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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Party Down. Loved it. I read on GAF you should watch it if you liked The Office and Parks & Rec and that is absolutely true.

The characters and their relations were great, I really liked the overall humor, awkwardness, bizarre situations and Lizzy Caplan is just too damn cute. <3 Too bad the show got canceled after only 2 seasons. :(


Watched the Wire save for the last episode.

I liked the first four seasons but absolutely hate the 5th season, nothing in the finale can salvage it at this point.


dave is ok

aztek is ok
Merguson said:
Watched the Wire save for the last episode.

I liked the first four seasons but absolutely hate the 5th season, nothing in the finale can salvage it at this point.

I hear theres a montage at the end of the final episode


JesusTom said:
Just finished Sons of Anarchy season 3, and I have to say, I have no idea what all the beef with that season is. I thought it was fantastic!! Great story and it really had high and low points.

I laughed, I cried, and I got really involved in the despair of the characters
The pace was just very slow when watching it week to week.

Overall, I loved the season. And the finale literally had me on the edge of my seat.


Just finished off Season 1 of Veronica Mars after hearing about the connection with Party Down. Wasn't doing much for me early on but gradually hooked me in. Good show with some interesting characters, I've heard the 2nd and 3rd season aren't that great but I'm going to try to blaze through them before April 1st so I can get started on Twin Peaks when it goes up on Netflix.

I had started X-files Season 1 but only watched a couple of episodes, probably start back on it post-Twin Peaks.


Watched an episode of the Jersey Shore for the first time, and ugh. Is there supposed to be something funny about this? I've never seen anything so empty and unentertaining.


Drewsky said:
Welcome to what the rest of the world loves.
I was expecting these guys to be dumb, but charismatic, but they're just boring. Maybe I caught an off episode, but I'm okay with judging it based on that to be honest.

Jay Sosa

Watching some random episode of Heroes right now. What the fuck happened to that show?

The brother of Peter Petrelli has some drink contest with some dudes in Mexico and some weird bolded guy is talking nonsense and nothing is happening. At all.

And where the fuck is Kristen Bell? Last time I watched she was running around shooting thunderbolts out of her hands. I thought that her and Hayden could be very good reason to start watching this again, but Hayden alone (as cute as she is) is not nearly enough.
Jay Sosa said:
Watching some random episode of Heroes right now. What the fuck happened to that show?

The brother of Peter Petrelli has some drink contest with some dudes in Mexico and some weird bolded guy is talking nonsense and nothing is happening. At all.

And where the fuck is Kristen Bell? Last time I watched she was running around shooting thunderbolts out of her hands. I thought that her and Hayden could be very good reason to start watching this again, but Hayden alone (as cute as she is) is not nearly enough.

They ran out of ideas once they realized Watchmen was a one off comic.


Finished Reaper, awesome show.. :(

Watching next:
Six Feet Under, Mad Men S3, and Burn Notice S2. (Six Feet Under is a rewatch)
Okay. I just finished my re-watch of BSG. I got some stuff I need to write out, mostly bad, and mostly about season four.

1. First of all, let's discuss the whole role religion plays in the show.
I don't mind religion having a strong force in a show. I don't mind there being some being behind the scenes manipulating everything for some purpose.

I do have a problem with said type of being when the show sprinkles about pieces in the backstory that make the being out to be a huge jerk and no one ends up challenging him.

By all indications, and I read as much material as I could get my hands on, "God" in BSG was once a Lord of Kobol. The same Lord of Kobol, in fact, that was the "one jealous god" who believed he should be worshiped above all others. God's attempt to seize power is what drove humans from Kobol.

Therefore, God's purpose for bringing humanity to Earth and having Hera being Mitochondrial Eve was so that he could have generations and generations of people to worship him and not risk destroying themselves through the same old process. Asshole.

The fact that nobody challenges this being in the end left me feeling quite underwhelmed.

However, if I have somehow grossly misinterpreted the backstory of BSG, and I admit that's a possibility, I'd like to see someone point out why I'm wrong. However, even if my interpretation is flawed, I think BSG would have worked had it gone an entirely different route. More on this in a moment.

