Oh nevermind Parenthood then, TP definitely takes full priorty.Spotless Mind said:Nah, not yet. I might give it a shot after i finish watching Twin Peaks.
Really? Breaking Bad is the best show on TV right now.Cipherr said:OTOH Ive blazed through Breaking Bad, and Im very unimpressed. It has had a moment or two here and there, but this just doesnt seem to stand in the league of stuff like Mad Men, The Wire, The Shield, etc etc. Its not a bad show, but it was being called excellent, and IMO its definitely not.
Yeah, that show was imo the best thing ever on Tuesday nights when it was out. Loved it.Drewsky said:Just finished The Shield tonight. Jesus, such an amazing show. And the ending was the best ending to a TV show that I have ever seen.
One of my new favorites, absolutely no doubt.
rs7k said:I want to watch something like Big Bang Theory, I've watched every episode there is and I need something that's at least close to being as good as that show.
Spotless Mind said:Kalinda is one of the best characters on tv at the moment and makes it worth watching for her alone.
anaron said:Totally. I just recently got into the show and absolutely love her.
Really? All I've heard are awful, horrible things. Even my friend who will watch anything sci-fi and love it says it's the worst thing he's seen in years. I heard one of the recent episodes was good, but other than that my perception of it has been that it's one of the worst series to come on TV in a long time.Enco said:The Event is brilliant.
It's very clever and the writers aren't afraid of making any game changing moves. You won't find yourself shouting at the screen as a character does something stupid. I highly recommend it. Definitely one of my favourite tv shows.
Well, a lot of these aren't like BBT, but I consider BBT to be mediocre at best and detestable at worst. All of these shows are far and away superior, and some are so much better that I feel wrong comparing them to BBT: Scrubs, Modern Family, Community, Cougar Town, (classic) The Office US, The Office UK, Extras, HIMYM, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Onion News Network, Portlandia, The IT Crowd, Party Down, Arrested Development, The League, Archer, Raising Hope.rs7k said:I want to watch something like Big Bang Theory, I've watched every episode there is and I need something that's at least close to being as good as that show.
Enco said:The Event is brilliant.
It's very clever and the writers aren't afraid of making any game changing moves. You won't find yourself shouting at the screen as a character does something stupid. I highly recommend it. Definitely one of my favourite tv shows.
Ashhong said:Joke? Did the show get 200% better after the winter break? Because they did something stupid every episode in the beginning.
It's kinda like a mixture of Lost, 24 and Prison Break. I loved those three shows and The Event has plot points that I enjoy (e.g. conspiracy). I haven't really looked too far into it but I've been really enjoying it.big ander said:Really? All I've heard are awful, horrible things. Even my friend who will watch anything sci-fi and love it says it's the worst thing he's seen in years. I heard one of the recent episodes was good, but other than that my perception of it has been that it's one of the worst series to come on TV in a long time.
Well, a lot of these aren't like BBT, but I consider BBT to be mediocre at best and detestable at worst. All of these shows are far and away superior, and some are so much better that I feel wrong comparing them to BBT: Scrubs, Modern Family, Community, Cougar Town, (classic) The Office US, The Office UK, Extras, HIMYM, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Onion News Network, Portlandia, The IT Crowd, Party Down, Arrested Development, The League, Archer, Raising Hope.
Can't think of any more that I've seen, but I'm sure there are more. I'd say the closest to BBT are The IT Crowd and HIMYM, but those are towards the bottom of the ones I listed even.
Kraftwerk said:Just finishes Season 1 of Breaking Bad.
I assume it only gets better ?![]()
Yup. You've only gotten a taste of what's to come.Kraftwerk said:Just finishes Season 1 of Breaking Bad.
I assume it only gets better ?![]()
I've seen Lost and 24 (minus season 8) and season 1 of Prison Break. 24 will always be a sentimental favorite of mine because it was one of the first shows I really followed. Lost is one of my favorite shows. But the pilot of The Event (all I could get through) was different from those because it didn't have any characters. Just "players" in a conspiracy that I'm sure got even more ridiculous. The mysteries and action in Lost and 24 are fun, but when you take the characters out they're just boring.Enco said:It's kinda like a mixture of Lost, 24 and Prison Break. I loved those three shows and The Event has plot points that I enjoy (e.g. conspiracy). I haven't really looked too far into it but I've been really enjoying it.
I remember liking season 1 more than season 2, but I can't recall why exactly. But season 3 is definitely the best of the three. Phenomenal.Kraftwerk said:Just finishes Season 1 of Breaking Bad.
I assume it only gets better ?![]()
The X-Files is amazing when sitting down to watch the whole series and the movies. The first 2 seasons or so however definitely dont stand up as well from the production standpoint like the later seasons do. The early episodes are still very interesting however and have a lot of qualities to them. Plus, the show is really about having the two best partners on TV. Characters were great in the X Files.An-Det said:I finally finishd all seven seasons of The Outer Limits last night. Overall, it was a great show. There were some real stinkers in there, but overall the show was consistently good. Seeing all the guest stars was always cool, plenty of 'hey, it's that guy!' moments.
Not sure what to watch next now. I kinda want to go back to The X-Files, since only got 2 or 3 sesasons in before I had to start on BSG for school and then Lost before that finale last year. I've also wanted to do all the Star Trek series' in order, but that's a huge commitment when there are many options like Fringe, Breaking Bad, and tons of others waiting.
Kraftwerk said:Just finishes Season 1 of Breaking Bad.
I assume it only gets better ?![]()
Nothing HBO is on instant. Sadly, it probably never will be either. Disc only. That is how my wife and I watched Rome, one lil disc at a time.overcast said:Is the wire on instant? I've wanted to watch it for a long time. Don't have a legitimate netflix account, my friend is lending me it.
