've easily won the election had there been a higher turnout of voters in the election, which is why republicans are so hell bent on voter suppression, particularly targeting minority and low income populations. Nothing I'm saying is outrageous

Thread is about Trump doing stupid shit on twitter
You are talking about why the left lost the election and in the same post wondering why people think you're shitposting

If you read what the thread is about and then read what you are talking about, then I'm sure you'll figure out why some would say that you are shitposting


Who said it's more concerning to me? Don't put words in my mouth!

Don't shit on me for decisions that your countrymen made. Him being selfish, racist, and bigoted is consistent with the policy he wanted to enact right from the election started and the reason why he got elected. That's entirely on the US' political system and the people who voted for him.

Him being unhinged wasn't really that obvious until now, at least for me. YMMV

You don't really get to shit on anyone if it took you this long to realize that, homie.
Americans voted against their own freedoms in favor of electing a celebrity as president. Not a revoltion, not a military coup, you democratically elected an individual who wants to run your country as a dictatorship. That is the power of celebrity in the United States.


Junior Member
Why am I accused of shit posting? Liberal turn out was LOW, these are the facts. Clinton would've easily won the election had there been a higher turnout of voters in the election, which is why republicans are so hell bent on voter suppression, particularly targeting minority and low income populations. Nothing I'm saying is outrageous
This post and this post v
Fitting actually, because memes on social media was how the left chose to battle him during the election
are two completely different posts that baaarely seem related to each other. Don't act like your original drive by one-liner comes off at all like this follow up post.

Also, Mosse brings up another point that your post in a Trump thread is typical "but the left!-" deflection, which has zero to do with the topic.

Stop playing the oblivious victim, Bruce. It's tired.
This post and this post v

are two completely different posts that baaarely seem related to each other. Don't act like your original drive by one-liner comes off at all like this follow up post.

Also, Mosse brings up another point that your post in a Trump thread is typical "but the left!-" deflection, which has zero to do with the topic.

Stop playing the oblivious victim, Bruce. It's tired.

There actually is a correlation, is to point out that people were more focused on yelling and screaming on social media using Memes then actually going out to the voting booth and putting the other candidate in office instead. That was my point, which again correlates to the Low voter turn out of Democrats
I'm surprised Bruce Spingsteen hasn't pulled the "yeah Trump posts stupid vulgar things but is he worse than WAR CRIMINAL NAZI George W. Bush???"

Ignoring the fact that part of the reason why the Iraq war happened was due to a neutered press who were too afraid of challenging the Bush administration on their claims for fear of being called unpatriotic terrorist sympathizers. This is essentially what Trump seeks, the complete silencing of any critical stories of him.

So when you don't take his threats against the press seriously, just look at recent history to see what happens when they are too afraid to call out a President.


Junior Member
There actually is a correlation, is to point out that people were more focused on yelling and screaming on social media using Memes then actually going out to the voting booth and putting the other candidate in office instead. That was my point, which again correlates to the Low voter turn out of Democrats
Which I see you justified with your follow up post, but without any context, do you honestly believe that your first comment reads like that?
Greg Gianforte -- an actual Republican congressman -- bodyslammed a reporter just weeks ago, and people are out here saying "I don't think this incites violence."

Just, really uninterested in hearing that shit.
Trump has called CNN and other outlets "the enemy of the people", and CNN in particular as "very bad people". He's a fucking bully and his followers love his war against the press. It doesn't take much for his swamp gas contingent to do the math in their own heads, especially when POTUS seems like he wouldn't mind.

Tweets like this are a bad idea for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which because it makes him look like an asshole.


You don't really get to shit on anyone if it took you this long to realize that, homie.

With the absolutely atrocious laundry list of things this man has done - before election - it took you this long? Yes, I suppose YMMV.

The thread is about Trump's CNN tweet and yet you guys are angry at me for talking about it instead of saying things you want me to say (ie. How he's a bad man for his policy - which is bloody obvious).

This is part of the reason why so many people are turned off by the political situation these days and rarely commenting on it. You guys manage to alienate people who don't even have malicious intention but because they don't say the right thing you want them to say.


The thread is about Trump's CNN tweet and yet you guys are angry at me for talking about it instead of saying things you want me to say (ie. How he's a bad man for his policy - which is bloody obvious).

This is part of the reason why so many people are turned off by the political situation these days and rarely commenting on it. You guys manage to alienate people who don't even have malicious intention but because they don't say the right thing you want them to say.

What do you mean you people ?
I'm kidding.

Nothing was said in attack or anger- may want to re-evaluate that.

You said YMMV so I took you at your word.
Trump has called CNN and other outlets "the enemy of the people", and CNN in particular as "very bad people". He's a fucking bully and his followers love his war against the press. It doesn't take much for his swamp gas contingent to do the math in their own heads, especially when POTUS seems like he wouldn't mind.

Tweets like this are a bad idea for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which because it makes him look like an asshole.

During the campaign, Trump would regularly point at the press box, just to make sure everyone attending knew where they were, and would whip the crowd into a frenzy with his antagonism. It's like the assholes who defend Trump think we all forgot.
Lone wolf, mental illness

Man is a Lone Wolf, with semi/full automatic weapon.

Republicans blame mental illness and need more investment in mental health facilities rather then gun control.

3 months later Trump guts mental health spending so high income earners get further tax breaks.
I'm not sure what's more ridiculous, Trump actually tweeting this out or CNN trying to pretend it's a violent threat against them and their employees.

Well, on the one hand you have journalists, who are are being vilified by the right wing, attacked by its political leaders both physically and rhetorically, who are having their ability to do their job restricted in unprecedented ways, and who have seen others in their profession kidnapped, taken hostage, and even killed by other dangerous governments around the world, voicing concern for their safety during a time of extremely heightened rhetoric.

And on the other hand you have the president shitposting 4-chan memes that show him committing literal acts of violence against the media.

Now it's hard to tell who is out of bounds here, but I think I have to go with the president in this case.

...Hey now, you didn't just make a shitty "both sides" false-equivalency argument did you?

The more outraged we become the more appeased his base becomes.

I don't give a shit. Who honestly cares how "appeased" they are that we're upset? They can feel "appeased" when we're so upset we sweep all these pieces of shit out of office in the midterms and block Trump's agenda, how about that? Don't you ever start sassing people on the left about how they shouldn't be outraged, ever again, and claim to be doing anyone any good. I want to see angry motherfuckers stopping this saggy piece of shit baboon from laying a finger on this country every goddamn day he's in office, and if you don't, you really don't have shit to say except a bunch of tone policing nonsense that everybody who cares should definitely ignore.


Eric Trump‏Verified account

Eric Trump Retweeted Jim Acosta
I love how @CNN looks to #1A as a justification to not uphold basic journalistic integrity or an ethical standard #FakeNews

The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.
The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

In your own words. Who is a part of "The Left"?


The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

Are you serious? Are we supposed to blame the republicans for Jared Lee Loughner shooting Gabby Giffords? You should also take the time to review the type of vitriol directed at Obama for 1/1000th of what Trump has done.

Not to mention if you look in the thread about that decapitated head thing was pretty roundly called out by all sides and she was just some random bad comedian. But no, you just want to defend your president making a total fool of himself on the world stage.
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