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Turkish President Threatens To Abandon Supporting Europe With Migrant Crisis

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Though there's another thread about Germany's decision to recognize the Armenian Genocide, I thought this topic deserved it's own thread regarding the matter of Turkey's threat to abandon helping Europe deal with the migrant crisis.....

Erdogan says Turkey may abandon Europe amid crisis after German ‘blackmail’ on Armenian genocide


Turkish president Erdogan has threatened to “leave” Europe to deal with its migrant crisis alone, saying that Germany “blackmailed” Ankara by recognizing the Armenian Genocide. He also called out the Germans over their “history” of mass killings.

Speaking before students at Sebahattin Zaim University on Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Germany has no moral right to blame Turkey for mass killings, given the Holocaust committed by Nazi Germany and a genocide in Namibia perpetrated by the German Empire.


“Germany! I am telling again: first, you have to give an account of the Holocaust. How you decimated, killed over 100 thousand Namibians in Namibia, you should give an account of that,” he said, as cited by The Daily Sabah. Erdogan added that Germany is the “last country” to make judgements on genocide, given its “history of massacres.”

The German Empire carried out racially-motivated mass killings of tens of thousands of Namibians during colonial wars waged on the territory of modern-day Namibia from 1904 to 1907. According to various estimates, between 24,000 and 100,000 ethnic Herero and 10,000 Nama tribal people died as a result of starvation, abuse, and diseases during the course of the warfare and in concentration camps.

However, in contrast to Ankara’s defiant stance on the Armenian Genocide, the German parliament admitted that the Namibian killings were a part of a “race war” that should be considered a “genocide” in 2015.

Erdogan praised Turkish history as one “of mercy and compassion,” while blaming the West for exploiting millions of African immigrants for cheap labor.

“Under the elegant pavements of Berlin, Paris, Brussels are lives, blood, efforts and elbow greases of Africans,” he said.

Despite the strained relations between Armenia and Turkey due to Ankara’s vehement denial of the genocide, Erdogan claimed Armenians are welcomed in Turkey.

“If we were a country that was an enemy of Armenians, we would have sent all of these people back to Armenia,” he said, referring to the community of more than 100,000 Armenians living in Turkey at the moment.

Earlier on Saturday, the Turkish leader threatened to stop helping Europe alleviate its refugee crisis if the EU continues to put pressure on Turkey for refusing to acknowledge the atrocities, stressing that Turkey “will never accept the accusations of genocide,” according to the Hurriyet Daily newspaper.

“Either we find solutions to our problems in a fair way, or Turkey will stop being a barrier in front of the problems of Europe. We will leave you to your own worries,” Erdogan warned, accusing the EU of employing “propaganda machines, Armenians, or terror groups” to shatter its international positions.

The German Parliament passed a resolution on Thursday recognizing that the killing of over 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks during World War I was genocide. The move received widespread condemnation from Turkish media and authorities, with leading Turkish outlets even comparing German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Hitler. While Merkel was not present at the vote, ostensibly due to previous commitments, she endorsed the decision via her spokesman Christiane Wirtz.

“She [Merkel] told me this morning that she sided with her parliamentary group,” Wirtz said ahead of the vote.

Although, Turkey admits that tens of thousands of Armenians were killed from 1915 to 1917, it denies that this constituted an act of genocide by Turkish Ottoman forces, insisting that the number of casualties is greatly exaggerated.

Ottoman authorities began the mass killings in question on April 24, 1915, when 250 Armenian intellectuals were detained and later executed in their capital, Constantinople, which is present-day Istanbul.

Most of the Ottoman Empire’s Armenians were subsequently displaced, deported, or placed in concentration camps, affecting up to 1.5 million people, ostensibly for rebelling against the Ottomans and siding with the Russians during World War I.

I saw his office's initial knee-jerk reaction, but it's still hard to believe that their official policy stance is "what about _____ tho?"

Using the migrant crisis as a bargaining chip shows what he really feels about these people, and treating the EU as an "other" shows how much he really cares about joining.
Can we build a wall to keep this guy out of europe

Firstly, OP's source is shit and rightly banned on GAF. Secondly, at this rate Turkey won't be joining the EU anytime soon - with Erdogan as head of the country it is clearly never going to happen so I suggest relaxing in that regard. Turkey is the extraordinary situation of being politically very powerful due to the refugee crisis so the cautious approach of dealing with Erdogan is obviously necessary at the moment. He will lose a lot of leverage once this is over.
Fuck 'em. Put an army on the Turkish border and let him get overwhelmed by refugees. Make it his problem.

So pull an Erdogan then? Because hes using innocent bystanders to show how powerful he is.

Also, Germany has "given account" to the Holocaust, and still does, the hell is his problem?


turkey will never find it's place in the global community as long its people let erdogan stay in power


Unconfirmed Member
This guy reminds me of Trump's methods when arguing his case. Nothing but hollow fallacies. I truly wish the best for Turkey to free themselves from this madness.