2. I have seen some people say that they can't get into BSG because it "needlessly injects drama." I disagree with that statement for the most part. I just don't see it. However, I do see it a lot in season four. Examples:
A. Cally cheating on Tyrol. This one really irritated me. What a load of bullshit.
B. The whole deal with Tigh and Six getting together, Six being pregnant, then her baby died. Six ends up back with Baltar and Tigh with Ellen, and it's like nothing happened. This is after how many times Ellen said in one episode how Tigh loves Six so much. It went nowhere. Stupid.
C. Gaeta leading a rebellion against Adama. What the hell was this? Gaeta was everything but disloyal to Adama up until the rebellion. The show did little to convince me that Gaeta changed himself to lead a rebellion. It's like the Gaeta in the last couple of episodes was an entirely different Gaeta from the one I've been watching for the last three seasons. What a terrible way to end my favorite "side" character.
D. D killing herself.

I'm sure there are others. Can't really thing of anything else at the moment.

3. The finale and the episodes leading up to it.
My main problem with the finale and the episodes leading up to it were the flashbacks. They seem to have been written for the episodes themselves rather than the story as a whole. These flashbacks should've been presented earlier in the series. They come off as jarring in the finale and other episodes.

4. I really dislike the way Starbuck turned out.
Starbuck is at her best when she's kicking ass and taking names. When she's not...she's boring. Especially the piano parts with her and that other dude. Really boring.

5. Attempts to wrap-up the show.
There's no way every human would've abandoned all that valuable technology when they got to Earth. And the Centurians being able to leave the planet with a ship of valuable technology to do as they wish being "a risk we have to take." Yeah, the risk is far too great that they will come back and just destroy every human.

I also don't understand
why the Final Five didn't pass on their ability to reproduce sexually to the other seven models. Surely they could've looked at their own anatomy and figure out a way?

Also, whatever happened to the Lords of Kobol?

In the end, BSG seems like a show that is half to three-quarters of what it could have been. I think the show would've been better had it gone in either of two directions:
1. The Lords of Kobol and God are at war, using humans and Cylons, respectively.
2. Take a similar premise to BSG, but the Lords of Kobol are trying to help the humans find a new home while God is on the side of the Cylons and using them to take out his revenge on the Lords of Kobol.

Overall, I still liked the show and would recommend it. I liked the way the show tied in "this has all happened before and it will happen again."

Season rankings: 2 > 1 > 3 > 4. My favorite scene of the entire series was and still is when
Adama jumps the Galactica into New Caprica's atmosphere.

Onto The Wire rewatch.


I just finished up S5 of The Shield. Jesus that was awesome. The last quarter or so was so fucking hard to watch, I saw it coming a mile off.

I fucking hate Shane.

big ander

Drewsky said:
I just finished up S5 of The Shield. Jesus that was awesome. The last quarter or so was so fucking hard to watch, I saw it coming a mile off.

I fucking hate Shane.
I don't
hate Shane. I pity him. At his core he's such a weak human being.
S5 finale had me destroyed. The most soul-tearing moments of the show for me were:
3) season 1 finale
2) season 5 finale
1) series finale


erotic butter maelstrom
I finished Deadwood last night. It is disappointing that the show got cut short, it could have lasted at least a couple more seasons but it still felt somewhat complete. Most of the characters had a nice moment in the final episodes and I don't feel as dissatisfied as I expected to. Amazing show though, cruel and dark but full of substantial dialog and memorable characters. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but goddamn what I would have given to see that cocksucker
feed to the hogs.

Fave character: Trixie.

I'm running low on great shows left to watch, but I'm gonna try giving Six Feet Under a shot tonight.


big ander said:
I don't
hate Shane. I pity him. At his core he's such a weak human being.
S5 finale had me destroyed. The most soul-tearing moments of the show for me were:
3) season 1 finale
2) season 5 finale
1) series finale
Yeah, I just watched the S6 premiere. I don't really hate him either, I was just in shock last night from that finale. It was awful. The premiere of S6 was excellent too, this show just won't let up.

I think I'm gonna have to buy the series, I just can't not own this one. It's fast becoming one of my favorite shows.
My current obsession is The Good Wife. Such a well scripted show.

I never expected it to be good. My first impression was that it would be a cash in on recent scandals but it isn't.


A friend has been pointing me to The Shield.
I'm watching The Wire (season 2) for now, so it'll wait, but after i'm finished with it, i may give it ago.. i wanna ask: how does it compare to The Wire, in terms of quality/style?
I'm asking because it'd be time consuming, ofcourse, so i wanna make sure it's a style i can dig.
I still have to see Madmen and Breaking Bad season 4 will start, too.


