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TV Shows you've watched recently

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-Stranger- said:
Currently watching Season 1 of Friday Night Lights & Season 5 of Dexter.

Was thinking of also starting The Wire soon, how good is it?
Uh stop whatever you're doing and watch it now.


-Stranger- said:
Was thinking of also starting The Wire soon, how good is it?

It is one of the best shows ever, but don't expect to be immediately bowled over with the awesomeness in the first two seasons.

The wire takes its time building a foundation for the story, and the whole five seasons can actually be seen as one really really big story. So the first season can't be fully judged on its own merits, and the second season is considered by some to be a weak point in the series. They're both pretty good, especially the first one, but they become better in retrospect once you see where they're going in later seasons.

The show hits its full stride in season 3, and you'll probably be really absorbed by then. Don't despair if you have mixed feelings about it during the first two seasons.

Some people immediately take a liking to it, but I've seen many people that are kind of "meh" about it during the early-going, and I definitely had mixed feelings about the early seasons. I could see signs of brilliance, but I wasn't totally compelled and I had a lot of built up expectations that weren't immediately met. Most people who feel that way end up totally changing their minds if they keep going.

big ander

I've been putting off The Wire, but intentionally. I just don't think of it as a show that'll be easy to watch at night after class or sporadically by episode throughout the day. I'm waiting for a break, and then I'll take it out.

FNL season 3: 6 episodes in and it's fantastic. As good as season 1 was at this point.
Damn it, I've run out of Entourage episodes. I've been watching Entourage every day for weeks, and now that I'm out of episodes...I don't know what to do. I guess I can try to watch Deadwood, but...this sucks.

Jay Sosa

Trent Strong said:
Damn it, I've run out of Entourage episodes. I've been watching Entourage every day for weeks, and now that I'm out of episodes...I don't know what to do. I guess I can try to watch Deadwood, but...this sucks.

Ha! That happened to me when catching up on Community watched like 10 episodes back to back.

Started with Peep Show. Pretty funny (especially Super Hans) but the teeth of the two main characters are seriously creeping me out.
Started Friday Night Lights yesterday. Ok so far. First episode was great, second, not as good. Some scenes go completely over my head though, as I know nothing about American Football, they may as well be speaking another language. Thankfully it doesn't focus too much on the sport side of things, but I'll stick with it of course. Also, Connie Brittton's tits are amazing.


Junior Member
Castle season 1 reminds me a lot of Chuck's beginnings. It has the same mixture of humor and action that hooked me to the latter show, and both have/had some romantic undertones from the very beginning. They also share the mission-of-the-week format (although Chuck eventually moved away from that)...and even the "Stay in the car" running gag that still cracks me up sometimes.

I'm at episode 8 right now, and I really like it. Hopefully it can manage to stay fresh after a few seasons...


Neo Member
Just finished watching Party Down (sad to see that it got cancelled) as well as all of Parks and Recreation. I enjoyed both immensely.


Been watching Dexter. On the third season. Loved the first and second season, so far the third one hasn't lived up to the first two, but I am still enjoying it.
RevoDS said:
Castle season 1 reminds me a lot of Chuck's beginnings. It has the same mixture of humor and action that hooked me to the latter show, and both have/had some romantic undertones from the very beginning. They also share the mission-of-the-week format (although Chuck eventually moved away from that)...and even the "Stay in the car" running gag that still cracks me up sometimes.

I'm at episode 8 right now, and I really like it. Hopefully it can manage to stay fresh after a few seasons...

Castle is a bit more "case of the week" than Chuck is "mission of the week" but the humor, and Fillion in particular never let up. Really fun, and easy to watch.


Jealous Bastard
thumbs up.


