Finished FNL Season 4. Funny how it sort of falls in between seasons 1 and 3s levels of consistent quality and season 2's up and down quality. The end was fantastic, though. So great.
Can't wait to watch season 5. Hard to decide whether to see it on NBC as it airs or to find it online.
JD being a bonafide villain worked out really well. I ended up liking Becky more than my complete indifference at the beginning of the season, but I still don't love her the way I do Vince or Luke. Jess I'm completely indifferent to. Couldn't care either way whether she has another scene on the show. Matt's return was wonderful, and I can't wait to see what happens between Matt and Landry and Matt and Julie in season 4. Tami's plot was perfect, because the bigotry was so real but she took the high road and won out in the end.
A good-enough amount of people watch it. Not super obscure or anything, just not as talked-about as, say, The Office.BannedEpisode said:I dont know what 30 Rock's deal is, its turning out to be one of my favorite series of all time and yet it seems like nobody watches it.