LOST is another show that benefited from heavy serialization in an era of mostly episodic or procedural shows. People say it's better to binge-watch LOST, but I honestly imagine that only makes the show's padding and meandering even more obvious and frustrating. I watched it week-to-week from the very beginning and it was quite enthralling. Listening to podcasts and reading listener theories on forums only drew you in more and more. It definitely had weak episodes and weak seasons, but when the revelations were hitting and you got a big development episode it was pretty great stuff.
I think the worst thing you can say about it was that the show was clearly treading water a lot of times, but even the water-treading episodes weren't as offensively stupid or bad as the time-wasting B-plots of shows like Dexter and 24.
Nope. It's a great show to binge.
The problem is once you start rewatching it and see the numerous issues, mainly around the so-called mysteries.
Even though it's not over, The Walking Dead will definitely not be looked upon kindly (it already isn't really). One of those, "Why did we watch past the first season?"