We will never forget the victims of the systematic genocide carried out by the Turks against Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks regardless of the pleas of this raving lunatic and other rabid Turkish nationalists.


Huh? What does that even mean? Are you trying to defend Erdogan, alias Turkey Trump?

Haha, no.

EU has a joint force right? Put them to use, start patrolling the border.
I bet it would be cheaper than to keep paying Erdogan.
Haha, no.

EU has a joint force right? Put them to use, start patrolling the border.
I bet it would be cheaper than to keep paying Erdogan.
The problem is not so much controlling the borders. But what do you do with the people trying to cross. As it stands now, the EU is obligated to rescue them. Then they are in EU territory and can apply for asylum.

So you either let them in, you turn them around by force and dump them back in Turkish waters or the North African countries, or you need to set up a deal with those countries to have them return.
Haha, no.

EU has a joint force right? Put them to use, start patrolling the border.
I bet it would be cheaper than to keep paying Erdogan.

It's not really that simple. Europe does patrol the border. However, the problem is that when they find rubber dinghies filled up with men, women and children and drifting in the fucking sea, there is not much that can be done, apart from to help them to shore. Unless you want them to all die.


They really don't see how strange it is to brand Merkel as Hitler for acknowledging a genocide, do they?

I can also see that they're going after Özdemir, no surprise there.
The ironic thing is that Germany has acknowledged its past evils.

"B..but when will you acknowledge the Namibian genocide?"
"Erm, we already have"

In many cases it is literally against the law in Germany to DENY past atrocities committed by Germany.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
He sounds like my 8 year old students. "But mister he said it too! Mister why am I in trouble yesterday he hit someone too! No fair this is so mean why only me!!!!"

Erdogan is such a fucking imbecile.


Now Erdogan even said that all MPs with Turkish roots who voted in favour of the resolution should do a blood test to see if they are really Turks. He's getting insane, lol


OMG...Turkey are going fucking crazy over this Armenian Genocide matter!

In retaliation, they now intend on introducing a bill for Turkey to formally recognize Germany's Namibia Genocide....

AK Party deputy to submit proposal to parliament to recognize Germany’s Namibia genocides


Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party Istanbul deputy Metin Külünk said on Monday that he will submit a proposal to the parliament to recognize Namibia Genocide committed by, then German Empire, against the people of Heroro and Nama in southwest Africa between 1904 and 1907.

ith the proposal I will submit to the parliament, I will suggest for the parliament to recognize Germany's killings of Heroro and Nama people 'as genocide'," Külünk said.

On Thursday, the lower house of the German parliament approved a non-binding resolution recognizing Armenian claims of "genocide" during the 1915 events.

The resolution accused the Ottoman government of 1915 of allegedly carrying out "systematic genocide" against Armenians, as well as other Christian minorities.

Külünk said that the events on 1915 are being used as a block against Turkey, despite the Ottoman, German, Russian, and British archives proving otherwise. He added that Turkey rejects all the allegations.

"If historians want to know how genocides are committed, they should look at Norway, Germany, and the U.K.; they should look at what happened in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s. When examined, they will see that the genocide culture was started, developed, and applied in Europe," he said and added: "This is because at the basis of European culture lays making others look like you, rather than accepting them as who they are."

"Germans have caused the loss of 75 percent of lives who stood against the exploitation in the beginning of the 1900s. As such, Nama and Hereros were sacrificised for Germans' mentality of exploitation." he said.

Turkey denies the alleged Armenian "genocide," but acknowledges that there were casualties on both sides during the events which took place in World War I.

According to Turkey's viewpoint, the death of Armenians in eastern Anatolia in 1915 occurred after some sided with invading Russians and revolted against Ottoman forces. A subsequent relocation of Armenians resulted in numerous casualties.

Turkey describes the 1915 events as a tragedy for both sides.

Ankara has repeatedly proposed the creation of a joint commission of historians from Turkey and Armenia along with international experts to tackle the issue.



I think I finally found something that the Greeks and the Turks have in common: making Hitler-ized pictures of Angela Merkel!


OMG...Turkey is going fucking insane over the Armenian Genocide matter!

In retaliation, they now intend on introducing a bill for Turkey to formally recognize Germany's Namibia Genocide....

Lol, if that's intended as "revenge" that will miss it's mark by a wide margin.


Always has been. The world is more peaceful now than at any point in human history.

That's what a lot of people fail to realize. The probability of your demise occurring as the result of violent means is the lowest it has ever been in human existence.


91% Turks won't recognize or don't want to apologize for the genocide, godspeed to any leader trying to change that. Turkey has leverage here despite the drama, but I don't see Germany changing nor should they
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