Nope.overcast said:Is the wire on instant? I've wanted to watch it for a long time. Don't have a legitimate netflix account, my friend is lending me it.
July 17thSummary Man said:(I actually have no idea when it's supposed to premiere...hopefully soon :/ )
DVD and blu-ray are out June 7th. Unfortunately, I think they're at the tail end of rebroadcasting S3 on AMC, and I don't know if there's another legal way to watch them at the moment.Kraftwerk said:So, what are my options as to watching season 3? I'm In Canada so no hulu or w/e.
Kraftwerk said:Breaking Bad - Finished Season 2.
Man, what a great show. Goddamn I was not expecting that.
So, what are my options as to watching season 3? I'm In Canada so no hulu or w/e.
Cornballer said:DVD and blu-ray are out June 7th. Unfortunately, I think they're at the tail end of rebroadcasting S3 on AMC, and I don't know if there's another legal way to watch them at the moment.
Summary Man said:SPOILERS FOR BREAKING BAD SEASON 2 FINALE:Just curious, were you a bit let down at the revelation of the crime scene? I was hoping for it to be a chemical accident or something extremely compromising for Walt. I felt as though the writers were deliberately misleading viewers, and I don't really appreciate that.
Still, fantastic season.
As for season 3, the only option I can think of would be Netflix, but I don't know how thorough the Canadian selection is.
Kraftwerk said:"weeps"
I guess I'll use the last of my tax return and get The Wire Boxset. That another show i NEED to see.
p.s The Wire will never come on bluray will it?
Summary Man said:Doubt it. Wasn't it filmed in 4:3?
Amazon Video On Demand? You have to pay to buy it basically, but it's yours to "keep".Kraftwerk said:Breaking Bad - Finished Season 2.
Man, what a great show. Goddamn I was not expecting that.
So, what are my options as to watching season 3? I'm In Canada so no hulu or w/e.
Net_Wrecker said:There are lots of 4:3 films on Blu. It's more to do with whether or not putting it in HD will make it look any better or not.
big ander said:Amazon Video On Demand? You have to pay to buy it basically, but it's yours to "keep".
From my understanding, it'd be possible for them to release a 16:9 HD version of The Wire, but they'd have to go back to the original film to do it and that would be cost prohibitive.And perhaps the final contrast to the rest of high-end episodic television, The Wire for each of its five seasons has been produced in good old fashioned 4 x 3 standard definition. DP Dave Insley recalled, "The reason the show has stayed 4x3 is because David Simon thinks that 4x3 feels more like real life and real television and not like a movie. The show's never been HD, even 4x3 HD and that (SD) is how it is on the DVDs. There is no 16x9 version anywhere." As a viewer with an HD set I will point out that like much of SD television that makes its way to HD channels, it appears that HBO utilizes state-of-the-art line doubling technology. It may still be standard definition, but line doubled it looks considerably better on a high definition set than it would on a standard definition set.
Insley explained, "When the show started 2001 / 2002 they framed it for 16 x 9 as a way of future-proofing. Then a couple of seasons ago, right before Season 4 began shooting, there was a big discussion about it and after much discussion -- David, Nina, Joe Chappelle, the Producers, the DPs -- and we discussed what should be the style of the show. David made the decision that we would stay with 4x3. The DPs pretty much defined the look to be what it is now. And it's been consistent for the past two seasons."
Much better.Kraftwerk said:Just finishes Season 1 of Breaking Bad.
I assume it only gets better ?![]()
I didn't know if they had amazonvod up there or notKraftwerk said:;____;
I only know one person who still watches it, but between him and the AV club reviews I got the impression it stayed pretty horrible. Except for one episode, I think it was a recent one. Friend said that a couple annoying characters were sidelined and only interesting stuff happened.Al-ibn Kermit said:The Event takes a few episodes to get into, then it steps it up.
Get ready. S3 is my favorite season of any TV show ever.TripOpt55 said:I just finished up Season 2 of The Wire. It took a little bit to get going, but I really enjoyed it in the second half particularly. Also, the last episode has me excited to watch more. Going to have to bug my friend to let me borrow Season 3.
TripOpt55 said:I just finished up Season 2 of The Wire. It took a little bit to get going, but I really enjoyed it in the second half particularly. Also, the last episode has me excited to watch more. Going to have to bug my friend to let me borrow Season 3.
ArtistDude88 said:I'm in the middle of Season 2 of Dead Like Me. Seasons 1 & 2 are all up on Hulu, and I've been enjoying this show greatly! Sucks that it's cancelled.
Seems that all the shows I like, I discover them too late, and they have already been cancelled... The Dresden Files... Firefly... Dead Like Me...
Even though Fringe got renewed for a 4th season (THANK JEEBUS), I'm still worried the show is "on the bubble" of cancellation.
And I was also finally starting to get into SGU, too...
ReconYoda said:I really felt it wasnt as good when Mandy Patinkin left, i felt the same about Criminal Minds after he left that show too...
ArtistDude88 said:He leaves the show?! Nooooooooooo!
Drewsky said:Get ready. S3 is my favorite season of any TV show ever.
Cipherr said:S2 was the weakest of all 5 seasons imo. Your about to get your shit rocked![]()
Cool. I'm excited to check more out. My friend just dropped off Seasons 3 and 4 for me today, so I will dig into 3 tonight. I may squeeze FNL Season 5 in between them though if I pick it up this week.icarus-daedelus said:Season 2 is my favorite season of The Wire. It's pretty much a standalone season, though, as they don't really return to any of the characters or topics introduced in it later on. But 3 and 4 are excellent nonetheless, so you've got plenty to look forward to.
S2 was the weakest of all 5 seasons imo. Your about to get your shit rocked![]()