Well, you ain't gonna find defending One Piece the anime nowadays, manga on the other hand, nah lol
And yea, Dragonball's a good example, due to the whole power level nonsense. Still a classic though.
Regarding Arrow,
Arrow is the Fire Emblem Awakening of the DC Network.
Arrow Season 1 had very very bad acting, but it was carried almost entirely on the backs of Moira Queen and Barrowman, the acting was horrible. And the overarching mystery was actually pretty well told.
But the character preformances were very very bad. The show improved on this with time, but they'd already used up all the good material in season 1 and season 2.
Season 1 of the flash was a better execution of this same concept of a villain carrying the show.
but then they committed the ultimate sin after 2 seasons of speedsters,
They made a third one.
I checked out aat that minute because they literally were just rehashing shit I'd already seen. Now they screwed up Barry by making him literally fuck everything up again and again and again so he can have relationships with other people and then mess those up so they can keep telling you a story with no damn conclusion because that is what all comics are esentially cursed to be.
This is why spider man is my favorite and he's also the saddest character ever
Sherlock is a good example. The first season (series) is really good and than they pull a Chris Carter and get all obsessed with the mythology and a single narrative arc. Each case is inextricably linked to the Grand Plot in such a forced and ham-fisted way that the inevitable conclusion loses all meaning and power.
I still watch it because I like the characters, though, as disappointing as the plotting has become.
Good analysis on narratives