Jay Sosa

Breezing through Peep Show right now, the first 2 season were kinda funny, some good episodes some bad ones, but the third season is bloody brilliant.."nobody is gonna die in south england Jeremy!" And Super Hans is becoming one of my favorite supporting characters ever, dude is hilarious. Oh and Big Suze is a godess:


Also finished Party Down SE1..yeah, not my cup of tea didn't find it funny at all. The episode with the Russians had some good moments and the one with Kristen Bell but besides that it was boooooring.

big ander

Okay I'm probably updating too often for a small amount of show, but I'm ten episodes deep in FNL season 3. Black bars galore.
exit storylines of Smash and Jason were great. Smash's was god-tier. All four of those beginning episodes are just unfuckingbelievably good. Jesus. Beginning the series, I never would have guessed I would love Smash that much.
Jason's isn't as amazing, but it's still great. Part of the greatness of it is that a ton of it is just Street, Tim, Billy, and Herc arguing. Which is hilarious. They're all such great friendships. And of course, the ending to this one was tear-jerking.
I like what they've done with Matt. His getting back with Julie was great (and Julie being caught having sex and the fallout was the kind of family drama that FNL does so masterfully). I like him at receiver now.
Tim and Lyla have been great. Lyla might still be one of my least favorite characters. Now, that's out of a cast where I LOVE 90% of the characters. She's still wonderful. Tim only got better this season. Having him lighten up as everything starts to turn around for him makes him more fun, more of a leader, and gives him better dramatic storylines. When he nearly cried as he left Jason :,D
Coach and Tami...do I have to say anything more? They're one of the best couples to ever grace television.

But what I've been most surprised with this season is JD.
Now, I had pretty much guessed that he would take over QB during the season. And I knew they would try to get us to sympathize with him. So, expecting that, I was thinking to myself "they're going to try and get me to like him but I bet it will feel cheap and I'll just want Matt back at qb."
HELL NO. I realized an episode or two ago that somehow, I loved JD. I don't remember a specific moment or line. I was just watching a scene and something happened and I smiled and went "hold on a second. I fucking love JDs character. When did this happen." It's a testament to the quality of the writing and acting in this show that you can love a character so fully without realizing what specifically made you love them.
Jay Sosa said:
Also finished Party Down SE1..yeah, not my cup of tea didn't find it funny at all. The episode with the Russians had some good moments and the one with Kristen Bell but besides that it was boooooring.
Not to be rude...but how can anyone not find Party Down funny? That I just don't get. Are you one of those people who can't even try to laugh at awkward comedy? I just don't see how it's boring. You have, in the first season,
Ron trying to do porn, JK Simmons being an awesomely profane shithead, Ron saying "no n***** soup" while smoking weed with rappers, an investing scam, Casey buddying up to Rick Fox, Constance flirting with mobsters, Roman geeking out to George Takei and more.


big ander said:
exit storylines of Smash and Jason were great. Smash's was god-tier. All four of those beginning episodes are just unfuckingbelievably good. Jesus.
Man I loved
Smash's exit storyline
in FNL Season 3. That was so damn good.
I loved reading your impressions of FNL season 3, big ander. You're making me want to do another rewatch.

big ander said:
Not to be rude...but how can anyone not find Party Down funny? That I just don't get. Are you one of those people who can't even try to laugh at awkward comedy?
He loves Peep Show, which is the epitome of awkward comedy, so that can't be it.


I am going on a Fringe marathon from my DVR so can't touch the Fringe thread with a 10 foot pole.

I'm almost done with season 2 and it's been pretty good. However, the actual suspense part is getting a little dull to me. I live the Peter, Walter, Olivia dynamic and I'm at the parts now (Won't spoil) where they are all having their issues with each other.

big ander

Spotless Mind said:
He loves Peep Show, which is the epitome of awkward comedy, so that can't be it.
Huh, wonder what it is then.
Zwei said:
Started watching Raising Hope, and damn, what a good show. I hope it doesn't flame out early.
Already been renewed for a season 2, and the season has been fairly consistent so far. The show is sweet, just a little quirky, and funny.
JGS said:
I am going on a Fringe marathon from my DVR so can't touch the Fringe thread with a 10 foot pole.

I'm almost done with season 2 and it's been pretty good. However, the actual suspense part is getting a little dull to me. I live the Peter, Walter, Olivia dynamic and I'm at the parts now (Won't spoil) where they are all having their issues with each other.
The end of season 2 ratchets it all up a notch. You'll see. And the first 11 episodes of season 3 are a constant stream of amazing.

