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Truth & Trolls |OT| The Brothers Were Right


Thread title makes me laugh everytime is bumped, please continue posting the slow decent into reality of the backers.
Oh man, Kenzie is going to be on a panel at Indiecade.


Max Temkin of CAH is also there, Could be a good one.


Update #20 is up.

Sorry for not updating sooner. We're actually beta testing the game and plan to release Chapter 1 this weekend. Kenzie finally got to a point where she felt okay drawing a line in the sand (though it should be noted she's done a lot of work that will be included in later chapters).
Update #20 is up.

You forgot to post some wonderful comments, one from the great S Wilson herself and one from the amazing Joseph:

Susan said:
@Kaedryl - SHE IS 9! And it's sad that you have nothing better to do than spew your pessimistic world view here. That defeats the whole point of this project. You make me sad and it just occurred to me (which I'll ask in this open form), can I reimburse/refund a backer like @Kaedryl and remove them from the "supporter list and credits" since they clearly don't support this project and would rather use the forum as pulpit for their cynicism.

I know I can refund new PayPal orders because I've done that as Kenzie and I talked and have no interest in selling the game to haters that apparently have nothing to do than attack a 9 year old's summer project.

So the point and question now is can we give @Kaedryl his/her money back and delete official "backer" status since that's clearly no longer the case (based on the comment below).

Edit: I don't think they can refund Kaedryl, btw, because that would mean Amazon and KS have to refund their cut of the profit as well. Which will likely not happen. It also pretty arrogant to only want to sell your game to people who lack any form of critical ability. Imagine Bethesda doing that. They'd go bankrupt. :)
Edit 2: I don't think Susan has let an opportunity pass to say that Kenzie is 9.

Joseph/The Art Factory said:
this project is wonderful... yes Kickstarter should allow refunds to acidic creatures who have zero interests in projects except for harassment in comments section, but those trolls effectively act as publicists because the vast majority of souls who are good then see and come and support.. it seems the good outweigh the bad about 99% to 1 and so don't let the trolls depress you... this 9 year old's software project appealed to people for it's truth.. not the universal delays that every single project in life experiences. and it's heartening to see so very many backers posting love and support... oh yes there is the occasional gripe from someone who wasted a dollar and wants to complain.. so what? the game is on.. i guess the yacht vacation in the bahamas probably even speeded up the production... or maybe you worked and didnt do vacation.. i would have been on that boat the whole time.. game? soon.. /// i'm on a boat y'all : )
Guess we have proof now on the refunds :lol

Also more crowdfunding confirmed:

Susan Wilson said:
She's decided she's making more games with her Dad (yes, he got sucked in and addicted with her) so I'm eager for her to prove herself in an open forum that's not confrontational but does allow her to put an end to any haters saying she isn't the brains behind the operation.

They haven't even finished working on the first part of their first game, lol.


What a circus this is. LOL.

Susan Wilson sitting next to Chris Avellone. What an insult to actual developers and actual project creators.
Oh man, Kenzie is going to be on a panel at Indiecade.


Max Temkin of CAH is also there, Could be a good one.

I really hope this doesn't actually happen. Making fun of the game and Susan Wilson is great fun and all, but I can't help but think they'd just be a distraction to what should be an interesting and honest discussion. Its like when a football or basketball player has their kid sit on their lap during a post-game press conference to try to discourage any hard critical questions from the press.
What a circus this is. LOL.

Susan Wilson sitting next to Chris Avellone. What an insult to actual developers and actual project creators.

I thnk it's no coincidence that Brenda Romero is also there. At the start of the Big Susan Show, she hinted about how some influential woman (she couldn't name) in the games industry was supporting her project. It was rather obvious though at that point that it was Brenda Romero, who was running a (failed) KS project herself at around the same time.

It looks like Romero has been pulling a lot of strings for Susan. I think she's a strong advocate of women in STEM/game development. Probably a real one, not a poser like Susan. So it wouldn't surprise me if she got Susan the free Alienware laptop and arranged for the Turkey trip through contacts she/her husband potentially has at Dell. Also this Indiecade thing is likely also something she arranged. Kenzie is likely some sort of a protege of Romero (and a girl making a game is just too good of a story not to (ab)use), and Susan gladly sees the money, free stuff and attention rolling in ofcourse.


I thnk it's no coincidence that Brenda Romero is also there. At the start of the Big Susan Show, she hinted about how some influential woman (she couldn't name) in the games industry was supporting her project. It was rather obvious though at that point that it was Brenda Romero, who was running a (failed) KS project herself at around the same time.