UrbanRats said:
A friend has been pointing me to The Shield.
I'm watching The Wire (season 2) for now, so it'll wait, but after i'm finished with it, i may give it ago.. i wanna ask: how does it compare to The Wire, in terms of quality/style?
I'm asking because it'd be time consuming, ofcourse, so i wanna make sure it's a style i can dig.
I still have to see Madmen and Breaking Bad season 4 will start, too.
It's a lot different than The Wire. But judging from the rest of the shows you have in this post, you have similar taste to me. I pretty much guarantee you'll like The Shield. It's more comparable to Breaking Bad.

Edit: Finish The Wire. This should be priority for you right now, think about nothing else :).

big ander

Lil T-Money1227 said:
I watch a lot of TV shows, but 2 I have never seen that I want to start are Mad Men and Modern Family. Thoughts?
I haven't seen Mad Men season 4 yet, but it's an excellently produced and acted show set in an compelling time period with strong and consistent themes. Great watch. Just know that big moments don't come extremely frequently. The show truly is a lot more about the journey than the destination.

Modern Family had a supremely funny first season, even if its finale was fairly weak. Season 2 has been hit or miss to me. There's usually at least one great plot in an episode, but there are often repeated or boring plots that put character aside completely. It's still good, but no longer one of my favorites.


Unconfirmed Member
I have been re-watching season 2 of Millennium, which has some fantastic episodes like "Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense", the Halloween episode and the season finale. Frank Black is one my favorite TV show characters.

Been drawn to this interesting Canadian re-imagining of Nero Wolfe over the past two weeks. It follows former World Chess Champion, Arkady Balagan, who uses his puzzle-solving skills to investigate crimes from within a Vancouver hotel, which he cannot leave since the violent murder of his fiancée on the street right before it. I'll probably get bored of it in several seasons time when Arkady is in an on-again off-again relationship with his once-future sister-in-law or alluring bar-maid, but, until then, there certainly is an early-House feeling of pleasure retained from the plausible and engaging use of an unconventional protagonist. This could always head in the direction of stale Mentalist-like rut, but I have a good feeling about this. Maybe that has more to do with my fascination with chess and Canada than I'd like to admit, though.

06nbarnhill said:
My current obsession is The Good Wife. Such a well scripted show.

I never expected it to be good. My first impression was that it would be a cash in on recent scandals but it isn't.

No, it's definitely one of the best shows currently airing. It errs a little too much on the ripped-from-the-headlines side for my liking at times, but when it focuses on its characters and wields the interconnecting nature of Chicago's political-legal world with adroit skill, it's fantastic.


i'm eight episodes into nip/tuck. oh man, this is great stuff.

the last episode i saw was ''cara fitzgerald''--and it's the best episode so far.
it's the one with matt doing a hit and run, and troy telling sean about his past. :(
Just watched both seasons of Party Down. Such great characters, greatly written and all and then i read it was canned! Can't believe it. It is such a great show :(

Was there ever a show that was ressurrected?

big ander

Donny Hayabusa said:
Just watched both seasons of Party Down. Such great characters, greatly written and all and then i read it was canned! Can't believe it. It is such a great show :(

Was there ever a show that was ressurrected?
Shows have been resurrected before. Party Down won't be one of them. It got horrible audience numbers for being on Starz, where bad audience numbers are expected. It's a shame, but at least we got what we got.
Now go read The oral history of Party Down and you'll love the show even more.


Just finished The Shield tonight. Jesus, such an amazing show. And the ending was the best ending to a TV show that I have ever seen.

One of my new favorites, absolutely no doubt.

big ander

Drewsky said:
Just finished The Shield tonight. Jesus, such an amazing show. And the ending was the best ending to a TV show that I have ever seen.

One of my new favorites, absolutely no doubt.
I'm pretty sure I watched all of the last two episodes with my mouth wide open and bawling. So godly.


Just watched the first two seasons of Father Ted over the last few days. I was skeptical, but my brother told me I'd love it, and he was dead-on.

I'd recommend it to anyone who's open to British comedies.


big ander said:
I'm pretty sure I watched all of the last two episodes with my mouth wide open and bawling. So godly.

Vic's confession was absolutely amazing.

Olivia, after hearing about Terry's murder: "Is that it?"
Vic: "How much memory has that thing got?"

Olivia: "You're a sick and twisted man."
Vic, completely unaffected: "Anything else? I have a meeting."


Drewsky said:

Vic's confession was absolutely amazing.

Olivia, after hearing about Terry's murder: "Is that it?"
Vic: "How much memory has that thing got?"

