It comes with the season one set.Vik_Vaughn said:Ok, never seen BSG, but want to jump on the wagon. So there's a miniseries before the regular series?
Really?Costanza said:You won't be saying this during alot of seasons 2, 3, and 4.
Ford Prefect said:Really?
I always got the impression it stayed good, which is why I always heard so many good things about it.
Costanza said:It comes with the season one set.
Cool. I'm going to watch a few more this weekend if I have time. When the time comes, I think Hulu has all of S3 up. I'm not sure if I want to wait for the dvd/streaming-via-360 for that. I'm not a huge fan of watching shows on my computer screen.beelzebozo said:i just watched this episode last night too, dude, and enjoyed it immensely.
If that's your take on it, then I think there's a good chance you'll enjoy it. Watch a few more and let us know what you think. The first season starts off quickly, but it's very focused on Walt and I can understand your criticism of the other lead characters. They do get fleshed out a bit more in S1, but keep in mind that it ends at an odd point after only 7 episodes due to the writer's strike. As spotless mind mentioned, S2 does a much better job with the non-Walt characters.icarus-daedelus said:I'm not against shows that are tough to watch, and I'm certainly not against unlikeable characters, with the caveat that they have to be either interesting, complex, or somewhat understandable/sympathetic, preferably all three. I found most of the non-Walt characters to be rather one-dimensional, although Walt himself so far is more fascinating for me than, say, anyone on Rome or Mad Men - two other shows whose characters largely failed to engage or hold my interest. So, I am not hating on the show or anything, and I definitely want to get back to it.
Acid08 said:I'm 11 episodes deep into Freaks and Geeks and fuck this show is amazing. Some of it has really hit close to home with me for some of my high school experience(friend zone, changing your group of friends etc.).
Martin Starr is the fucking greatest as well.
Ford Prefect said:Really?
I always got the impression it stayed good, which is why I always heard so many good things about it.
gdt5016 said:sadwalk.gif
Costanza said:there is no hope for you
beelzebozo said:lobotomy perhaps.
gdt5016 said:Drunky Mcgee's girlfriend (the slutty one who's messing with Smash) is
mrklaw said:wow, really? I just thought it was some low budget internet TV spinoff from sci-fi/syfy. If its good I'll give it a watch - scifi are showing it in the UK at the moment
gdt5016 said:Wow, Hulu just added the 4th season of Rescue Me, meaning the entire series is up. I'll check it out.
Watching the FNL pilot now BTW.
Vik_Vaughn said:I was sick last week and my wife and I watched the entire season on demand. I really like this show a lot. Toni Collete being awesome, as well as the family dynamic here really makes the show.
I had dismissed the show until last week because I'd just catch snippets of it here and there and thought it looked stupid. I couldn't have been more wrong and encourage anyone to check this out. The entire first season is on demand, so for those of you with access should definitely watch it.
I just finished the first season as well and i was thinking of making a thread on it, cos i ended up liking it so much.The Storyteller said:I finished the first season of United States of Tara. Diablo Cody, I take back everything I said about you after Juno. This is such a good show. And thankfully the dialogue that was so knowingly "clever" in Juno, is as at a minimum (its mostly the sister who gets shafted a lot of those lines). Definitely worth checking out, but don't expect a full blown comedy, it's more of a 30 minute drama with a slight comedic edge.
And because she never gets near enough love <3 <3 <3 Toni Collette.
gdt5016 said:Just finished S2.5
I really liked the movements in this episode. Except that last one. Barf.
And I see it still kinda continues in the beginning of the next one. Great.
gdt5016 said:Ok, I'm going to bed on a good note.
Finally, it seems like it's picking up and the stories are moving in better places.
Except forLyla's. I really liked her and Jason and hope thats the direction they take. Though it seems kinda doubtful.
And I'm likingagain for obvious reasons. Its nice to see her suffer.Julie
Man what boobies of hers in this episode. Its the one where.her aunt visits
You're out of the doldrums of the season imo. There Goes The Neighbourhood (which was totally frakkin awesome, but i agree with you on the ending) onwards is pretty damn great, barring the Smash subplot and a few more off moments. The thing that made some of these predictable "soap opera" moments tolerable is how they play off them realistically afterwards. I actually quite like that Riggins ending in retrospect after the follow up in the next ep.beelzebozo said:fun note for tv fans: aunt shelley is played by the same actress who plays gina on NIP/TUCK. she's saucy.
i agree with you that it gets less silly as the season goes on--or maybe i'm just getting more used to it--but the end of the most recent episode i watched was pretty's certainly more predictable than the surprisingly original first season of we really need the standard "guy who's trying to help a drunk girl but is mistaken for trying to make a move on her" moment? season 2 has several of these wholly predictable things i've seen in a hundred other shows. . .
G-Bus said:Saw an episode of Flight of the Conchords last night. Was pretty funny.
Wish Hulu worked in Canada. So many shows I want to watch.
Costanza said:Finale is amazing. One of my favorite series finales ever.
The rest of the show after season 1 is just so inconsistent though. Ugh.
Spotless Mind said:You're out of the doldrums of the season imo. There Goes The Neighbourhood (which was totally frakkin awesome, but i agree with you on the ending) onwards is pretty damn great, barring the Smash subplot and a few more off moments. The thing that made some of these predictable "soap opera" moments tolerable is how they play off them realistically afterwards. I actually quite like that Riggins ending in retrospect after the follow up in the next ep.Plus drunk Julie and Riggins kind of playing the big brother to her was hysterical.
icarus-daedelus said:Firefly was originally ran out of order - The Train Job was aired as the first episode, the pilot as the last. The timeslot was Friday, ten-ish, which on a big four network is an instant kiss of death. I'd imagine it was too expensive for SciFi or something, because that network is incredibly cheap about giving even their flagship shows enough money. (SG-1 and BSG struggled against their budgets for years on end.) It has sold tons and tonnes and tons of DVDs, though, so I dunno why no network considered bringing it back.
gdt5016 said:Well, I'm on episode 13 of S2, and while it has gotten better I still have one major problem.
The emerging Tim and Lyla thing
I mean, I dont really like him all that much, especially with her. And this whole thing basically erases everything she went through withJason.
Oh well, at least I'm almost done with S2.
No FNL S3 online.