It looks like Romero has been pulling a lot of strings for Susan. I think she's a strong advocate of women in STEM/game development. Probably a real one, not a poser like Susan. So it wouldn't surprise me if she got Susan the free Alienware laptop and arranged for the Turkey trip through contacts she/her husband potentially has at Dell. Also this Indiecade thing is likely also something she arranged. Kenzie is likely some sort of a protege of Romero (and a girl making a game is just too good of a story not to (ab)use), and Susan gladly sees the money, free stuff and attention rolling in ofcourse.

That would all make sense. And it fits a predetermined storyline perfectly. Still, the idea that all of this has gone so well for $uscam is extremely unsettling.

I just love how $uscam oscillates between "Ohh let's be friends" and "I'll refund you, bitch" so easily.

I'm surprised that they claim a game is coming after all. I guess Philip Tan was working extra hard these past couple weeks?


Party Pooper
Its like when a football or basketball player has their kid sit on their lap during a post-game press conference to try to discourage any hard critical questions from the press.

Max seems like the type of dude who will take some shots regardless.

Hopefully he's at least tangentially aware of how big of a scam she pulled. (Though I'm sure the internet will fill him in before the panel happens)


When is this panel taking place and how can we get someone there to ask Susan a question about the nature of her fundraiser?
Oh man, Kenzie is going to be on a panel at Indiecade.


Max Temkin of CAH is also there, Could be a good one.

She's just shamelessly pimping out her daughter at this point. Not that she wasn't doing that before, but it's just so obvious now. People who supported her before will start to see through the manipulation. But a lot of the blame for this falls on whoever is organizing Indiecade. Why are they allowing Susan on their panel? Can't they see that she's just using every opportunity and resource (including her children, that's right, her children are a resource to her) to get fame and attention?


She's just shamelessly pimping out her daughter at this point. Not that she wasn't doing that before, but it's just so obvious now. People who supported her before will start to see through the manipulation. But a lot of the blame for this falls on whoever is organizing Indiecade. Why are they allowing Susan on their panel? Can't they see that she's just using every opportunity and resource (including her children, that's right, her children are a resource to her) to get fame and attention?

Actually the opposite. Now with the "guarantee" of a game coming, the backers' faith is restored and they become more loyal than ever to Susan despite logic and common sense.

As foobarry81 speculated, Brenda Romero might be Susan's ace in the hole for getting into Indiecade.

She's using her daughter to bring attention to herself. It's pathetic and reprehensible, but I guess we are a very small minority who have an issue with it? Most others see us as haters.

And I'll say this once more - fuck all the people who wrote articles about this scam back in April and blindly "sided" with Suscam without even checking the most basic of facts that the OP of the other thread most exquisitely and clearly presented. Fuck them.
That would all make sense. And it fits a predetermined storyline perfectly. Still, the idea that all of this has gone so well for $uscam is extremely unsettling.

I just love how $uscam oscillates between "Ohh let's be friends" and "I'll refund you, bitch" so easily.

I read an article not too long ago about psychopaths/sociopaths. Apparently what separates them from the "ordinary" people, is that they can switch off their 'empathy center' (the part of their brains that handles this) at will. So if they want to be compassionate they can, if they don't they can as well. Not saying Susan is a psychopath, because obviously I never met her and I'm not a psychologist. But your description about oscillating reminded me of that.

I'm surprised that they claim a game is coming after all. I guess Philip Tan was working extra hard these past couple weeks?

Well, Susan wrote that Kenzie's dad has been helping out. I guess he started working on the project at around July 31st, and so now they may actually have something that offers 15 minutes of "game play". :)
That actually makes me think the daughter had at least some part in it. I'm sure when I was nine I was day dreaming of games with people I liked in it.

If you read Susan's clarification in the KS comments One Direction and Bieber (which are diseases) are only used as an explanation for why the Trolls go after Kenzie the protagonist's family.

They're featured in the prologue, not in the actual game.


Amazing that Susan actually got an update out, someone should ask her if she even knows what games Chris Avellone made haha. The panel will be great, this is the train that never ends. Also, how the hell is a family from Maryland going all the way to LA for a panel in October when their kids have school?