Olivia: "You're a sick and twisted man."
Vic, completely unaffected: "Anything else? I have a meeting."

Shit was amazing. They really ended the shield phenomenally.

OTOH Ive blazed through Breaking Bad, and Im very unimpressed. It has had a moment or two here and there, but this just doesnt seem to stand in the league of stuff like Mad Men, The Wire, The Shield, etc etc. Its not a bad show, but it was being called excellent, and IMO its definitely not.


The Wire


Halfway through Season 5 and it's sooooo goood well I'm sure you all know that.

Deadwood is up next on my Netflix queue!


Neo Member
Ah my god! I just got up to current with Archer, and it's seriously one of the most hilarious shows I have seen in a long time. The first season is available on Netflix; I can't recommend it enough.

big ander

Drewsky said:

Vic's confession was absolutely amazing.

Olivia, after hearing about Terry's murder: "Is that it?"
Vic: "How much memory has that thing got?"

Olivia: "You're a sick and twisted man."
Vic, completely unaffected: "Anything else? I have a meeting."
what Shane did and Vic in his office
killed me.

Cipherr said:
Shit was amazing. They really ended the shield phenomenally.

OTOH Ive blazed through Breaking Bad, and Im very unimpressed. It has had a moment or two here and there, but this just doesnt seem to stand in the league of stuff like Mad Men, The Wire, The Shield, etc etc. Its not a bad show, but it was being called excellent, and IMO its definitely not.
Breaking Bad has spectacular characterization, wonderful symbolism, amazing cinematography, and excellent acting. Plot-wise it can get a little ridiculous at times, but that's to be expected when the premise is a cancer-afflicted science teacher deciding to cook meth.


Subconscious Brolonging
Drewsky said:

Vic's confession was absolutely amazing.

Olivia, after hearing about Terry's murder: "Is that it?"
Vic: "How much memory has that thing got?"

Olivia: "You're a sick and twisted man."
Vic, completely unaffected: "Anything else? I have a meeting."

confession scene
is one of the best scenes in television history. I'm in awe of its simplicity and power.


erotic butter maelstrom
I just started Six Feet Under, which is pretty good 5 episodes in, but I guess I'll have to finally watch the Shield when I'm done. I tried the first couple episodes but it was kinda goofy, hopefully it starts to get interesting later on.
Snuggler said:
I just started Six Feet Under, which is pretty good 5 episodes in, but I guess I'll have to finally watch the Shield when I'm done. I tried the first couple episodes but it was kinda goofy, hopefully it starts to get interesting later on.

Regarding The Shield that's exactly my experience so far. I tried to watch it after Six Feet Under and The Wire and found the first season really really awkward. I haven't been able to get past that feeling and stopped there despite all the good things being said about later seasons. I'd be interested in some feedback from someone who wasn't thrilled by the first episodes as well...


finished all (so far) released episodes of how i met your mother episodes. what a fantastic series. damnit. its really the friends of our time. the episode with barney and
his dad
was really, really sad, damnit.
06nbarnhill said:
My current obsession is The Good Wife. Such a well scripted show.

I never expected it to be good. My first impression was that it would be a cash in on recent scandals but it isn't.
It's certainly the best network drama on the air. This might be overselling it a little, but it reminds me a lot of The West Wing in its direction and writing style, right down to its blatant liberal bias.

It's been getting a little too "pulled from the headlines" of late and i'm getting sick of the son and daughter's hokey subplots. Other than those quibbles, it's gripping tv, with some fantastic performances, particularly those of Archie Panjabi and Alan Cumming, who is a hilarious scene-stealer.

Kalinda is one of the best characters on tv at the moment and makes it worth watching for her alone.
Don't watch too much t.v., but I think imma get started on watching The Shield soon, I've heard too many good things about the show to ignore it for much longer. I'm probably gonna start watching that Adventure Time show too


Spotless Mind said:
Kalinda is one of the best characters on tv at the moment and makes it worth watching for her alone.
Totally. I just recently got into the show and absolutely love her.

Hey Spotless, did you ever give Parenthood another go?
Finished season 3 of Deadwood. It was awesome, but was the weakest season IMO. I didn't really like
Hearst as the villian as much as Swearengen
. I also completely tuned out the subplot with
the actors. I have no idea what they were going on about. I wanted to see more of Bullock, Woo and Swearengen than these new people. And, I'll be honest, I wanted to see some sort of shootout involving Bullock.
. Still good though.
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