A few weeks ago, I resolved to finally watch all of Star Trek from start to finish. Previously, I had seen various episodes of each series, so I knew the characters and dynamics and that I enjoyed it, but I knew this was going to be a huge undertaking. 25 seasons (TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT), each with 20+ episodes, plus a few choice TOS episodes. Thank god for netflix.
So far I am midway through TNG season 3 (about to watch Deja Q). Impressions on it so far are that S1 was mostly shit, S2 was decent but still trying to find their bearings, and S3 has been great so far. S1 really felt like rehashes of TOS styles; the african people, the naked sexytime people planet, but there were some solid episodes with Datalore, Enc at Farpoint, Conspiracy, and The Neutral Zone. S2 was better; they arent as fleshed out as later, but it's definitely better than S1. S3 so far has been that Trek feel that I've loved, so it is good. Quality still varies a bit, but overall it is solid now.
Still a long way to go.