Jay Sosa

I've been wondering myself why it just doesn't click, I honestly have no idea. Maybe I need to re watch it some time. After all it took me some time to warm up to Community and Peep Show as well (not an entire season though)
I've been watching Mad Men. Really love it. About half way through the second season. Also if there is ever a TNG reboot this man MUST play Riker.


big ander

FNL Season 3 was just as outstanding as season 1. The ending is so beautiful. This show is a piece of art.
Main problems I had:
I don't really like that Matt stayed in Dillon and his grandma DIDN'T go to a home. This may sound cold, but unfortunately it's really the only place she seems to belong anymore. And art school seemed like such an intense passion of Matt's that it was hurtful to see him leave it behind. I hope that changes with season 4. He needs to move on.
JD :,( I understand how hard it can be to turn away from your father, but the fact that he's still so stubbornly obedient to him is heartbreaking. I'm anticipating growth for him in season 4.

Now it's safe to assume that I loved what happened to every single other character. Highlights:
-Everything with Tyra. Palicki is a wonderful actress (which is why it sucks even more to see her going to Wonder Woman) and Tyra as a character is so strong. Her hard work paying off was amazing.
-Coach. He worked his ass off. He got the best out of every single one of his players (other than JD, and that wasn't for lack of trying). He loved his team and his school and his town. And now he's being kicked out. But he STILL has a positive attitude. He's not expressly ecstatic. But he has his family, he has a job, and he has a new team. Great man.
-Tim. Tim.


Just recently finished a sprint through all five seasons of Dexter (it took about two weeks). Preparing to undertake watching Oz, Deadwood and Six Feet Under in their entirety.


Jay Sosa said:
Breezing through Peep Show right now, the first 2 season were kinda funny, some good episodes some bad ones, but the third season is bloody brilliant.."nobody is gonna die in south england Jeremy!" And Super Hans is becoming one of my favorite supporting characters ever, dude is hilarious.
Oh man, probably my favourite television comedy ever. So many great episodes. And yeah, Big Suze is quite attractive. So funny when she and Alan Johnson get together.


Bought Seasons 1 and 2 of Sons of Anarchy recently on a wim, and watched each season in a day. Absolutely loved it, and can't wait for Season 3 to come out on dvd so i can watch that too. End of Season 2 was sublime

big ander

Six episodes into FNL Season 4. "The Son" is one of the saddest episodes of television ever.
Iffy on the new characters. Luke and Vince are amazing, as good or better than the regular cast was after only this many episodes. But Jess I'm not interested in, and Becky is annoying.
But at least there are always the classic characters to console me.
Season has been perfect otherwise with Matt's compelling loss, Eric's determination, Tami's shunning, Julie's confusion with college, Tim trying to find a life in Dillon, Lyla having to leave Tim, JD and Mr. McCoy being supreme douchebags, Buddy standing up for Eric. Landry's been underused.
But it's hard to complain about the few so-so things the show is doing when so much of it is still firing on all cylinders. It's not looking like it will be the best season of FNL, but it will still be part of one of the best shows I've seen.

"I hate him. I don't like hating people, but I just put all my hate on him so I don't have to hate anyone else so I can be a good person, you know to my Grandma, to my friends, to your daughter. That's all I want to say. I want to tell him to his face that I hate him but he doesn't even have a face. I'm sorry, Mrs. Taylor. I'll see y'all tomorrow. "
JesusTom said:
Bought Seasons 1 and 2 of Sons of Anarchy recently on a wim, and watched each season in a day. Absolutely loved it, and can't wait for Season 3 to come out on dvd so i can watch that too. End of Season 2 was sublime
S3 is a disappointment. The first and last episodes are great, but the middle part doesn't deliver in the way that S2 did. In my opinion, it's still worth watching, and it might hold up better if you marathon it rather than waiting for a new episode each week.

big ander said:
Iffy on the new characters. Luke and Vince are amazing, as good or better than the regular cast was after only this many episodes. But Jess I'm not interested in, and Becky is annoying.
The new characters all pay off in S5.


Just finished watching the first season of Six Feet Under. That was pretty amazing.

Although at first I had a hard time taking Michael C. Hall's character seriously, because I was so used to his portrayal of Dexter. I kept imagining that he murdered those people he prepared for the viewings. :lol


House, Boardwalk Empire and Blue Bloods. Unfortunately my Sky+ box has decided to semi-break (no recording), so I'm missing out on some episodes. All v. good shows though.