Now that I think of it guys, a Truth and Trolls Fallout New Vegas mod would be pretty amazing, if we had a decent modder we could make a "Waqar" character and reskin creatures like Geckos to look like the trolls from A. Dingo's artwork. We make Waqar's Quest out of an existing game, bam! :)


I thnk it's no coincidence that Brenda Romero is also there. At the start of the Big Susan Show, she hinted about how some influential woman (she couldn't name) in the games industry was supporting her project. It was rather obvious though at that point that it was Brenda Romero, who was running a (failed) KS project herself at around the same time.

It looks like Romero has been pulling a lot of strings for Susan. I think she's a strong advocate of women in STEM/game development. Probably a real one, not a poser like Susan. So it wouldn't surprise me if she got Susan the free Alienware laptop and arranged for the Turkey trip through contacts she/her husband potentially has at Dell. Also this Indiecade thing is likely also something she arranged. Kenzie is likely some sort of a protege of Romero (and a girl making a game is just too good of a story not to (ab)use), and Susan gladly sees the money, free stuff and attention rolling in ofcourse.
Good points and good theory as any we have.

Wow at Susan and Kenzie being on a developer panel. Why is that even possible? The entire kickstarter was predicated on "Look at my little girl! It's so cute that she wants to make a game. Don't you just want to give her money for it?" If we reach for it, maybe the campaign can be considered "well-crafted marketing" but only in the worst way with opportunist ("journalists" or otherwise) jumping all over Kenzie like parasites on a fresh kill.

This makes me very sad for the little girl being exploited. I'm assuming she's going to be coached extensively or intercepted very much if she's acknowledged at all during the panel. It's like they lashed her to a pole and wave it around for attention and money. Just very disheartening; I'm genuinely hoping that we are all unknowingly trolling and that her whole endeavor is genuine, not a scam.
Good points and good theory as any we have.

Wow at Susan and Kenzie being on a developer panel. Why is that even possible? The entire kickstarter was predicated on "Look at my little girl! It's so cute that she wants to make a game. Don't you just want to give her money for it?" If we reach for it, maybe the campaign can be considered "well-crafted marketing" but only in the worst way with opportunist ("journalists" or otherwise) jumping all over Kenzie like parasites on a fresh kill.

This makes me very sad for the little girl being exploited. I'm assuming she's going to be coached extensively or intercepted very much if she's acknowledged at all during the panel. It's like they lashed her to a pole and wave it around for attention and money. Just very disheartening; I'm genuinely hoping that we are all unknowingly trolling and that her whole endeavor is genuine, not a scam.

You're thinking too much out of the perspective of the girl. This project has all been about Susan really. Granted, Kenzie might at some point have said that she wanted to make a game, and her brothers may have said that she couldn't do it.

But it's Susan who's set up a project for this, because she's an "entrepreneur". And it was Susan who threw her kids under the bus in the original write up. It's also Susan who dismissed any criticism as trolling, who never answered any relevant questions. It's Susan who changed the project numerous times, and launched ideas such as pinkiesquare and the women in STEM nonsense (incubateHer). It's also Susan who think's it's useful and interesting for a 9 year old to go to women's conferences in Turkey or to a game developer's panel in L.A.

Edit: I do understand your confusion though. Because Susan always works like this:

'Troll': "Susan, YOU are a scammer."

Susan: "But Kenzie is only 9. Why do you attack HER?"


Oh no, you misunderstand me. I'm firmly of the belief that Susan is just using Kenzie as a front for her money grubbing schemes. I was just trying to say that I hope we're wrong (as doubtful as that is) because that's an extremely crappy thing to do to a child. Like reporting your children as special needs and having them do poorly in school for financial gain.

And it feels as though 'the roller coaster has no brakes' so long as Kenzie continues to be fashionable/profitable.


That Avellone/Wilson/ Brathwaite pannel will probably be the lowest point of the gaming industry, I hope someone tapes it.


When is this panel taking place and how can we get someone there to ask Susan a question about the nature of her fundraiser?

Kaedryl claimed in the comments section that he's going to the panel, you should PM him on GAF and see if he responds, I don't know if he was joking though. We might be able to get him to do it.

I live on the west coast of Canada, if the panel was in Washington State I totally would have gone.


Heh, as long as he doesn't use his username, I doubt even Susan could use her pull on security. He could probably sue her for unlawful removal as long as he's respectful.


I'm tempted to take an image from last Sunday's Breaking Bad, where Marie tries to take Skyler's baby, and make a few changes to fit this scenario.

Marie would be GAF. Skyler is $uscam. The baby...


Indeed: "Good job on what exactly?" :)


Susan and 'pretend Kenzie' haven't been tweeting for 8 days now either. So they're probably on the Bahamas recovering from all the stress involved with this huge project.

