GrumpyAlien said:
Been watching Fringe lately, up to episode 7 and just wondering if and when it starts to get really good. I am probably going to stick with it, but without spoiling anything could someone tell me how good seasons 2 and 3 are. Hoping its one of those things that just gets better and better as it goes on.
I'm 9 episodes in and find the show
incredibly dull. Walt can be pretty amusing sometimes, but otherwise I feel like I'm watching reheated plotlines I've seen many times before. Some good stuff here and there, but I honesly wouldn't continue if everyone around me wasn't telling me how great it is. I will stick with it because I know it will eventaully get better and I've heard some vague spoilers which do sound pretty sweet.
Meanwhile, I've been indulging myself in teen dramas the last day or so and I've discovered an Aussie "version" of Glee: except it's about dancing rather than singing, it has relateable, realistic characterisation and it's you know, actually good. It's called Dance Academy and in reality nothing like Glee, tonally or quality wise but it's the best comparison I could think of. I can imagine watching it every afternoon after school as part of the ABC kids lineup, like all of us (aussies) used to when we were kids, it's definitely got that classic aussie kids show feel going for it. Plus it's filmed on loaction in Sydney harbour, so I've enjoyed spotting all the recogniseable places.
And I fully realise I've lost credibility to some for reccommending a teen show after ripping on Fringe, but hey, good wiriting is good writing.