Jay Sosa

Finished Peep Show SE4, the dog episode
I usually can't stand watching an animal get hurt, even when it's just on TV, but it was too damn hilarious
and the wedding had me in tears.

Started with Parks an Recreation SE2 and it is indeed way funnier than the first one.


I'm watching The Wire Season 2, The Secret World of Alex Mack Season 1 (I loved this as a kid) and still trying to work through Firefly, but I have been distracted from it since starting The Wire.
Parks and Recreation: As a rule I try to avoid primetime networks, but damn. This show is absolutely great after the first three episodes, and Season 2 is beyond top form. Is it because of the time slot after 9 that the writers are allowed to get away with so much? Whatever the case, when Ron Swanson refers to sex with his exwife as "It's like doing peyote and sneezing slowly for six hours." I lost it. It's not Californication, obviously, but it is very funny.

Boardwalk Empire: I said goddamn. In four episodes they've set up some serious texture, and I love the pace. All of the actors are given great material to work with and the plotting is methodical. Very graphic though, when it wants to be.

big ander

afternoon delight said:
Parks and Recreation: As a rule I try to avoid primetime networks, but damn. This show is absolutely great after the first three episodes, and Season 2 is beyond top form. Is it because of the time slot after 9 that the writers are allowed to get away with so much? Whatever the case, when Ron Swanson refers to sex with his exwife as "It's like doing peyote and sneezing slowly for six hours." I lost it. It's not Californication, obviously, but it is very funny.
Glad you're enjoying one of the best network comedies on right now.
Funny that you mention them getting away with a lot. You mention not watching primetime networks: how long has it been since you've watched a primetime network show? Because P&R doesn't really "get away with" anything that other shows across primetime don't.
And is Californication that good? I've heard decent things, but never "best show" proclamations.
VGChampion said:
I hated JD from the very beginning in FNL. It blows my mind anyone could like that character.
I didn't like him at the very beginning either. Rather, he grew on me as season 3 went on. We saw he was legitimately awkward, and he was just hard-working and loved football. But then,
the events with his dad had such far-reaching consequences. His abusive relationship with his dad and his overinflated ego made him reject Coach instead of seeing it from his perspective. Him feeling betrayed turned him into a massive goddamn full on douchenozzle.
So I despise him in season 4.
Funny that you mention them getting away with a lot. You mention not watching primetime networks: how long has it been since you've watched a primetime network show? Because P&R doesn't really "get away with" anything that other shows across primetime don't.
I was just surprised by some of the smarter dialog and themed-episodes like addressing drugs and homosexuality in an extremely offhand manner, and a general contrary attitude to middle-town America. It helps that the characters are very funny.

And is Californication that good? I've heard decent things, but never "best show" proclamations.
It's very good if you're interested in dramas and comedy. A perfect one-two of "alcoholic character study with a broken family" and "the funniest series of fucking and fucking-incidents".


Cornballer said:
Reports from the Undeclared and Freaks and Geeks panels at PaleyFest. Two great shows that I miss.
You have awesome taste.

Arrested development and Terriers means I try out everything you mention :p

Nikita. Surprisingly good. You should watch it if only for the super hot second main character.

<--- See avatar.
Finally finished watching Firefly recently. Pretty good show. I don't know if it could have maintained its quality if it had been given legitimate chance to succeed(ie fox does not fuck it over). We also watched Serentiy last night and I enjoyed that too.

Continuing with the Whedon-verse. We are also watching Buffy right now. I am liking it and wished that I followed it back when it was on. I am not really feeling the monster of the week episodes, but the 'saga' ones are really cool, imo. I will definitely check out Angel when I finish Season 3 of Buffy.
My roommate and I have been on a bender the last two months.

Completed: Kenny Vs Spenny

Watching: 30 Rock

Two great, great shows. Its a shame that Kenny Vs Spenny wasnt more well known in its time but it was produced in Canada and never really seemed like it caught a solid footing stateside.

I dont know what 30 Rock's deal is, its turning out to be one of my favorite series of all time and yet it seems like nobody watches it.
Net_Wrecker said:
How can you be bored with all the crazy dialogue, and COCKSUCKA!! flying around?

Yeah, the dialogue is good and the swearing is great. It's a solid show, it just moves a little slowly for my tastes.
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