I'm thinking they'll go with that scenario.

Susan: "I can no longer allow Kenzie to work on this project. It's too demanding for a 9 year old. Did I mention she's only 9? Backers, please understand."

pretend Kenzie: "I'm only 9. I tried to put in the stupid script, but I should've listened to Philip Tan. Also the internet trolls say that I can't do it. They are so mean."

Susan: "The backers shouldn't worry though. Truth and trolls may be out, but the Truth is not out. I will never be. Which is why I will continue to be an industry leader who supports women in STEM. First and foremost through my incubateHer program which remains completely free if you donate NOW at fundher.com! Kenzie proved that it worked! Look at the video's from @MichaelDell in Turkey where Kenzie was the star. And she's only 9!"

Edit: Poor Jess...



Neo Member
I've been lurking now on this, refreshing daily as I enjoy the drama that unfolded (I'm the David who made comments on KS & ended up getting two suspensions for fair and valid questions) - Oh man how have I loved this journey with you all!

We really need to tweet both Chris Avellone and Indiecade asking them to clarify that Susan and Kenzie are attending, and link them to the original thread and/or examples of what has been said over time. Because for all we know good ole $usan could have just said "Hey look at this, a 9 year old earning 23k on a game and look at all the gaming media who have said how great it is, even when we got attacked for no reason by trolls wanting to kill this 9 year old girl"

Also... hai guys
I've been lurking now on this, refreshing daily as I enjoy the drama that unfolded (I'm the David who made comments on KS & ended up getting two suspensions for fair and valid questions) - Oh man how have I loved this journey with you all!

We really need to tweet both Chris Avellone and Indiecade asking them to clarify that Susan and Kenzie are attending, and link them to the original thread and/or examples of what has been said over time. Because for all we know good ole $usan could have just said "Hey look at this, a 9 year old earning 23k on a game and look at all the gaming media who have said how great it is, even when we got attacked for no reason by trolls wanting to kill this 9 year old girl"

Also... hai guys

Hi David, and welcome to the Troll Club. :)

I honestly doubt it would help informing Avellone or Indiecade (if they haven't been informed already). The girl is going to be there. Who would want to be "that brute that attacked a 9 year old girl on an indie panel"?

Susan will time and time again use the Kenzie shield. "Because this was all Kenzie's idea and Kenzie's doing. And remember, she's 9."

Susan will never be responsible and accountable for anything, really.

This entire project:
- the KS project
- pinkiesquare.com
- fundher.com, the incubateHer program
- the koozies, the T-shirts, and all that other Keep Up! crap
- @fundher, @gamerceo

All of that is Kenzie's vision and doing.

I wonder how long Kenzie will remain 9. It's so convenient that she is now, so they might as well try and stretch it as long as possible. :)

Also, how long is it socially acceptable that your kid "fails to deliver"? Until 13? 14 maybe? At 15 or 16 you'll probably already have to demonstrate some talent to get away with anything, right?

So the Wilsons have like 5 more years of guaranteed profit from whatever silly project they launch, as long as Kenzie's the creative genius behind it? They will probably reboot the towel cape project, right? I bet one of the characters in Truth & Trolls can only equip towel capes!
So, the game is out now? Pay $9.99 and you get a link?


Source: truthandtrolls.com

Edit: my advice: DON'T BUY this game, btw. :) Go to Humble Bundle instead and get 10 real/fun games for the same price (or less), and redirect all of it to ACTUAL charity.
Review scores in yet?

Rumour has it that TAF (The Art Factory) will give it a 9.5 out of 10.

The only 'con' according to Joseph is that it's a tad too short. It takes you longer to read through the average wall of text by TAF than to finish the game.


So the Wilsons have like 5 more years of guaranteed profit from whatever silly project they launch, as long as Kenzie's the creative genius behind it? They will probably reboot the towel cape project, right? I bet one of the characters in Truth & Trolls can only equip towel capes!
A book on parenting shouldn't be too far off. Susan's proven very capable as her daughters success demonstrates. Thanks to the astounding direction and nurturing she's received, Kenzie is now a professional video game developer. And after the indiecade panel she'll be a famous developer. There've got to be all sorts of opportunities with that kind of exposure/resume.

In fact, I'm sure there'll be a whole series of books and media events featuring the business-savvy-female-empowering-entrepreneurial-genius-technical-brilliance of Susan and Kenzie.
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